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  1. If I was a more skilled modder I would do it myself, but... It would really be nice to have a remover for the blood FX during cutscenes and regular gameplay in Baulder's gate 3, like the one assassins' creed odyssey has. It's probably not typical I know, but I'm sure there are many who would appreciate it, especially content creators, and those who like to play within view of their family. On that note, it would also be interesting to see if you could censor some of the more harsher curses in the game, replacing them with a beep or funny sound. Anyway for all you midders out there, it's something to think about at least! Sincerely Hotminichic
  2. Blood Magic bound sword: Seemingly and rather strangely, such an idea has yet to have been created. Mod request / proposition - I believe that to the right reader, such a creation will prove simple however, it is currently beyond my modding capacity. My proposition is a bound sword - the same model as the original however, with altered textures as to make the sword red - but still semi-transparent - in effect the same blade but in a red-ish hue. The sword would be more powerful than the default bound sword - Daedric level base damage. The sword would cost no magicka to conjure however, would require health to remain summoned - at a cost of 1 point of health every second whilst drawn/conjured. This weapon would prove ideal for blood magic-orientated characters, providing a trade off for great melee power. The conjuration spell tome could be placed at a Daedric shrine. Effective request: Conjuration spell tome for blood magic bound sword. Same model as bound sword but red-colored. Daedric or higher level base damage. Zero cost to summon however, costs 1 point of health per second drawn / out.
  3. A simple request that changes all leveled lists so all organic enemies have a %100 chance of containing blood packs. This also applies to any NPC that's organic such as the gen 3 synths, diamond city guards and yes, even piper. If you have a mod that increases the magnitude and duration of healing items X100 Like I do. You would probably be fine with luring out less liked followers to a remote area, stripping them of their gear, having them unfollow you, and then kill them after popping a stealth boy for a guaranteed sneak attack. Then holding onto their blood as a literal organic stimpak that lasts for like 164 minutes and heals 1,200 HP/S. Also perfect for those who have the Vampiyr Mod installed which gives you combative bonuses for consuming blood packs and meat.
  4. Hellooozie! I was wondering if anyone could create a mod for the Fusion Girl Body that fixes blood decals on the body? For years the blood and gore has looked horrendous and sometimes looked triangle shaped? Blood textures on the face are terrible too! :sick: I think the mod should also be compatible with Hi-Poly Faces and Expressive Expressions? :laugh:
  5. Title says it. Can someone mod Shionnes outfit "Mia's Blood Veil" to remove the jacket? Please just remove the jacket, don't change her body dimensions or make her half naked.
  6. Hi, I'm looking for games with nice blood effects. Anything with well-shaded pools or splashes/splatters. Some examples of high-quality blood effects I have liked in games are Skyrim (with Enhanced Blood Textures) and Dishonored 2. What comes to mind for you?
  7. I'd love to play a class thats all about bleeding. I love the Redcaps kit. Open wounds, bloodlust etc. I don't know anything about making mods, but I feel like taking the assets from the Redcap would be a good start.
  8. I just watched this video https://youtu.be/EGZYgR6Mrzc?t=24 and the game used to have a lot of blood splatters on the ground but now the game felt really dry even if you have turned on the blood and gore FX. How come nobody is bringing this back up?
  9. I've had some more realistic and smaller blood splatter textures for a while and I've been trying to mod them into the game, but I have no clue how to make normal textures and specular maps and other stuff. Would anyone like to try modding these into the game? Also, first time requesting and using the forum, how would I even add my files? Theres only 6 splatters. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mXYvDkygkm79uCU7n4TjsgiRNuJ_sjig?usp=sharing
  10. Is there a mod that increases the amount of blood that comes out of demons when fighting?
  11. Is there a mod that removes the blood splatter on the ground when you kill animals and creatures? (see example image) If not, has anyone seen where these elements are so that I could make a mod to remove them? I haven't ventured into modding yet, and I thought this might be a good first place to try and get started. Thanks for your help and support.
  12. If anyone skilled enough would create a mod like the MHW mod "Bloody Broken Parts" for Monster Hunter Rise, I'd appreciate it. Thank you very much!
