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  1. Hello, everyone. I'm really new in this website and in modding in general. I was wondering if the actual mods do work for the Remastered version. I don't think so, at least most of them. Thank you.
  2. Hey, in short I need help with finding Dark Souls weapon models to add into Elden Ring. Any help in finding them is appreciated.
  3. I discovered a reshade years ago, from a Brazilian channel that is simply amazing, but the preset link simply got lost over time. Supposedly the creator of the preset is "LEXAR's GAMES", but I never found anything on his official channel and he never responded to me either. Below is the link to the video showcase, I wanted to know if anyone knows where to find it, or if they can recreate this very interesting preset.
  4. What class do you use to play Dark Souls is how you develop it?
  5. i have found this mod glenmoril as you may know from the title obove. now i have tryrd several things like.... skse manual instalation. modmaneger instalation. bsa unpack and nif. i downloaded everything the mod needed but no hope (im new to modding btw) if i look at my steam and see skyrim it starts up and breaks operation without any warning but without the mod skyrim will work as normally now i cant get the mod to preform and when i did i was missing so many textures and mashses etc. i am at a loss i like the looks of the mod but cant do anything i aproched some peopole with questions but no reaction or if i get a reacrion its like this (donno it works for me)............... useless is this mod not ment for skyrim special edition or am i doing something wrong. or can you help me with a pre set mod ill give my mail however can some one help me out im pretty tired of trying stuff that wont work sorry for the bad english im dutch and dyslexic or however thats spelled lol
  6. I am using the most recent version of DSfix (2.4), and although the game launches just fine with the DSfix file, it does not Launch when I add the DINPUT8.dll file to my Data folder. I am using the Steam Works version of Dark Souls [-dsptde-2.0-]. As for the settings I have for DSfix, the only things I changed were these two things shown below. # Enable and set the strength of the SSAO effect (all 3 settings have the same performance impact!) # 0 = off # 1 = low # 2 = medium # 3 = high ssaoStrength 3 # Set SSAO scale # 1 = high quality (default) # 2 = lower quality, lower impact on performance # 3 = lowest quality, lowest impact on performance ssaoScale 1 # enables texture override # textures in "dsfix\tex_override\[hash].png" will replace the corresponding originals # will cause a small slowdown during texture loading! enables TextureOverride 1 All the other settings have not been touched, and are set to the defaults. I heard turning off Anti-Aliasing in the In-Game PC Settings helps, so I did that as well. I also heard unplugging your controller helps before Launching the game helps as well. Nothing seems to be working though. I have already tried Reinstalling the game twice, also reinstalled DSfix. I am at a loss at what else I can do to solve this issue. If anyone can help me, I would greatly appreciate it. PC Specs Below Running on Windows 7 64 Bit Processor AMD FX-6300 Vishera 6-Core 3.5GHz Memory Team Dark 8GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 Motherboard BIOSTAR TA970 AM3+ AMD 970 + SB950 Graphics Card: ASUS R9270-DC2OC-2GD5 Radeon R9 270 Here is a Link to my thread about this on the Dark Souls Steam Forums so everyone can get up to speed on what has been tried to resolve this issue. http://steamcommunit...n=1422625799#p1
  7. If you don't like to read, skip to the "Plain English Summary" at the bottom. I don't need to be verbose, I just like to be. :cool: And, I'm finished. Just got through my first play-through. I rank games the same way I rank all Art: "Tone Yes" or "Tone No". I don't really believe in getting into percentages or "[X] out of 5 Stars" etc. Why? Because there are just too many opinions in the world, and they're all valid. I find keeping it simple to be the best way of expressing whether the "piece" (be it a game, a film, or an oil-and-pastel portait of Susan B. Anthony) accomplishes the goal it set out to achieve. "Tone Yes" doesn't necessarily mean perfection was attained, and "Tone No" doesn't mean it's total rubbish. It's just the overall flavor that is left in your mouth after experiencing the piece. That being said, on to the review: Early Game: Fantastic start! I loved the options in the character creation system. Lots of it was pretty archaic, which isn't necessarily a bad thing! However, so many of the game mechanics were such a far cry from the standard RPG systems out there--like how magic works, exactly what each statistic does and how much it effects your character, and the way leveling works for stats vs. leveling for equipment--that I felt as if there was no