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  1. I'm wondering if anyone could possibly attempt to get the Highwayman (with the trunk that is filled with the Classic Pack) from the Jsawyer mod? I don't want to install the Jsawyer mod mainly because I think I have too many mods that may be incompatible with it, yet they will be essential for my playthrough, as will this.
  2. Any chance someone could put that shiny reflective blue onto the classic suit, or if it can even be done? Thanks!
  3. I'm trying to overhaul Fallout 4 to look like Fallout 1 & 2. And no, I'm not talking about taking away the 3D open world aspect. I'm talking about capturing the atmosphere the original games had. Dark, gloomy skyline. Like in the main menu for fallout 1. Settlements looking like they are actually trying to survive. Creatures looking like they are in previous installments. etc, etc. So far, I've found a atmosphere mod called Moribund World which captures the original Fallouts sky perfectly. A main menu replacer called "Classic Main Menu 2.0" which switches the main menu to a guy in t60 standing in a destroyed building (which i believe is in Cambridge because it has a bridge that goes towards the mass fusion building.) Of course im using all of the redesigns by TheFriedTurkey. But im wondering what other mods i could download to further my goal.
  4. Hey all, I've been making tweaks for ages now, mostly for personal use, but now I'm excited to (attempt) to throw my hat into the ring with weapon mods. I've always loved the classic Fallout weapons, and am a big fan of ryss5an's classic weapon mods such as the Colt 6250, H&K MP9, and Winchester City Killer. It's my opinion that every game needs an AK, especially a lore friendly one. So without further ado, I introduce my WIP project to add the Fallout 1/2 AK112 and a special variant into New Vegas. It takes influence from the original sprite, the AK74 (due to the 5mm ammo usage), and the TKB-0146, since the latter has some Fallout appropriate furniture design that happens to mesh well with the aforementioned sprite. Currently I'm wrapping up modeling, and introducing elements to further distinguish the two variants. After that will be UV mapping, texturing, and optimization. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -AK-112- The Gun Runners have picked up production of the AK112 again due to demand for a more accessible select-fire intermediate cartridge rifle by mercenaries and bounty hunters. From Fallout 1: "The AK-112 assault rifle is a military assault rifle. The AK-112 was in service during the early 21st century but was replaced by more modern models. Chambered for the 5mm round, it utilizes a 24-round magazine. The AK-112 was eventually considered aged and was no longer in use prior to the Great War." (To refresh your memory) (Another AK from a loading screen, vastly different looking, but still nice inspiration) The standard AK-112 is a bit weaker than the Assault Carbine. It's more robust, but fires slower. With mods, however it can surpass the venerable carbine in its own way; in terms of sheer unloading DPS with a 60 round quad stack magazine upgrade, and a muzzle brake that reduces automatic spread lower than the assault carbine's. The balance would be high burst damage -> assault carbine, prolonged consistent damage -> AK-112. -Stock- -Modified- ----Stats---- 13 Dam/shot 10 attacks/second 130 DPS Spread 1.4, w/comp 1.0 HP: 800 Capacity: Standard: 24 / Exp. Mag 60 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -AS-112- The AS-112 however, is a Stechkin modified AK-112 employed by Spetznatz operatives with modifications to its bolt carrier group, barrel, and gas system that gave it prolonged relevance up to the great war. The most attractive feature of the AS-112 is its lightning quick 3 round hyperburst that might as well be a single shot. This allows it to put down accurate fire at a high rate from mid range, but with the downside of increased fouling due to its mechanism. This was something the average draftee was not expected to deal with, hence its limited adoption. It was rare in Russia pre-war, so finding one in the Mojave will prove to be a challenge - but fortunately should you come across one the parts most susceptible to breakage are common with the AK-112. -Stock- https://i.imgur.com/CUzUC3c.png ----Stats---- 14 Dam/shot, 3 round hyper burst (practically 42 Dam/shot) 5 attacks/second 210 DPS Spread 0.6 HP: 300 Capacity: Standard: 24 / Exp. Mag 60 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I'm familiar with the GECK implementation and have some experience with Nifskope, but this is my first weapon mod, so I've got a few questions. 1. I've noticed that many of the weapons in game have sub-bodies. Is there a functional limit to this, and should I try to merge as many bodies as possible on the model, or keep them separate? 2. Do all of the stock animations feature reciprocating charging handles? Just asking if I need to make custom animations using that mod that enables them. 3. I'm working out of Blender. How should I go about rigging so it'll play nice in Nifskope, and are there any general pointers about rigging a weapon for New Vegas? 4. I want the AS-112 to behave like an Abakan program design - so it'll feature a reciprocating barrel, and for ease of implementation was thinking of giving it 3 projectiles per one trigger pull. Is there any way to delay casings exiting the weapon? Alternatively, is there a way to actually fire a 3 round burst but only have the barrel reciprocate once? 5. Finally, any ideas balance wise what leveled lists I should chuck this into, and any ideas for where to hide the AS-112? I was thinking the grotto to the east of Cottonwood Cove or a custom cell in the Searchlight Airport, though I feel like the latter may conflict with another mod.
