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  1. So I have pretty much modded FO4 to play almost exactly how I want it to, but there is one thing that irks me whether I have 2 or 200 mods installed, 1 hour or 3 days of playtime, wandering alone or have a vast network of settlements and income. It doesn't matter what the difficulty or what the circumstance, I am always SWIMMING IN CAPS. There are a handful of mods that alter the economy in various ways - most recently I've looked into No Wealth for the Commonwealth - and they tend to have a good premise but either monkey with drops or introduce counterbalances that bring you back around to the original problem. I don't know how to even begin designing game mechanics or working through advanced economy balancing. I think I have an idea what I'm looking for but I'm sure there are some huge issues that I don't foresee with the changes. So just throwing out ideas in no particular order with just one or all being implemented: Increase CostsAll vendor prices upped by 20-25%Things like pre-prepared foods increased 3 or 4 foldMaterial costs for construction boosted 30-50%Forces need for resource shipmentsAny easy way to patch with settlement construction mods?Doctors fees doubled at least, basically a brutal interpretation of Greedy DoctorsMassively increase needs to craft chems - Jet Empires are way too easyDecrease IncomeNo alteration to default cap income from settlements (Maybe even drop 10%)Selling prices drastically decreasedEspecially with weapons/armor, they're heavily "used" afterallChems should be valuable but either harder to come by or harder to haul (i.e. weight increase)Vendors should only be interested in wares they trade in [Thanks @Wunderbot!]I don't think K.L.E.O is interested in becoming a jet dealerSettlement SurplusSettlement surplus production should be unlimitedLove the idea of surplus water being dirtyCharacter ModificationsCarry weight decreased [Thanks @Wunderbot!]Nerf the various perks relating to loot and barteringMiscellaneousJust remove a decimal; maybe what bugs me is seeing 14K caps in my pocket (14,328 Vanilla -> 1,432 Modded)Alter caps as an itemAdopting weight from Weighted Bottle Caps and Crafting from Cap HoarderCaravan attacksVery long/dangerous routes for settlement links discouragedAttacks incur a significant financial penaltyLoose a random assortment of materialsSettlement Raid Looting [Thanks @Wunderbot!]If you fail to respond, random amounts of loot are stolen from your chests located in the settlementWorkshop overall could lose 2 or 3% of all inventoryCertain things more sought after (i.e. attackers aren't going to haul off 100 concrete if you have a chest full of caps and legendaries right there)I will edit to add anything that comes to mind later. If anyone has some suggestions that fall along the same lines as my visions I'll throw them in as well. Needless to say, if this mod already exists or is in production please let me know!
  2. Hi guys I don't know about you, but I got 30 something settlements, most of these got brahmins and produce fertilizers. I got 1200 fertilizers just sitting there and 600 plastic. I don't use either these materials for much, except making jets to earn a quick buck when I go shopping.... The problem is, you can only make a single yet at a time... And I really can't be asked to sit there and press E 600 something times... Do you guys know of a mod (or can tweak things with a mod) so that you can produce 10 and 50 at a time? Much <3
  3. Well I will be honest, the one thing that I feared most of fallout 4 before its launch is that it would abandon its RPG origin and become a generic crafting game, this might just be me for I hate crafting games, looking for resources materials and such.. now in past bethesda games such as eso skyrim and fallout 3 you didnt have to do that at all you could have enjoyed every bit of the game with out having to craft a single item ... i will just go a head and tell you my idea to solve this problem. Why not replace the ingredients with a specific amount of caps for each item the higher the efficiency the higher is the price but that doesnt mean it has to be 45000000 or any unbelievable price if you know what i mean .. well thats all I really hope it gets done so I can really start enjoying this game and embrace it's litte few rpg elements that was left and if there is a mod that resembles my request or at least comes close to the idea please do inform me
  4. Hey! A mod where you can automatically sell specific items would be really cool. I mean why didn't anyone do that already? Is it not really possible because of the way the shop system works or what? Just an idea for a (in my opinion) really cool mod :) regards, TPRammus
  5. I was wondering of another way to make easy money without cheating in Fallout 4. If anyone knows how to mod Fallout 4 well, then this request may be something to consider. Basically, you go to some sort of business manager or boss of the job that you (the player) are interested in. For example, you go up to a caravan leader(Trashcan Carla, Cricket or maybe a new one) and you say that you're interested in working for them, then you go from point A to B guarding the caravan. Once you've reached point B, you get payed almost nothing (i.e. 50 caps), but if you do it again and again, you get more money. Or maybe you want to be a hunter, you go up to, well, a hunter, and you offer them help. You go out into the wild, you kill animals, you get their meat and hides, you give them to the hunter, you get paid. It would be just another great way of role playing, by simply blending the character in with the rest. Thank you in advance, if someone does make this request into an actual mod.
