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  1. I want to install Creation Kit for Fallout 4 and Steam is the only way I can since no one posted it to Nexus or elsewhere like they do for past Bethesda games. Problem is my game doesn't have the next gen update installed so Steam will probably try to install an updated Creation Kit if it can even install it with my app manifest file set to read only for FO4. I see that the Downgrader mod for this update has settings regarding the CK & no one has been able to answer me on the mod page or Reddit so I'm asking here: Do I need the Downgrader to make CK work with Fallout 4 even if the game is not on the next gen update? If yes, can I run the Downgrader WITHOUT it touching my game since it's not even updated?
  2. I know that mods of this type have been dragging on since the days of Morrowind, but I really got tired of editing NAC and Slevin Chem FX in FO4Edit, hoping for luck and digging into the numbers. And when I look at all these numbers and values, I realize that it is unlikely that one or another narcotic effect was created in ImageSpaceAdapter. I want to adjust the effects of drugs smoothly with the ebbs and flows, but I'm tired of following the values in xedit. In which program do you do this? CK?
  3. I have the Steam version of Creation Kit because the Bethesda version was taken down but I can’t generate the subgraphs at all, when I had the Bethesda version I was able to, if I run the bat as administrator, it says this version isn’t available for this PC but if I double click it, it launches but after it closes there’s no files generated, what’s going on, I never had this issue with Bethesda version?
  4. Hello Fellow Dwellers, i'm a bit new in modding so what i want is to make a custom craftable workbench and link it to the a specific workshop workbench without to put the custom workbench in the world by using CK. So i was able to make a custom workbench and know how to make it craftable , but now i don't know how to make it so that when i'm crafting the workbench in game that it is automatically linked to the specific workshop workbench. (like ' Linked Ref ' in CK only now must be included in the craftable workbench ) my English is not perfect so hope i explained good and you guys can help me out here. i uploaded a image also for better understanding.
  5. I am trying to replace haelga and svana's faces but despite following the wiki's rules to the T http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Using_a_face_made_with_RaceMenu_on_an_NPC_for_Skyrim my faces not only are now gray but they still have the old meshes from vanilla, please help
  6. Hello Fellow Dwellers, i'm a bit new in modding and this is what i want is to make a custom craftable workbench and link it to the a specific workshop workbench without to put the custom workbench in the world by using CK. So i was able to make a custom workbench and know how to make it craftable , but now i don't know how to make it so that when i'm crafting the workbench in game that it is automatically linked to the specific workshop workbench. (like ' Linked Ref ' in CK only now must be included in the craftable workbench ) my English is not perfect so hope i explained good and you guys can help me out here i uploaded a image also. The mod is a update for my 1st mod
  7. Can someone help me to give my standalone follower the ability to give the player every day x amount of my custom made arrows. Like seran can do it with Bloodcursed Elven Arrow. I would appreciate any help. Thank you in advance
  8. The title says it all: how should I go about adding custom music to a specific cell, like for example Legacy of the Dragonborn and Haven Bag do? Also, how could I add custom battle music for a cell? For context, I'm trying to make a mod that adds custom music to Moonpath to Elsweyr, which uses interior cells. I assume this requires CK, but if there is a way to do it in TES5Edit I'll be very grateful too
  9. I am trying to convert this specific mod ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58322 ) to SSE but the CK keeps on crashing while loading it. I know the mod "works" on form 43 but I'm not trying to take any chances. I already optimized the meshes, checked for errors in SSEEdit and took all the usual steps to converting it, just can't get the CK64 to load the esp, please help.
  10. I need help to create music tracks with CK that does as the title says. Seperate music for high level and low level enemies. 5$ Reward Ive tried using Getthreatratio as a condition for music tracks but so far nothing has worked, sometimes it just makes music not play at all, or a certain one works for every enemy but the other doesnt. Ill reward anyone who helps me with this 5$! A donation if that sounds better. The picture shows one of the few things ive tried, but with no success, hopefully someone may know the right way to set up the condition or a workaround. For those who still dont understand: I want seperate music tracks for enemies depending on their Threatratio, so if a bandit is above 1 in threatratio a certain song will play, and if the enemy is below 0.5 ratio another will play. As long i know how its done i can experiment with it on my own.
