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  1. I've been trying to make a new shield for Oblivion which uses the texture and shape of the Fighters Guild wall decoration. But now that I'm finally making progress, I try to export the shield to a .nif and it doesn't let me. I'm not entirely sure what it means by "'Object' object has no attribute 'face_maps'". Anyone know how to fix this?
  2. Heya y'all! Shiagur here. Remember the Blender Rigs I've posted here? They now come with a python script to automate the most tedious parts of the process! Here are two videos to show you how easy it is now:
  3. I've just finished V1 of a Blender Import/Export tool that supports Skyrim LE & SE and Fallout 4. Yes, you can import from SE and export to LE and it just works. https://github.com/B...yNifly/releases Features Supports FO4, Skyrim LE, Skyrim SE. Import from one game and export to another with minimal twiddling (bone weights, partitions, shape keys). Handles tris and base mesh in one step. No need to separate UV seams or triangulate before exporting Handles expression and chargen tri files for Skyrim and FO4 Import tris into an existing mesh or on their own Supports Bodyslide tri files on import and export for body morphs Handles multiple bodyweights in one step. Export _0 and _1 armor weights for Skyrim from a single mesh. Handles Skyrim and FO4 partitions and also FO4 segments Handles skinned and unskinned meshes correctly. Exports head parts to SE correctly. Handles shaders correctly. Set them up in Blender and export. Import-and-forget. What you import will behave correctly on export without fiddling.
  4. Hi everyone, I'm new to mod creation and apologize if this is an easy fix, but this is my third day trying to figure this out to no avail. I'm trying to make an asset pack for a larger mod that I plan to make. The issue I'm running into is with putting these objects into the GECK. -- I started this process by extracting meshes.bsa, textures.bsa, and textures2.bsa into the New Vegas Data folder (for me it's D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data). -- I then made the custom textures that I plan to use and put them in its own folder in the textures folder within the Data folder. -- Made copy of the object .nif (in the example provided, cliffverti_a1.nif) and imported into Blender 2.49b and applied textures. Exported with a different name (in this case cliffverti_a1pd.nif). This is where I believe the problem starts (again, I'm new to making mods so the problem could start anywhere else). After attempting to put my object in the GECK, it simply shows a marker error. To see where I went wrong, I opened the .nif in NifSkope and noticed that the object looks completely different in NifSkope compared to Blender. The following are the Blender 2.49b, GECK, and NifSkope views of the .nif that I am trying to put into the GECK: https://imgur.com/a/m9yfzvK If there's more information needed to help, please ask for it so I can provide that information timely. Thanks in advanced!
  5. Iknow how to make the JSON file and get it into blender. If anybody can take it from there and make usable models in game. i.e. Make Passers by and npcs that you can placer like base parts. i would love them for life and we can talk about comp
  6. You can now make your own animations without 3dsMax! Here's a link: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/82537 You should find anything you need there, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
  7. Hi, I'm trying to replace the stars texture painted on skystars.nif to a photorealistic, actual constellations/ non-repeating texture . Any help ? I'm good with fo4edit & co, but I'm a total beginer in Blender/ UV map editing , etc I looked up realistic textures of constellations, converted them to dds .. I installed Blender, niftools addon, I imported the mesh and I'm playing with the UV map...deleting the old one, adding new one and trying to re-cut the mesh for unwrapping different ways, I'm trying to superimpose the unwrapped UV map over the new images I want... but I run into problems: the exported nif doesnt save/have the texture reference... I imported the nif in bodyslide, added the texture reference, but it doesn't paint it either, doesn't save it either, and it's not painting it in the game either. the new textures I want work with the vanilla skystars.nif... but it's not UV mapped well, obviously. It has a boring, unrealistic, repeating pattern Any help with UV remapping? With why the textures aren't saving after editing in Blender, however crudely I'm doing it ? Or even easier, can anybody do this simple mod for me ? I'm an astronomy nerd pretty much... cant stand the fake stars/ constellations.. very distracting from gameplay Anybody, anything ? Thank you