  13. Pretty much what the titles said. I've been noticing that there's no blood showing up on the ground when I'm attacking NPCs, and I don't know why. I double checked my .ini settings and there are this: fDecalLifetime=90.0000fMinBloodDamage=0.0000iMaxDecalsPerFrame=20bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry=1 Which, to my knowledge, should mean that everything is in order. Am I missing something? I'm playing with some heavily modified textures, but I wasn't aware of that causing any issues with decals. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. Pretty much what the title says. During combat, there's no blood splatters on the ground, even though the blood spray is there. I don't know why. I checked my .ini, and the values were at the following: fDecalLifetime=90.0000fMinBloodDamage=0.0000iMaxDecalsPerFrame=20bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry=1 Which, to my knowledge, should mean that everything is in order. However, I went and downloaded BethINI and set the decals to "Ultra," so now they're at the following: fDecalLifetime=90.0000fMinBloodDamage=0.0000iMaxDecalsPerFrame=250bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry=1 Am I missing something? I'm using texture packs for landscapes, dungeons, and cities (Qarl's, mostly), but I wasn't aware that would cause any decal issues. Any help would be appreciated.
  15. Hiya! Requesting a small re-texture that makes the waters and rain of Skyrim look red like blood. That's it, thanks in advance. :smile:
  16. So, for the quest Painting the Town, you can actually choose NOT to use green paint, and instead paint the wall Yellow or Blue. But even though Cans of Blood are a thing, as are Red ones (thanks to Far Harbour I believe), you cannot use them. So I was wondering if it would be possible for a mod to allow the use of those cans, and paint the wall Red, or if you are an edgy raider, Blood.
  17. Ok so, here's my idea. You kill a lot of people in Skyrim, I mean, A LOT. Especially respawning generic NPCs like bandits, wolves, bears etc. So, imagine a pool, somewhere on the east side of the map, a natural pool, like a pond, or a small lake. AND IT'D BE FILLED WITH THE BLOOD OF YOUR ENEMIES!! In the beginning (when starting a new game), the pool thing would be empty because your kill count would be 0. As you progress through the game, and you kill people and creatures, the pool slowly fills with blood. The more you kill, the more blood there will be. And skulls and bones floating in it. Human skulls, troll skulls, dragon skulls and bones, mammoth tusks, giant's toes etc. In the end, when you've killed a certain amount of people (A LOT), you can swim in the blood of your enemies, quite literally. Kind of a stupid idea, but I just had to get it out of my head.
  18. I thought about how the Lunar Forge doesn’t really do much, and neither does the lunar enchantment. I wanted to suggest expanding on the lunar enchantment by adding Moon Magic, so I went over the internet to look up moon magic. In doing so, I came across blood magic while researching the blood moon phenomena (which actually exists irl. The things you learn...). If anyone just wants to do a few of these spells, that's fine. I would just like to see these ideas in the game. So, two new types of magic then. Moon Magic: LORE The moons are known to be related to the werebeast, but the layman knows not why. Many decades ago, a few magic institutions came together to make intensive study into the matter. They found that the moons have no connection to lycanthropy, but instead has influence on the mind; the moons affects to mood of mortal beings at certain phases. Going further, they discovered a potent source for augmenting illusion magic, in the same way that waystones may augment other magics. But it requires that the moons be out, otherwise the spells do not work. It also requires great concentration to resist succumbing to the influence of the Moons while tapping into their power, draining the stamina of the practitioner. The spells developed by means of this “Moon Magic” are; NOVICE ILL {•} Moon flame--- The many mages involved in moon research found that Moon Magic manages to merge the schools of illusion and destruction. This spell casts a green tinted fire that is silent and renders the caster invisible, allowing them to disappear as soon as they have fired. While a single casting of flame is unlikely to kill anything, it can provide distraction to lead away a guard. The fireball does 15 points of damage (fire and forget). ILL {•} Charm---------- Basically this; http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Charm_(Oblivion). Place spells in their respective classifications (novice, apprentice, etc). APPRENTICE ILL {•} Beserker------- The Moons influence the feelings of mortals, as does existing Illusion spells. By staring at the Moons to channel their power, one can enter a self induced fury, doubling stock weapon damage. This, however, is