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  1. Hello, my favorite armor set in any souls game is the Lord's Blade Set of Ciaran. I was hoping someone with some modding skills that loves the set as much as I do would be able to make this set of armor and weapons. It would mean the world to me if this was possible. I know that I am asking for a large project that will take a significant time investment, but if someone is up to it, I am very patient and just want this amazing armor set in the game! If I'm not wrong the weapons already exist in the data code, but that could just be a rumor. Thanks so much for reading!
  2. Is it possible to download multiple mods on ds3? if so, how can i do that. and if not, how do i switch mods??
  3. I strongly believe that what causes issues with the frame rate of the game are all the particels that incluse smoke,fog and mist effects. The idea is to edit the INI files of the game to reduce the amount of particles rendered and improve the performances of the game, I have no clue how to do that because I only have basic knowledge of modding ao this is just an idea, this post exist to find whoever has an appropriate knowledge and is willing to try it. thank you for your time!
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