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  1. Hello there again. Recently downloaded again RACEMENU mod and I noticied there's not opitions to change breasts and butt size. In fact I remember that this mod had those opitions before. I have Bodyslide and UNP installed here.
  2. HELLO THERE! I'm playing Dragon's Dogma 2 and there's a famous armor in the game called Brunhilda's Embrace. It's pretty beautyful and it have kind of a Xenna and Sonja vibes. Pretty good to barbarian and arcane warrior characters. So I was thinking if there's an armor (mod of course) that could be kind of similar to the Dragon's Dogma armor. What do you think? And how about the mod makers? Someone expressed a desire to create this armor in the game?
  3. I've reinstalled Skyrim SE and currently do not have any mods. The nude bodies of high elf and wood elf on both male and female is visible in first person. This causes an annoying double body to occur when using mods that allow you to see yourself in first person in conjunction with body mods. I've tested every race and it only occurs on the ones mentioned and only with a nude body. I've been trying to find what mod has been causing this bug, but it seems to be an issue with the game itself. The images I've provided are of high elf and imperial bodies with the fov set to 200 in order to see the body more clearly, but the issue is still visible with 100 fov and increased breast size. If anyone has any solutions or even a similar experience it would be very much appreciated if shared. Keep in mind this is current version skyrim without any mods. Thank you. SOLUTION FOUND: The mod XP32 XPMSSE Double body 1st person fix somewhat solves the issue. It doesn't remove the body but it decreases the size of the breasts when playing at a normal fov like 100. It would would still be nice to know why the high elf and wood elf nude bodies have a body in their first person mesh. As of now this mod seems is the only workaround I know of for the double body bug.
  4. There's a few male body mods on the nexus but they all do either too little, or too much, All of these body mods feel like they need to change the mesh from the underwear and t-shirt model to something else like nude or just wearing boxers. All I want Are better textures, the only mesh change I'd want is the feet since they are horrific looking in vanilla. I wonder how hard it would be to just take an enhanced feet mesh and combine it with the vanilla t-shirt/boxers mesh. then have a better hand texture as the vanilla hands look like 97 year old man's hands. And yes i've looked at the character kit remake hands but they have this classic fallout like clay kinda look to them, especially the fingernails.
  5. There is one specific aspect of stealth gameplay that really bothers me: How I can grab any enemy. I have invested exactly zero points in the body attribute. I have not installed gorilla arms. And despite the fact that there are enemies with attributes like "break hold" (when you scan them), they can be hold a long time without breaking free. Most idiotic is when my rather slender female character is able to choke-hold a gang member of the Animals triple in size. Makes no sense. So I'm either looking for something really simple, like a mod that drastically limits grab time without any kind of attribute check or differentiation between enemy types or gang affiliation. Or maybe something more sophisticated. Something that looks at my body attribute, looks at my cyberware (gorilla arms or any kind of arm prosthetic), looks at the type of enemy and wether they have the "break hold" attribute and whether they are walking tanks of the Animal gang. That'd be great.
  6. I really wish that Touched by Dibella Race mod being available in NexusMods, because for some reasons I can't get it from Steam Workshop. I subscribed the mod and it won't install, I really hope that mod creator considering to upload this mod into NexusMods.
  7. Having a lot of issue with meshes. 1. Hair colours are off. 2. Head vs. body colours are off. 3. Children have creepy, ghost arms. I actually posted the full issue (with my load order) over in this thread, not knowing this was probably a better spot to ask: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6553826-help-i-mucked-up-my-meshes-aka-mod-fail-with-photo/ Any helpful responses would be super appreciated. I've already humiliated my handy work by putting my epic failure up on imgur. So wow. Much fail. Very no.
  8. I accidentally bought the 1060 3Gb instead of the 6. So in skyrim there's these two npcs that use the unp body. Sometimes their body texture is flat, sometimes mismatched brightness of head and body. but in another playing session, having had no mod or load order changes, they'll look perfectly normal. Sometimes they get fixed by leaving the cell and returning. Usually those two who are wearing modded clothes I put on them. It's just random. Is it a vram issue, or modorganizer issue from overwritten textures?
  9. I need two big things. 1. What programs I need to make a custom body for characters/npcs (similar to Roberts/Dimonized bodies) I have blender 2.49b, nifskope and compatible scripts, do I need anything else? I have this problem with nifskope where the file loads but the 3d image is absent, (only happens occasionally, and its happened recently with a body that loaded succesfully at first, then I changed the neck in blender and suddenly it wouldnt appear in nifskope - maybe because the neck messed with the skeleton?..) 2. Along with confirmation of (1), I need the process and settings for each one to import/export properly between programs and into NV. I can get as far as having a "white" rigged body in nifskope post blender but have no idea how to go about properly doing everything in order for it to work when I plug the nif into a character's mesh files for testing (I use the modded companion Willow as a guinea pig, the closest I've gotten to a successful install with her is having her body disappear except for her hands, feet and head.) Thanks in advance, honestly even if you don't know any help would be appreciated.