  8. Hi, I want to ask you for some practical advice on modding regarding Blender. I'm not new to modding but I'm certainly a beginner compared to you, so I need your advice in form, clear, simple and expert. I'm creating a mod to change Arcade's outfit, and also his aesthetic. He will be dressed in 19th century style, with a monocle over his eye, a top hat, an elegant suit and a doctor's case ALWAYS in his left hand, so with him I will always adopt the use of one-handed weapons. The specific problem here is that I don't understand why on Blender I create a model, actually, I merge two .nif files into the same collection and then on the GECK I don't see that model, but when I insert the .nif file this object is visually not seen, it is invisible . The doctor's bag is the one that gave me problems. I took the file of a left hand [lefthand.nif], from the \Data\Meshes\characters\_male folder, I took the nif file of a doctor's bag already present in the game [doctorbag.nif] from the \Data\Meshes folder \clutter\health, I worked these files together, spent about 3 and a half hours in total. -I straightened the handle of the briefcase vertically, so that it appears to be held in one hand -I bent the fingers of the hand of that .nif file so that they held the handle of the briefcase -I inserted the briefcase inside the hand and finally I also reduced the size of the briefcase to avoid clipping with the new Arcade clothes. -Finally, and perhaps I made a mistake here, I deleted the collision file linked to the briefcase on NifSkope, which was still in its original position and I had not repositioned it on the briefcase. I saved a .blend file, I finally exported the work in the form of .nif and when I open it with NifSkope everything is perfect, both hand and briefcase can be seen. However, when I create a glove on GECK and set the model to this .nif I don't see anything, everything is invisible. What do you think I did wrong? If you need it, I am available to share these work files to show you and help me. Thank you very much to everyone who will help me, they will be mentioned in the mod when I publish it on Nexus.
  9. Hello, at the moment I am concerned about the possibility of creating followers with a cusmtom head (not racemenu and high poly head), a head made from photographs or ported from another game. I have some work in the form of .obj files of heads from facegen and facebuilder in blender. I'm already tired of looking for a guide to creating a head for Skyrim. Maybe you can tell me?
  10. Hello there, i am fairly new to blender and got the import and export settings to work, but i can not find a tutorial on how to adapt clothing for another bodytype. I can only find Head/Hair adjustments. I basically want this https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/2617 to be applied to this body https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/1117 and share it after i got both authors OK. I got a lot of time spare till christmas and wanted to learn something new, i hope somebody can help me out. Best regards.
  11. Hello Community, So I want to be able to take a mod file for Battlefront 2 (a .fbmod file) and bring the mesh and textures into Blender. I know how to extract models using the frosty tools editor that are built into the game, and I know how to mod the game for gameplay with the mod manager, but nothing I'm doing seems to show up in the editor for me to export like an .fbx or any texture files. Anyone know how to do this either using frosty tools, blender or a 3rd party solution?
  12. So... I worked 5 Hours on an area of the Mod, the SCP Foundation Site. But apparently I did it wrong and all this work is for nothing... Texturing is literally impossible because I can't texture within blender only with paint.net/Photoshop. I would like to have some help in form of a modeler. Cause I am utter garbage in it... Alas I am not qualified to get such help according to the people I asked. I am currently trying to not cry and get a panic attack because the Foundation Site is just 1/10 of the entire mod. Any hints for how I should model the stuff? Would splitting the entire thing and put them together inside the CK be a good idea? (like Road, entrance, floor blocks, walls)
  13. Hi everybody, i make an follower mod of an human cyborg that fall down in tamriel, the idea is that i wanted put in her secret cell an Easter Egg, an door that open it show you an space ship, in this case its an Space Shuttle from the movie Avatar, i fount it in obj format and hardly imported in blender, the case its that i cant still export it in nif format to use it in skyrim, if any body can help me whit this i really going to appreciate it, if you interested even can download it and export it in nif format and send it me back. i really appreciated any help sorry for my bad english https://www.dropbox.com/s/jtbp9fgy8lujnya/Avatar.blend?dl=0
  14. Is it possible to extract my player preset to blender? Any tutorials? Help would be greatly Appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  15. Hi guys, I wonder if someone might be able to help me with getting my first model into Skyrim? It's a simple enough sword that I've created in Blender but I'm having real issues getting it to show up correctly in the Creation Kit. After a lot of trial and error, I've got to the point where I can go into an existing weapon in the Creation Kit (Orcish Greatsword) and edit it to point at my new model but, even though I've set the correct texture paths in the .nif file (overwriting what was there previously to make sure it was in the right place), the preview in the CK shows up with what looks like a default texture. I saved the