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  1. Hello modders/simmers, I would like to know if it is possible to convert stage objects (with animations/effects) from The Sims 3 Showtime to The Sims 4. I found one with decorative objects (backdrops), but I'm mainly interested in the "FX Machines and Lights" objects, like "Stellar Show FX Pod" and/or "OmniAstonishing MultiFX Tower": "But what effects do you want?" As many as possible. I know programming, but I don't know anything about object conversions, mods or Blender, so I don't know how difficult this would be, but what I do most in my gameplay are parties (the nightclub ones), so I really miss these objects. Is anyone able to perform this conversion/mod? Thank you for everything . Note 1: If any of The Sims 4 DLC is mandatory, that won't be an issue for me . Note 2: The lights from "FX Machines and Lights" would also be welcome , but I really wanted the "Stellar Show Effect Pod" and/or "OmniAstonishing MultiFX Tower" much more . Unfortunately, "RRRRave Stage Lights" from The Sims 4 Get Together doesn't have the "light beam" neither movement like the "Iridescent Intensity Isolator" from The Sims 3 Showtime, and this makes it very boring.
  2. I really wish that Touched by Dibella Race mod being available in NexusMods, because for some reasons I can't get it from Steam Workshop. I subscribed the mod and it won't install, I really hope that mod creator considering to upload this mod into NexusMods.
  3. Hi there. I'm trying to convert some mods I use to Frosty. Mostly texture mods since Frosty Mod Manager seems to have trouble auto converting those. The thing is, I'm a total newbie at any form of modding. I've read what tutorials I can find and I'm still scratching my head. If someone is willing to convert these mods for me or teach me how to do so I would be very grateful. Note: I will NOT be posting these mods anywhere for download/claiming as mine and, from what I can find, the authors have left the modding scene. If I'm wrong I will gladly contact the author of the mod for permissions/see if they are willing to convert it. But a lot of the modders have not been active for years on the Nexus and their tumblrs (if I can find one) are gone/not active. Thank you for your time and consideration, Dziva
  4. Hi all, I've been scouring the internet for some time now trying to find one single decent explanation of how to add one single slider to a BodySlide preset, and I'm at the point where all my various searches are just leading me to the same vague posts that don't ever quite explain what I need. Basically, the problem is this: I have some mods that require the CBBE body mod that work. No clipping, all is well. But I have one converted mod (Hmm What To Wear converted for CBBE) that clips in certain places, and it only clips during movement or crouching. What I'm trying to do is create a new preset in the BodySlide presets list. For all other outfits I've been using the CBBE Curvy (Outfit) preset and building my mod outfits to that preset, and it's worked for the most part, with the exception of this one. The fix I figured would be simplest would be to add a slider to that preset that just pushes the thighs forward a tiny bit (this is where the clipping occurs on all the shorts). I've opened the reference of the CBBE body in Outfit Studio, and then I've loaded the CBBE Curvy (Outfit) preset within there. It all seems to display correctly. Then what I did was add a new slider, make edits to the thighs while editing the new slider, and tested that the slider has an effect on the shape (which it does). What I can't understand is how to get the new slider to appear in the BodySlide program. As it happens, I don't actually need ANY of the other sliders within the CBBE Curvy (Outfit) preset, so I also tried to create a conversion preset that converts from CBBE Curvy (Outfit) to my own slightly adjusted preset, but I can't seem to get that to work either. It's a bit of a nightmare - for new users to BodySlide and Outfit Studio, there is a hugely convoluted system in place that is only explained in vague detail anywhere I've come across, and it's really starting to get mundane! If anybody could point me in the direction of adding a slider to the preset CBBE Curvy (Outfit) without linking me to the top google results on "add a slider to BodySlide" or anything like that, I would be eternally grateful. Alternatively, anybody that would help explain how to save a reference as a new one (named CBBE Curvy V2), and then create a slider inside of BodySlide that allows me to convert from CBBE Curvy (Outfit) to CBBE Curvy V2, that would be just as awesome. Many thanks in advance to anyone who is able to help, Todd W
  5. Hello! Earlier, I asked if it were possible to convert female armors and clothing to the male body, specifically SOS along with the Milkdrinker body texture by Fiszi. I got that bodyslide would be the easiest way to go and that I should find a tutorial (which I was extremely grateful for,,, don't get me wrong), however, I wasn't able to find anything that even remotely correlated to what I was trying to do, so I kinda went in blind. So, I tried to load it up on my own and see if there was anything I could do, but no body-types showed up, I couldn't find any resources to use within and, actually, nothing showed up. Before downloading bodyslide, I attempted using Nifskope and Blender, where I was actually able to see the clothing model, so I'm not sure if that's what I should use instead. Please, please help me. I'm still completely unsure of what to do/what I can do, so if anyone could link me to a tutorial (preferably not a video please), or explain to me what to do, as I'm extremely new to modding and have little to no idea what I'm doing, I'd greatly appreciate it!! Thank you again!!
