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  1. I have a message box Id like to get the actors name from the Alias and put it in the message text or title I have see various <Alias > examples ect but do not seem to get anything. In Fact anything within < > doesnt show up at all including the greater than and less than signs. Regular text I type shows up fine. Can someone tell me what I must set on the quest Alias and what actual symbol text I need to place in the message box ?
  2. The loathed wooden vendor stall retextured as the stereotypical lemonade stand seen in American media. Misc furniture Deezer will prefer to idle at, or a resource he will assign to creating happiness, one food and 3 water (maybe even deposit one lemonade in workshop per day). No dialogue changes necessary. Give me a reason to have the big wooden stand when I have the Vault-tec DLC ones everywhere else. (Maybe assign children to it in other settlements?) Cheers, have a good one, take care.
  3. I downloaded a mod for metal railings and used them to build a nice big wall around Sanctuary with towers and everything. Then I placed guards in the towers right near the railings and spawned some supermutants to test the defenses but lo and behold! My guards were shooting mostly in the edge of the railings. So I opened the railing model in NifSkope and painstakingly made the thing shorter, vertice by vertice (I have nearly zero experience in modeling so this seemed the best option). Then I went into the construction kit to take a look at the railing object, pressed F4 to see the red collision meshes and found out that the smooth straight metal railing is using the same collision mesh as the uneven and taller plywood vanilla railing called workshop_ShackBalconyRailing04 in the editor. http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h414/imgen-blog/metal%20railing_zpstafwux4k.png http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h414/imgen-blog/plywood%20railing_zpspuqyer4r.png http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h414/imgen-blog/metal%20railing%20short_zps4pcef2pz.png Now I looked everywhere but I can't seem to find where I could even change this collision box with a different one. Ideally I would like to edit the vertices of the collision box to make it a really simple 6 sided thin box. All I could tell so far is that the collision box is assigned in the mesh of the object it's self but couldn't find where in NifSkope. So does anyone here know how to do this? Can I at least change the bounding box with another one? Would I be able to edit it with NifSkope? If not I would try to do it in Blender but exporting objects from NifSkope to Blender and then back seems like a real pain. Another more simple option would be to lower the collision box like the author of the mod did but that's just as big a mystery.
  4. I'd love to see a mod that makes you get in a box, like in Metal Gear Solid, instead of being invisible when you use a stealth boy. Simple and fun. Maybe make it for Skyrim too.
  5. Hey guys, I keep looking up in my skyrim to see this and it's really off-putting. seems to always be centred around where the sun should be. Anyone know what is causing this and if there is a fix. Cheers.
  6. Isn't it just weird how you have such a large home filled with cupboards, chest, lock boxes, and stuff yet you stuff everything into one cupboard? Or how you can fit a battleaxe, bow, staff, and armor into a jewelry box? With the mod you are looking for, specific boxes can only hold so much stuff of certain things. Now, your bow doesn't fit into a jewelry box but it can fit onto a rack or into a closet or a dresser. ingots cannot fit into jewelry boxes but can in safes. Jewelry can be put anywhere, however, here's the catch: only so much weight can be put into a storage container. Most of the large objects to most of the small objects are based on a weight that accommodates its relative value. Also, it would be nice that you can get robbed by thieves. If your valuables aren't in a safe or lock box or display case, they can be stolen. You can retrieve them by looking for clues left behind. You can upgrade the quality of the lock that protects your valuables that lowers the chance that they might crack the code and steal the items. Just for food for thought.
  7. Isn't it just weird how you have such a large home filled with cupboards, chest, lock boxes, and stuff yet you stuff everything into one cupboard? Or how you can fit a battleaxe, bow, staff, and armor into a jewelry box? With the mod you are looking for, specific boxes can only hold so much stuff of certain things. Now, your bow doesn't fit into a jewelry box but it can fit onto a rack or into a closet or a dresser. ingots cannot fit into jewelry boxes but can in safes. Jewelry can be put anywhere, however, here's the catch: only so much weight can be put into a storage container. Most of the large objects to most of the small objects are based on a weight that accommodates its relative value. Also, it would be nice that you can get robbed by thieves. If your valuables aren't in a safe or lock box or display case, they can be stolen. You can retrieve them by looking for clues left behind. You can upgrade the quality of the lock that protects your valuables that lowers the chance that they might crack the code and steal the items. Just for food for thought.
