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  1. Hello, I'm sorry for pointing that out but the head movement while in conversations is horrible. The player looks like a parrot in every conversation. The movements are fast and stopped. I hope, that someday, an animator could fix that and make them more natural and smooth.
  2. Hi. I have a mod request! Please link to the mod in the comments here if this already exists. (I've searched and haven't found it!) Request: 1. Allow us to completely exhaust all dialogue/questions with the dead. (No longer limited to 5.) 2. Even if we're the dead NPC's killer, allow us to bypass that restriction so that we can speak to their lifeless bodies. (How is holding a grudge helping them in the afterlife?)Thank you!! P.S. Are there any BG3 Discords where authors and users hang out to talk about mods and such? If so, can you link it here? Past requests made by others for this same thing: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/13224408-mod-requestunlimited-use-speak-with-dead/?hl=%2Bspeak+%2Bwith+%2Bdead https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/13114440-mod-request-speak-with-dead-infinite-questions/?hl=%2Bspeak+%2Bwith+%2Bdead&do=findComment&comment=126405381 https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/13110837-mod-request-unlimited-speak-with-the-dead-allow-speak-as-killer/?hl=%2Bspeak+%2Bwith+%2Bdead&do=findComment&comment=126405360
  3. Hi I want add professional voice acting to M&B 2 Bannerlord conversations. Any idea where to start beside the voice acting itself. I mean what kind of voice data is needed? Is it enough to create .wav datas and how do i implement those into the game? in best regard nima
  4. Wondering if anyone could port the Face to Face Conversation mod from Oldrim that used the oblivion style zoom feature when talking to people which allows you to better connect with them in skyrim because your are often standing 1-2 m from the person you are talking to.
  5. I'm getting hit by that bug that prevents me from engaging Cait in conversation when she is a companion. I can Trade, toggle Stay/Follow, and Exit, but the first choice, Talk is met with no response. I tried other companions and I can successfully engage Talk when they are a companion.I went to a character save for another character entirely, one that hadn't been touched by mods yet.I went back to before I recruited her, and she still won't respond to the Talk option.I uninstalled Don't Call Me Settler and Unlimited Companions in case either of those were doing it, but no effect, even going back to the original recruitment scene.I uninstalled the UFO4 patch.I have verified the integrity of the game cache through the Steam program.The only remedies I found online either: a) require that the player have inadvertently left an NPC conversation hanging (but I could Talk to other companions, and I had the problem as soon as I recruited Cait, so it can't be that, right?) or b) require tinkering around with the faction or affinity of the companion, and I wasn't able to get that to work, either. Here is my usual mod load: Any help appreciated!
  6. I'm sure I've seen or heard about this mod somewhere but I can't find it anywhere!
  7. So i was about to start the quest "Amulets of night power" given by Feran Sadri, but every time i click on the "Understood" line which starts the quest or exit the dialog my game just crashes without any warning. Manually starting the quest by console (setstage dlc1rv09 10) brings the same ctd when i hit enter. Waiting for 24H, fast travelling elsewhere an back to the castle or resetAI line on Feran doesn't change anything. I'll provide both log and mod list (only 83 mods!!! :ohmy:), if anyone could help me i'll appreciate it. Thanks in advance. Mod list/load order: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 