opportunity to create a vision for a character and attempt to play knowing what your strengths and weaknesses would be. Some more relevant info with specific descriptions at this basic stage would have gone a long way. The storyline and intro sequence were excellent, however. Not too much hand-holding, but a good introduction to the basics of the game. Main Gameplay: Started as a Deprived, and managed to build a standard a sword-and-board character based on Strength, Dexterity, and Endurance. I used the Astora Straight Sword, maxed out with Twinkling Titanite to +5, the Partizan maxed out to standard +10, and a maxed Grass Crest Shield to be able to keep up my stick-and-move tactics. I used this gear pretty much for the whole game. Armor was Elite Knight Plate, the Black Boots and Black Gloves, and no helmet, as I was just over the magic 25% weight-limit, and I really wanted to be able to move. I also put a few points into Faith and Attunement to be able to use the divine spells that are offered to you early on. Here's where I encountered my first major hang-up. It took a lot of souls after I made the decision to get into divine magic, and I was utterly disappointed that the initial selection of spells...was it. I spent around 70,000 souls to buy up all of these abilities, and the only ones that were even moderately useful were the Healing spells and, most definitely, Homeward. I would have imagined a game focused on "The Undead", with NPCs met early-on embarking on some sort of holy mission, that I would eventually encounter powerful divine spells that bolstered my defenses against demonic enemies, as well as massive one-off abilities to lay down the holy wrath of a deity on those forever lost to the path of righteousness. What I got, instead, was an assortment of relatively mundane or pointless utilitarian spells with one, utterly useless offensive spell that goes "Pow...!" and knocks enemies down for a few points of damage (and by the time the animation for casting the spell is done, they're all pretty much back on their feet anyway.) That was it. For the whole game. All those souls that could have been put into advancing my traits for a constructive purpose, wasted on things I would hardly ever use. Except for Homeward. Which is arguably the most useful dang spell in the whole frickin' game. When I finally learned that other schools of magic were, more or less, not available at the same time as my divine abilities, I felt as if the game had sucker-punched me and was laughing like a brain-dead adolescent thinking that he had just played some sort of really clever prank...when, in fact, he had just leapt around a corner and flung a water-balloon in my face for no apparent reason. It wasn't clever: it was just random and annoying. Now, there was no way to salvage the situation other than dealing with the mess and carrying on, annoyed and confused as to why that just happened and what it had to do with anything. This "water-balloon" analogy occurred many other times over the course of the game. Upgrading a weapon with a specific, supposedly awesome ember (according to the in-game dialogue) only to discover that it improved one aspect of the weapon while unexpectedly nerfing other aspects that made it virtually useless for my character. Spending hard-won shards to improve equipment by three or four levels and get...absolutely no meaningful effect whatsoever in-game. Re-attempting boss battles after maxing out gear and improving multiple stats by 10 points or more...only to be one-shotted by a boss in exactly the same way and causing virtually no extra damage. Engaging in struggles requiring perfect timing and coordination in cramped areas which seemed purposefully designed to block all conceivable camera angles. These things usually could not be overcome, and would require players to engage in the same frustrations, confusion, and disappointments repeatedly for little or no gain. The game seemed intent on spitting at players for trying to be smart or punishing them for following obvious, logical leads. It never felt like a learning process. It never felt like I was getting the gist of the game's strange world. It just felt cheap. From beginning to end. The developers would have been better suited coming up with intelligent challenges or in-depth mechanics of checks-and-balances that made some sort of sense, rather than trying to penalize players at every turn for the sole sake of being cruel, then designing another boss based on the overall mentality of "bet-you-can't-beat-this-one!" The multiplayer mechanic is interesting, but not functionally enjoyable at its core. Being unexpectedly and unavoidably invaded by other players is fine if I'm in the mood for PvP, but most of the time I found it to be another frustrating annoyance to deal with as I was trying to advance my game. Disconnecting the internet made for a more focused play-through, but so much of the game