  6. You know, is such a pity we can't play gambling game, as we did in Fallout New Vegas with the many casinos, like Prim with Vikki and Vance, Freeside with the Atomic Wrangler, The Strip with Gomorrah, The Tops and the Ultra Lux and the Sierra Madre from the DLC Dead Money. And also i'm surpised we can have gangsters and even a mafia in the post apocaliptic Boston, but no one single gambling hall. Ok, we got the "arena" and the "robodrome", but in no one single place we can take our personal wager. So, why not add gambling halls in places like Goodneighbor with a district full of casinos, and even some in Diamond City. Or, if we don't really want play gambling game and try to be lucky at the tables, why we can't "build" our own casino? This way, you can create workstations, or the gaming tables: blackjack, roulette, wheel of fortune, nuts. And why not also add slot machines and video poker? And so we can play the people you need to build a "bank". That way the cashier can manage the flow of money and chips of our casino. However, we also need a place where we can to secure our gains, and what better place to do it, if you do not build a vault / vault? So we should "enlist" guards that protect our gains from possible attacks of thieves or predators. Obviously, if we built the casino, we could choose to create our own personal Strip. And choose whether to create a casino with;-entertainment for adults (sex and drugs),-show business (songs, dancing halls, musical and acrobatics performances),-luxury, spa and haute cuisine,-economic casinos (low cost, with only beds, a tiny restaurant and a hall for play gambling)In this way, we can assign our colonists to work in other types of professions and increase the number of gains. Obviously, this would require new signs, new neon lights and different themed decorations and furniture, to make the interesting mod. However, it would be interesting, taking inspiration from New Vegas and recreate that environment and those structures that have fascinated us. In addition, what surprised me was the lack of "money" from the other factions. Just as in New Vegas we have, there are dollars NCR; and the currency of the legion. But in Boston?Is possible there are no Minutemen dollars, Institute credit cards/ Institute coins or holo coins from the Brotherhood? It would be interesting if in addition to money factions, we could also build our own bank. In this way we enter into trade agreements with the various settlements and major cities. In this way the people of the Commonwealth deposited their money in our savings deposit box, and we can earn interest rates.And here we would create workstations for "bankers." And if we decide to invest money in the stipulation of insurance?We know well how wild, life in the Commonwealth hard and difficult, but with our help, we can "help" at the right price, those who can afford it.Greater is the investment, better is the insurance we can offer to our customers, and greater are the gains.Also, if we own both a bank that a mess, why not create a Mint, with its workbench?We can produce the Nuka Cola bottle caps, with the Nuka Cola bottling machinery and minting pre-war machines to print another pre-war money.Of course it would also be nice to see the minting machinery with the Institute, Minutement and Brotherhood Also, if we own both a bank that a mess, why not create a Mint, with its workbench?We can produce the Nuka Cola bottle caps, with the Nuka Cola bottling machinery and minting pre-war machines to print another pre-war money.Certainly, it would also be nice to see the minting machinery with the money of Institute, Minutement and Brotherhood. Well i guess it's all for now. What do you think? Could be interesting improves our settlements with this new type of business?