  11. So, I have created a couple of followers for my own use, and they work great on my desktop machine, Windows 7 32 bit platform. I also have a laptop, Windows 10 64 bit system with the same game, but the mods are not recognized in the game. It's the same LE game as the desktop machine has. I have made sure to place all the files in their proper locations, and checked all he ini files. Everything is exactly the same in both games. In case you are wondering, both games are registered and verified with Steam, so no illegal stuff going on here. Anyhow, all my other mods work fine. Just these two followers for some reason are not recognized by the game. Anybody got any ideas about this? I also have installed: CBBE and UNP bodies with HTP physics. They are just simple followers created from vanilla skins in CK. Everything was imported/exported correctly as far as I know.
  12. So suddenly CK starts crashing on me, it happens when i try to add something to a new land or when im moving through a area (as in scrolling from point a to b) It seems to have started when i added new land and made my ESP the parent file.....So i have uninstalled everything and reinstalled didnt work, so i wiped my PC, it worked until i added fire to my area and now its crashing again, is it possible to have to much on one new land????? the new land is OBLIVION, so you travel my Black Marsh mod find gates go in and its all fire and burnt....and it was working fine until a worked on a new area in oblivion and added the fire....now its insta crash.....ANY IDEA's IM SOOOO CLOSE TO BEING Fully finished with with the landscaping and dungeon/oblivion area
  13. Hello, I'm posting here because I'm totally stumped. I've had SKSE64 work with Creation Kit before, but I simply can't get it to work since facotry resetting my PC. I've unpacked Scripts.zip into my data folder, and I've copied the contents of skse64_2_00_08\data\scripts\source into my data\source\scripts. This is what it took to get it working last time, and it's what every tutorial tells me to do, yet CK won't compile any script using SKSE functions. Please help me if at all possible.
  14. Here’s what I’ve figured out so far trawling old forum posts and a wiki page (https://beyondskyrim.org/texturesets/), and it’s not making much sense when compared with actual practice: [Apologies for the pseudo-table, but this forum has only half-assed BBCode support, and there doesn't seem to be a way to make it render a real table with text and markup.] There are serious issues with this alleged information (which I've updated with the Outfit Studio names, too): First off, no one but that wiki page appears to call *_s.dds files "subsurface" anything, ever. They’re almost universally called specular (the CK’s "backlight" label notwithstanding). The wiki does say that this is *_s.dds files, and a comparison of the same items in NIFskope and CK or T5E (or Outfit Studio) shows the same path in NS’s 7 and CK/T5E’s TX07 and OS's 7 Specular, so that part seems correct. I think the labeling and description of this as "subsurface tint" is simply wrong. Especially since there’s no semantic difference between "subsurface tint" and "subsurface color" (which is TS’s 3, CK/T5E’s TX03, OS's 3 Glow/Skin – the *_sk.dds files). Everyone but TexBlend calls *_sk.dds files "subsurface" (or something else, never specular), and *_s.dds files "specular" (never "subsurface"). But it gets worse. The CK and T5E apply "subsurface tint" to TX02, which corresponds with NS’s 6. So, we have three conflicting things claimed to be subsurface tint/color. Next, I keep finding outfits that have the same *_m.dds texture used in the NIF for both NIFskope’s textures 6 and 8 (CK/T5E’s TX02 and TX06, respectively) at the same time, but which in TXST records have CK/T5E’s TX02 and TX07 (= NS’s 6 and 7, respectively). So, I don’t know if this is an error on the part of the modder who made the gear, or an error on the part of whoever wrote the wiki material about what the NIFskope texture slots really are. Given that the gear looks great in-game, I suspect it’s the latter. And it’s not clear that CK/T5E's TX06 Multilayer really does correspond to NS’s 8 Backlight. There appears to be no connection between the concepts "backlight" and "multilayer". In this case, "backlight" doesn’t mean "light shining through or around something from behind or within it", but "light reflecting off a surface from a light behind the viewer/camera", as I understand it. Then again, it was the iffy wiki that suggested this meaning. Another thing is the claims about the *_g.dds, *_p.dds, *_b.dds, and *_bl.dds filename patterns. I've never encountered a Skyrim texture with any of these names (though I admittedly do not use parallax stuff, so maybe *_p.dds is legit). Every single time I encounter something in NS's texture slot 3, it is a *_sk.dds, for example. Next, I can’t find anything anywhere other than the wiki page suggesting that the environment mask has anything to do with cube maps. And finally, the order and numbering of the texture fields in Outfit Studio matches neither NIFscope nor the CK/TES5Edit order. Anyone got more authoritative information sources on this stuff?