  8. So I recently got the idea to have mailboxes at all the player homes (or placeable mailboxes for custom player homes). What this aims to do is pave the road for a new type of mods and some existing mods that have been looking for something like this to help make their mods more immersive and believable. Have you ever been wandering around in Skyrim in GODS know where, and you are just maybe sitting on some iceberg wondering how the hell you go there when suddenly a courier appears out of nowhere and hands you some inheritance money like ?!?!??!???!?? hOW ARE YOU HERE. How did that courier find you and even follow you to this gods forsaken corner of skyrim? It totally breaks immersion and then you have that awkward moment where the courier just stands around as if waiting for you to tip him or something and I usually just end up killing that sonofabitch just to break the awkwardness (killable couriers mod :tongue:). While this mailbox mod will definitely take care of those scripted in-game deliveries, it can also do MUCH more. This mailbox mod aims to connect you to the other people of Skyrim, something that the game itself doesn't really do too well on a large scale. While this mod doesn't aim to add actual scripts that send mail to your mailbox, other mods now have a outlet with which they could make mods like this. Here are a few ideas for how a Mailbox mod could be utilized for other mods: Mercenary Jobs: "Calling all Mercenaries! I've got a nice, hefty bag of gold for the first person to...." Gifts, Offerings, and payments: "Thank you again for .... Enclosed is a little something I put together to show you my gratitude."Salary Mods: self explanatoryAssassin Jobs: "I've got a... 'skeever problem' that needs to be taken care of..."Advertisements: "Come down to the freshly stocked Bits and Pieces! We've got everything, even that vase that looks suspiciously like the one you threw out last friday!"Special Events of Tamriel: Get updates to what events are going on today, and birthdays of close friends coming up or currently happening.Merchanting: "Hi, I was looking for a.... and I am told you are the person who can find it for me!" As you can see, there are a variety of ways a Mailbox mod could be used to add immersion and life to Skyrim in a way that hasn't been done before. If this mod gains enough popularity, it could become a staple of Skyrim modding and many mod authors would perhaps incorporate it into their future works. The work for this mod is very minimal as all that needs to be done is create a model for a lore-friendly mailbox and then have them placed at player homes all over Skyrim (or like I mentioned earlier, a spell (?) that can let you place these mailboxes whereever you want. The idea for this mod, I was actually inspired by Special Events of Tamriel where the author had a problem with how to relay information to players in a way that did not break immersion but rather pulled the player into the game even more. So tell me what you think and if this mod has the potential to take off and become something big. Thanks for reading!
  9. Hi guys do anyone knows if unchecking "child" box of child races from the CK leads to any errors such as kids using grown up stuff like the working bench and stretch while using it? Is there any other way to make children killable?
  10. The fact that stuns me is when i entered the FC3 nexus i saw several balance mods, several scopes mods and stuff like that and tweaks and HUD configs BUT seriously how none requested something like this. It is heavily needed because nomatter how good the game is it makes one of the mistakes i HATE in videogames (alongside overly expensive items so you can spend more time to it so the devs can say sure its a 30+ hours game) which is you collect items that you eventually are forced to remove and are permanently (no they cant stay there like Deus Ex) lost but you will CERTAINLY NEED afterwards... example: i was lucky (or unlucky) during a mission to have an army of commodo dragons attack me and surprisingly i didnt die so i skinned them all and sortly after i was maxed out and forced to sell them ONLY TO NEED THEM 30 minutes when i upgraded something and realize to upgrade further i needed 8 commodo dragon skins ...THIS IS SOME HEAVY bulls*** Its BASIC rpg like thinking..when maxed out go home and store them for later.
  11. I've searched for a long time on the solution for this problem, but the few people I've found to have a similar problem never had it solved or even answered. Whenever I get a follower, the dialogue box pops up just fine for several days. But suddenly, things go wrong and out of nowhere I can no longer talk to that follower. For example, I was doing Dawnguard and was fully capable of initiating dialogue with Serana just fine until recently. Now whenever I press E to talk to her, it only makes the clicking noises as if I'm clicking something invalid. No dialogue box at all. This has happened to several other followers in the past, so it's not dawnguard. I tried set playerfollower count, and I noticed that if I change followercount to anything above 0 and then attempt to talk to the follower (failing miserably), it goes back down to 0. Yes I have UFO but I can't uninstall and reinstall if I can't even dismiss my follower. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  12. Hello everyone This question is mostly directed to the mods and/or admins but if anyone can answer it, great. When I browse this site, I'm mostly at work and because of this, I don't want to check the "Remember me" box. I was just wondering why I have to uncheck the "Remember me" box? Why is it checked in the first place? Every other site I've come across that has a "Remember me" box doesn't have it checked as default. It might be an odd and petty thing to ask but sometimes I forget to uncheck it and it's just a bother having to deal with the stuff at the end of my day.
  13. So i have a photo of my game and the skybox is broke. It seems when i go above the game world a bit the sky looks alright but now not so much. So here is the photo. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/885379279719183191/0CA7F14D7A8DE5B12FE0BECC977773A642571F0B/
  14. The movable static wooden boxes (which can fit things inside of them and have handles) seem to not have any impact data... When struck with any weapon, they produce no sound and no particle effects. Does anyone know of a fix for this? If not, I'm requesting a mod be made to remedy this and add standard wooden impact data to the wood boxes. I tried to do this myself, but have no idea how. You can find the wood box here in Bethesda Archive Extractor... materials\setdressing\woodmetalcrate01.bgsm materials\setdressing\woodmetalcrate01_clean.bgsm meshes\setdressing\concmuseum\woodbox01.nif meshes\setdressing\concmuseum\woodbox01_clean.nif
  15. I was wondering if theres a mod to craft something like those wooden boxes with no lids you see everywhere. I'm making one of my settlements be the hub for all my supply lines and I'm making it be a giant warehouse type of place and I want some boxes to place some things like mutfruit, corn, etc.