6 6 SGHairPackBase.esm 7 7 Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm 8 8 TKChildren.esm 9 9 FNIS.esp10 a dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Medium.esp11 b SGHairPackAIO.esp12 c Auto Unequip Ammo.esp13 d Convenient Horses.esp14 e Point The Way.esp15 f Inconsequential NPCs.esp16 10 Run For Your Lives.esp17 11 UniqueBorderGates-All.esp18 12 aedric ritual remake.esp19 13 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp20 14 dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp21 15 dD-Reduced Splatter Size.esp22 16 dD-Reduced Wound Size.esp23 17 Lightweight Potions and Poisons.esp24 18 HARODATH_ImmersiveSoulgems.esp25 19 No Magic Ninja Dodge - No DLC.esp26 1a dD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.esp27 1b SkyUI.esp28 1c Slightly Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp29 1d TKChildren_DB.esp30 1e TKChildren_HF.esp31 1f TKChildren_V.esp32 20 Random Vampire Attacks in Towns Disabled.esp33 21 Animated Dragon Wings.esp34 22 BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp35 23 Better Vampires.esp36 24 Vampirelordroyal.esp37 25 Enchanting - IDWIW.esp38 26 When Vampires Attack.esp39 27 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp40 28 Gifts Of The Outsider.esp41 29 Lanterns Of Skyrim - AIO - Dawnguard.esp42 2a BlackSacramentArmor.esp43 2b UniqueBorderGates-All-PointTheWay.esp44 2c LustmordVampireArmor.esp45 2d Bound Weapons Chest.esp46 2e BVFE_Serana.esp47 2f NormalVampireFaces.esp48 30 BVandRB_Formlist.esp49 31 Predator Vision.esp50 32 CrimsonTwilightArmor.esp51 33 Northgirl.esp52 34 More Draconic Dragon Aspect - Powered Edition.esp53 35 More Draconic Dragon Aspect - Wings and Tail.esp54 36 Marriable Serana.esp55 37 Marriable Serana HF.esp56 38 HeartBreaker.esp57 39 Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp58 3a spelleraser.esp These are posted form my LOOT, the rest are unscripted mods.P.S: TES5EDIT shows no missing dependencies/masters. Log:
  8. Ill make it simple, A mod where npcs talk to each other more frequently would be amazing. I remember Npcs interacted more in Oblivion, and iv'e played skyrim since release, and so far all i hear is an Infrequent conversation between two female Npcs about letting each other know if they see any big strong men. I believe a modder can do this by splicing the Voice files of the Npcs much like how the Gamer poops work.
  9. All I would like is to be able to reply to greetings, just one word would do "Greetings! or Hello" with the option not to use it. As anyone created a reliable mod that adds this ability?
  10. Like the topic says, can anyone make a mod that keeps the helmet of the player and all party members ON during conversations and cutscenes? I looked at the options, and it's not possible to change it there.
  11. Because I want the game to be more challenging than just having to deal with bullet sponges, I've developed some personal rules, one being a severe limitation on the quantity of each chem I can carry (either 2 or 4 of each, depending on what they are, and any excess is left behind as though I never saw them - no stockpiling to sell), and for some of the more potent/useful ones (including stimpaks and grape mentats) I only let myself use found ones - no crafting them. Anyway, it pains me to feel like I have to mash buttons to get into the trade window to not run out my drug duration timer on some longwinded NPC merchant's repeated spiel (Percy is one of the worst offenders that comes to mind). Maybe the Survival overhaul will remedy this particular complaint of mine, but I kind of doubt it. And if it were possible to drop the rate of stimpaks in loot to like 5 or 10 percent, I would be incredibly happy. I have to imagine the drop rate can be altered fairly easily, but I'm no modder, unfortunately.
