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  1. Oblivion Rebirth+ Collection Hello i was wondering if anyone could help me with an error im getting when downloading mods in vortex, ive tried searching up the error on google and only found an outdated form on reddit that has no fix. i’m getting an error saying “network connect was not permitted, check firewall settings” i’ve added vortex to all my antivirus applications and windows defender firewall but still getting the error. i’ve restarted vortex multiple times to see if refreshing it will help but it hasn’t changed anything
  2. Attention to the 'Nexus Community Rules': Since some time ago, it's forbidden to upload 'Compilations' of other mods, even with permissions (it must be better reflected at the help from 'Nexus' I think). That's why the 'Collections' section was created. Case appart is, if a modder merge mods that he/she has created and then somebody makes a translation, modification, etc... but of course, always giving credits to the 'Mod Profile', and the 'Modder', as minimum, and sharing just the only modified files for you have to download the original mod too, and the modified ones, in the way you can give 'Kudos' to all the modders involved, and the 'Download' count can work also. Of course, the 'Kudos' option will work making things this way too. In a deeper explanation of this, here at 'Nexus', there is a section called 'Collections', that is created for this kind of 'Mods Setups'. It gives the appropiate 'Download' count, and other benefits to all the modders involved in such 'Collections'. READ HOW TO USE IT !!! Here I left the links for to take a deep look about it: Skyrim Special Edition Collections Main Page Information About What are Collections Also links to some related information: File Submition Guidelines Forum and Commenting Guidelines Reporting Guidelines Contact Us Please, Nexus Users, PAGE EXTREMELY ATTENTION to this, and let's give the deserved thanks to the 'Modder Community' as it must be. NOTE: In case any doubt, write directly to the 'Stuff' of 'Nexus Community', and/or write to the mail at the 'Contact Us' link.
  3. im using fedora linux Litrus and im raining into the issue where in order to install the mod from collections i have to manual install them one by one and not lump sum am i and idiot or is this an issue
  4. Short: Am I supposed to be able to download a collection's mod that have been deleted? Or does that mean I have to just have that dependency missing? Long: I downloaded a collection, and 1 mod hosted by nexus failed its download. Going to the mod's page on Nexus, makes it look like the mod was deleted. on the website the collection has the name of the mod changed to end with "DELETED" but generates the page preview properly. When it tries to download the mod it says it "failed" that the 'requesting url... failed with status "403'." That this code means that the link has expired or that I lack permission. I assume this means that I do lack permission, that I am not supposed to be able to download this mod, though I thought that mods in collection continued to be accessible for that collection. There is also a red error reporting "HTTP (403) - Request Failed" stating the same (expired or lacks permission) Once the mod fails to download, I can retry in the downloads tab, and a tab opens in my browsers at the mod's page stating "Not found" with the mod title ending in Deleted So the question is: am I supposed to be able to download the mod, or is this working as correctly? It would be good to know going forward, should I avoid any collection with mods that have DELETED appended to the name, should they be important dependence of other mods in the collection. This specific mod in question is not a dependency of anything else. I used it before, and remember liking I could change the carry handle and its texture on the PKM, and in general have liked the authors mods, but its not vital to the collection. Also I don't intended to cause any trouble for the author, I don't know any sort of history or drama around this mod, I did see them comment they removed a lot of mods due to their feeling of the quality of the mods, but that is not really the topic. I really just want to know how Vortex is supposed to wrk. Collection: Zappy's big stinking zombie pack Mod: "PKM ZenitCo Addon - DELETED" or "PKM ZenitCo Addon - s#*! mod" or "s#*! mod" or "s#*! mod-65274-0-1-1555296526.7z" Vortex Version 1.9.12 Game: Fallout 4 Mods do you installed: about 460 Environment: Windows 11 (version 22H2 build 22621.3007), 64-bit, 32GB RAM, i5-13600KF, Other notes: The collection on Nexus states there are 463 mods, the list that shows up in Vortex has 460. 3 other mods failed to download, they were 3rd party link though. One seems to have been expired. The others seem to be issue with the website's UI and Vortex, and I could get it at the website manually.
