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  1. I don't know about anyone else but I was kinda sad when I first played and saw that my familiar was just named the animal that it was (every character I've played in D&D who has had a familiar has given it a name and has bonded with it) but nevertheless I continued and figured it wasn't that bad - until I recently made my ranger OC character and saw that the companion summons have names! But as cool as the Latin names for the animals are, if it's going to have a name other than 'Wolf' or something I'd prefer it to be one that I chose, ya know? Can someone please make a mod, or direct me to a mod if one already exists (I'm new to this) to be able to change these summon names? (Can commission if need be) Thanks!
  2. I am looking for someone who can fulfill a few requests for me. A list of things I would like are as follows: - A Custom NPC, with marriage capability, unique likes and dislikes, potentially custom heart events, etc. (I wish to recreate my wife in the game as my partner). - A Weapon - A Fishing Rod - A Hat - Pair of Boots - A Ring - Possibly a floor or wall decoration. - Methods to obtain all of the items. I can provide the assets for all of the above. I would just need someone to integrate them into the game. If interested please reach out to me on Discord as ill reply there much more quickly, my username is: Demogrim Thanks!
  3. hello. I would like to commission a staff weapon mod. You already have the 3D modeling, all you have to do is create it using this model. https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/ko/product/fantasy-snake-weapon-set I hope we can talk in detail on Discord. af1930 << This is my nickname. Otherwise, please let me know your Discord nickname in the comments. Then I will come to you.
  4. Hi! I would like to see if anyone would be interested in being commissioned to create a custom female Tav head for me? Just to make things more immersive, I want to create a BG3'd version of my face to use on my Tav. Thank you in advance!
  5. As the title suggests I am looking to request or Commission someone to make a replacer mod that would allow for vampire fangs to be used by Tav that would ideally not clash with other replacer mods. I would specifically like the mod to be used on Half-Elves. If you need an idea of body types: Half-Elf: Body 2 & 4 I have no experience when it comes to making mods myself so I do not know the capabilities of this but if this is doable please let me know!
  6. Hello all! I was hoping to commission somebody to fix a mod I commissioned a while back. I started playing again recently, but as it was made a while ago, some of the title updates seem to have broken it. I still have the files. I don't know if it'd be best to remake it from scratch or what, but I'd be happy to pay either way. There were some adjustments I wanted to make to it anyway if possible XD. I did try reaching out to the original Modder, but I think they've gone dark (Hope they're well) It's just an edit to the Nargacuga waist piece to include a stumpy little tail. Like I said, I already have the files from the original mod, I just need help fixing them and making the tail bigger. The topic is two fold because I've also been interested in replacing one of the game's hair styles with a hair style from FFXIV. I also have the game files from XIV so nobody needs to rip them, I already did that. I just don't have the technical know-how to do the replacing, and if possible, reshaping of the hair to make it look good/natural, and still show off the wyverian ears layered armor too. Once again, I'd be happy to pay for these as commissions. If somebody's only interested in one and not the other, that's fine too! I can show off references, share files, and anything else that's needed via discord. just search for " eelzartz " if you'd like to DM me there instead of here~!
  7. Hi there! I'd like to request or possibly commission someone to do a recolour mod if possible! I'm looking to have a special bard instrument fiddle/violin recoloured to be gold, and if you could add some enhancements that would be pretty cool too. (maybe like an extra charisma modifier or something??? idk) so basically you could just pick up/find this golden fiddle somewhere or maybe start with it, if possible? I'm not super familiar with making mods hence the commission request so i'm not sure how much work it would be or what is possible. if you want more details/ are interested feel free to leave a comment!