  16. In map mode a few times, I get a text box labeled "note". I can enter text on location mark. I can't find the command anywhere. Can any tell me the command?
  17. Resolved: some changes only takes effect with a new game. editing existing values that pre exist may conflict with any big changes, due to that, some simple changes can be done for a new mod, but reworking a existing quest/npc are a bit more complicated. Issue: I want to create a custom trainer that doesn't align with pre existing trainers. I have already done and reworked the necessary dialogue that will play when the player prompt "i'need you to train me in" with the necessary new responses and all minor requiriments. Very well, i hope you are not going to cause any trouble. When the player surpass in Job skill > Are you joking? there is no need for that. Not, not, that won't be necessary. however, when i talk to the npc, the option doenst appear, i have completed the necessary requirment and tested in others Npcs and it did work well, so i want to know if someone have some small time to explain to me why the dialogue box doesn't show. (if i add for example a orc with armen onehanded request, the dialogue will appear normaly, but this isn't working with Shahvee) i do believe, this might have something to do with "sharedvoicedialogue", or with the script used in the trainerquest, but i don't find any resource to explain that. i know what i'm requesting is something ordinary with nothing new or especial. but i will be very thankfull to learn more over my mistakes with CK. my goal, is to rework vanilla followers, improve and ability new ones that could potentialy be in the game. so i thank for anyone with some spare time. :D
  18. All the cardboard boxes, plastic bins, and wooden bins are such an ugly eye sore. I'd like to request that they be made invisible and have no collision. (Don't want to be running into things I can't see.) Or just completely disabled from the game world. I know there are mods that allow you to scrap practically anything anywhere, but I'd really rather they didn't exist in the first place. I can't be the only one that wants this! Haha. Thanks to anyone that is willing to take on this project.
  19. Hey Guys! I was working on a script that causes a message box to appear upon an actors death. Here is a script I found on the wiki: Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) if (akKiller == Game.GetPlayer()) Debug.Trace("We were killed by the player!") endIf endEvent So in order to test this I applied it to an NPC in the creation kit via "Scripts" in the character creation menu however when I do kill the NPC nothing happens. Is this the right script? or am I using the wrong one? and if so what should I use? Thanks in advance :biggrin:
  20. Hey folks, beginner scripter/modder in need of some help. I've got this mod that uses an OnDeath event handler to move a merchant's inventory from their vendor container to their corpse when they die. Everything works great except when it comes to ammo boxes. Basically, duplicates of the boxes are getting created during the transfer, and if I loot said boxes they won't get converted to ammo in my inventory, like the OnAdd block isn't getting executed. Is there anything about the RemoveAllItems function that could be doing this? I even tried changing it to iterate over each item individually and moving it using foreach and RemoveMeIR, but the results were the same. Any help is very much appreciated! Full sequence to reproduce the issue and script source below. Find a merchant with ammo boxes in their buy menu. Let's say there are 5 .223 boxes. Kill the merchant -> OnDeath event handler gets called Some checks are done and RemoveAllItems is called to move the inventory to their corpse Their corpse will mysteriously have 9 .223 boxes rather than the original 5 (note that a debug print in the transfer script correctly reported 5, not 9) Taking the first 3 boxes does nothing. No ammo gets added to the player inventory. Taking the 4th box suddenly triggers all 4 boxes to be converted to ammo. Taking the remaining 5 boxes after that works correctly, converting them to ammo.Quest Script: scriptName KMGLQuestScript begin gameMode if getGameRestarted ; TODO: See if there's a way to filter on merchants here setEventHandler "OnDeath" KMGLOnDeathFunction endif end OnDeath Event Handler: scriptName KMGLOnDeathFunction ref containerRef ref killed ref killer begin function { killed, killer } ; Make sure we're not operating on the player if (killed.GetIsReference player == 0) ; Try to get the merchant container reference let containerRef := killed.GetMerchantContainer ; Only proceed if we actually got something if (isFormValid containerRef) if (isReference containerRef) ; Move all items from the vendor's container to the vendor containerRef.removeAllItems killed 1 1 ; Print some debug ; messageEx "%n killed %n" killer killed ; messageEx "Transferred from %n to %n" containerRef killed endif endif endif end
  21. My current mod project relies on using message boxes to emulate a text adventure a la Sunless Sea. That means big fences of text that can get very, very long, with very verbose choices. At the moment, these message boxes overflow past the top and bottom of the screen, meaning most of the exposition ends up cut off, and response options are mostly inaccessible. It gets really bad with character dialogue, since that means a lot of linebreaks. I know I can part them out into smaller messages, and I already have a framework in place for that, but I want to know if it's possible to get around that. I'd prefer to have a scroll bar or something similar to work with, but I don't know if anything like that is even remotely possible. Is it possible to make these big boxes accessible without breaking them up?
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