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  1. Hello guys! First of all, this topic is about two things, here we go: 1 - I'm trying to make my own textures overriding others, like changing the color of one cape or armor piece. I use the iGP11 to dump all the textures and found the ones I want to edit, but heres the problem when I try to open with PhotoShop, its all black with just some little pixels around, its like 99.5% black! Is there a proper program to open these textures? 2 - If someone can't teach me the first question, then someone can just dye some armors? I can list a few if someone could do it. Thank you for reading this far!
  2. Hey, i want to have this for morrigan and leliana http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/435/? I did put the downloaded things into override folder, started CharGenMorph, clicked on "SCAN for XML files" then there shout be something in the list, but nothing, but this works whyever http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/3480/? but why not that with morrigan/leliana look changing? Pls help, im a woman, so no idea of software/computer language, so pls in words of one syllable.
  3. I want to make an alteration to an existing armor mod, giving a male-only armor a female texture. Is it possible? And if so, how would I do it?
  4. Out of curiosity, is it possible, script wise, to change the color of the surrounding environment? I believe what I'm looking for is an image space modifier but I'm not entirely certain as when I'm fiddling around with the image space modifier, I can't really seem to get any color override in the ceration kit. At least, it doesn't seem to make a different what tint color I select, the image space doesn't seem to take effect though I do see blurs and effects like that. I guess to some it up, if I could just turn everything the player sees to yellow or gold I would be set. whether this is possible or not, I'm not sure. Any help would be awesome!
  5. I want to change a book guide to a certain city. Should I create a new item and replace all existing copies of bk_guide_to_city or should I rewrite the original item (bk_guide_to_city). From what I understand it is not a good idea to change to vanilla dialogue etc. or will that not matter for this guide?
  6. was wondering if it would make more cents for the railroad to want to help synths to control them an as such they might want to take over the institute maybe instead of blowing it up?
  7. So today I got a really weird bug. I just finished running around Blackreach and when I got back to my house and walked inside, it was really bright, much more than normal. I had the indoor lighting with Vivid Weathers set to Dark, and changing it didn't make any difference to the weird brightness. When I change equipment or wait an hour, the brightness jumps back to the correct level. But then if I go outside, it keeps the indoor brightness level and ends up being really dark. So I have to wait or reequip something again for it to reset to the correct level for outdoors. And it's not that it's not remembering my settings, I changed them both to Normal, and the brightness indoors was still extra bright, and if I did the reequip trick to reset it then outdoors was still extra dark. It's like the brightness isn't automatically adjusting for different map lighting. It stays the same between maps until I either wait or reequip something. I disabled Vivid Weathers and didn't have any brightness issues, so it's gotta be something with that mod. I checked LOOT and it shows that Vivid Weathers has 6 ITM records, which I have no idea what to do about. Could the ITMs be the cause? It's just really weird because I've been using Vivid Weathers for a long time and it just started doing this out of the blue today.
  8. "Can't Stop Modding!" Hey yall. :smile: Was messing around in the CK as i do alot.. EnJoying it.. :wink: I got one mod basically finished, a player house, another possible rls, a plaque modders resouce. Need to get off my ass and rls those.. But, I get side tracked alot too tho, messing around with Jets modders resources, sticks and walls, floors ceilings and alot more lol!!! Found what i thought was a killer location for a Treehouse.. good view, high up, etc... (coe -28,14). Tried Stroti's treehouse modders resource.. Ended up using Jets Pieces for this.. Not even close to being finished.. s*** I'm just flying by the seat of my pants! :laugh: So who's making a Mod? I've been messing with changing textures etc, using GIMP 2.8 and also nifskope to swap texs, Made some new "plaque activators of diff colors (recolors of vanilla drapes is all). Might rls. BSA Browser great tool. I haven't even gotten into the heavier aspects of mods yet.. My goal eventually... Anyone else having fun in the CK? :D c0AX Edit: Other Veranda Player House, mainly done..
  9. I have a skin mod for the taroth longsword but I want to have the skin on several others or all longswords. Is there a simple way to exchange the files? This is the mod https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterworld/mods/889
  10. So I haven't made any mods in Skyrim, but a have a reasonable understanding of how it all works since I've taken a look at the creation kit and I've done mods in other games. I really don't like the looks of the thieves' guild hq (both the flagon and the cistern locations) when you've finished all of the quests to get the thieves' guild's influence back in all the cities, I'd rather it look a bit better. When I look at the location in the creation kit, it's as if the location's been maxed out. I want to make it so the upgrades I make only show up when I've finished those quests. How would I go about this? Also, what should I try to avoid when making changes to avoid messing with the paths of npcs and all that?
