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  1. Hi, this is a humble request to anyone out there willing to listen. Can someone please please please make a mod to remove the inherent controller right stick deadzone in Starfield for console. Or at the very list a mod that can allow one to adjust it. I and am sure a lot of others will be immensely grateful!! Thanks
  2. Not sure what's wrong on earth, but I might have made stupid mistake(s) again. The weapon shows in inventory but is not listed in workbench menu, and when all the other weapons are cleared from inventory, the workbench simply tells that "you have no weapon to modify". Additionally, no corresponding animations work, and the protagonist just plays bare-hand poses when equipping it. I've set specific anims, ma, attach-point keywords, recipes of all OMODs to this weapon, like other fully functional weapons. I think the nifs, at least physical collision and attachment, work smoothly since the weapon has weight and proper collisions when it is dropped. Could anyone help find the malfunction culprit? Thanks in advance. Edit: Find the bug that I had used "SET" keywords WeaponTypeRifle [KYWD:0004A0A1] property function, which should be "ADD", in Weapon Stock OMOD. TYPICAL for me. Now it just works.
  3. When adding custom weapon animations, does merging those shared animations in lower paths into the new folder and setting less animations paths improve performance, considering modern hardwares?
  4. I have become interested in working on modding CK for fallout 4 and eventually want to get into things like scripts, however I do not know where to test them. I currently have an enclave playthrough using america rising 2 and scrap everything so i can build settlements better. Would like some help, because I really dont want to break my current games(I am getting kinda bored of it tho lol). Thanks. (UPDATE) Now worried about Fallout London coming up and having another playthrough dedicated as a "rebuilding the commonwealth" playthrough just rebuilding settlements and having new ones with a load of new settlement mods. Does not involve sim settlements or anything like that.
  5. Sorry if I'm in the wrong place! And sorry for the terrible phrasing of the title. The issue at hand is this: I'm building my first mod, a house, and ran into issues with mannequins staying put. Tried several fixes and nothing worked so my best idea now is to put placeable mannequins in the house via my character. However, when I try to place one a window pops up saying "You cannot place objects here." The cell is marked with "PlayerFaction", is there something else I need to do to allow mannequins to be placed in the house? Placing them with CK results in jump scares lol. Also, if anyone knows how to get functioning mannequins who don't have free will to roam the house when I'm not there- Id love to know. I've tried a couple different navmesh islands on and off of pedestals but nothing stops them from showing up in my dimly-lit entryway Enderal seems to work a little differently than Skyrim, as the fixes and recommendations for skyrim's mannequins don't appear to be working, but I also can't find anything online for this issue with Enderal specifically. Thanks in advance!
  6. 2D/3D artist here, and a long-time Skyrim player. Disclaimer: I have never modded anything before, so this subject is all very daunting. (i.e. Explain it to me like I'm your grandma. I'm just an artist, not a tech guy.) My goal: So, I designed and sculpted a completely original 3D character within ZBrush. I want it to be rigged appropriately, with physics, like cloth (it is currently rigged with an AccuRIG skeleton, but I assume that isn't very helpful here). Then, I want to import it into Skyrim as my custom follower. Q: How (in the bloody heck) do I do this?? I have watched countless YouTube tutorials, read many forums, and joined many modding Discords, but I feel I'm no closer to finding out. All I've gathered (frustratingly) is that I need a Skyrim skeleton and a NIF format for import. I have never used CreationKit before either. Also, my character designs are a bit more...stylized/cartoonishly proportioned...so I doubt my character(s) will match up with the default Skyrim skeleton without some tampering. I have recently downloaded NifSkope, Vortex, CreationKit, Bodyslide & Outfit Studio, and a bunch of mods [including Project Proteus, Mantella, FNIS, etc.], but I barely know how to use any of them. I have also tried the Blender to NIF plugin, but keep getting errors. At this point, I've wasted so much time running in circles that I'm almost willing to just pay a modder to do this for me. Any help is appreciated.
  7. I have the Steam version of Creation Kit because the Bethesda version was taken down but I can’t generate the subgraphs at all, when I had the Bethesda version I was able to, if I run the bat as administrator, it says this version isn’t available for this PC but if I double click it, it launches but after it closes there’s no files generated, what’s going on, I never had this issue with Bethesda version?
