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  1. When I use bodyslide, the clothes stick a lot to the breasts to such an extent that the clothes begin to deform. How do I fix it? As it looks: What it should look like:
  2. I installed the Mod Pack BD's Armor and Clothes Replacer - CBBE 3BA (3BBB) and downloaded it to MO2, also have downloaded all the needed mods for the armor pack an such to work properly. I went through the process of going through each of the Skyrim armor and editing them to how I liked them in BodySlide. After I liked how each of them looked I pressed the build and it said that it successful in the built and was saved to the Data/Meshes/armor file, but when I go in game to take a look it is still the Vanilla Skyrim Armor and not the reskin that I made. Am I missing a step? How come the reskin is not showing? I disabled any other armor mod I was using except BD's so those should not be an issue. The first image is the confirmation of the build being made. Second photo is what is looks like in MO2 in the Data/Meshes/armor/iron/f . I have no idea why it is red, so if that is the issue can you guys help?
  3. Hello there again. Recently downloaded again RACEMENU mod and I noticied there's not opitions to change breasts and butt size. In fact I remember that this mod had those opitions before. I have Bodyslide and UNP installed here.
  4. I need help and I need stupefied instructions to fix this and if this already has a solved post can you find it for me Ok so you will have to uninstall the f04 and find the vortex black gaming folder and delete it then remove any files left finally reinstall vortex and f04
  5. How to fix it? The body preset was patched before launching the game. For some reason, some clothing mods work fine, that is, they fit normally, but others have holes. What to do?
  6. the body i create in bodyslide studio is not the same as ingame, i even used nifscope to check the female.nif.0 and female.nif.1 and the body matches the bodyslide studio body. but its not in the game.but when i do change the body it does change but with a much higher scale, almost as if it doubles the size or something. i did not have this problem before tho. why is that?
  7. I've been having this issue where when i build bodies in bodyslide, they work like i want them to work when outfits are on. But whenever my character is naked, or using the vault suit (using the unzipped mod), it's just the default CBBE body and not the one i built. What is even going on? I'm at a loss on this one, so any help would be greatly appreaciated. Also, I'm using Mod Manager 2, and have 3BBB and 3BBB Physics installed. https://ibb.co/X7pdxNK https://ibb.co/4RTQ02q
  8. This is again one of those things that there aren't any tutorials about. I have successfully made a static cloak smp enabled. Works perfectly as intended but the only problem is that it clips right through the body. I have looked at few outfits that I have which have smp cloaks and found out that they have this body mesh that has no textures and they configure it in the xml to interact with the cloak so that it does not clip. So far what I've tried is to load the project in one of those smp capes on top of my own cape, delete their capes, keep the virtualground and the body mesh and my own cape, then modify the xml accordingly but it did not work. Still clips right through. What do I need to do to make it work?
  9. This is a new one to me. I've been using bodyslide - a lot - for as long as it has been out for FO4. And just within the last week or so, the body in the preview window has turned all dark brown. Bodyslide as such works perfectly well. But the dark brown body makes it pretty hard to see the details. For now I stick to using the multitude of presets I have already. But if I would want to do my own it'd be a real problem. Any ideas?
  10. I downloaded a mod called "Dragon Bone Bikini Armor" and I have TBBP and HDT Physics Exstentions and once I wear this armor there is a very wierd glitch with the hips and boobs of my character. Picture: https://i.imgur.com/4vMdUBC.png Warning! Close-to-nudity on this picture! If someone could help me get this glitch fixed? (Mods I have for the body/character: CBBE, TBBP, HDT Physics Exstentions, XP32's skelentons, Racemenu, BodySlide(not sure how to use)) I have tried to fix this for very long. Thank you.
  11. So I have been helping someone try to adapt the CBBE body to work in Bodyslide for FNV. She has a working body and slider set that replaces the femaleupperbody.nif for the game and she has been tweaking it and seeing if clothing/armor can be converted easily to any body as it does for other games. She asked me to test for her and give opinions, but the body that she uploaded to me has sliders- just not working. I built the body and looked in game. It works except for the weighting around the hips. She has checked her files that she sent me again and again, but cannot figure out why I can't use the sliders on the body. She and I are both using BS64 for this. Why would my NV body sliders not work do you think?
  12. Greetings, I hope everyone has a good time and enjoying modding SSE. I've been trying to get Bodyslide find the armor of Skimpy goes Killer-Armor set but I'm kind of lost here. I'm using MO for organizing my mods. Am I the only one with the problem or is it a problem with the programm or mod itself? Any help is appreciated!