a risky spell, as all around you will see your feral state for what it is – a threat – and seek to detain you. This spell does not augment enchantment damage. ADEPT ILL {•} Silence – The moons have an unexpected property; the ability to disrupt magic in general, by means of subtly disrupting the overall emotional state of a target so that they cannot determine what they are feeling an cannot focus. The targets magika is drained by 1000 and their magika regen is decreased by a factor of %150 (fire and forget). ILL {•} Moonlight----- When the moons are out, the player can charge and cast a brief gout of light that burns the target for 20 points for 3 seconds (max 60 points if you track your target correctly). ILL {•} Moondark-----When Masser waxes to full (bloodmoon, I think it was called by one of the Hunters of Hircine), Moon Magic becomes twisted; this spell requires that Masser be at its prime phase, and sputs a brief stream of dark tinted energy that burns the target for 40 points and drains 3 HP over 3 seconds (total 129 points of damage and 9 health recovered). EXPERT ILL {•} Lunacy---------- Fury and Fear can both be augmented by the Moons, but only if you know how to. The mages involved in moon research not only found out how to augment them, but also how to merge the two; this spell will make all affected either launch into fury or succumb to terror, at random for each person (fire and forget). ENCHANTMENTS ARMOR {•} Fortify Illusion- When the moons are out, your skill in illusion is fortified by %20. Blood Magic: LORE In the most ancient of times, the Dragons ruled Nirn, and brought unspeakable terror, pain, and death and death to mortal-kind. Their most feared of instruments were the Dragon Priests, men who were given terrible powers in return for their allegiance and faithful execution of the will of Dragon-kind. When the Priests began their most tyrannical period of oppression, they sought abominable knowledge from the Daedric Princes, trading legions of the innocent in return for powerful magics. Among these magics was Blood Magic; the use of the power of life, instead of magic. As necromancy is backed by the Ideal Masters, and Namira is the patron of revolting acts, Blood Magic was given forth by the Dadric Prince of Domination and Enslavement; Molag Bal. Created as a gift to those who commit mass cullings, Blood Magic was independent of Magika, requiring only the power of life. Legends of Arkay and Meridia – the longest standing contenders with the Prince of Domination – taking all means possible to wipe out this magic aside, the art of Blood Magic was among the unspeakable sorceries of the Dragon Priests. When mortals rebelled, and waged successful war against their oppressors, they sought to destroy all their accursed knowledge; their Necromantic Longevity and Revenant Binding, their corruption of the minds of men and mer, their warping of time and fate, and their abhorrent abuse of blood. The mortals were successful, but only as far as destroying previous users – the Dragon Priests and their aides. Molag Bal still held the knowledge, and improved on it over the course of centuries. It was his gift to his Nirn borne spawn, the Vampire. And so Blood Magic persists, with the most powerful spells – ones that utterly dominate life itself – being hoarded by the Vampire, and the lesser, more crude spells being given to their thralls. And once in a while, a thrall manages to break free of it’s master’s hold, and leaves with all their knowledge, either to prey on whomever they encounter or spread their forbidden knowledge. Thankfully, this accursed art has a weakness; blood. It requires that the caster sacrifice his own blood, losing HP instead of MP, even if they are affecting the blood of another being. Also, the more powerful spell require another living being be present, be it man, mer, or beast. Blood magic is at it’s weakest against enemies that are immune by their very nature; automatons, familiars, and atronachs – which are all bloodless – and the undead – which while having blood, have no life within it, and thus no power. The spells developed by means of “Blood Magic” are: SPELLS DESTRUCTION NOVICE {•} Hematoma – The easiest manipulation of blood is to move it. In this case, it is moved out of the veins and into the surrounding tissue, causing intense pain. Target takes 8 points of bleeding damage and slows the target for duration of casting. APPRENTICE {•} Haemorrhage – The vein rich orifices of the target are violently ruptured, causing 25 points of bleeding and stamina damage and staggering the target (fire and forget). {•} Blood Ward – Blood Magic can make use of the blood in others, with horrifying results. The target is damaged for 15 points and a ward that diffuses fire and frost for a total of 40 points is created in front of the caster. It will not stop lightning. If the caster allows the ward to drop, another target will be needed to activate it again. {•} Blood Drain – The life