  8. I have a large pit/mastiff and I'd love to have her replace dogmeat. Can anyone do that? Her name is Karma, which is pretty fitting for Fallout so I think anyone that likes pits would use it. I'd be glad to pay some one a commission for their time and talent. This would need to be ported to Xbox. Thanks! Here are some pictures: http://i.imgur.com/6uSE4c9.jpg http://i.imgur.com/lxlTJ26.jpg http://i.imgur.com/zHgyGU8.jpg http://i.imgur.com/zDvkSkS.jpg http://i.imgur.com/3i1oltz.jpg
  9. Hello! So, I'm like "man, I'm bored, I compose for my mod since... I don't even know, but shiet, I'm bored and I need some trainz lolefozejkfozejfo^zejn" So erm : Do you want to make something composed or sound designed by someone that is averagely qualified in those fields? Aren't you fed up to have your "Clitoria babe SBBPCUNT Physics standalone follower" without some epic music? or.. maybe for more like immersive stuff, I donno. Do you want your Comic sans ms adventure to be taken place with a new personnality but merging or getting away from the lore-friendliness? Well! What a coincidence ! I can do dat for you! For free ( I need training FFS) Here are some samples of what I make : Instrumental, accoustic piano playing : http://www.newground...o/listen/602055 http://www.newground...o/listen/601901 http://www1.zippysha...S1Wzs/file.html http://www.newground...o/listen/601643 http://www.newground...o/listen/601645 Dynamic s*** : http://www.newground...o/listen/608812 http://www.newground...o/listen/602728 http://www.newground...o/listen/602226 Horror Dynamic s*** : http://www.newground...o/listen/608821 http://www.newground...o/listen/602355 Ambient s*** : http://www.newground...o/listen/608375 http://www.newground...o/listen/608824 http://www.newground...o/listen/608822 Horror Ambient s*** : http://www.newground...o/listen/608829 http://www.newground...o/listen/608830 http://www.newground...o/listen/608819 (little loop yeh) so Comment it! ladibadaladibada
  10. Hello! So, I'm like "man, I'm bored, I compose for my mod since... I don't even know, but shiet, I'm bored and I need some trainz lolefozejkfozejfo^zejn" So erm : Do you want to make something composed or sound designed by someone that is averagely qualified in those fields? Aren't you fed up to have your "Clitoria babe SBBPCUNT Physics standalone follower" without some epic music? or.. maybe for more like immersive stuff, I donno. Do you want your Comic sans ms adventure to be taken place with a new personnality but merging or getting away from the lore-friendliness? Well! What a coincidence ! I can do dat for you! For free ( I need training FFS) Here are some samples of what I make : Instrumental, accoustic piano playing : http://www.newground...o/listen/602055 http://www.newground...o/listen/601901 http://www1.zippysha...S1Wzs/file.html http://www.newground...o/listen/601643 http://www.newground...o/listen/601645 Dynamic s*** : http://www.newground...o/listen/608812 http://www.newground...o/listen/602728 http://www.newground...o/listen/602226 Horror Dynamic s*** : http://www.newground...o/listen/608821 http://www.newground...o/listen/602355 Ambient s*** : http://www.newground...o/listen/608375 http://www.newground...o/listen/608824 http://www.newground...o/listen/608822 Horror Ambient s*** : http://www.newground...o/listen/608829 http://www.newground...o/listen/608830 http://www.newground...o/listen/608819 (little loop yeh) so Comment it! ladibadaladibada
  11. Hello! So, I'm like "man, I'm bored, I compose for my mod since... I don't even know, but shiet, I'm bored and I need some trainz lolefozejkfozejfo^zejn" So erm : Do you want to make something composed or sound designed by someone that is averagely qualified in those fields? Aren't you fed up to have your "Clitoria babe SBBPCUNT Physics standalone follower" without some epic music? or.. maybe for more like immersive stuff, I donno. Do you want your Comic sans ms adventure to be taken place with a new personnality but merging or getting away from the lore-friendliness? Well! What a coincidence ! I can do dat for you! For free ( I need training FFS) Here are some samples of what I make : Instrumental, accoustic piano playing : http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/602055 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/601901 http://www1.zippyshare.com/v/QkOS1Wzs/file.html http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/601643 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/601645 Dynamic s*** : http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/608812 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/602728 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/602226 Horror Dynamic s*** : http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/608821 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/602355 Ambient s*** : http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/608375 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/608824 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/608822 Horror Ambient s*** : http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/608829 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/608830 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/608819 (little loop yeh) so Comment it! ladibadaladibada