  15. Hey, So I have been working on and off on a new worldspace, but my folowers (any of them) will not follow me into it. I can force them, but then there is no interaction with them at all. Did I forget to configure something or turn on a switch somewhere? Is it a character problem or a worldspace problem? Driving me a little nuts, but hoping to figure it out soon. Any help would be appreciated. :wallbash:
  16. Hello, My question is, i have 2 esp(Mods with new interior/stuff) and then the master files open. and now i will adding some furniture into a another mod with the new interior mod, but the change i made not saves,when i load the game. the active file is the processed file. soulution maybe ? i use it private because i read, the modder assets have protected.... (sorry little noob here)
  17. Is it possible to create a music track that uses Getthreatratio so that the music will play depending on the enemies threat ratio? My idea was to create a mod where different music will play depending on the Threatratio towards the player. Separate music for weak bandits and bandit leaders for example. Can i use the GetThreatRatio to achieve this or is the idea impossible with the CK? In the picture you can kinda see what im trying to do. In my theori it should work but when i test it, the same music still plays for all bandits.
  18. I just made my first standalone follower and now i was wanting to copy the voice and dialog options from another custom voiced follower onto my follower but nothing really work and i didnt found anything helpfull on the net. Is there a step by step guide somewhere or can someone help me? I would really appreciate any help. Edit: found a way
  19. Hello, I have recently ran into an issue with CK crashing whenever I try to make a Static Collection. I've tried creating new .esp's and nothing I do seems to matter. Roughly 2 weeks ago this wasn't a problem, I was able to create SCOL's without a hitch. Now, CK works fine until I try to create a SCOL, doesn't matter if I use vanilla models, custom models, etc. and it also doesn't matter how few or how many models I use, all attempts end in a crash. Please help! If anyone out there knows of a solution, I would be forever grateful. Thank you, The Dude
  20. Greetings, so i made a custom follower from the base game recently and I've been trying to change the default look with some mods but after doing so on CK and saving the FaceGeom with CTRL+F4 i just get a dark face in game, if i go back to vanilla look, it goes back to normal. Anyone knows what do i have to do here? I tried Nifmerge but it seems it doesn't work for SE and the CK isn't helping either. Any help would be appreciated, cheers!
  21. I need help, and no, it's not about my modding addiction this time (though I'm still suffering, as the following will prove) And I still think I need help. ... Beware incoming lengthy preamble: It'll make sense in the end I promise - (or skip to the bottom) So, I installed one of the "Quiet" (MGS) outfit mods and just for giggles, I swapped out the bare bones version of it with one of the crappier "Raider" under armors. All was fine, until I saw the outfit on a dark skin toned Raider NPC, and to my disgust, she had pale white legs under the torn tights! Well, nothing would do, except I needed to investigate, and as it turns out, because the outfit is a "port" and the skin/texture system is obviously different than FO4, the tights weren't transparent at all. So I set about modifying the mesh and the texture, to add the alpha property so that the tights were properly translucent. Now generally whenever I've put legs inside a pair of pants or tights/leggins, you get horrible clipping, unless you make them essentially "balloon" pants to leave enough of a gap for movements, but surprisingly, the Quiet outfit pants/tights didn't have any clipping, even though they were fairly "skin tight". This bore more investigation, and when I looked at the mesh, it seemed (to me at least) that because the leggins were such a high poly count, the bone weighting must have been able to find a near perfect match for the CBBE vertex co-ords, and so the weighting didn't cause clipping. This led me to speculate, that If I made a set of leggins from the actual CBBE mesh and made them just a teeny tiny bit bigger than the body itself, they should also match up perfectly and be pretty ecent looking tights/pantyhose. And they did!!! So, Okay, time for testing ... Now Crimsonrider made a mod that changed many outfits to "feminine" versions, by adding a skirt instead of pants. This was done by slicing the Slinky Dress (Magnolia's dress) in half, and pasting it onto the bottom of several outfits (with appropriate texture edits of course) These were great, but I never really liked the shoes, and I hated the "vanilla" chicken legs. I have a set of High Heel Pumps that I made ages ago (for Skyrim), that have been sitting on my HDD for ages, so now that I had a tentatively working set of tights, I decided I'd have a go at replacing the vanilla legs and shoes from one of Crimsonriders outfits, with a nice sexy pair of Pumps. The first one I grabbed was the Army Fatigues, and I proceeded to drag it into OS, and