within the blood of others is transferred from their blood to yours, causing 10 points of bleeding damage and draining 15HP from the target, restoring 15HP to the caster (fire and forget). (Remember, Blood magic uses HP instead of MP; don’t miss). ADEPT DES {•} Heinous Blood Ward – The target is damaged for 60 points and a ward that diffuses fire and frost for a total of 75 points is created in front of the caster. It will not stop lightning. If the caster allows the ward to drop, another target will be needed to activate it again. DES {•} Blood Rune – The caster creates a blood rune on a nearby surface that explodes, draining 8HP from all targets in the blast radius for 15 seconds. EXPERT {•} Hematemesis – Blood is violently ruptured from all vein rich areas on and within all targets within a 10 meter radius, causing it to gush from the eyes, ears, fingernails, and be vomited from the mouth. All affected targets are staggers and vomit blood, and the caster is surrounded in a Blood Cloak. {•} Abhorrent Blood Ward - The target is damaged for 70 points and a ward that diffuses fire and frost for a total of 90 points is created in front of the caster. It will not stop lightning. If the caster allows the ward to drop, another target will be needed to activate it again. RESTORATION APPRENTICE {•} Transfusion – The caster uses their blood to heal another. Target is healed 10pts per second (HP and ST). Cost 10HP per second. ALTERATION NOVICE {•} Oakblood – The power over blood means a Blood Mage can move blood...or make it immovable. This spell improves the caster’s weapon damgage by %8 – by means of moving the blood in the limbs to add velocity to a strike – and reduces all damage taken by %5 – by means of making the blood rich areas of the body harder to move, causing a cushioning effect. APPRENTICE {•} Stoneblood – Improves the caster’s weapon damage by %10, and reduces all damage taken by %8. ADEPT {•} Ironblood – Improves the caster’s weapon damage by %15, and reduces all damage taken by %10. {•} Blood Cloak – The caster draws their own blood out of their body, making it available for use, and drains HP from any who get too close; 8HP per second. {•} Inert Binding---Minds are especially vulnerable during sleep. The blood of the victim moves to your will, effectively turning the target into a puppet, albeit an incredibly ungainly one. Target will attack who you attack, but will have all skills reduced to zero due to awkward movement. Target will still incur bounty, and will be hostile once the spell wears off. Lucid targets will resist this spell. (Fire and forget.) EXPERT {•} Unwavering Ironblood – The Blood Mage holds his blood within his body, even when an open wound exists through which blood may bleed. Improves the caster’s weapon damage by %15, reduces all damage taken by %12, and increases healing rate by %10. MASTER {•} Lucid Binding—The blood in all beings bends to your every whim, moving victims however you wish, either lifting them and throwing them about, or causing significant damage through concentrated effort. The target is immobilised and takes 70 points of bleeding damage every two and a half seconds, and can be thrown wherever you wish. Death cancels the spell. CONJURATION NOVICE {•} Blood Summon; Bloodhound – The caster creates a blood sigil (seal) on a nearby surface that explodes to damage only one enemy, causing 20 points of bleeding damage and soul trapping the affected target. At the time that a valid target is damaged by the sigil (a living creature), a Bloodhound is formed by the blood of the sigil and the blood of the victim. The Bloodhound attacks any nearby enemy, draining 5HP of damage per hit. The Bloodhound will continue to drain 2HP from the target affected by the blood sigil until the Bloodhound disappears or is destroyed. (appearance; death hound made of blood) APPRENTICE {•} Blood Binding – The target is cursed, their blood being attracted more and more to the summons of the caster. At death, the target’s heart is torn from their body and into your hand, adding it to your inventory. (which heart you get depends on target; Human, Spriggan, Werewolf/Werebeast, Daerdra) {•} Blood Curse – When revealing the secrets of Blood Magic to the Dragon Priests, Molag Bal directed the creation of the first Blood Cursed beings; beings whose blood was profaned into a disgusting mockery of life, worse than anything spawned of necromancy. These beings were especially abhorrent to Akatosh, who visits his hate onto any such abomination to enter the Sun’s light by burning them with the sacred light of Aetherius. For 60 seconds, the target is counted among the undead and is %25 weaker to fire and sun damage and burning under the Sun’s light. (turn undead, necromantic healing, and any items that trigger upon use on/against undead targets will now work on the target. Normal healing spells do not work) ADEPT {•} Blood Blade – The caster forms a blade from blood. Requires Blood Cloak be active. Sheath to