  13. So here's the deal. After searching for hours (multiple times) for a way to customize male NPCs and the male PC in game i still have no idea how to do that. Bodyslide apparently offers sliders, but you can only use them in game (i don't want to create a mod i just want to play damnit) if you do ...uh ... something ... out of the game, and then download looksmenu and then do something in game, and even then it's only for the CBBE bodies. There are apparently male cbbe meshes out there, but the only one i found was superhero bodies, which is the opposite of what i was trying to go for. (to not say anything bad about the mod) So what the heck. I just want to make the male PC be slightly shorter and maybe make Hancock slightly taller. It can't be that i have to manually edit the goddamn meshfiles in two separate external programs for that after downloading half a dozen extra things. For every separate character at that. Surely there must be some way to actually extend the character creation/looks menu slightly. Right? ... Right? If not can someone please at least tell me how to actually accomplish something like what i wrote? It seems the descriptions for most of these big established mods were written with people in mind who are either modders themselves or have been using the same mods since oblivion. I mean i'm not a complete scrub when it comes to modding (i have modded other games before), but i still have no idea how to accomplish even the most basic things with customizing FO4 characters beyond what the standard looks menu offers.
  14. Ive come to nexus forums seeking help to remove a custom bodyslide i manually put in the female nif files. This was done a time ago and now i want to turn my female body to vanilla as I cant seem to change it now. The body was made with bodyslide and instaled with their not recomended instructions. Ive tried uninstalling the game and deleting the femalebody nif but to no avail. I also tries deactivatiang all the body and texture mods but i still have the custom female nude body. In other words im looking to revert from the custom body I MANUALLY installed the original skyrim one. (PS): I dont remember how I did it so a step by step guide would be of much help.
  15. This might sound dumb but the problem I'm facing is this: My player character is using my custom body shape, Ive got an outfit that id like to use, but this is where im running into my main issue the only way that ill be able to use the outfit is if I increase the mesh volumes in some spots to get rid of the clipping the problem being that I cant seem to find the nif for my custom body shape, so far the only way ive manged to get it to sort of work is if I go into race menu and set my character's weight either all the way down to zero or all the way to one, but my characters weight is set right in the middle of the two, so im not sure if thats my problem but what I do know is that if I set it to either of those settings it messes up basically every other armor or outfit I have. I could make it work but I simply cannot find the correct bodyshape that im using when im loading outfit studio (it will load only weight 0 or 1) and im not sure if the nif my player character is using might be located else were or if im full bore doing it all wrong, if anyone knows anything useful or has any insight on this I'd really appreciate it, im fairly new to using body slide and outfit studio.
  16. We here at the nexus have a slew of body mods to choose from ranging from natural and realistic to outlandish and ridiculous and the base game boast a decent amount of faces to go on those bodies. That's all great but once you chose the body you like it's one size fits all and every woman/man shares the same body type and the world gets a little smaller. What I propose as a solution is mod that uses bodyslide to randomize the body for each NPC so "No two bodies are alike".
  17. THE SITE OF THE TRAUMA I just revamped my load order yet again, and am hyped to start playing with my new BEST MODLIST EVER. However... I've noticed that across all races and complexions, there is a subtle texture mismatch for my character. I've attached a screenshot so you can see what I mean. All the texture files are consistent with one another. I'm using the UUNP special body. And yet...neck seam! I don't have any idea what might be causing this at all, and I haven't touched any of the files involved. So far I have tried: Different skin textures (Demoniac, FSC, Unslaad Pale) Different body meshes build in bodyslide Adding Citrus high-poly heads to my load (smell the desperation) Lots of fiddling with racemenu Assets from Alt Navetsea UNP Seamless And yet...I still see it. I can't unsee it. It haunts me night and day. It's far from game-breaking, but I thought I'd post here just in case some smart person sees the screenshots and knows exactly what noob error I've made this time. The saddest thing is, I'm not even sure if this is a mesh or texture issue. I feel like it's the former, because of the amount of different textures I've tried, and the fact that neck/body tattoos such as that in my screenshot also carry a visible seam. Please, send help. Thanks, friends. EDIT: Also tried UNP texblend, very little difference.
  18. Hey all I've been having problems with FNIS on MO2 for the past couple of hours and despite knowing there is no support officially for this mod when using MO2 I still would appreciate any ideas/help. The problem I'm having is that every time I check-mark FNIS on the left plane of MO2 (I should note I've already updated behaviors for the mods I have. Through the executable in the right plane. Though for soem reason it does not recognize XP32 Skel.) and try to run SKSE I will load into skse, but have none of my mods loaded in the game with me (i.e. SkyUI is gone/not loaded. Unchecking FNIS will have my mods back.). Bodyslide will also load, but I will then have an empty window with no outfits or presets optional. SKSE W/ MODS w/o FNIS checked : https://imgur.com/9J3TdDX SKSE W/O MODS due to FNIS :https://imgur.com/BKKacbG I realize that the BG is different when I say FNIS is checked/active this is due to me not having access to my save when FNIS is checked I don't know why this is. Pre-FNIS checked: https://imgur.com/IZLK1R0 Pre-FNIS checked BodySlide: https://imgur.com/K1sjcFt FNIS checked: https://imgur.com/a6fk6PS BS after FNIS checked: https://imgur.com/AyC2Gw5 Again any input is appreciated I also realize that I may be asked for logs regarding this issue in which case can someone please point me to the file path it would be located in? Thanks in advance everyone.