revolves around items and features involving PvP or coop, that I felt I was sacrificing about half of the functionality of the game simply because I didn't want to deal with constant invasions. Furthermore, the mechanics of the PvP are spotty at best. The game claims to allow invasions only by other players at around the same Soul Level and progress as yourself, but so many players have found ways to exploit the game and acquire some of the most powerful gear out there that there is no actual balance. And, at least on my internet connection, lag created some major issues in a game that requires split-second timing and perfect positioning. An option to disable PvP and focus solely on coop should have been included. On the positive side, combat is superb. Since the only real game mechanic is combat or combat related, it's hard to find fault with the engine here. Every character is going to need a melee speciality, but the game is built around the concept of brutal, hand-to-hand fighting. Early on, I was completely entranced every time I found a new weapon and discovered its unique animations, attack patterns, speed, reach, and weaknesses. The depth of the fighting system is amazing, and this is the one part of the game that feels consistently fun and rewarding. Despite the let-downs, frustration, and head-shaking ridiculousness of other aspects, the game has a built in stress-release valve in the form of creatively and skillfully rampaging through levels and unleashing your rage on enemies in the most violent, bloody, and satisfying ways possible. Truly, if an RPG is going to claim to have action-oriented combat, this is the true standard. Since so much of the game is based on replaying the same levels over and over again, it's necessary for the combat system to be this well-designed. Even when it got repetitive and boring, I still grinned every time I executed a parry and rammed my blade clean through an enemy's gut. The graphics and animations are gorgeous. It may not be the shiniest game by today's standards, but it does the job with a flourish. The world itself is undeniably epic. Possibly the only gripe would be the immersion-breaking "glow" effects that surround a character with certain items equipped or spells active. It's not a show-stopper, but the visuals are so gaudy, it seems like some care could have been taken to come up with something better than that. Level designs and variety are phenominal. I've rarely seen something that can be described as "a big stone city" create so many memorable and dangerous-feeling environments with such distinctive atmospheres. Visuals a really a treat. It's a shame that visuals alone can't carry a game. Conclusion: A reluctant "Tone No". Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition sets out to create a viciously difficult experience in a dark and gritty fantasy world. It introduces themes that are very mature and haunting at their core, and creates an interactive game world where torment and death waits, literally, around every corner. Unfortunately, it presents this to the player in a way that feels more like a rip-off carnival game than a fully imagined and functional experience. The furious melee combat works so well it's almost easy to dismiss the flaws with almost every other facet of the game. To be as objective as possible, though, the challenge is primarily derived from ridiculously over-powered enemies, situations requiring an insane amount of grinding to overcome, and misleading, broken mechanics that rob the player of advancement based on either poorly implemented features, technical problems, or rage-inducing "traps" that cannot be overcome unless the player already knows where they are and has arbitrarily figured out what obtuse combination of techniques or gear is needed to get by. Now that I'm done with the play-through, I'm left feeling like I've just ended a pointless argument that I managed to win by being stubborn. No real sense of satisfaction to be had because the experience itself was trifling, not intelligent. I have no immediate desire to jump into an NG+ because I'm, frankly, sick of seeing all the same beautiful locations and fighting the same enemies again, and again...and again... Plain English Summary: Pros--Frickin' AWESOME combat. The game world is 100% wicked. Totally psycho storyline that leaves you feeling like you WANT to drive something metal into everything's decaying and/or corrupted flesh. Cons--Certain bosses, game mechanics, and areas of level-design that feel like they were built by a friggin' intern that probably hated his job and flunked out of university anyway. So it was kept in the game. Seriously, devs, get a clue. Some cheap-as-hell challenges to overcome; not rewarding at all. Waaay too much grinding. Like, even the original Final Fantasy didn't have this much grinding. And for what? So that you can be one-shotted by the same boss at Soul Levels 1, 25, and 59.
