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  1. Am I the only one who needs a type of weapon that is a whip? There are mods that let us have cool Loviatar clothes but I would love to have some whips as a weapon. If someone would be so kind as to make regular whips, I would appreciate it, but if someone could give me a quote to make me a whip that also looks like this, I would be very grateful.
  2. Is anyone working on a weapons pack of Fallout 2 weapons? I'd love to see it made if no one is yet. Especially the laser rifles and big guns. If no one is, and someone wants to make some money I'd commission the work to be done. I just have 0 modding skills and really love the Fallout 2 weapons. I would need the mod ported to Xbox http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_2_weapons
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