  11. I don't really know if this is the place to ask this but, can I request a mod to have some features changed? The mod I'm talking about is this one. It's great, clean, organized and I do have several ideas for it, but the one I would like for now is replace the Weapon Racks with two Weapon Plaques (for one weapon only - exclusivity is the key). This would reduce the number of weapons that can be displayed in this house, but if I did the math correctly, from the three wings this mod have, even with this replacement all the weapons in skyrim and DLCs can be displayed (at least the ones which worth to be displayed). Other ideas (if this topic is embraced as personal project) includes: Move slightly its icon on the map. It's too close of "The Ritual Stone" and "Graywinter Watch"Remove the Weapon Plaques from walls junctions. Since it's a small corridor, weapons on them may be unnoticed.Remove the shelves in the back of these wings adding doors to other Armory rooms. Not only it would bring back the displaying capacity reduced by the initial suggestion, but it'll also allow themed rooms (one for archery, other for heavy armors...)And the fact they're decorated with some of the Thieves' Guild artifacts do not make me happy too, after all, they should be unique, right?Delete all books added in The Archives' Bookcases. One of the reasons a custom house have bookshelves is estimulate player to find all books. In fact, if I was the modder, I would replace all of them with tables and chairs so, conceptually speaking, people can sit and read their books because the lower bookshelves can hold 920 books (18 books per shelf * 3 shelves per bookshelf * 18 bookshelves in room) and there are "only" 820 in Skyrim + DLC (and this counting the contracts, bounty rewards, notes, recipes and etc.)Remove the strongboxes, barrels, alchemy and enchanter tables from The Archives. Doesn't seem to make much sense, even the concept of "read a book, learn something and practice immediately" is valid.In fact, in "The Armory" one of the four corners in the ante-room of Armory's Wings (the one with Tanning Rack) there are two useless tables which could be removed to add the Alchemy and Enchant tables. The Tanning would need to be moved to somewhere and I think it would fit perfectly where there is an Anvil (since there are no differences between Anvils and Blacksmith Forges)Personally I don't like display cases, their frosted glass do not allow weapons to be seen so striking but, some people like them and since this could be a public mod, perhaps allowing the larger display cases to hold two different small weapons would be nice, specially to display weapons made to be shown in pairs, like Eduj & Okin or Bloodscythe and Soulrender.The addition of small Display Cases, specially for daggers like Blade of Woe or Nettlebane, could be nice tooImprove The Vault a little bit. Not too much ideas here, i just think the Dragon Priests Busts should not be that hidden.In "The Armory" ante-room there are some... "wooden walls" around the fire. I don't know you but I think is ugly, specially for a Dwemer-style.I missed a place to add the Dragon Claws. I've seen some mods with a proper display case like this but most of them come filled with unwanted replicatesAnd, the last one coming in my mind is people! Vistors, guards... AnyoneWell, these are the suggestions that come in my mind. I know there are several people like me, fanatic for items collection and, most important, people who never found a perfect house mod to show all their stuff.
  12. Okay, i've looked this up and didn't find any help so i'm asking if anyone can help, My game has been CTD when i enter new area, for example, i'll open a door to a new area and it goes to the loading screen then just crashes, only things i've done that could of caused this is i installed the Unofficial skyrim patches all of them the DLC ones, i've deleted them already and the other thing i did was move some of my mods that i had on the steam workshop, i uninstalled the steam versions and unsub'ed then i downloaded the author's nexus version of the mod, the mods i switched over are, Static Mesh Improvement Mod, Enhanced Blood Textures, Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim and Conjuration Madness. before i uninstalled the unofficial skyrim patches it was crashing and i thought that was the problem because i've had problems with the unofficial patches before but thought i'd give them another try, after i uninstalled the unofficial skyrim patches, i loaded a saved game i had before installing them but i'm still getting the CTD when loading new areas, if it one of the mods i switched over? i doubt it since i already had them downloaded but could be wrong. or is it that the unofficial patch changed/deleted something another one of my mods needed? any help would be appreciated. if needed i will list all my mods.
  13. Hi guys I have a question about changing armour mods. I'm using unp armour mods and I'm changing body mods (unp -> cbbe). So I have to download new versions instead. If I uninstall my unp-tera-armours, download cbbe-tera-amours and install these before lauching Skyrim, will my game recognize the armours I made or is my save game corrupt? Thanks!
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