  10. Sorry can you delete this, I can't see how to delete it
  11. What I'm trying to do is to summon the exact copy of a npc's body mesh on top of it by script. Currently I'm doing this: ActorBase victimbase = Victim.GetLeveledActorBase() ObjectReference VictimCopy = Victim.PlaceAtMe(victimbase as form) I need something better than PlaceAtMe() function which creates a clone, but it is the whole deal, not just the body. It has its own inventory and other stuff. Also for npcs created from leveled lists, this function doesn't produce a copy but another npc from that leveled list resulting a different actor. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. First time posting, hope this might be good enough. I have a bit of a problem with female bodies. I currently have CBBE, Physics, Flower Girls, XPMSE, FNIS, and 7base remodeled armor installed (on which I chose the Pure body option during installation). I'm guessing the nude female models of CBBE, 7base and Pure body are conflicting with each other, which causes a messed up body (breasts, specifically) like: https://prnt.sc/jf6irj. This only occurs when wearing revealing armor (some armor doesn't fit as well, as seen in the picture). However, everything becomes fine when the clothes are removed, like this: https://prnt.sc/jf6jbm. The only downside is that it is CBBE's body, not Pure body's, and the HDT Physics is for some reason not working when fully nude. Here is a list of the mods I currently have installed: Unofficial SSE Patches Skyrim Project Optimization SMSkyrim.esp Falskaar.esm SkyUI_SE.esp XPMSE.esp alternate start Perk Points and More Gold for Bounty Quests ordinator sofiafollower SoundsofSkyrimComplete.esp SOSRaceMenu.esp SoS_ImmersiveCitizens_Patch.esp SoS_ELFX_Patch.esp FNIS.esp SMSkyrim - Meshes SMSkyrim - Encounters FlowerGirls SE FlowerGirls SE Maids II Deception SuperbSerana 7Base Remodeled Armor - Replacer I hope it will be easy to find the issue for you guys. This is my first time modding skyrim and Im really happy everything is working well, just the textures of the female body.
  13. Alright, so this mod isn't asking for a complete overhaul of the NPC's, encountered in Skyrim. I'm looking for a mod to compliment such facelift mods, in particular the Massive NPC Facelift Project. Essentially what I want to do, is give some physical diversity to the NPC's of Skyrim. Taking into account a character's race, profession, back story and weapon style, if applicable. A mod like Racial Body Morphs is great, but I don't feel like it really helps tailor and customise each individual NPC. Although incorporating elements of that mod as a general rule, for the various races, would be nice. I imagine shop owners like Belethor, would look either a bit skinny, or overweight. While someone like Uthgerd, would have a bigger more muscular physique. Given she walks around in plate armour, all day. Beggars should look skinny and malnourished, Camilla should have a more appealing physique, given Faendal and Sven are swooning over her. Obviously a lot of what I just suggested would require a massive amount of work. But it's fun to think about.
  14. Mannequins appear to havemuch more curvy body's then what the player has. They also can equip every wearable item in the game! So one could get both a more curvy body, and a inbuilt conversion of all armors! My dream mod! Because this is allready a feature in the game, isn't it possible to do without the creation kit?
  15. So after attempting to recreate Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, I've realized what this game is really missing is body hair. I'm requesting someone make a mod with varying levels of body hair, and or specifically, an obscenely hairy body hair mod that Carl Brutananadilewski would be proud of. https://imgur.com/8qeiASr
  16. wondering if someone can ad different breast/chest/pectoral sizes for male and females its weird that there is 6 different genital options but no chest options
  17. I recently downloaded the ESO collection of mods for Skyrim SE. I wanted to add the Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer CBBE mod, but I keep getting these issues. Does anyone know what the issue could be or if you have had this issue and you know what mods are conflicting (but not showing up in nexus as conflicting). I've tried disabling some of the 'body, face, hair' mods that I assumed might have some conflicts, but I can't quite figure it out. I'm using the BodySlide mod as well with the CBBE Athletic Preset.
  18. Don't know if anyone has asked this here, someone definitely has on Lover's Lab, but does anyone still have the Victoriam Line - Male bodies textures mod files by Benitoite Mods on their system?