  7. okay, I'm entirely sick of having to go from settlement to settlement to get the caps my shops earn. Can someone make a mod so you can access all earned caps from all linked settlements?
  8. A mod that will turn the north most part of home plate into a store (after purchasing the property), run by preferably a robot, where the player can put extra weapons/armor/items in a safe or something that will then be sold by the store over time for the player to collect revenue from said (or separate) safe.
  9. want some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chipswant some chips heres your chips someone please make a f*#@ing mod... to exchange all ncr/legion money for chips at the casinos please
  10. Time to throw this request out. Please make a mod that significantly increases the amount of caps that vendors hold. I'm quite tired of slowly waiting for vendors to restock. x10 caps would be just fine.
  11. I'm looking for a way to give NPC Vendors more Caps so I don't have to find several different vendors to unload my crap. Thanks for any info
  12. Hey guys! I'd like to start off by saying thanks for coming here, and any feed back would be greatly appreciated. Now, down to business... So I've had this idea for a mod for Fallout NV that I think would be rather good for people who enjoy a play style like me, where I play with many companions, usually about 100 (Not all at once) and I like to create my own small faction, now the problem with this is obviously it is very difficult to obtain certain items in such large quantities, like for instance Ammo, if you give each solider 1500 5.56 rounds, then that equates to 150000 rounds for the whole army. Obviously it's not exactly very easy to achieve with the way in which fallout currently works. Originally I just had the idea of having a shop keeper who has alot of caps and alot of weapons but it never really works out too well because on odd occasions it could be an item from a mod that is really needed, and obviously you can't set it to sell every item from every mod ever made - so instead I had the idea of making a factory where you do a few quests, alot along the lines of Nipton rebuilt where over time you increase the production of your factory and basically what you can do is put any item into a certain 'slot' and it will use caps to buy the items essentially, but it will cost a little less than standard retail price, just to account for the fact that you're doing most of the work but I was thinking of getting things such as upgrades and such... So maybe getting a mainframe so you can control all your production from a single point, or conveyors which make it so the factory will automatically move them into an inventory, or even a small work force so that the factory will remain operational even when you're off gallivanting off through irradiated ruins. I don't know if this idea appeals to anyone else or even if the reason for it is that sound, since I haven't really seen/heard of many people who like to play it like me. I just guess it'd be a great mod and would require some work, but unfortunately I'm not that good at scripting and such, horrid infact, so if anyone could create this mod or knows of a mod like this, please do tell me because I'd be glad to hear about it and I'd be more than happy to put in a share into the mod for the more simple, time consuming things like just building the main factory building and designing the NPCs and such. Thank you! P.S - Dear Admins/Moderators and such, sorry if I've posted in the wrong place, not used to forums and such...
  13. Thought it would be kinda cool if you could invest in or even purchase some of the various businesses across the Mojave. You could get a cut every week or so based on your barter skill and what kind of business it is (e.g. the Kahns drug operation would be much more lucrative than Ralph's junk trading) as well as discounts & special items. The traders could give you jobs like protecting caravans, collecting goods, dealing with extortionists etc... Could be a small additional feature or a large quest type mod that ends with you buying casinos or something. Either way I'd be happy.