was gonna delete the legs and shoes - except they were attached to the skirt, and figuring I'd now have to separate them and add just the skirt on it's own, I imported my new tights and shoes, and deleted the skirt/shoes/chicken legs. To my surprise, the outfit looked kinda hawt, and reminded me of a vintage Pinup poster. I was intrigued to say the least, so I decided to do a google search and I found an image that I really liked (not even sure if it's a "genuine" vintage pinup,) See image below So then came the "fun" <groan> part. I had my shoes, but I needed to modify them so that they were "peeptoe" ones, I then needed to change my new tights into stockings, Then I need a military type jacket, that had no shirt, and was quite "revealing", And also a belt - Next I need a Bra and Panty set, but I thought a Bodysuit/Bodice would be more "era appropriate" - Then of course I needed a "Garter Belt" for the stockings, and finally I needed a short skirt with a split up the side ... 4 and a half days and countless vanilla meshes butchered mercilessly later, I now have a .nif file with about 10 BSSubindexTrishapes inside of it, and 4 or 5 different .bgsm files attached to it (I think) I've also managed to use the UV Editor in Nifskope so that it uses fewer texture files. All up, I'm pretty happy with the results. ... TL;DR Few requests if I may? ... 1) I have an outfit that I've created, what should I do with it now!?!?! The only NPC's that wear military outfits in game are Gunners, or Ronnie Shaw (yikes, imagine Ronnie wearing this??? ) Any thoughts on where / how I should put it into the game? Or just upload it as a simple and complete craftable item only? 2) I have the .nif file completed, with all textures and materials, it works in game with the basic armor/addon .esp I created, but I have NFI how to make things like OMOD's and stuff, so that the outfit is modular. Almost every piece is separate inside the .nif, but the only way I know how to make it modular is to create a separate craftable item at the Chem Workbench for each and every item and/or combination, would anyone be willing to collaborate to get it into the game as a modular item? There is also an optional "Minuteman" themed variant, with combat boots instead of the peeptoe heels. 3) Failing all else, would someone be willing to make some of those really smexy lens filtered and posed screenshots of the outfit for me? Because I suck at that sort of thing. ... Anyone who made it this far get's a cookie ...
  22. I think it's an effect shader that I want to remove from the dead thrall spell for one so they don't have that ugly "aura". Then I have some mods that add other effects that I want to remove as well. I've looked in TESVEdit and think I have found what I need, but, I'm not sure how to adjust things without screwing things up. Any help?
  23. Just wondering if there is a way to make so a weapon requires a specific type of attachment before another one can be put on. For example, make so a certain barrel requires that the weapon have a pistol configuration, not rifle. I played around with a few conditions in the recipe requirements, but couldn't get anything to work quite the way I wanted. One of the issues is that I'm not sure what the target of that requirement should be, for Perk requirements it's on Subject, but that can't be the same to check the weapon you're looking at in a crafting menu. Really hoping this doesn't require some kind of script.
  24. Hello, So I decided to make a few of my characters into followers. But I ran into a few problems. First of all I use Enhanced Character Edit and RANs Enhanced Character Edit Enhancer to create most of my characters. So I followed this guide on how to make a standalone character using ECE. I followed it and even did CTRL + F4 on him. So here is the character I imported into CK using SPF I placed him in the Drunken Huntsman and when I went to see how he turned out, and the result wasn't the same. I was confused on what happened and decided that I ended up messing up somewhere while creating him. So I deleted all of his files and esp. but when I tried to restart with creating him I ended taking a second glance at him in the NPC preview window. I noticed that his face looked all ridged and didn't look right. His face is kind of ridged around the jaw part like in the screenshot above. I used NifSkope to hopefully fix this but it still doesn't work. So I'm out of ideas if this is my fault and I'm not doing something right or if it's CK being weird.
  25. Ok, Now another issue I am having. I am currently gathering all of the weapons in the Modern Firearms mod to my In-Game play. This is to list and then change the weapon damage. What I have encountered is that the H&KG36 uses .45 ammo However, after using the console to add this ammo it tells me it is there for a moment and then upon equipping I am left with no ammo. Which also does not display in the inventory. I am fairly certain that it displays in the console command display inventory. What I want to know is which mod would be causing this fairly common ammo to go missing? Is it Loads of Ammo.esm or NewCalipers.esp?
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