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  1. Hi hello im extracting the files atm, but Id like to know which chunk has the actual monsters asset files in them
  2. Hi ,After defraging mhw using razorcortex the game cannot access chunk file and does not give any error ,just closes after 2sec . The file is undamaged and in its proper location , but the quicksfv says file doesn't exist . How can i fix it without reinstalling?
  3. So I am fairly new to the Skyrim Construction Kit, I was watching tutorials online and followed them word for word. My attempts were to make a new world which i did, a teleporter to said world and back, which i did. but for some reason when i loaded it in game a giant square of land was missing, so i reloaded up my ck and it had shown this (refer to image below)... So i tried rebuilding it and loading again ingame and now my teleporters wont load... any clue how i can fix this? Thank you for your helphttp://i593.photobucket.com/albums/tt14/sorestscorch/LoadingissuesCK.png
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