  14. Hey This is for Fallout 4. I bet someone is already working on a mod like this, as it is quite simple and handy. but never hurts to ask :smile: Every time i go into a room with like 50 office desks and there is caps in every single one, and it happens over and over and over.. Well i'm getting tired of clicking on my mouse :wink:
  15. I had an ideia for a mod, a currency mod. Bottlecaps are the ways of the pass. The world is changing becoming more advanced so the monetary system should advance too(like NV). My ideia was to make a universally accepted currency across fallout 4, I called it Currently Accepted Purshasing System, why? because im lazy to edit the words Caps across the entire game. I made this 3d model for a coin, made out of brushed iron. I choose iron since its the most common material in the wasteland. After i failed to make the items show up in game i did what a sane person would do delete everything. My plan is make the coin(again), add a workbench were you would be able to craft C.A.P.S.. Since i found this mod request section im here posting the ideia incase someone with more skill can build upon it. The ideia is actually simple replace the model and texture of caps into money. But if you feel like taking a challenge, add a quest where the player has to gather the major players in the wasteland(Father, Preston, the BoS leader and so on, if they are dead a second incommand kinda deal) then add a "printing press" where you could make money.
  16. In older Fallout games, an NPC at the beginning of the game will tell you what you need to know about the currency of the wasteland. Katrina at Shady Sands in Fallout 1 can tell you about the caps, the elder of Arroyo in Fallout 2 for NCR dollars. Fallout: New Vegas doesn't have someone explain it to you, but the Courier already knows about bottle caps and this is backed up further by the delivery order you get at the start of the game which mentions a 250 caps reward upon successful delivery of the platinum chip. But, what about the Lone Wanderer? He/she magically knows that caps are used as money after he/she leaves Vault 101, but how? Silver at Springvale is the closest you can get when you tell her about her story, but even then there's a dialogue option to threaten her for caps before asking her for her story. There isn't a single option to question Simms what caps are for when he offers them as a reward for disarming the bomb. It's a minor plot hole, but it's been bugging me for quite a while now. So, a mod which gives an in-universe explanation for the caps as money would be nice. My suggestion is to put it through a terminal entry in Vault 101's overseer's terminal on your way out of the vault. Have the entry explain from the vault expeditionists about the caps as money, simple as that. EDIT: At the time when I was writing this, I wasn't aware there's already a same mod that has the exact same idea I proposed for such a mod. I decided to port the mod for TTW with permission from the original author because I felt like the mod derserves some more recongition.
  17. Disclaimer: I haven't thought a lot about this mod. Just kinda disappointed me when I did a little digging and didn't find a mod about it. Not sure if someone else has thought about this yet, but here it is again if someone has. Introduction: Hey, so this is a mod I've been wanting for a while. After I played Fallout: New Vegas and ran into the Gun Runners and saw how they operated, I thought "What if Fallout introduced a DLC or system like that where you could produce your own items and sell them to the public on a mass scale?" Now, I have been wanting this for a long time and have only recently discovered this forum, so here I am. This mod should add the ability for the user to create their own production lines for Nuka-Cola (and other foods I guess), weapons, ammunition, and clothing. The Industrial DLC that Bethesda released has touched on this a little bit, but as far as I know, you can only use it for settlements and that's extremely disappointing. TL;DR: This mod should be about creating a business around manufacturing and distributing nuka-cola and nuka-cola products around the wasteland using the industrial DLC or some other platform that's easy to use. This shouldn't be too difficult for the user and should be fairly user-friendly. More in-depth overview: The first and most important part of this mod would be the nuka world DLC requirement as it adds the ability to get different recipes for different nuka-cola recipes, as well as the nuka-cola bottling plant. Maybe, if the creator of the mod would want, have alternate mods for DLC and non-DLC users. The user would first have to acquire the Nuka-Cola bottling plant. Then somewhere in the plant would be a holo-tape of some guy who wanted to go out on his own and make his own nuka-cola plant after the bombs fell, but he hella dead so now it's up to you to do it. You could use the original nuka-cola bottling plant or go out and make your own somehow (leave this up to the creator of the mod). Maybe use this for other different kinds of business opportunities. You could expand your production from there into the world of guns and ammunition with perks or discovering them in the wasteland. Buying & Selling: The supply and demand portion of the mod would be kinda unrealistic, seeing as how the wasteland is littered with weapons already. However, if the player were to manufacture superior weaponry like the Gun Runners in F:NV, then the demand would be apparent. Nuka-Cola would just be a base business. Kinda like the lemonade stand in Adventure Capitalist. Like any mass-producing system, there will be a need for supplies. My idea for this would be to have settlements supply your factories with supplies through having settlers scavenge or create "Mines" for materials. There will definitely be a large investment in these factories, but the return will be large. You won't have to sell to individuals, but to cities like Diamond City and Goodneighbor. The mod creator could create a type of communication stand that would allow the player to establish trade relations to these cities and supply traders in the cities with your goods. The traders will have different "trade relationships" for the player depending on how successful the player's factory is. Open to more ideas: I know there's a lot more that could be added onto a mod so incredibly vast as this one (and this one will certainly be huge, maybe about the size of Sim Settlements) considering it could also be a really intriguing DLC as well. If Bethesda would take the time to implement this into the Industrial DLC, I'd not hesitate to buy that DLC. Here's the f*#@in DLC I was talking about the whole time and I think it's a decent place to start: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Contraptions_Workshop Thanks for reading!