  19. I'm using marshmallow skin 8k and SNU map for muscles.
  20. I spent a few hours trying to sort this out and found a solution. Hope this helps someone else out and saves them some time. #1 If you have no mods installed: Enter console command prompt, click on npc, type: setnpcweight xxx. The XXX represents your number between 0 and 100. Save game, done. #2 If you have a mod for that npc, Seranaholic, Bijin, etc.: Disable the npc mod in your mod manager, enter game, set npc weight as you would with no mod installed. See #1. Save game. Reenable your mod of choice and start the game. NPC should retain your weight selection previously with the mod activated. #3 If you want your npc mod to use the custom body that you have activated: (Seranaholic and other overhauls use their own bodies. So if you want the shape and physics of your body mod to effect a certain overhauled npc, do this) Find the mod in your mod manager folder. Lets use Seranaholic as an example. D:\MO2\MO2\Paths\Skyrim Special Edition\mods\Seranaholic by rxkx22 1.6\meshes\actors\character\Serana. (the beginning of your path will differ depending on where you installed MO2 or if you are using a different mod manager) The files that you want to replace will be here, within the meshes subfolders under the actors name (Serana for this example). They have names like femalebody_0.nif or _1.nif, etc.. Go into your body mod folder, also in a sub folder under meshes (here is an example: D:\MO2\MO2\Paths\Skyrim Special Edition\mods\7B Sevenbase 7Base TankGirl Body HDT CBP and Preset(True Amazon Woman Body) and Muscle Preset\meshes\actors\character\character assets) and copy all of the female....nif files and paste them in the npc mod folder with similar names, when prompted, let your body mods .nif overwrite the npc mods .nif. So I used the 7B .nif to overide the Seranaholic .nif. Basically, if you want to use a certain body mod on your moded npc, you have to copy the .nif files from the body mod into your npc mod. Then deactivate the mod in you manager, load the game and use the console commands to set the npc's weight. Save the game, exit and then reactivate your npc mod. Reload and your custom npc should use the custom body mod with your custom weight setting. I tried using ssedit to do this but without success. I suspect there is a way to do this through the creation kit, but I have not taught myself how to use that yet. ***Disclaimer be sure to save a copy of your Skyrim folder somewhere, so that you can revert back to a working copy. I'd also suggest saving a copy of the mod folder somewhere before beginning to edit them manually or with ssedit. If you want, you can try adjusting the weight through SSEdit first, or at least set the values there before following the steps above, but I haven't found that to effect the end results. If someone knows a better way to do this, please share. Hope this helps somebody else. Its a pretty basic way to adjust the custom follower to your liking and allow them to use the physics of your main body mod. Happy modding.
  21. I'm trying to edit an armor that uses slot 32 (and others) to use slot 52. I've removed all shapes from the mesh excepting the bit I want to keep (a band around the left calf). I've also updated the partition on the mesh and the reference on both the Armor and Armor Addon in the esp, but the mesh won't show in game. What's bizarre (to me at least) is that when trying to diagnose the issue, I set the partition and esp details back to slot 32 to see if the mesh would show at all and it did, albeit without the removed body, as you'd expect. One thing that looked odd to me is that there's only one bone in the mesh (NPC L Calf) and wondered whether the fact that there's no NPC R Calf bone was causing the issue. Can anyone suggest what I need to do to fix the issue?
  22. I can't get presets to show. I make and download presets, but the button is grayed out when I enter slm 14. I tried and tried to get the presets button to work but nope. I even reinstall my entire game and all the basic mods. I'm at my wits' end
  23. I have uploaded some picture below please have a look
  24. I apologize in advance if there are problems with English. I use google translator I build skyrim for myself, in the field of modding an ordinary user. And now I've run into a problem that I can't solve. I really don't understand what could be the problem. Therefore, I ask for help from knowledgeable people or those who have already encountered this. The essence of the problemUpdated the vanilla bodies on the CBBE body, in the bodyslide shaped the body and the vanilla armor underneath. At first, I didn’t find the problem, since everything seems to work fine with vanilla animations, but as soon as I put mods on the animation of movements, and on some versions of the armor, the body starts to pass through it. I tried different animations, but the problem remains, no matter what kind of motion animation I set. I disabled all unnecessary mods, leaving only the necessary ones.- SkyUI- RaceMenu- Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch- XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - Lite (I also tried the full version, the problem did not go away) (The skeleton is the last to be rewritten)- SKSE64- Nemesis- BodySlide- FSMP - Faster HDT-SMP- CBBE- PapyrusUtil SE- UIExtensions- True Directional Movement - Modernized Third Person Gameplay (Needed to see the character in motion from the front)- TrueHUD - HUD Additions- MCM Helper- Address Library for SKSE Plugins SE- AddItemMenu - Ultimate Mod Explorer- Alternate Start - Live Another Life For example, I installed animation - Standalone - SB Gown Walk and Idle Replacer and Nier 2B Movement (standalone versions that do not require DAR) In the bodyslide, first I form the CBBE Body with the CBBE Curvy preset, then through Batch Build I form the entire armor (after cleaning everything previously created in the bodyslide)While I am forming all the meshes without physics (the problem is with it, what without it) Next, I launch Nemesis, and update the animation engine by checking True Directional Movement And as a result, I get a problem where, when wearing some clothes / armor, the character's body in motion passes through them. So, I don’t know what to try and how to treat it. If anyone has experienced this or knows how to fix it, I'd be very grateful for your advice. Screenshots attached (not all armor, there are many more)Also my list of plugins and ini fileshttps://modwat.ch/u/BlackNeron/plugins
  25. hi, i would like to ask if someone can make a mod that notify us when an enemy got some part of the body clipped, like in FNV, it would helps a lot to know if the enemy got legs clipped when you use kneecapper mods, i searched entire forum and nexus page, but i didn't saw someone asking for this mod. thanks in advance
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