  12. I have a mod here on the Nexus (Axe Man Companion) that is having some issues with a scripted NPC conversation near the end of one of its quests. I can't seem to make the problem occur myself, even when downloading and playing the mod on a second computer, but several different people have had it happen to them, and it completely breaks the ending of the quest when it does happen, so I'd really like to figure out what's causing it. The problem is that for some players the conversation itself doesn't trigger, leaving them stuck on the second-to-last stage of the quest. Here is the scripting of the quest itself, as well as a few screenshots of the topic window, showing the conversation and it's scripting: ====Script==== scn AMRandomAxeQuestScript short baxemanrake short baxemanfistlie short baxemanfistgood short baxemanfistbad short baxemansuspiciousnohelp short baxemansuspicioushelp short baxemanbeanshootergood short baxemanbeanshootergoodtwo short baxemanbeanshooterbad short baxemanbeanshooterbadtwo short baxemancincinatus short baxemancrazy Begin GameMode if getstage AMTellNoLies == 3 setstage AMRandomAxe 1 endif if baxemanrake == 0 if player.getitemcount AMRake == 1 AMAxeManREF.startconversation Player, AMRake12 set baxemanrake to 1 endif endif if baxemanfistlie == 0 if player.getitemcount AMBillyFist == 1 if getstage AMRandomAxe == 6 AMAxeManREF.startconversation Player, AMFist1 set baxemanfistlie to 1 endif endif endif if baxemanfistgood == 0 if player.getitemcount AMBillyFist == 1 if getstage AMRandomAxe == 5 AMAxeManREF.startconversation Player, AMFist17 set baxemanfistgood to 1 endif endif endif if baxemanfistbad == 0 if player.getitemcount AMBillyFist == 1 If getstage AMRandomAxe == 4 AMAxeManREF.startconversation Player, AMFist27 set baxemanfistbad to 1 endif endif endif if baxemansuspiciousnohelp == 0 if getstage AMTellNoLies == 12 if getstage AMRandomAxe == 7 AMAxeManREF.startconversation Player, AMDiscovery01 set baxemansuspiciousnohelp to 1 endif endif endif if baxemansuspicioushelp == 0 if getstage AMTellNoLies == 13 if getstage AMRandomAxe == 7 AMAxeManREF.startconversation Player, AMDiscovery01 set baxemansuspicioushelp to 1 endif endif endif if baxemanbeanshooterbad == 0 if player.getitemcount AMBeanShooter == 1 if getstage AMRandomAxe == 11 AMAxeManREF.startconversation Player, AMLauncher01 set baxemanbeanshooterbad to 1 endif endif endif if baxemanbeanshooterbadtwo == 0 if player.getitemcount AMBeanShooter == 1 if getstage AMRandomAxe == 9 AMAxeManREF.startconversation Player, AMLauncher01 set baxemanbeanshooterbadtwo to 1 endif endif endif if baxemanbeanshootergood == 0 if player.getitemcount AMBeanShooter == 1 if getstage AMRandomAxe == 8 AMAxeManREF.startconversation Player, AMLauncher11 set baxemanbeanshootergood to 1 endif endif endif if baxemanbeanshootergoodtwo == 0 if player.getitemcount AMBeanShooter == 1 if getstage AMRandomAxe == 10 AMAxeManREF.startconversation Player, AMLauncher11 set baxemanbeanshootergoodtwo to 1 endif endif endif if baxemancincinatus == 0 if getstage AMRandomAxe == 13 if getquestcompleted AMTellNoLies == 1 AMCincinatusREF.startconversation AMAxeManREF, AMAxeManCincinatus01 set baxemancincinatus to 1 endif endif endif if baxemancrazy == 0 if getstage AMRandomAxe == 12 if AMCincinatusREF.getdead == 1 AMAxeManREF.removeitem AMAxeManOutfit 1 AMAxeManREF.removeitem AMAxeManHat 1 AMAxeManREF.removeitem AMAxeManPack 1 AMAxeManREF.additem AMAxeManPantless 1 AMAxeManREF.additem AMAxeManCap 1 AMAxeManREF.equipitem AMAxeManPantless AMAxeManREF.equipitem AMAxeManCap setstage AMRandomAxe 15 set baxemancrazy to 1 endif endif endif End The issue is apparently something involving the second-to-last bit of scripting, the part that deals with "AMCincinatusREF" starting a conversation with "AMAxeManREF". Here is what the topic page of said conversation looks like: http://i.imgur.com/gcqUPnD.jpg http://i.imgur.com/NmVeiOZ.jpg Again, this scripting seems to work for most people that download the mod (and again, I actually can't make it NOT work for me, regardless of which computer, save file, or download I use to test it), but there is a fairly significant amount of players that have issues with the conversation not triggering. If anyone sees anything wrong with the above, please let me know. And if anyone has any info/tips on fixing the issue, let me know that as well! If anyone needs more info than I've provided, let me know, and I'll add what they need. If anyone wants to look through the mod itself, it's here on the nexus at this address: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55602/ Thanks in advance to anyone who can help solve this issue!