  5. I've been having an interesting issue as of recently. When I access the Collections pages for specific games, I see this: However, if I log out of my account on the website and access it, all collection items are visible with no website crash. I've tested both on Edge and Firefox, both logged in and logged out of the website, with the exact same results. Anyone else seeing this?
  6. Can't download collection automatically, vortex says that i must download every mod manually from site and gives me links when i try to download full collection. Example on screenshot. How to fix it? I don't wanna download like 800 mods manually
  7. Hi, So - despite my personal distaste for the changes to the nexus policies implemented to make way to try out collections I tried out the collections feature on Cyberpunk 2077. Pros: - It did install all the mods. - It was a way to discover mods I'd previously failed to notice. Cons: - It took forever as a free user (99-clicks to be precise as that was the number of items in the collection) - the end result is a game that WILL CTD as soon as I launch it because no post-installation script to clean up the installation and actually... finish the installation of the modpack was performed. My feedback: - Collections were billed as a way for non-computer savvy folks or folks new to modding to be able to enjoy many mods easily. Mod Authors were required to forego their intellectual property rights to a degree to make this feature happen. Why then are you allowing collections to be posted that will result in MORE problems than if a person were to simply install a few suggested mods from say a youtube video. It seems to defeat the intent and cause more problems than it solves. - Why are collections being posted that will 100% break people's games unless they're going in and performing manual file changes, which, while briefly discussed by Vortex in the form of alert boxes, large collections requiring 20-40 manual file edits to make the modpack work is ridiculous. - Why isn't it a basic requirement that collections authors, once the install is complete have a fully configured modpack or at least provide options for collections installers to go through (like a FOMOD installer)? - With the simple fact that as it stands collections are shipping incomplete and broken with zero liability for collections authors, absolutely no direct way to see comments BEFORE installation and zero effort in regards to verifying a mod collection in fact functions, why is it even an option. I've created mods and mod edits in the past. While I've spent very little time familiarizing myself with Vortex's back-end capabilities having a method to run post-install collection scripts to make a collection function should be mandatory - at the very least to clean up unused garbage left over from the installation to save in disk for the end user. I'll also point out that as a free user clicking 99*99 times to download a collection that doesn't function certainly does NOT inspire me to pay for the privilege of downloading a little faster a mod collection that does not work. Nexus - If you want people to go premium and after the way you bend modders over to make collections happen, you need to at least make a feature that doesn't break game installs and currently that's what you're allowing to go up in collections.
  8. So, collections. Great idea, good in theory; not really usable yet, at least for me. After several re-installs due to my eyes being much larger than my graphics card, I've had a thought. Since most of the collections on here are.. not for me, it would be a great idea to.. oh, wait. Need a subscription to add things into a collection on the website. Let me check Vortex and see if I can "group" the mods I have downloaded into various collections for installation and.. nope. So the idea is simple, really: Allow Vortex users to create Collections in the organizer that stores the collection information using XML or JSON, either or; and if they have a subscription to Nexus, they can upload that Collection file to the Nexus which will then go into their profile. The business case for this is that adding a collection into the profile both allows you to share it to others as well as "host" the collection of mods on the website since you can mass download and are not speed capped when you have a subscription (you would need to re-download the mods if you delete archives). Whereas if you don't have a Nexus subscription, you would need to store the downloaded mods locally which uses up HDD space or download them individually at a speed-capped rate. Just my 2-cents on the subject. Thanks for reading! PS: Collections sub-forum? :wink:
  9. It's no secret that people have issues when it comes to the installation of CaN (Crimes Against Nature), Fallout Equestria, and other complimentary mods. Purple textures, stretched faces, invisible npc's, etc. Sometimes its because of load order issues, sometimes its because of conflicting mods, and for other unfortunate people who wish to use these mods they simply just refuse to work thanks to fallout 4 being so fragile. Lately I've been seeing more mods for or complimentary to FE (Fallout Equestria) but many people are unable to enjoy them and its a shame as many of these mod creators put alot of work into their creations just for not many people being able to play them because they just cant get it to work for reasons that are possibly no ones fault (other than maybe Bethesda). Perhaps not all is lost though. With the addition of the alpha version of mod collections it just might be possible for those who are having a though time with these mods to download a collection from someone who got them to work. This doesn't have to be limited to FE like mods but mods that people have trouble figuring out. Cant figure it out yourself? Maybe you know a buddy who can get it to work who can either share or even upload their working mods and mod rules. So for those having issues with Fallout Equestria or certain mods in general, perhaps just wait a bit and see if someone will upload their working collection, and for those with a working collection hopefully one of them can upload and share it with the rest of the internet.