  6. I have long used Skyrim Audio Converter for Skyrim and Fallout 4 needs. As they share the same basic engine, both games accept .wavand .xwm formats, (but never both in the same folder) I have also recommended to Nexus users to get SAC as it is here at the Nexus for crying out loud. There is one thing. I use Windows media Player for my playing and cd ripping needs, and sometimes the doxy thing swaps to saving off the songs as .wma format. This, too, needs to be convertable. Thank you.
  7. i have a problem i don't know how to make mods at all and i have a bunch of daimods and i want to have a few mods but they are frosty mods and i tried to do both with this tutorial video and it seemed to work but it won't start up through the frosty mod launcher i would like the mods unlock all area's and other mods https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/2300?tab=posts from this one i would like the unlock all areas and the Increase Inventory Capacity 2500 and i would like also infinite fate step https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/2054 and also inventory stack 250 the mod Stacks 250 - Main game and DLC https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/2353?tab=files
  8. Is there any mod that changes the appearance of Misty Skye? (from the "The Erotic Adventures of Misty Skye" https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83060 ) I ask, because it seems such an easy idea. The mod itself is funny, and I could have quite a lot of fun with this character. However, I personally don't think she looks all that "hot". Quite the contrary, actually. So I would think there's a mod out there that changes her appearance. But as much as I look, there is none. So I thought, why not ask? I don't really care what she looks like, as long as it's better than what she currently looks like. Maybe like this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90884?
  9. If someone who has the ability to convert this armor set (the armor itself, the tail, and wig) from Skyrim CBBE to F4 CBBE, with usable bodyslide files, that would be mightily appreciated and much thanks given. Note: The armor is hosted on LL The Armor set in question
  10. Would someone make a quick mod that makes the Nordic Circlet act as heavy armor, and perhaps give it the same armor rating as stalhrim?
  11. Can somebody please convert this dead but hot follower mod from Skyrim LE to Skyrim SE? https://web.archive.org/web/20170314134208/https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2145-freyane-the-body-proud-barbarian/ File is here: https://mega.nz/file/V0NiBKyK#FxLg8BVlebzUhK6a8dBUycjQCnZgipkvA49CXV7I24w Somebody did for some Russian Skyrim community site, but the skin textures was horrible! I could upload that mod file if somebody can heed my request. A ready for any body mod version would be nice. I would love that she can be used as a character preset too. I would love to do it if I got some programming skills.
  12. I myself have amde several attempts with no success. The entire set doenst need physics, I would just like more immersive hairstyles in the game outside of ks
  13. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30277 This is one of the few immersive historically accurate dresses for skyrim that isnt ripped straight out of another game. I've tried to do it myself but I couldnt get the collisions working when switching to a body reference that actually has legs.
  14. Hey, been trying to convert the "Expert Mode" mod for Vanity from classic edition and most sites recommend just editing the meta.lsx file, but that was not enough for me this time. Using the Compare tool in Notepad++ I compared the text between the Classic Vanity mod and the Expert mode addon of the classic Vanity mod; they were virtually identical. After I copied all of the addon text to the classic meta.lsx, I compared the Definitive edition version of the game and filled in the blanks between the two. I was able to copy much of the text that was different at the bottom of the story.div and goals.div files for both the Expert Mode mod to the DE port of the mod, and I was able to get the icon for "Morphovanish" to appear on the toolbar, but I haven't been able to get that ability to work or make the abilities "innate abilities". When I click the Morphovanish ability, the character does the animation but it doesn't do anything. I suspect that I may need to edit the .lsb files, but Notepad++ can't read it. Any ideas on where to go from here? Mods in question: https://www.nexusmods.com/divinityoriginalsin2/mods/228 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1881853707
  15. Recently figured out how to do a bunch of stuff regarding RaceMenu and SMP hairstyles, and among them I learned a method to convert SMP wigs into RaceMenu hairs without breaking their physics or collisions. I'm aware this mod did this exact thing for tons of hairs already, but I'm trying to gather up all the SMP wigs they missed (Such as the one in this mod for example) and make patches for them. Having a pretty hard time finding more than a couple, so any leads are appreciated.