  19. Okay, so I have an on-going problem, it seems. http://oi67.tinypic.com/2kkbc1.jpg So, as you can see, the cloak and the hair are floating above the shoulders. Not acceptable, especially considering that the pigtail floating under the cloak looks like crap. Assets used: Apachii Sky Hair Cloaks of Skyrim CBBE XPMSSE FNIS Attempts At Troubleshooting: Installed everything, ran FNIS, ran LOOT, ran Wryebash (everything is green), etc. I use NMM 0.63.17 and SKSE64 build 2.0.5 (for runtime 1.5.16). I've attempted to adjust the cloak in Outfit Studio by highlighting the Cloak object in the right pane and adjusting the Move... sliders (Z-axis) down, then used the mesh brushes to pull up the cloak around the shoulders to make it look more natural. Exported To NIF with Reference... to cloakgreyhide_0.nif and cloakgreyhide_1.nif in the Data/Meshes/Clothes/CloaksofSkyrim folder. Still floats. Then Exported To Nif with Reference... to the NMM folder: D:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\SkyrimSE\Mods\Virtual Install\18422\Meshes\Clothes\CloaksofSkyrim folder. Those are the only two folders, I believe that the game generates data from dynamically, so where the bloody frell is this floating cloak coming from? In Outfit Studio, when loaded through the Load Outfit and the body loaded through Load Reference, it looks fine. It's where it's supposed to be. Load it up in the game, and I get this mess. When I attempted to adjust the hair piece for Apachii, all that happened was it doubled, so that there was two hairs on my character--one with a pig tail resting across the shoulder like it should, and one with the pigtail floating above the other. No idea how that happened since all I did was use the mesh brushes to "push" the pigtail down a bit and Exported to NIF... Clearly, I need help as I'm out of my element and I don't understand why it's needlessly being such a pain in the ass. I'm hoping someone will come along, and be like, "Oh, yeah, just tick this box and it will be fixed!" lol Somehow, I doubt it will be that easy...
  20. Hello there good people, I am new just started to moding Fallout 4, so far I have 20 mods and no problems so far. I am looking mod that adds male and children into BodySlide. Does this mod alredy exists or am I missing something? Thank you Edward
  21. With Nuka World I thought of doing a playthrough with a more antagonistic chaotic style to embrace the raider style and stick to to Preston, and then I had the idea that one of my favorite League of Legends characters, Jinx, would fit right in with the gangs of Nuka World! So I set out to recreate her style on my character and have gotten pretty far and after making a great looking face and some custom hair that came out fantastic, it was time to dress the part too. I got it all looking nice and pretty in bodyslide, spun up the CK and made a plugin for it and everything, but when I loaded the outfit up in game I noticed that there was massive stretching and compression in the chest and belly that didn't exist in either the outfit studio or bodyslide previews and it's only affected on my custom outfit. To make matters worse, passing through a load screen while wearing the outfit on myself or a follower causes the game to CTD. I've spent all day redoing everything thinking it's either a bone and weight issue or the body adjustment sliders got messed up somehow when I attempted to make it bodyslide compatible, trying to rebuild it incase I missed a step but my latest attempt only made it worse, with additional distortions in the right arm now and I'm at a loss as to what's causing this. I've done so much googling and can't find any similar issues from previous mod creators nor a solution, so if someone could clue me in as to what a possible solution would be you'd save me a massive headache lol. Here's a screenshot of the weirdness: https://i.imgur.com/ndYjWJV.jpg
  22. Hello, I am trying to understand why many BodySlide presets have nude and clothed versions. I infer from some posts this is to match the aesthetics between a body wearing constricting clothes and being nude. Makes sense. But how is that implemented? And in the interest of helping a noobie help himself is there a better place to research this? Places I thought might have answers: BodySlide-and-Outfit-Studio/wiki [unofficial] Bodyslide 2/Outfit Studio Tutorials I appreciate any help.
  23. Hey guys, I'm new to BodySlide presets, but the tutorials I have looked at say nothing about XML to JSLOT file conversions. I'm trying to install this preset for my Imperial character: https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87671 The body presets that I want seem to use an older ".xml" format and that the Nexus' most popular mods have updated them to switch over to ".jslot" file format. How to I convert an XML to JSLOT? Current release of BodySlide will only accept JSLOT files. #DownWithTheThiccness
  24. I was wondering, in general would one be able to remove parts of a multiple bodyslide mod while keeping it in tact? There's a massive mod ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59960 ) that makes all the armors in skyrim work in bodyslide studio but i only want a couple of them, i'm not looking to slide every single armor plus i have some other slider mods it might conflict with. I've been trying to see if I can alter it by deleting the unnecessary slides and sets but it seems not to work once i remove some of them, is there a way i can safely alter it on my own or would i need to download any tools in order to do so?
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