  12. I was wondering if there was any forum or thread dedicated to modders where they can barter their services instead of just making a mod request. Although we here at nexus are a helpful folk most of us are busy with our own projects and what little modding time we have is dedicated towards that and do modding work for others when we can. But sometimes when working on a mod of your own design we get stuck and spend more time and effort on one small portion of that mod than you did with the majority of it, a portion that would be childs play for someone else, although that person might not have your prowess in your area of expertise. Swapping tasks would most likely accelerate release dates as time taken to "figure things out" would be brought down to a minimum. And although people already help each other out here, knowing that someone is working on your project is a great motivator for folks with limited spare time. Some people might say it is best to follow tutorials and through trial and error work your way up to the point where you are skilled enough to do it yourself, but as I have often said, "trail and error" sucks!. In small quantities it stokes our curiosities and promotes innovation, but in large quantities it stokes our anger and promotes madness, so much so that we spend upwards of 20 years in institutions of learning just to avoid trail and error. But back to the original topic the bartering of skills. I for instance in Elder Scrolls terms would class myself as being a Texturing - Apprentice Animation - Apprentice Modelling - Journeyman What talent I have in these ares have served me well but what I have no skill what so ever in is scripting, the life blood of the game. As such I would like to commission a script writer to scribble some scripts so as to advance my mods closer to completion and in exchange I shall to the best of my ability try to do the same for you in my given fields . If there are any takers message me. And if I can't help you feel free to post maybe someone else can.
  13. Hello fellow skyrim players and modders (ofc fallout fans too c:), hope everyone had a good holiday of whatever you celebrate (or dont). Recently while browsing through the internet and all its wonders I somehow stumbled upon sergals, or rather their wiki page and took quite an interest in them because of their lore, the different factions, etc.Page can be found here http://goldring.wikia.com/wiki/Sergals . With their background I was actually surprised to see there were no race mods available for them (though I understand it may be because they are furry related?) but saw several threads and requests being made for the race to be made. I understand model making, scripting and implementation take time and many modders do work as more of a personal want/need basis because of the time consumption. So this is where I hope to draw some interest from modders, instead of a request, how about a commission of sorts for a race mod? This is what I am looking to offer, an actual incentive to take interest in a modding project, exposure for the mod creator, and possibly a mod that other users would want (or have been waiting for). So, would there be any interest? If so, a reply here or a pm would be awesome c: TL;dr: Offering to pay for a sergal race mod.
  14. I would like to have the full vanilla set of armors and clothing in unp bbp. When I say vanilla, I mean completely vanilla. Along with the vanilla sets, I would also like some of the more popular, semi-skimpy but lore freindly outfits in unp bbp. The details of price, and which outfits added are flexible. I have tried to do this on my own, but I do not have the time or the knowledge to do it. I would appreciate anyone who would use their time to take on this task.
  15. Good afternoon, Nexus modders! I was hoping to request a little something. I'm very intrigued by x79's "A Clean Record" mod ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53522 ), but I use Special Edition and am unsure if it would be compatible. Would someone be willing to convert it to work for Special Edition, if possible? Willing to offer payment if that will help things!
  16. Is it possible, without going through too much trouble, to make bosses vulnerable to Madness (IE, it builds up on them) Madness Info: https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Madness List of All Bosses: https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Bosses
  17. Information: This is a paid commission, you will receive compensation for your time, quality and effort for this project. Job: I am looking for someone to create an outfit for Fallout New Vegas. I have a Helmet that has already been done, it just needs the texture work done for it. In terms of specially what will need doing, creating an outfit in Blender, picture links provided. The character is called J6, it's from an old web based browser game. https://imgur.com/qPoCqJu https://imgur.com/FeQKGaB https://imgur.com/YRMiD8Y https://imgur.com/7yYNY7s https://imgur.com/bsvXkvZ https://imgur.com/sg2uYku https://imgur.com/9RT8om5 https://imgur.com/Tbak4p4
  18. Looking for someone to make a good looking Indiana Jones mod, with custom sprite, music, dl44 revolver skin (with sound effect), the works. Indiana Jones music to play on intro, and something sad for death music. Basic Raiders March for intro, and as a suggestion, This song for death (4:05 timestamp) Revolver skin for his DL44, including sound effect from Raiders of the Last Ark (And the game Indiana Jones and the Emperors Tomb) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFEr05jAFoY -Sound Effect for reference. He uses an M1917 revolver, but there are more widely available Webley revolver model out there. M1917 is just more classic. Voice lines from the movie, or the aforementioned game, not necessary, but would be cool. (Good thing Han Solo sounds like Indy lol) If you want, the star card names and photos can be changed. Doesn't matter to me A good hat model is on thingiverse for free, if its possible to upload .STL files into mod making software. Link: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2277353/files As I said, Willing to pay 50$, maybe more!