  18. Hello, this is my very first post :) So, first of all, I know NOTHING about scripts hehe, but recently I wanted a mod to automatic transfer caps from a container to me. I am using a mod called "Sattlement Garage Sale" which auto sells everything I store In an especific container, so I was wondering if is it possible to create a Script to add in this cotainer to auto transfer the generated caps to me. I tryed to creat a Script based in what I red, but no success at all and I am really lost here. Can Somebody give me a light? tkkss This is the Script I made Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)AddInventoryEventFilter(caps001) if akBaseItem = caps001 int index = GemList.Find(caps001) if index = 0 DLC05WorkshopHopper05.RemoveItem(bottlecaps, 0) = Game.GetPlayer() endifEndEvent
  19. I just tried scripting today, and I've spent hours reading GECK offical tutorials on how to script. All I'm trying to do is make a simple script that, upon activation of a cash register in GoodSprings, skips time forward 8 hours and gives you 40 caps (to simulate an odd job as a cashier). I got the script to add 40 caps to the player, but I can not figure out how to make time skip forward. Help me friends!
  20. I would like to see a mod that shows how many caps a vendor is trying to give you beyond their max amount of caps when trading. It could be called something like "What do I owe 'ya?" and would show how many caps -total- the vendor owes you (and vice versa) so you know how much more value in items you need to trade to keep from exceeding their max caps. I searched and didn't find a mod like this, would love someone to make it or point it out if there is already something like this out there.
  21. Not sure if this has already been made, but it'd be nice to have a mod that allows you to retrieve any caps you've given to someone by killing them. For instance, I just started playing, and gave 'Rotface' 300 caps to point me in the right direction of some NCR soldiers. The ghoul seemed worthless, so I shot him in the head right afterward to get my caps back. When I searched him, they weren't on him! This should be fixed.
  22. I'm looking for a mod that will make the game more realistic and/or apocalyptic. basicly i want ammo and caps to be very scarce like vendors might have 2-6 bullets of random ammo types and you might find 3 bullets in boxs or on people. for the caps i earn them to quickly i want to play 5-10 minutes of the game and earn have about 6-10 caps.
  23. Can somebody please make a mod which will remove annoying caps dropping animation from dead enemies?
  24. BREAKING BAD TV SERIES SPOILER ALERT!!! Hello Dear Creators! I have a mod request, If anyone could work on it. My idea is to make a craftable high quality methamphetamine laboratory in fallout 4 based on TV series Breaking Bad Season 4 with craftable blue sky of course, or at least something similiar to GTA online meth lab equipment. I would be very grateful If someone would take on that idea :) Here's some links to pictures of it: https://breakingbad.fandom.com/wiki/Superlab https://www.gfinityesports.com/grand-theft-auto/gta-online-meth-lab-payout-price-locations-and-upgrades-ps4-ps5-xbox-pc/ Thank you upfront! :)
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