  8. I'm new to Dark Souls. The loading screens go by before I can read them. I've tried googling for a solution, but the results are mostly people freezing on loading screens, etc., not something relevant to me. I haven't played the console version, so I actually care what's on those loading screens. I don't want to have to Wiki everything, at least not on my first playthrough; I'd like to get the game experience the way the artists designed it. Anyway, is there any way to make the loading screens wait for input before disappearing? I tried searching for mods with "loading" in the description, but nothing comes up. edit: On second thought, I'll just Wiki. My honeymoon period with the game is over. The melee combat is truly innovative, but the time sinks and gambling aspect are cheap ways of tricking players into feeling "rewarded" through cognitive dissonance. I still want to finish it, but I don't care so much about getting the purest game experience, etc,. anymore.
  9. So I'm debating on if I want to get Dark Souls for PC. I already know that there is a lot of problems in regards to the port and how trying to play the game with a mouse and K/B can be an exercise in frustration. That said, I have my PS3 controller installed into the computer right now so that part won't be a big issue. However, I also have read that there are some optimization issues, as well as rather low res graphics issues with the game (being a direct port, it's to be expected). So here I am now, asking all of you PC Darksouls vets, what you would suggest for a new comer to the Dark Souls PC edition in terms of essential mods to make the experience the best as possible. DSfix appears to be one of them, and I think a few other high-res mods (Though I'm still looking to see if they'll clash with other mods). Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  10. I'm getting tired of these fps spikes, particularly in undead burg. While they fix themselves rather quickly, that doesn't stop the game from prompting me that my "framerate is insufficient for online play". This only happens when I use dsfix and unlock the fps, even if I limit it to 30 fps instead of 60 or 58, but NEVER happens when I just leave it locked, even though it's at a worse performance, at a steady 15.... I want to be able to set the draw distance for my game lower, I know that I'll at least get some performance boost out of that. Is there any mod out there currently that fixes this issue?
  11. Hey guys, So I have recently gotten stuck into youtubeing again and I wanted to share a new series that I've started, in the hopes of getting some feedback and input as to what you would like to see changed or added in the future :smile: Dark Souls - Hilarity highlights http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SPrL2uUhQc&list=PLmEUyxwJPrMIhQqResJ9H1MebCz18UtIo
  12. hi, i wanted to know, there is some bigger breast mod for dark souls 3? i've in mind that awesome huge for skyrim and fallout 4, but any bigger would be great would be great to know if someone is making one thanks a lot
  13. Hello tou you all. I would really love to play Skyrim using the Soul of Cinder's armor from Dark Souls. Buuut the ragged cloak is static, and it's really annoying to look at it though it would be awesome if the cloak had physics. So this is it, I hope some good soul can make this for me, for us!
  14. So in Dark Souls there are weapons that are used to cast miracles (mostly holy-healing spells) and they are called chimes or talismans. They are really cool and I want them to be in skyrim so my paladin play-through does not have to focus so much on magic, and use the chimes/talismans to heal and be grossly incandescent \[T]/ I never modded before, but I want to learn how to do it. I have a plan for what I need to do, but I just don't know how to do it: I know that I need to create a standalone staff with my uniquely created meshes and textures (I want them to have a unique animation and sound effects but idk if that is even possible). I don't know how to create my own mesh.nif and texture files, but I am more than willing to do that if someone can teach me :D Let me know what you think. BTW some of the spells are already in the restoration tree of colorful magic <http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37440/?> such as sacred oath, area healing, wrath of the gods, etc. and that mod has this special effect around it when casting sacred oath and area healing that looks like this mod <http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58244/?> and that almost looks like the special effect when casting a miracle in dark souls! So yeah that would be another cool thing to add to my chimes, if possible. Here are some of my ideas (please don't steal them, but I am willing to share credit with those that help me): Name (what it looks like) -- spell that it casts "description of spell" Mara's Sacred chime (looks like yorshka's chime from Dark Souls 3) -- Soothing Sunlight "Fully heals yourself and all allies in the vicinity" Sacred Chime of the 8 (or 9) Divines (looks like the cleric's sacred chime from Dark Souls 3) -- Caressing Tears "Cures all disease and poison" Sunlight Talisman (looks like the talisman with the same name) -- Sunlight Spear "Hurl a blessed spear of lightning, dealing double damage to dragons, the undead, and other unholy creatures" side note (the lightning is yellow/gold instead of purple) Priest's Chime (looks like the chime of the same name in Dark Souls 3)-- Sacred Oath "For 60 seconds, you deal 10% more damage and receive 10% less damage" Azura's Talisman (looks like the sunless talisman in Dark Souls 3) -- vow of silence "Temporarily prevents the use of magic within the vicinity" idk how but it would be cool to have a passive ability called unfaltering prayer that makes the person holding this never get staggered for the talismans, and a different passive for chimes that increases health regeneration slightly
  15. For Dark Souls 2 / 3 Is there a mod that lets you save mid- level , without visiting a bonfire, and if you load it , you spawn in that spot where you saved ? (like any other casual game) I rly like dark souls, but I don't want to repeat a level 20 times so I can finish it. I tryed the infinite hp mod, but it kind of breaks immersion. Thx !