  13. I am so close to producing my first mod. Every other issue was worked out within a few hours. I have been been stuck on this issue for 2 days now, and I'm a little frustrated. Any advice for me? My Goal: 1-An Argonian is in the house, currently disabled. 2-The Player sleeps in the house, the Argonian is enabled, and the Player is awakened. 3-The Argonian starts conversation with the Player. They talk. 4-The Player ends conversation. 5-The Argonian walks away, uses a strong camo/invisibility spell, leaves the house, and disappears. What Happens: 1 & 2 happen perfectly. 3-The Argonian stares blankly. If I do not talk to her, she disappears after ~3 seconds. If I talk to her, the conversation progresses as I desire. 4&5-When I end conversation, she waits ~3 seconds before disappearing. No spell or anything. Just *poof*! My references are MS02 (Where Spirits Have Lease/ "Anvil House Quest") and Lucien Lachance's introduction of the Dark Brotherhood. In a previous version of the script, the Argonian started conversation fine but had no scripting beyond that. Another version had the Argonian enabling, immediately using the invisibility spell, staring at PC blankly, and waiting ~3 seconds before disappearing. Relevant Quest Script Fragment: Argonian's Object Script Argonian has no AI packages besides a 24/7 wander at the moment. I have another NPC, a Breton, who starts a conversation with the Player, successfully using this script. Her AI packages pertain only to wandering, eating, and sleeping. The GREETING for both the Argonian & Breton are using have the GetIsID and GetTalkedToPC == 0.
  14. I don't know anything about modding myself, so I'm just going to ask: Would it be possible to make a mod that would pause everything else in the world during dialogues, like it used to be in Fallout New Vegas for example? The fact that everything keeps running in the back while talking glitched stuff out countless times... I've had to repeat conversations so many times because somebody pushed my conversational partner away or whoever I'm trying to talk to just won't stop walking themselves, constantly cancelling dialogue if they get too far away.. I honestly don't have a clue what Bethesda were thinking when they implemented that feature, it is completely broken. It annoys the crap out of me. If anyone could actually bring the game-pausing dialogue back that person would be my hero!
  15. I miss the proper conversations in the field, if you talk to quest givers or your companions in the base. In DA:2 and DA:O it actual zoomed in and you could see facial expressions. There is a similar 'fix' for Skyrim, where they made the same mistake: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30533/? All the Mod does: it switches to first person and zooms in during conversations. There is background noise and due to the restrictive zoom level in DA:I you cannot see any facial expressions. It just doesn't feel personal if 9/10 of the screen shows other stuff around you but the person you talk to. //edit: The game does already zoom in and centralizes the two characters involved. What would need to be done is a zoom-in beyond the maximum allowed when you are not in a conversation, because it seems to hit that limit. //edit: The cheatengine hack lets me zoom out as far as I want but not in: http://i.imgur.com/Pq337pH.jpg Why do I need to see the guy standing in the bond fire and the tents? http://i.imgur.com/bAdXZJ2.jpg Here how it could be from DA:2 http://i.imgur.com/KmJ8xFA.jpg Here the facial expressions of fake Flemeth in DA:O http://i.imgur.com/2Qoo8j8.jpg http://i.imgur.com/dzNwIoV.jpg (I decapitated her and then talked to Morrigan again, which triggered this awkward conversation :smile:)
  16. Here is what is going on i'm attempting to: I need the player to activate a conversation when he walks into a trigger but when I enter in the codes to actually start the conversation (codes from http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/StartConversation ) it won't save the script. All i really understand is that the conversation codes are what does it. since i've changed them to "setstage (questname) 20 and the script saved fine. I just don't know what I keyed in wrong or what i'm missing for this script. scn HWQ01stage10triggerSCRIPT begin onTriggerEnter player if getStage HWQ01 == 10 StartConversation knightcom1, HWQ01Dialogue StartConversation player, ForceGreetTopic StartConversation player, ForceGreetTopic ref.joe ref.player 1 endif end Any help would be appreciated, and thanks in advance.