  10. I am Glitter. I'm more widely known from Discord... across many, many modding communities. This is a copy/paste of something I posted to the official discord's Collections channel... it needs to be both seen and heard. This is important. Feel free to share with anyone, anywhere, anytime, for all time. Collections are just fine, as is Picky (and others) who oversees them. I was wrong, actually. They, to me, are an actual godsend, and the only way I can even do modding now with my (rare, incurable, and eventually critical) conditions. Every second of anxiety I suffer lessens my life by a near day lol. With premium, you click a single button, Vortex dl's the tools, inis, and all mods' mcm settings and if the curator knows what they are doing, all you have to do is press play in about an hour and you're good to move on with your life. lol And yes, Glitter just admitted she was WRONG. lmao It might be the first time I have done so in over 22 years. And yes... Collections inspired me to ever mod games ever again for that matter. Most of the Collections I see, are either by guide writers themselves, or by actual authors whose mods are intensely complicated to set up. With Collections, even I can play SS2, or anything else for that matter. ~$5/mo, for peace of mind and more time on this earth, *and* I get my beloved modded games? I doubt I'm paying them *enough*, honestly. I not only thank the Nexus for Collections, I thank them and the authors here for their neverending patience. They do what they love as a hobby, for their benefit and ours. And they forgave me when the anxiety in my life caused a flare which removed all sense from my brain. Not even my own family will do that. Thank you. ~ Glitter
  11. Hi Everyone, I was working on my Collection in the Vortex Mod Manager and all of a sudden it decided to boot my Workshop Collection away. I was adding new mods to my collection to bring out a new revision. I was busy on deleting archives of my Collection in my Modlist. It was an archive so not was not really busy in my Workshop. I didn't even have the updated collection installed. I removed the last revision I had in the load order which said the same thing that I was just removing the Archive. When I went to the Workshop my Collection was GONE! I wasn't even close to the Workshop. Is there a way to re-add my Collection back to the workshop? If so how do I do this? If I create one from my profile it just creates a new one. I already contacted support, but they're online active from Monday through Friday. If anyone has a solution please let me know I'd be VERY happy if you can fix it. Kind regards, Aron aka ButtonSmasherr
  12. Wanted to check if anyone else was running into this but I tried to make a collection for my friends and I to play with and despite it showing the correct load order when I publish it whenever it's pulled down by me or any of my friends the mod load order seems to be alphabetical or something instead. We ended up just passing around zips of the mods we want to use and the modsettings file but it's incredibly annoying if we find something new that we want to add.
  13. What it says on the tin. I'm modding Planet Zoo, which doesn't function well with Vortex, and want to make a collection of mods for the game. Is there any way to just make the collection on nexusmods.com? Thanks.
  14. Nexus has added the "Collections" feature, which is great and saves players a lot of time. But imo there are two major downsides about it: - a collection must be made inside the Vortex mod manager - the mods will be individually downloaded in a queue The question is, can I make a collection for Nexus, like a traditional mods pack, so the players can simply copy/paste the contents all at once, manually, instead of using a mod manager and wait for individual files to download? The mods in the pack will be properly credited of course, with links to both the authors' profiles and mods.