  16. We dont have enough darksoul mod material on Skyrim Special Edition If there is a mod with this feature or a standalone one? Give me the link
  17. Hello, my favorite armor set in any souls game is the Lord's Blade Set of Ciaran. I was hoping someone with some modding skills that loves the set as much as I do would be able to make this set of armor and weapons. It would mean the world to me if this was possible. I know that I am asking for a large project that will take a significant time investment, but if someone is up to it, I am very patient and just want this amazing armor set in the game! If I'm not wrong the weapons already exist in the data code, but that could just be a rumor. Thanks so much for reading!
  18. Hello there, I have no idea where to put this kind of thread, so I opened it here. I hope it's the right section. I have a rather odd request. I want to get a tattoo of Dark Souls which should look nice even without knowing about the game. For that purpose I decided to take the Crest Shield as an inspiration. I really like the pattern, which can be recognizable for those who know about the game, but also looks nice all by itself. Since I do not own the game for the computer but for the Xbox, I can not dig into the game files to search for the texture files. I tried googling it, but the results are also not really useful as a reference. I would be more than happy if someone could extract an image of the Crest Shield texture for me. As big as possible would be nice. Also, the back of the Greatshield of Artorias stores a very good-looking pattern as well. If that person could provide an image of that too I would be really glad! Many Thanks in advance!
  19. Hey folks! Welcome to the Dark Souls Game Show. Check out a video I made of a game show based off of Dark Souls. It turned out pretty darn good if I must say so myself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3b4Hlo1YiQ Thanks for watching if you do, and thanks for even reading this if you don't.
  20. For anyone who hasn't heard, there is a contest running on Facebook. You design a shield, upload it through the app, and possibly win a signed copy of Dark Souls II, and your shield will be put in the game as well as your name into the credits. Contest A few of the rules: Prizes: I just read about this today, and have been sketching out an idea for a shield. I thought it would be nice to spread the word around about the contest, for those who don't use Facebook (I didn't even here about it on Facebook). Some of the designs are really, really amazing. So, at the very least you can look around and vote for you favorites if you want.
  21. I didn't play darksouls for a few weeks, i have the dsfix enabled and about 20 hours in with no problems. I boot up the other day and start playing and everything looks like its on a old tv like there are scanlines. Especially on reflections of shileds/armor. The other thing I have changed were a few variables on my nvidia control panel which i reverted and I still have the lines. Does anyone know the usual problems that cause this, I'm sure I changed something somewhere but I cant seem to track down the cause. Thanks
  22. I recently noticed that DoF resolution in Dark Souls seems to affect more than performance; atmospheric coloration seems to be affected as well. My friend uses a DoF resolution of 810, and his game seems perpetually washed out to me, but our gamma is the same and tweaking the saturation doesn't have the same effect. I formerly used 810, but then I switched to 540 and now the sky lighting seems more vibrant. Am I imagining things, or is the lighting really affected by the DoF resolution? It looks like 540 with additional blur at 1 is the closest you can get to vanilla without getting the really grainy vanilla DoF, and now my settings look great imo.
