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  1. Part 1: the ability to restore clothes to corpses. Part 2: removability of underwear as an item, likewise restorability Part 3: a setting for NSFW content to toggle between genitalia visible or not, which would swap between two skins that are identical except for one having and one without. These be variants of all skins. Part 4: animal genitalia - just to make it more realistic, may have its own toggle setting too Part 5: physically carry creature corpses instead of telekinesis, toggle setting Part 6: toggle settings for a lot of other animations that make it more realistic, such as looting, declothing, reclothing, skinning/harvesting, etc. Part 7: skill chart expansion - along with main screen that is normal, you can swap to filtered screens that have a basis and show perks related to that basis, less expansion more filters for ease of finding perks. Part 8: more undergarments, in case this mod is not viable with other mods, especially since the expanded animations Part 9: Survival Settings - P1 eat and drink, P2 sleep requirements, P3 bathroom brakes dependent on food and drink, P4 cleanliness such as bathing and showering at least once a week to avoid illness or gain resistance to some environmental factors Part 10: relationships Part 11: Other NSFW content people like, in this animation heavy bundle of realisticness no other mods seem to have, sure they have content but it's the realisticness that I'm looking for Part 12: mating, birthing and hatching, and lactation - mostly for animals, such as to make a farm, but others may want nsfw stuff as well which would be Part 13: nsfw versions of part 12 for they who want it (humans, ghouls, etc) Part 14+: anything else to expand realisticness and animation heavy content Settings Toggles to make it pretty universal so people can toggle what they want and leave off or turn off what they don't want Personally, I'm not really gonna use the NSFW, except maybe the under-the-underwear because realisticness. And if you consider animal genitalia nsfw as well, then that too. Groping and sex I won't use, but others might. Let them have it.
  2. Wanting a mod that allows us to see how many of a specific item we already have in our inventory. For example, when you hover over an item in a container, it brings up a small window to describe the item. (See screenshot below.) It would be great if in one of the corners of the window or after the name of the object, it would specify how many of those items we already have in our inventory. http://i.imgur.com/8lQvpyV.png?1
  3. Why i came up with this: Its really anoying that you can carry soo much as too only walk, yet this issue can be overcome by dropping a book. Because the "you cannot run" rule is triggered at a certain value and not built up to. Each individual weight value should contribute to movement speed on its own. If im only carrying 1 set of armor and a sword, i still want to be slowed down because of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's how it could work with values: 200 - 100 - 50 = 150/200 + 0 = 25% Capacity - Inventory - Equipment = Penalty Value + Extra Stamina = Movement Speed. ^ (items "worn", "held" or "used" by player are halved in weight) WHAT IT MEANS If i carried NOTHING but the following items, in my INVENTORY while at CHARACTER LEVEL1: Helmet 10 Armour 22 Boots 08 Gloves 08 Amulet 01 Ring 01 Shield 18 Sword 16 --------------------------------------------------- TOTAL / PENALTY = 84 (84/200) my running speed would be reduced to 42% of vanilla/normal movement speed (84/200 = 42/100 = 42%). However, if i equip ALL OF THESE ITEMS the weight is halved and therefore movement speed doubles (total/penalty value drops to 21%, Half.) This means i could WEAR these items and CARRY duplicates of them in my inventory creating a Penalty Value of 126/200 or 63% less speed. each +10 of Stamina (as in, when selecting stamina at LEVELUP) = should reduce penalty by 2%. this means at 200 Stamina penalties are reduced by 20% (since character starts at 100) this also means at 200 Stamina the player will move 20% faster when carrying nothing. Other Effects and Specific Rules: the speed penalty should only affect running and sprinting. jumping should also change with penalty, jumping should be disabled when penalty reaches 75% falling damage increases alongside penalty value - but stops increasing when value reaches 50% this means falling is upto 50% more sensitive to health walking and sneaking should not be altered under any circumstances - until penalty reaches 90% when movement speed begins to take effect. At & beyond 75% penalty, the character will receive "blisters", "muscle & joint pain" etc under active effects, which reduce health from 10 > 30 % 100% penalty/capacity means you cannot move without a mount. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this will force players to value their carrying capacity as they would in real life. they will be forced to reconsider their actions, such as mission tactics, utilizing character play-style, planning adventure routes for merchant selling and returning home to drop wanted objects. Players using this mod will most likely only carry the apparel they are wearing along with 1 melee weapon and 1 ranged weapon. I really think someone needs to make this mod, its something that is missing in skyrim more than ever now we have so many other "immersive" realism mods. IF I'VE MADE A COMPLETE ASS OF MYSELF AND THIS MOD ALREADY EXISTS, PLEASE DIRECT ME TO IT. also please link me to the mod & include my name in the title/description if you decide to make it :smile: thanks!
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