  17. I can't pinpoint the exact time when this started happening, but I can no longer talk to Wynne without bugging out my game in a rather hilarious way. My screen will suddenly have a blue backdrop, and sometimes I'll see the back of Dog's paws close up. I seem to be clipping inside Wynne's skirt. I'll hear Wynne falling (?) and I get the option to say 'Are you alright' and two other options. Wynne talks about how tired she is and how she thought it was the end. After the brief conversation is over, I return to overhead view, but the background is black except for the sky and some other atmosphere graphics and the interface. I can talk to other party members, but it doesn't reset anything. I can't move unless I use my keyboard. I've tried talking a screenshot, but so far I've been unable to. This happens regardless of whether I talk to her in camp or talk to her in my party, and running the game without my few mods doesn't seem to change anything. I was able to talk to her before, but ever since a certain point, I've been unable to without triggering this bug. Has anyone else run into this bug? Is there a way to get around it? My game is updated up to 1.05, and I have the Dragon Age: Ultimate Edition version.
  18. I played Skyrim this morning, but when I tried to enter conversation with several npcs, the interaction indicator did not appear. This has occured with numerous npcs, including Eolrund Gray-Mane, several members of the Companions, and everyone inside the Bannered Mare. This bug is affecting quest-related npcs, making their quests unable to be completed. I tried reloading the game, along with rebooting it, but neither fixed the problem. Also, I recently installed SKSE and SkyUI. Could either one of those mods be a contributing factor? Any help is appreciated. Also note that this bug is occuring everywhere, in all cities and settlements. My pc specs: Windows 7 134 GB free space 12.0 GB RAM NVIDIA graphics card, Geforce GTX 570m
  19. Hi again, So how could I go about letting a custom NPC play multiple animations during conversations? I have an NPC attached to a wallLeanMarker, so he is leaned against the wall with arms crossed during the whole conversation. Is there a way to let him go through several animations (e.g. making gestures, stand up straight, lean back again etc.) during conversations ? Just point me in the right direction and I'm already happy :] Thanks, - Maylle
  20. Question: In an upcoming release I am trying to do a wedding ceremony. I have a conversation between the officiant and the player, then I want to transition to a conversation between the officiant and the spouse ("Do you?" "I do") then back to the final part of the conversation between the officiant and the player. I don't know if it's the way I'm using a quest variable to track the stage of the ceremony or the way I'm using result scripts to trigger advancement but the conversation is ending with the first transition and leaving the officiant continually giving the player a blank greeting and immediate goodbye. To narrow that down a bit... I currently have the first part of the player dialogue set to goodbye with the end result script doing a startconversation between the other NPCs ("conversation" tab not "topics" tab). This also increments a quest variable used to make NPCs "attend the wedding" packages and dialogues meet their respective conditions. When that completes (she does :) ) it's supposed to do a startconversation on the player to finish the dialogue. I do have a trigger box there but it currently has nothing to do with the conversation at the point where it breaks. I could add an ontrigger player block to force dialogue but it seems like it would be a huge drain as the ceremony's like 2-3 minutes long. Any ideas? I feel like I'm missing something obvious. I'm looking at the vanilla "Take It Back" cutscene/3 way dialogue between you and the two Lyons but I still can't quite figure out where I'm messing up the transition between the speakers.