  16. As the title says, I have the main conversion of the armor down, but I'm hoping to convert a whole set. Only issue I'm having, is converting the helmet, boots, and gloves. Since FO4 has their pieces separated into Left foot, Right foot, right arm, left arm (ECT) I'm not sure how I'd go about merging them into a pair within or for outfit studio. Never mind the fact that outfit studio doesn't have a conversion reference for either FO4 feet or helmets (unless there is somewhere) :pinch:
  17. Would it be possible for someone to make a CBBE conversion of Amulets of Skyrim so they fit flatter to the chest? I attempted it, but my knowledge of BodySlide and conversions is very limited, so it ended... poorly, to say the least.
  18. Hey all, Currently trying to do a Samus playthrough on SSE with the dwarven arm cannon. The problem—the only Samus armor I can find is an LE workshop file that I can't download to put in my Creation Kit, nor use https://steamworkshopdownloader.io/ since the service shutdown a couple weeks ago. This is the Samus' Varia Suit mod on the Workshop https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=293754319 What it looks like in game: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/23960773063545357/259F881E77F5E3078673F76AAF104175C1AD605E/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=#000000&letterbox=false (kinda sick, no?) Can anyone help me obtain the workshop raw files, or an SE compatible esp? Appreciate it EDIT: If you have LE installed, you can subscribe to the mod and find it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\72850. Unsure what the mod ID number is but it'll be one of them. If you could send me that file through any file sharing means, all I have to do is use Creation Kit to make it SE compatible. I'm open to "share" the file so anyone can play as Samus in Special Edition too, though this'll just be giving you clear directions on how to do it. Help a brotha out, cheers!
  19. Help, I am new to bodyslide/outfit studio and want to use the bone weights of https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21796?tab=description for the physics, but the preset in https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31593?tab=description. I know I can do it for each and every outfit in outfit studio, by using the second as my preset, and using the first as a reference, but I was wondering if there is a way to make a custom preset so I can use bodyslide to batch build.
  20. I have been working on converting Hisor's Game of Throne (GoT) NPCs from LE to SSE without much luck. I have opened the ESP in the CK, converted them to form 44 and converted the head meshes and body/armor meshes separately using NIF Optimizer. 1. I just read about the CTL-F4 method for regenerating facegendata in the CK. Tried this. Still getting CTD. 2. Tried removing armors and weapons. Still getting CTD. 3. Rechecked all textures. All dimensions divisible by 4. There are no animations or custom skeletons. Can anybody help??? (The only ESPs of Hisors that are working are Arya, Eddard and the two ladies from Witcher. None of the others will convert. Currently working on Rhaegar Targaryen as he is relatively simple.)
  21. I have been working on converting Hisor's Game of Throne (GoT) NPCs from LE to SSE without much luck. I have opened the ESP in the CK, converted them to form 44 and converted the head meshes and body/armor meshes separately using NIF Optimizer. 1. I just read about the CTL-F4 method for regenerating facegendata in the CK. Tried this. Still getting CTD. 2. Tried removing armors and weapons. Still getting CTD. 3. Rechecked all textures. All dimensions divisible by 4. There are no animations or custom skeletons. Can anybody help??? (The only ESPs of Hisors that are working are Arya, Eddard and the two ladies from Witcher. None of the others will convert. Currently working on Rhaegar Targaryen as he is relatively simple.)
  22. Hello all... I'm looking for someone who is familiar with both Nisetanaka's "The Amazing World of Bikini Armor" and lordkoz's "Buxom Wench Yurianna".... for the purpose of testing a mod of mine... it will require nothing but the latest version of Skyrim... and Dawnguard. Please contact me if interested, and I will be willing to help in whatever endeavor you wish if I'm able. Thank you for your time.
  23. Could someone convert this to CBBE? For whatever reason, Crimsomrider is unwilling to do this (not complaining, just stating). https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21885/? Thanks
  24. I think I'm having an issue with the speed (slowness) of importing files from DLC. Process: - Commonwealth ref aliases exist in ref quests (to grab/release ref aliases to avoid persistence and bloat) - DLC ref aliases have Todd room placeholder (I'm registering for OnQuestInit, then firing ref quest, so I need all ref aliases to fill... hence placeholders) - Player selects teleport destination - If destination is DLC: * Get DLC target (GetFormFromFile) * Replace placeholder w/ DLC (ForceRefTo) - Go I have code that checks IF form was imported and ref was forced. Is there any way to know WHEN these "events" happen? All of my Commonwealth teleports work. Some of the DLC teleports work. The ones that don't work, well, I get to hang out with Napoleon Todd. Since that chair is my placeholder (because I don't want DLC dependencies...) that's why I think it's a speed issue. It feels like I'm trying to go places that haven't been forced into the refs YET, so I get the unchanged placeholder instead of expected target. .
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