  8. I am wanting to make Broken Oar Grotto a player home and want to add some things to it. Specifically, I want to add to the floor- space available in a few areas and add a bar, sauna, a dance floor, a bard, some serving wenches, some guards, and I want to expand the bedroom and add a library and a showroom for trophies and stuff. Also want to add spawn points for enemies to appear every so often and idle points for npcs/player. This is for a personal mod to begin, but, once I feel everything is complete and working properly, I intend to share it here. Now, I have some experience with the CK, x-edit, and a few other programs. But, I have never tried to edit or add anything to cells or worldspace. Could anyone give me general advice on how to proceed? Can I just start dropping things in the cell, save, and be done with it? Are there problems I should be aware of with editing existing cells? It has a hole in the cave top that allows light in- can I change where the light shines and it's brightness? Thanks in advance for any help.
  9. Hello, ive made a custom mesh of a chair, when i preview the custom item in CK its fine, but when i try to place the chair it crashes CK to the desktop tried removing all the textures, and it still crashed NIF FILE. https://drive.google.com/file/d/14WiNXNBcTIkBhCqSmAksrvAZGXsKnl9a/view?usp=sharing Thanks for help
  10. I downloaded some mods of weapons and I used the Creation Kit to place them in the game, after I save I go to activate the file. esp in the Mod menu, when I load the game and go to the position where I have placed the weapons I can not find them, why? sorry for bad english :sweat:
  11. hello everyone, So past week i tryed to create a mod for fallout4. It's a simple bookcase that i wan't to add in the game workshop menu add make it serve as an container. So i made my bookcase and now i want to add a recipe but for some reason i can't. I created the object using scol (The ctrl-o thingy) but couldn't assign a recipe to it. I thought this was bc it was a 'grouped' item. so i made it in to an object in nifskope. Still i can't assign any recipe to it. Also the video i saw making it in to a container was made with trigger functions. Yet i can't seem to find the right function in the list to make it a container. All help is welcome Keep in mind i'm new to this so if i made obvious & english isn't my first language so bear with me. I don't know what filles i need to upload for u to see what i made so if anyone can tell me or link me how i would be gratefull. Thanks.
  12. Hey, After I create a new scene I am not able to create any dialogue in it. I select the scene, tick "player dialogue" and the start phase boxes appear. However, nothing happens when I try to right click to add stuff.(the add actor/phase menu isnt popping up) I also cant open existing dialogue from bethesdas quests. I already tried reinstalling the CK and Fallout 4. I use a new .esp file, I start the Ck as admin (Windows 10). AntiVir isnt blocking anything. Any suggestions? Really strange bug. Thanks! M Edit: I did 1:1 what is shown in this ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2VxW5hOjYQ ) short video clip, however the menu at 00:39 isnt popping up. I also tried different tutorials, so Im pretty sure I didnt make any mistakes and its a technical problem.
  13. I am in extreme need of help. I've been trying for weeks to make this bastard work properly in the SSE Creation Kit. http://unoffical-elder-scrolls-lore-folios.wikia.com/wiki/Atmora S adly, since the ESP goes over 6 Megabytes, it can never be edited again if I exit the CK after saving. I have to build all of Atmora and smoothen the ground under the water along the coastlines, but I can't do it all in one go, it takes too long, so right now, I can't work at it at all. Me and my friend are rapidly going batty over the horribly bad programming of the Creation Kit and the disasterously bad processing capacity it has in this case. I really badly need someone to build Atmora for me, really badly, or I will likely have to give up on a DLC-sized mod. A massive amount of content is completed and all we need is a landmass, but as long as the CK remains the most crash-prone modding program ever invented, the mod is pretty much scrapped. I dearly hope someone is willing to help. I've tried to get help for 5 years. I'd hate to give up hope and start thinking of most modders as hateful elitists and discriminatory bigots. I don't think this of any yet - except those known and exposed as such, but... uuurgh. As I said. 5 years asking for help, and I only have ONE person helping me since 6 months ago, but he is no builder. I am. But neither of us are that good with the heightmap. And with a modding program that very much hates big files, we're stuck. Someone please help.
  14. First off, I would like to state that I have a short background in computers such as html, and web page design. I am also new to using the Creation kit and Fo4edit programs. I am still a beginner, as such I do not know all of the technical work to answer my issue. That being said, Now that I have installed Weaponsmith Extended 2, I have been changing leveled lists to make the gameplay a challenge in survival. This includes weapons damage, and npc drops. I usually make changes in fo4edit. Then I open fallout 4 and check my work. My issue, is that when I get weapon drops in game they are labeled with 'of Atoms Judgement'. I would like to remove this from being added to all of my weapon drops. First, because none of these items are dropped by Atoms Judgement. Second, because its not easy on my eyes... and I need to see myself through survival. If anyone is skilled enough in Leveled Lists, or fo4edit, or even the Creation Kit to guide me through the process of removing this label. That would be great. If you need any more information just post here and I will get back to you.