  21. I have the strangest problem with Fallout 3. I’m playing the vanilla game (Game of the Year Edition with all DLC), but no mods or anything… and every once in a while, quite randomly, NPC will just have no voice when I am talking to them. The subtitles work, and their mouths and gestures work, but no voice. Then all of a sudden I’ll pick another conversation topic and they’ll start talking again. When I talked to Vance’s girlfriend in the Family’s base this bug one time affected all her speech except greetings and farewells. It was all totally random, however, and on my last play her speech worked but the old lady, Manya, in Megaton, her speech didn’t. I Googled this problem for like a week before considering posting about it here, and I tried every possible “fix” for voice issues that anybody could come up with. Here is a list of all that I did to try and solve this problem. I have pretty much exhausted all possibilities I could think of. 1. Going under my computer’s control panel to check if my sound is set to just Stereo and nothing like Quad sound or Surround or anything. It’s just set to normal stereo desktop speakers, nothing fancy. Just for laughs I tried setting it to all the other settings and then to off. Nothing helped the voice bug in Fallout 3, however. 2. Playing the radio with the radio volume down during conversations. This also did nothing to fix the voice bug. Just as well, since this was annoying to do every time I wanted to talk to someone in the game. It seemed dubious at best anyway, but I had to try it just in case it was a working fix. It wasn’t, however. 3. Extracting all the voice files from the game’s bsa and putting them in their corresponding folder where the game is installed. This was simple using the Fallout Mod Manager (about the only thing I did use that program for, since I’m not using mods in my game). It did nothing to solve the voice bug either. And took a while to do. 4. Setting the Audio Cache size in the Fallout.ini file to something higher, such as iAudioCacheSize=4096 … this too did nothing to solve the voice bug, though I have left the changed setting since it can only help rather than hinder my game’s audio regardless of the voice bug I have been experiencing. 5. Somebody once suggested the “Skullaputra” fix, as I believe it is called. I tried it and it too did nothing to solve the voice bug. I honestly didn’t think it would work, and hated to try such an odd “fix” but by that point I figured it was worth a try just to see what would happen. It was a no-go however in the end. 6. Installing the latest K-Lite Codec pack. I fully installed K-Lite Codec 1080 Mega and it as well did nothing to solve the voice bug. As with the Audio Cache setting, I decided to keep the new pack since it’s handy and will work well with programs other than Fallout 3. Can’t have too many helpful programs, I say! 7. I also made totally certain that .ogg files are associated with Windows Media Player on my computer, which they totally are, so that's not the answer to the problem either it would seem. The sheer randomness at which this bug hits is annoying, to say the least! Yesterday it struck in Rivet City when I was talking to Doctor Zimmer, today it struck in Megaton as I mentioned before. One day, at the Family’s base and another time at Big Town when I was talking to Dusty. There is no rhyme or reason to the bug, it just happens after a certain amount of time playing, ranging from an hour and a half to two or more hours. One time though, it struck after only fifteen minutes of playing. I have no clue what the cause of this bug could be, and I have read about countless people all over the Internet complaining about it and each of them trying different fixes with different results. But for many, including myself, no fix (at least none I’ve tried or read about) seems to work. Is there any fix for this issue that I am not aware of or have not yet tried which is known to solve this, or is it one of those random Bethesda game bugs that players just have to live with? For the record, I do not have this problem in New Vegas, Oblivion, or Morrowind. Only in Fallout 3, which seems like it’s something in just this game’s coding perhaps. Here are my computer specs (more than enough to run the game without crashing and with no slowdowns or other issues): Dell Inspiron 530 Desktop with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 2.00 GHZ (2CPUs) 2046 MB RAM, DirectX 9.0c, ATI Radeon HD 3600 video card with 512 MB on it, and Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio for my sound. Lastly, I am running Windows XP. I am running the game in 800x600 resolution, no Antialiasing, Anisotropic Filtering at 8 Samples, Vsync on, and HDR on. Graphics-wise, I have no problems. Both my video card and sound card are updated with the latest drivers available for them, too. So, any idea what could be causing the voices to cut out randomly like this, and if there is an actual proven to work fix for it?
  22. Hey guys. For a mod I'm working on the player can talk to NPCs to find out more about what is going on. In some cases I want the NPC to keep on talking about something, without the player having to say anything for a few sentences. I have seen this done before In Skyrim so I know It's possible. But when I try to do it myself It keep coming up with "..." when the NPC has finished saying a sentence. I leave nothing in the topic text for the sentences that I want the NPC to segway away from and onto another by himself, am I doing something wrong? Also while I'm on the subject. When I talk to some people that don't usually have conversations windows in the game it only comes up with "..." and nothing else. How do I fix this?
  23. Alright another problem hoping someone can solve it once again..dear god i know i am starting to annoy people here..with all this topics of help and what not but where else to ask :/ Anyways my Tes Construction Kit crashes upon trying to create new conversation's topic or something, i for example add greeting, when i am about to add text for it, woop CRASH!..i can hear TES Construction Kit laughing at me each time for it, and i don't know what to do where is the problem i tried almost everything and no hope for it yet..
  24. Anybody know if they can fix it so that helmets stay on during cutscenes? Is it possible? Please and thank you!
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