  5. EDIT: Mods please close this, accidentally posted in the wrong board.
  6. Hi. I'm probably alone in this but It's been quite a while since I'm dreaming of an isometric view mod for the 3D era Fallout's. I saw some pictures of FO4 some years ago in that perspective, and I loved the results. The isometric view in that engine can be gorgeous and very detailed. I'm aware that it will only works in outside areas. But I think it worth a try. Maybe just configure a hotkey to switch between camera views when necessary or something like that. What do you think ?
  7. Greetings, Can someone port this mod, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62863/, Followers as Companions to SSE please? I'm more interested in the Walk beside you feature, which makes a follower walk/run side by side with you. If it can't be ported, I'd love to have a mod that allows this feature. I know Vilja for SSE has it, but I'd like to use with Vanilla followers, like Serana, it just kinda sucks to keep seeing them way far behind you and miss some comment they said or simply just having them far away. Thanks.
  8. Yes, this, http://wotg.stgfc.com/FRoC/The%20Gunny%20Saga%20Home/weapon27.gif Decided some time ago to make my first full weapon mod a remake of the Fallout 1,2, and Tactics Colt Rangemaster, better known as the original Hunting Rifle. Since I now have a fully textured mesh (still working on normals and speculars) I figured I'd share what I have, what I plan, and see what extras people might like to see. So, first, pictures of progression. If you wish to explore some of the inspirations for the ultimate shape and design, take a look at this image page, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/93960 So, that final render shows all the parts that will be available with the first release. Long barrel, short barrel, basic stock, no stock, 10 round magazine, 20 round magazine, iron sights, night sights, a default compensator, and ammo conversions for just about anything. It will also include scopes and a suppressor adapted from the Combat Rifle. Scopes and sights will be mounted forward, above the barrel, just like the old icon. I also still need to make a tape wrap resembling the original inventory icon. This will hopefully all be out by Christmas, or by February at the latest. Now, plans for a later release include another wooden stock with a cheek rest and shoulder pad, a more modern match style stock, a match style barrel/foregrip, and an M14 or M16 style compensator. Maybe throw in some blue tape for good measure. This is intended as a step up from the current Hunting Rifle with similar damage and only slightly less accurate, but semi-auto. I haven't decided yet if there will be a full auto receiver, but if there is it will have high perk requirements and do full damage. In keeping with the Fallout 4 naming conventions it may be called "Sport Rifle" in the game. It will be in level lists for just about anybody, appearing a few levels after the Hunting Rifle shows up. What I'm looking for here are ideas about future parts, and/or technical feedback about anything that needs to be fixed before it gets in the game.
  9. Do you people know the original Mysterious stranger from the first fallout games is actually based on Mad Max? Since Fallout was "Bethesdated" this is gone (F3, FNV, F4), and I want to see him back. In comparison he looks like crap right now. I request the mysterious stranger to have no beard, no hat, no revolver, no suit, and instead wear a black leather jacket with one pauldron and a sawed off. turn this guyinto this guy
  10. http://media.moddb.com/images/members/4/3847/3846408/MODDBMW.jpgMoribund World is an environmental art mod whose main idea is to recreate the visual atmosphere of the first Fallout games, with its classic color schemes and scary desolation of scorched post-apocalyptic Wasteland. It changes the weather and lighting in almost every exterior location of Commonwealth to meet the classic Fallout style combined with stunning graphics of modern days. Prepare yourself for true survival in the ultimate post-nuclear world! Full Gallery (165 spectacular in-game screenshots\ultra settings):https://www.flickr.com/photos/144458385@N04/sets/72157667493935923 Launch Trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gzo8KhgL5w This mod was created specifically for the NVIDIA Fallout 4 Mod Contest. If you like this mod, please rate it on the Bethesda.net and vote for it on the website of the competition (I hope it will be among the finalists), when the time of public vote will come. It will be the best reward for me from all of you. This is a link for the FUTURE vote, it starts from July 11, 2016:https://contests.nvidia.com/fallout4modcontest I also ask the Administration of NEXUSMODS to NOT include this mod in ANY internal competitions, since, according to NVIDIA's competition conditions, my work SHOULD NOT take part in other competitions. Thanks. RIGHT NOW YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THIS MOD FROM BETHESDA.NET! Direct link for PC-version: https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/2051778 Direct link for XB1-version: https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/2090930 SMALL FAQ: Q; I'm load my savegame and still have vanilla weather after mod installing, what i need to do? A: Weather will not changed instantly after first loading! Weather and climate system in the Fallout 4 works in such a way that you have to wait a couple of days or make fast travel between distant locations inside different climatic regions (Such as Sanctuary -> DiamondCity -> GlowingSea -> SouthSwampZone). After this it might be work. Q: How it works under the hood?A: This mod changes Weathers, Climates, Imagespaces and Regions of almost all Exterior locations of Commonwealth gameworld (NOT work in Far Harbor, as example). It has a dynamic weather system with a separation into different regions, each region has its chances to use one or another weather. In addition to the Glowing Sea's and cloudy weather there are also fog and rain cycles. Furthermore, it was a huge work with the way the game engine displays all colors and materials of original things. All this miracle takes only 69 kilobytes, what is undoubtedly important for XB1 and PS4 with their limited spaces. Q: What about compatibility?A: Mod is NOT compatible with other Weather-Mods (Darker Nights, True Storms, Vivid Weather, Natural and Atmospheric Commonwealth, etc. ), but it can be potentially compatible with Interior-Ligthing-Mods, if they changes interior locations only and does not affects on exterior parts of gameworld. Q: What about ENBs?A: It is compatible with the ENBs, but you need to understand that they were developed under vanilla graphics and will look completely different, so it is not recommended to use them as long as they do not appear specifically for Moribund World.