  19. Looking for a custom commission for like a face preset, a hairstyle, a pair of earrings and like maybe top surgery scar texture? If any modders are open to paid requests let me know!! I just really want specific stuff to mod my characters in the game.
  20. Will pay commission I am trying to put together an immersive mod list, I am not the biggest fan of over the top mods and like to do things like play fallout 4 on survival difficulty because realism/immersion keeps me playing these games. I saw the Gypsy wagon, Dovah Rider cart and Dragonkiller cart mods and they all seemed to have nice aspects but none of them were what I was looking for. I don't like that these mods just give you the wagons for nothing. I am looking for something that I have to pay for. Go to a stable or dedicated wagon merchant and purchase it or maybe a small quest that ends in getting the wagon as a reward. Then the wagon itself is just something simple it has a few containers glued to it like a chest, an apothecary satchel, a knapsack, some barrels, etc. Customization of some kind would be nice but not necessary. Basically storage in the cart but not an interior cell. I am not looking for a player home. The ability for companions to ride along if I jump into the driver seat would be nice. Maybe even Meeko teleports into the back and just lays down. I think that would be adorable. A small deployable camp is a must, nothing like the Dragonkiller cart which has a camp with all the crafting stations, I want something simple like the camp added in the camping creation club expansion. A tent with a bed/sleeping bag, a campfire with a cooking station, a few seats for myself and a couple companions. Lastly, I would want the ability to hook/unhook my horse. This way I can hook up a horse like shadowmere, frost, or any other mount I might have to use the wagon but then if I wanted to say park the wagon somewhere (a map marker for the wagon's location would also be great) and just ride my mount, I could. If anyone would be up for making this mod, feel free to message me on discord, hangmanmatt.
  21. Looking to see if there is a mod that stops characters from fading out when approached in Character view's camera mode. If not this is a request to see if a mod can be created Willing to pay if the mod is simple enough to create I was unable to find out if anything like this was already requested or fulfilled. Thank you.
  22. I was wondering if anyone was capable, and available, to craft a "Christian" mod for Oblivion that can fulfill the following requirements: 1. All mention of the Elder Scrolls pantheon removed, as well as any and all shrines related to them aside from the city chapels which should be retextured/altered. Pantheon replaced with "The One", a monotheistic deity that created the Elder Scrolls world in the continuity of this mod/overhaul. 2. All mention of Daedra worship and statues removed, as well as any items related to them. May have to remove quests that rely on them heavily. 3. All magic removed, or heavily reduced to only feature restoration spells. No destructive, conjuring or illusive spells. 4. Dark Brotherhood removed. (NOOOOO IT'S THE BEST QUEST LINE!! etc etc) These are what I would love to see in a mod, anyone who is likeminded and possesses the technical know-how are welcome to share their thoughts. This would certainly involve altering any dialogue that mentions daedra worship or the pantheon, so use of ChatGPT or other A.I algorithms may be necessary for voice lines.
  23. Looking for a modder who can add a couple of armor sets into the game for me, nothing needs to be ported all sets are based from ingame armors. just looking for it to be a dedicated set, with set bonus and basic stats. Can send more details and some images for it, if anyone is interested. looking to start making other items useable as well. if interested and you have modding experience I would love to commission it, would offer decent payment.
  24. I'm looking to request a race mod for Skyrim AE. On Nexus mods is a well known race mod(The Uchiha Clan),I'm looking for someone to potentially create the Saiyan race for public release.
  25. I would like to commission an imperial Capitan armor and weapons from Warhammer fantasy something akin to total war Warhammer heroes. as far as commission goes, $50 I think is fair.
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