  23. Anyone else having trouble accessing darksouls.nexusmods.com? I keep running into a 504 gateway time-out.
  24. First of all, here is a link to a Character planner which I'll be using to highlight some builds: http://mugenmonkey.com/darksouls/ *Note: Weapon and armor in the below builds are my preference, and could be customized somewhat. I prefer the 53 poise threshold for most of my builds, which allow you do take a hit from a Greatsword 2h R1 and not be staggered. Although its not that necessary now since great swords can't chain anymore in PVP after the nerf. The next lowest would be 31 poise to hit another threshold to take a katana 2h R1. The best light armor combination for balanced defense is Dingy robe + wanderer's manchete + maiden skirt, then use a Mom's Mask or Dusk Crown. If you don't want/need 53 poise then a wolf ring (40 poise) + that armor combo would be another option. Or another option would be to replace the Wolf's ring with Havel's ring, and use Dingy robe + Havel's Gauntlets + hollow soldier waist and get 35 poise, and have slightly better physical def. Also every build I list is capable of fast rolling, which means under 25% equip burden. It can be the difference of winning and losing. Or getting hit and avoiding it. Level 100 builds: Dex/Pyro http://mugenmonkey.com/darksouls/?c=4075330393641814 Its a cookie cutter dex build with some pyromancy. I list this first because in the hands of someone that knows what they are doing its one of the most solid build types out there for PVP. The great scythe is great for dead angling people, if you don't know what that is, its basically a hit box on an attack that allows you to hit around someones shield. Falchion is also another good dead angling weapon. I do switch in a composite bow in my main hand secondary slot sometimes. --------------------------- Mage build w/Moonlight Greatsword (Or you could use an enchanted Claymore) http://mugenmonkey.com/darksouls/?c=2196032337384725 Its pretty solid all around, not typical for a squishy mage type. But it has most of the goods you would want for a mage, Crystal Soul Spear, Dark Bead and Pursuers. I love this build when dealing with gankers. --------------------------- Str/Faith http://mugenmonkey.com/darksouls/?c=4377902361229802 Has Darkmoon/sunlight blade to buff with, uses a Large Club. If you want to be a sunbro, just use sunlight blade. I normally go for backstabs/riposte using a build like this. STR builds get off easier on hybrids due to 27 str having an effective scaling of 40 when 2 handed. The downside is STR weapons typically got crummy move sets. --------------------------- Str/Int http://mugenmonkey.com/darksouls/?c=4420210726146737 Similar to the above build, except int instead of faith. ---------------------------- Dex/faith http://mugenmonkey.com/darksouls/?c=4537194608759619 Had to make some cuts to VIT and END to make this work at level 100. I got a build almost identical to this that I do very well with in the Arena. --------------------------- Dex/Int http://mugenmonkey.com/darksouls/?c=4006487917389677 Uses a Falchion, Composite bow and Tin Crystalization Catalyst, spells are Crystal Magic Weapon, Dark Bead, and Pursuers. Not many spell casts, but they pack a punch if they do hit. ---------------------------- Black Knight Greataxe build http://mugenmonkey.com/darksouls/?c=2021345887409607 I personally like the weapon, its got a good move set for a heavier weapon type, and this is just a build made around it. Nothing special, just BKGA pwnage. You could take 2 from endurance and put 2 in dex and use Gough's Greatbow. Its fun in certain situations like dropping some items near an edge, waiting on an unsuspecting invader to grab the items, then knock them off. --------------------------- Quality build, etc good with all weapon types/scaling http://mugenmonkey.com/darksouls/?c=3193339966208769 Normally its 27 STR to 2 hand a weapon and get an effective STR of 40, but in this case I put 1 more in STR to give the option of 1 handing a Murakumo which is a pretty good weapon. This is the build you want if you want weapon variety/effectiveness to be very high. If you want to use the Murakumo and be able to fast roll, here is another variation on the build: http://mugenmonkey.com/darksouls/?c=2510914815400812 Same stats, just the armor/ring setup was changed to allow for this. ---------------------------- Troll build http://mugenmonkey.com/darksouls/?c=2946414267494895 Back up against a wall hold up the Havel's greatshield and poke. Its more of a joke build than anything serious, but you would be surprised how many people I've beaten with this. You got a bow if they try to run away and heal. The idea is to give your opponent a slow and humiliating defeat.
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