  11. I really miss the Fallout 1 and 3 (the vault suits were different but the armored parts were the same) style armored vault suit and was hoping somebody would make one (male and female versions) for Fallout 4. Thanks.
  12. Is anyone working on a weapons pack of Fallout 2 weapons? I'd love to see it made if no one is yet. Especially the laser rifles and big guns. If no one is, and someone wants to make some money I'd commission the work to be done. I just have 0 modding skills and really love the Fallout 2 weapons. I would need the mod ported to Xbox http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_2_weapons
  13. Is there any hope of a mod replacing the models for feral ghouls with ones more similar to the fallout 3/NV ones? Those looked more creepy and just overall better than the living blisters I have to kill at every corner now. Does anyone agree or am I alone in thinking that?
  14. Hello people! Can anyone please make a mod that allows us to play the Legendary Difficulty but without any aim debuffs or any help to the Advent soliders chances to hit. Basically I want to get rid of ANY kind of assistance in the battlefield BOTH to my own soldiers and to the Advent. Want to get rid of things like, you know, how on lower difficulty settings, X-Com gets help if soldiers keep missing shots or on higher difficulty settings the Advent gets defensive/offensive boosts. In short, I want a pure, unadulterated RNG, but WITH the long strategic layer (like extra enemies on the field, higher shaken chance, longer research, longer time to heal etc) of the Legend Difficulty. Thankyou :)
  15. Am I the only one who doesn't like the new feral ghouls? At least visually I don't. I'm requesting a mod that swaps the models of the feral ghouls with something more similar to the emaciated, skeletal, zombie looking ferals from NV. I know they are supposed to be ugly mutants but, they look ugly in a bad way IMO. Plus my nostalgia sees ghouls a certain way. EDIT: A simple retex won't cut they look to lumpy. It's the shape not the texture. I looked at all of the retexures, they're not what I'm looking for.
  16. Currently I've been more into these after playing undertale and it reminding me of some old games i used to play as a kid. anyone played any others like this, or even just undertale?
  17. I am not very good at modding, and I know nothing about 3D Modelling, however, I have an idea for a Fallout 4 Armor Mod. A recreation of the Fallout 1 & Fallout 2 Vault suit, similar to what is seen in this image: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-odZFpDzogvo/VmPxCpq-MUI/AAAAAAAAAJI/gWE-fzeFa6Y/w1495-h1495/Into_the_desert.jpg It would be very, very cool if the mesh looked very similar to what was in the photo, and if the texture would be the vanilla Vault-Suit except with a dusty, or bloodied, or grimy, or scorched, or unclean look to it, especially on the right arm of the model. The most distinct feature of the mod would be the bandage on the right arm, which would also appear very similar in texture to the image used. Thank you for your time reading this post.
  18. Hi. I really, really dislike Skyrim's vanilla swords, and despite better-shaped weapons and immersive weapons (which is great for some weapons, not for the others), I can't help running across fancy, unrealistic and nasty looking weapons. Now' I'm aware that Skyrim is in sort of a fantasy-like world, but I'd much prefer if there was a medieval(?) style sword replacer for the vanilla weapons, kind of like this mod for Oblivion: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/11451/? Some weapon mods that I personally love are the Albions, like: Though I've attempted to replace them myself, it's not easy to find matching models that include both one-handed and two-handed variants, and mismatches between the two are jarring when you run across a two-handed ebony sword that looks totally different while holding a one-handed one. I was wondering if anyone would be interested, or maybe already undertaking, or better yet, already done something like that? I'm actually pretty surprised that I couldn't find something that does this after so long... or maybe I just suck at searching, lol. Anyways, would appreciate any help here.