dispel. (appearance; red ebony sword) {•} Blood Arrow – The caster creates 12 arrows from blood. Requires Blood Cloak be active. {•} Blood Dagger – The caster forms a blade from blood. Requires Blood Cloak be active. Sheath to dispel. (appearance; red ebony dagger) {•} Blood Summon; Serpent – The caster creates a blood sigil (seal) on a nearby surface that explodes to damage only one enemy, causing 40 points of bleeding damage and soul trapping the affected target. At the time that a valid target is damaged by the sigil (a living creature), a Blood Snake is formed by the blood of the sigil and the blood of the victim. The Blood Snake attacks any nearby enemy, 9HP of damage per hit. The Blood Snake will continue to drain 5HP per second from the target affected by the blood sigil until the Blood Snake disappears or is destroyed. (appearance; a snake made of blood, if at all possible to do that. Perhaps an elongated Ice Wraith?) EXPERT {•} Blood Tentacle – The caster forms a blade that drains. Requires Blood Cloak be active. Sheath to dispel. (appearance; red Miraak’s sword, with red tentacle animation and long reaching damage) {•} Blood Summon; Wraiths – The caster creates a blood sigil (seal) on a nearby surface that explodes to damage only one enemy, causing 70 points of bleeding damage and soul trapping the affected target. At the time that a valid target is damaged by the sigil (a living creature), four Blood Wraiths are formed by the blood of the sigil and the blood of the victim. The Blood Wraiths attacks any nearby enemy, 9HP of damage per hit. Each Blood Wraiths will continue to drain 4HP per second from the target affected by the blood sigil until the Blood Wraiths disappear or are destroyed. (appearance; ice wraiths made of blood) MASTER {•} Blood Summon; Wyrm – The caster creates a blood sigil (seal) on a nearby surface that explodes to damage only one enemy, causing 120 points of bleeding damage and soul trapping the affected target. At the time that a valid target is damaged by the sigil (a living creature), a Wyrm is formed by the blood of the sigil and the blood of the victim. The Wyrm attacks any nearby enemy, draining 25HP of damage per second. The Wyrm will continue to drain 15HP from the target affected by the blood sigil until the Blood Wyrm disappears or is destroyed. (appearance; Apocrypha Seeker made of blood) BLOOD CURSE (ENCHANTING) WEAPONS {•} Blood Extraction – %25 chance to violently pull blood out of the target for XXHP. (target vomits blood) ARMOR {•}Blood Cursed Armor – Illusion and sneaking are improved by %25. Wearer takes sun damage. {•} Blood Hoard- Once a day, if health is low, restores health to wearer and allies for XX and damages nearby enemies for XX. (Amount of health restored and damage done to enemies relies on power of enchantmet) (Curaiss, amulet, ring) {•} Fortify Blood Magic and Health Regen – Blood Magic costs %XX less to cast, and Health regenerates %XX faster. (Restricted to unique item. Cannot be disenchanted and cannot be enchanted onto items) {•} Fortify Blood Magic – Blood Magic costs %XX less to cast. (Restricted to unique item. Cannot be disenchanted and cannot be enchanted onto items) {•} Fortify Blood Resistance – Increases resistance to Blood Magic by %XX. PERKS DES {•} Blood Poisoning – Blood spells do %25 more damage. %50 at second rank. DES {•} Gorge – Will entirely absorb a targets HP if their health is low. CON{•} Blood Summons cost half health. ITEMS HEARTS It makes sense to include something other than soul gems to give a greater sense of immersion. More powerful hearts mean more charges for the Blood Curse. Spriggan Taproot è Equivalent of Lesser Soul Gem Human Heart è Equivalent of Common Soul Gem Werewolf/Werebeast Heart è Equivalent of Greater Soul Gem Daedra Heart è Equivalent of Black Soul Gem
  19. Will the upcoming DLC/Addon break a mooded game? I know there will be patches and stuff and I want to know if the new patches and the addon will corrupt saves and break the game or if the mods previously installed simply stop functioning. would be cool if someone could clear this up.
  20. I would like to request more brutal sound effects for when a Human enemy dies. -Choking on blood -Moaning -Violent Screams -Etc.... Possible? http://puu.sh/pNgTm/c41148767c.gifThanks
  21. Hi guys Is there any mod that improves the shadows' mechanics especially in B&W ? I've just started blood and wine, just ended that chat with locals in the cockatrice's inn, as i went out i found the first notice board and i noticed that the shadows above the notice board are loaded only when i get very close to it, while same shadows disappear as i get 2 meters far from the notice board. Any mod that loads the shadows starting from higher distances? I read on a mod that changing CascadeShadowDistanceScale0=1 to =5 should do the trick But all I got from this is the Shadow setting going to Low (while i had it on extreme) and problem stays unsolved. Suggestions or mod about this?