  15. So modding is a learning curve and I've got most of it down while using creation kit. My question is, how do I convert my .esp file in to a 7z file so I may upload it to the nexus? After fixing precombines and previs, I've tried right clicking it and set as archive but 7z says it cannot do the process. Anyone know how? I'm sure it's simple but I'm lost. Thanks
  16. I'm trying to create a facemask that changes the facial expression of the wearer without replacing the wearer's face model. Could this be done using the face's .tri files? Or somehow using papyrus scripts?
  17. Hi all... Is there a activator or script to make a sliding door or a pair of doors that slide left right ? I really dont want to make it using platform helpers etc.. Is there an easier way ?
  18. Im looking for alternatives to the ugly toggle switch or RRbutton... I need something a little more "elegant" to use for light switches etc...That doesnt stick out like a sore thumb... My modeling skills are zero so i have to depend on 3rd party assets im afraid...
  19. Alrighty guys, so here's the deal: I followed this youtube tutorial to create and script a vault door. Did everything to the T according to the tutorial and had a fully-functional vault door. However, I goofed up on trying to get an elevator to work, and decided to scrap the whole project and start over from scratch. However this time around, no matter what I do, I cannot get this vault door to function at all. I was wondering if there was maybe something that the game is holding onto from the previous project that might be conflicting with the new one? I've provided my plugin file below, along with it's necessary assets. Maybe one of you might can test it to see if it works on your pc or perhaps maybe discover something I've overlooked? I would really appreciate it. You can get to the cell with the vault door by going to the console in game and entering "COC Vault86a". There will be two vault door consoles with a vault door and six klaxon lights that should light up during the open/close sequence. **You must have the Vault-Tec Workshop DLC installed to load this plugin!** All help is greatly appreciated!
  20. can someone help me port this file from SexLab-Separate-Orgasm-SE- SL1.63 to SE? i have this issue with creation kit where when i try to port it and save it will direct me to folder and when i click save it will say invalid directory this is what show to my alert notification, normally i just use creation kit just for convert it to SE.. but since this issue happen i cant do it any more.. need help from u guys who creation kit still working to port it for me.. thanks a lot!! You have one or more plugins that are not form 44. They are: • SLSO.esp (form 43) Form 43 (or lower) plugins are modules that were made for Skyrim LE (Oldrim) and have not been properly ported to Skyrim Special Edition, which uses form 44 plugins. This usually results in parts of the mod not working correctly. To be converted, these plugins simply need to be opened and saved with the SSE Creation Kit but their presence can be an indication that a mod was not properly ported to SSE and so can potentially have additional issues.
  21. Ok this is an old question that i didnt get an answer to... As some of you know ive been making some new boats for the game and have yet to figure out what has to be done to allow them to be placed in the water (by the player)... Ive tried a few things like adding snap points to get them to snap to stuff but its not very handy this way because player has to build around the boat so that its Z isnt too high or too low .... What i need is a free placement method so they can place the boats next to a dock without the hassle of having to build specific parts that the boat will snap to ... Any help appreciated... Note: all of the models have proper collision also note: ive tried various keywords in my attempts like "allowplacementinwater" ,anything is ground,stackable etc... and just now i even tried adding a long log under the hull so it touches ground... :P
  22. Ive made a custom helipad but i want it also to a workshop buildable item hence it has to have the ability to attract the vertibirds to land on it... I know that a specific keyword is used when designating something as a landing in the ck and linking it with the map marker but what do i do when i want an object to have these properties embedded ? Edit: made it into an activator and added fasttravelfurniture etc keyword and a fast travel target script ...and will test..
  23. Hi, Sry but my english isn't perfect I know. i created an interior Cell, with mannequins, costome chests and also linked it to an Door in Whiterun, What else do I have to do to play my created content. Idk but maybe is there an YT-Video I didn't found for guidance. Thanks for help
  24. Not sure if ive asked this before ... Im trying navmesh certain buildings/objects placed in a location in the CK but when i switch to navmesh mode it goes transparent making it impossible to do the job.... In some situations i used other objects(vanilla) placed over the the object that showed correctly as a template but in many cases i cant due to the shape and type of object. I am obviously talking about custom objects with custom textures. Also note when navmeshing the objects in the navmesh cell they show up fine. The problem is when i try to do it in a cell of the game (external). Is this a texture issue or something that has to added to the model ? This is what i mean...
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