  19. For all those oldschoolers out there, wanted fallout 4 font to go back to old times. Current font looks like crap to me. So I had the idea to request this. I found the font in many places! Fallout 3 classic font: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/7454/? Fallout New Vegas classic font: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/44920/? Someone remade the font from scratch in an online 8bit font creator (looks blocky, I recommend using the others above): http://passion.tumblr.com/post/70406930291/this-is-the-font-used-in-fallout-1-2-its
  20. So I was wondering why nobody has really created the AK-112 (AKA Fallout 1 & 2 Assault Rifle) in New Vegas yet? Anyone interested in taking on this minor request? Or has someone already created this weapon already?
  21. Hello. I am looking for a companion who has the time and desire to create together an integrated complex modification with the following objectives listed in order of priority: 1. bring the game to a more classic look 2. add logic and realism within reasonable limits 3. variety of game content, strictly in accordance with the game world and canons At the first stage it will be just integration of set of ready-made mods into one big, free of bugs and conflicts. If all goes well, and especially if the new project will become endorsed - we could go further toward own changes and new improvements. I'm looking for a companion who will take the technical part. I'm planning to act as coordinator (game-design), to make the selection of the appropriate content, to work out new ideas. I've been doing scenarios, and although English is not my native, ready to take on this side also (with appropriate translation).
  22. Hello Nexus, Whenever I'm in Chorrol I stop to look at the statue, the one with the woman holding her slain son/ husband/ family member anyway, I notice that the helmet that is a part of the statue looks awesome. Is there a mod that has made that helmet playable ? I'm aware of the Statue Weapon and Armor Resource by ElderScrollsFan, but it as of yet does not include armor except for a few shields. So I guess the point is...is there a mod that makes that Greek style helmet playable, if so could someone direct me to it or could someone make it so. (I'm aware that its a combo of a mod discussion and mod request, move the thread if needed)
  23. Hello Description I am offering a mod that brings back the feel of classic fallout games in terms of acquiring power armors. No more you can get the power armor off a corpse, with exception of helmet. Now you can acquire power armor sets via Knight Torres. I can also putt them in some spots throghout Mojave by a lore-friendly manner if you`d like. In short: you cant get Power Armors from dead NPCs FAQ Q:Who colud be intereseted in using this mod ? A: People who are fans of the original games; player who look for more challenging gameplay; "realism" fans Q:Isn`t this stupid to make Power Armors undroppable ? I mean, this is a suit afterall ! A: A suit it is. But it is also a suit of great technologicall complexity. Power Armor is a special type of suit which needs to be puted on a user with help of specialised,trained personell. Not just any average Joe can put it on and off. Q:Why can I get the helmet off a corpse, but not the rest ? A:Helmet are especially desigined to be easlly putted off and on. As for the rest, look at the question above. Story of the mod 1. Found a samilar mod for Fallout 3 2. Thought to myself "Damn ! This is great mod !" 3. Found original creator`s tutorial on how to make such mod. 4. Made one for myself. 5. Thought to myself "Maybe I could shere with others?" 6. Got here and done what you see above. So, good people of nexus community, let me know if you are interested in having this mod ! :smile:
  24. I have both the Classic Fallout Weapons and Weapons of the New Millenia installed. Upon playing with both mods, I found that there were alike guns in both weapon packs. For example, both WNW and CFW have an M14, but the M14 in WNW is superior (no surprise). My goal was to remove the duplicate weapons from CFW so there wouldn't be two different items of the same gun. So I opened up the .esm and .esp for CFW in FNVEdit and began to remove the undesired weapons by accessing the weapons tab, right clicking the mentioned undesired weapons, and removing them. I got through all of the weapons and launched the game. It went through the usual logo screens as expected, but the menu with the start, load and save buttons never loaded. It didn't crash because the music was still playing, but since the menu never showed up I couldn't really do anything so it's no better than a crash. So I go back to the .esm and .esp. I check through the other tabs for leveled lists and such and find that there are red and underlined entries in these tabs. So I edit those to remove the red, underlined parts (which I assumed to be an error that would cause the mentioned error above). So, with hope of actually getting the game to start, I launched the game and the same error persisted. Why can't the game just load already?! Because I want to play Fallout, I have deleted those changes and just reinstalled the CFW mod. Now I have to deal with duplicate weapons again. P.S. I have the proper .esm files. I checked in Wyre Flash to find what the problem could possibly be, and CFW showed up as Orange but not red. It mentioned an issue with my load order. CFW.esm should be just after FalloutNV.esm but before any of the DLC. This isn't the issue because I actually did that, and the error did not persist despite the different load order prior to my "noob" editing to the CFW esm and esp.
  25. has anyone made a mod for a fallout 1 style alien blaster
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