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  1. I want to create a script for a fallout 4 mod that is set in Canada. I wanted to know if anyone was interested in assisting me in developing the story. I already have a few ideas. - Game starts out with you as an 8 year old being inside of a building, watching as U.S. Soldiers in power armor execute your father, with them laughing afterwards. (A clear reference to the Iconic OG Fallout opening) - 10 years later on October 23rd, 2077, you attend a Canadian Nationalist Rally set in the outskirts of Ottawa. Things take a dramatic turn when all of the sudden a bomb goes off and vaporizes you. That is all I have for now. I was also thinking of implementing a BOS type faction of Canadian Mountain Guards but without the power armor. Please let me know if you have any ideas or interest in helping further flesh out this exteremely undercooked story.
  2. (Post removed by author to prevent spoilers.) To learn more about Fallout New Ronto, follow us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/falloutnewronto
  3. So a quick search on Google for "Games with Canada as a playable faction" doesn't help at all. So I'm here to compile a list and keep adding to it until it is complete or I forget about it. The only reasons I'm doing this is: I'm a Cannuck, I want to help people find other games with Canada being playable, and I'm bored. So here is what I have so far, off the top of my head: Call of Duty 3 Hearts of Iron IV Kona Medal of Honor Warfighter SuperPower 2 Verdun Wargames: European Escalation Wargames: Airland Battle Wargames: Red Dragon That's it so far, if anyone knows anymore and wants to help me out I'd be happy to add to this short list.
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