  15. Hi all! So, I'm working on a mod that adds verious themed items to the workshop (nothing new under the sun), and have created a static collection for a small table. I was wondering how I would turn that collection into one static item? Thanks - Witchy ^-^
  16. Hi, so I have this problem, when trying to download a collection, the pop up to download the mod doesn't appear, vortex just passes the mod without downloading it, I am not a premium user, so that should not happen, someone knows what the problem is, if it helps I'm trying to download this collection (https://next.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/collections/9zfscf) I refer to this pop up
  17. Hello, So sorry I've never used forums before I just can't find the answer to my question! I just want to know if I was to uninstall Vortex or install it onto a new PC would it save my personal collection without having uploaded it to the public or do I need to upload my collection for it to save? Thank you to whomever answers :')
  18. Decided to start a new Fallout 4 playthrough. Installed my mods i wanted and after about 2 days of playing I get this error come up saying Failed to get List of Collections. (Screenshot below). Can anyone assist? I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling both Fallout 4 and Vortex but the message keeps coming up even without mods yet installed. I guess an error message in itself wouldnt be so bad but it has disabled my sound somehow while trying to play. The initial cinematic right at the start you can hear sound but then nothing, no music, no SFX. After reinstalling FO4 and F4SE I can start the game through there and sounds work but whenever i want to use vortex with installed mods sound then disappears and i keep getting the Error message. I am running on headphones which is my default for everything and have tried other sugesstions such as changing quality/frequency to see if that changes anything but notihing works.....Any help greatly appreciated.
  19. im using windows 10, latest vortex version on premium, and im currently trying to download a collection i have 16 and am using 64 bit. When i download certain mods i get a message "network connect was no permitted, check your firewall settings" i checked all of my antiviruses and nexus didnt show up. the strangest thing about this error is that other mods download perfectly.
  20. So I wanted to give a try to the new collections feature, and setup to download/install a Fallout 4 collection overnight (because 74gb) The SSD that fallout, vortex are installed on has 156gb free, so I figured a 74gb collection should definitely fit, right? That's more than twice the required space. Woke up to find Vortex failed as the disk was full. There was double the amount of files present, vortex download and vortex staging. I have it set to do hardlink deployment, so it *should* only need one copy of the mod files, right? Is it possible to fit 74gb of mods on 156gb of space, or is that just not a thing with the way vortex handles collections?
  21. nmm consistently gives me an error when trying to get collections , any one have any ideas or help ?
  22. in can still not find the overview functionality to be able (as a mod author not using vortex at all!) to get information if and how many of my mods are used in nexus collections. i´m completely blind in this regard while direct use of my mods is covered with the needed info on nexus. is there a solution or is this the way mod authors, not using vortex but nexus site are treated or do i just overlooked this feature in my nexus account? i know i posted this month ago and from my perspective it is an essential monitoring site feature since collections exist and to be able to know what's going on with my mods and collections.
  23. So I've installed a collection and removed a few mods I didn't want and added some new ones. It will not stop pestering me about installing dependencies for the collection and will occasionally restart the collection installation to install those mods. Is there anyway to stop it from doing this? Sometimes it will also flat out refuse to start the game too. (Game works fine with the changes)
  24. Hello there! I'm having an issue where collections have been really buggy when I log in, I recently took the plunge to become a premium member and decided to rebuild my Skyrim AE modlist using a collection to save myself some time. I'm brought to the same error screen whenever I log in, logged out everything is fine and I can see everything but the moment I log in I get an error. I've tried three seperate browsers Firefox/Chrome/Opera GX (I just installed to see if it would work) any help would be greatly appreciated. EDIT: It works now you guys! Only took a couple hours but it works fine now!
  25. Refer image. Also, I'm logged in to NM, but I still have to log in to collections, and I also have to log in to the modding wiki. But why...?!? And: what/where is Nexus Mods Next? Perhaps you could link to it in the blue message box on the modding wiki page which refers to it. (I don't have Vortex installed on this device).
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