  22. Hey Nexus, I searched and searched and the only mods that change the gore, give the game MORE gore... I'd really like a mod that takes most of the gore away - it looks cartoonish and unrealistic, especially the blood impact decals that float around bodies as they are shot. FO4 BLOOD - changes these decals around, but still overly large and unrealistic... would be good to get a version of this with about 80% smaller decals [if possible]. Minimal Blood Mod - changes particles, not decals. NO BLOOD - removes the decals completely and replaces them with metal spark impacts, would be good to see these sparks mixed in with the blood decals, bullets hit armor too.
  23. I want the game to have better looking blood that's left on your character, like how it is done in Bloodborne. Right now it's just black on your face and very faint red on your armor. Would it be possible to have a lot more blood show up on your character, and for the blood to be more red?
  24. hi guys this is the first thing to write ever in this website, English is my second language, but ill do my best to explain, and sorry for any mistakes i have a new idea of making some sort of new and unique alteration spells. the spells is about to cast enchantment on not enchanted weapon and give special effects. the spell level starts from apprentice level with minimal efficiency, and can be upgraded to a more powerful versions, up to it's ultimate effect on master level. this mod is about enhancing your "one handed weapon" attacks , with some cool and powerful effects, with a high cost of health, stamina, and/or Magica. so the element of managing the resources and challenges to survive will be presented. Apprentice: Enchant weapon to do extra damage with the cost of health, if reuse the spell within 30 second, cost to cast will be increased by 10%. Health cost is 10% of max health, but with every level to health will reduce the cost by 0.2% of max health. Adept: Enchant weapon to more extra damage and stagger the enemy with cost of 15 % of max health and 5 % of max stamina. if reused within 30 seconds, cost for health will be increased 10 % and for stamina by 5 % of their max’s. With every level to health or stamina cost will be reduced by 0.2 % or 0.05 % respectively. Expert: Enchant weapon with extra damage and stagger enemy and slow them for 15 second with cost of 20 %, 5 % and 30 % of health, stamina and magicka respectively of their maximum. If reused within 30 seconds, cost for health will be increased 10 %, 5 % for stamina and 5 % for magicka With every level to health, stamina or magicka, casting cost will be reduced by 0.2%, 0.05% or 0.05 % respectively. Master (must be dueled): After casting the spell, for 30 seconds, damage taken will be ignored by 40 % and 10% of damage will be absorbed until reach a certain threshold, then weapon will be enchanted with the ultimate strike, that will blow away the main target (like unrelenting force) and knockdown other enemies surrounded the spell user and reduced everyone armor by 25% for 30 seconds. Casting the spell will cost 50 % of health, 50 % of Stamina and 30 % of Magicka, of their maximum. Reuse the spell within 1 minute will increase the cost by 10 % for health, 10 % for stamina and 10 % for magicka. Leveling any specific attribute will reduce the excution cost by 0.05 % for health, 0.05 % for stamina and 0.01 % for magicka. i am trying to make this balance and integrated with other skills as possible as i can,but this is my limit so far :D , so if anyone has an opinion to make this better, please do share your Idea. the problem i don't know how to mod, so "mod creators" please make this mod.
  25. Hello, in my current game my dude is a Vampire, i traveled to Riverwood and i bit a few people and i was wondering, if by chance will they turn into Vampires themselves after a few days? and if not (that's pretty lame imo) could someone point me to a mod that does this? or even make the mod please? Oh and please not a spell ]:/ just Bite, 3 days, vampire bam!. it shouldn't be too hard :/ i mean for someone who can work the creation kit and all. Like, what i mean (if it isn't obvious) is if i bite someone and after 3 days they turn into a vampire. and since i was the one who bit them i could enlist them into my service (optional). Or if lets say i turn all of Riverwood into vampires they will then do what they do at day time, but at night and sleep during the day. It would be kinda sweet if i could turn all of skyrim into vampires, whether they be essential or not. You bite one or two humans and a month later Vampires EVERYWHERE..LOL :D Hm, honestly i just need the bite, 3 days, vampire thing mostly. does a mod like that exist?
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