texture, normal map and specular map as DDS files with the Intel DDS plugin for Photoshop, using BC3 / DXT5 compression. I tried doing it without mipmaps but the CK complained about not having them so I went back and saved them again with mipmaps. I made the mesh in blender 2.79 and imported into Nifskope 1.2.0 Alpha (the latest version has the import option disabled). I UV unwrapped the mesh in blender and then used Photoshop CC 2017 to make the texture on it. I know the UV looks horrible and has a lot of wasted space, but I'd already made the texture before I realised I could move the parts around in blender. I will probably go back and unwrap it again and make the texture again from scratch, but I want to know that I can actually get it to show up correctly in-game first. Before I started this, I had no experience with any of the tools I've used, so I've spent several days on this, reading and watching many tutorials but I just can't seem to get it quite right. I don't know if it's the DDS format that's wrong, something I've messed up on the mesh (I had to go back and flip some of the normals as it was inside out in Nifskope at first) or if I'm just missing something really simple. Please could someone that knows a bit more about this than I do, have a look at the .nif and .dds files that I've included in the file linked below (it's only about 3MB, but still too big to upload directly here) to see if you can work out where I'm going wrong? I've spent so long trying to work it out by trial and error and I've got to the point where I really don't want to make any more (this was supposed to be a test for a larger project, encompassing some 60 weapons!) Link below: https://1drv.ms/u/s!...3h3KtXPsjYaYySw Thanks a lot in advance. Geraint
  16. Dear users, I've recently been curious about an idea of extracting my Fallout 4 character model with possible mods to SFM, to pose it and etc. What I mean is I need my preset to be on a female character model with CBBE mod. Sounds deliriously, I know. Is it possible? I've already discovered B.A.E. and niftools/nifscope. However, I don't know where to find the preset I need. Talking about mods, I think it's okay, because I don't need them to be extracted directly from the game, just downloaded from Nexus, converted and modified in blender. Those who know or have done it before, please explain how I can make this dream come true. Thanks in advance! =) And a picture of a character for making this topic a little more attractive.
  17. I have both _0 and _1 mesh versions, but when testing the armor in game it turned out that the game uses _0 right until weight is set to maximum - then it snaps to _1. How to make sure there's a gradual change for all in-between slider values? Just to specify, this is about vanilla weight slider for the fat/muscle change of the body. Couldn't find any definite answers anywhere.
  18. I already made shitty looking ears and converted them to nif but I do not know how to place or texture them properly.
  19. This is my first time making an armor mod, so I followed tutorials closely (this and this). The armor is not following the body parts once it's in the game - it's static, just kinda hovering in player's place. I'm pretty sure the problem is in the way I had to add the skeleton right before exporting the .nif - tutorials said to use "Import Skeleton Only + Parent Selected" and then export both the mesh and skeleton. In my case, Blender threw out a "cannot import skeleton: root is not a NiNode" error. It imported the skeleton after the error anyway, but the structure in Nifskope was completely different than expected. So I tried to import the whole nif, take the skeleton and then parent it manually, which seemed to work out right until testing it in the game. Any ideas what to do with the error/skeleton import, or if this is connected to a completely different problem?
  20. Hi! I have an issue with the GND models of a standalone mod: these are not shown in the game, nor in the Creation Kit. They were models of an old mod that worked well and, when I modified their meshes in Blender 2.79, no longer load. However, in NifSkope they show up without problem. How can i fix this? PS: Sorry for my bad english :$
  21. Recently (add 50 air quotes), I have been attempting to attach items to armors. While I have been able to get the item to properly rig onto the armor, I have been dealing with the item vanishing at random (from observation, it seems to occur when particularly close, or at some angles) Disgusting Silly Lobotomite: http://i.imgur.com/yZhJBaN.jpg Gets shy and removes nose up close: http://i.imgur.com/LrKb7if.jpg I have been able to attach other pieces of clothing together with success, so it seems to just be items. I have been dealing with this problem for a long time, and am hoping someone knows what's wrong here, and helps me fix it.
  22. I'm trying to make a body mesh and for some reason in blender it is having trouble saving the .tga file when I go to save the uv layout. It appears to be an issue with the .blend file and not the program itself because I can make other meshes export their uv .tgas just fine. i thought i could maybe just skip getting the actual .tga from the blender file and make the textures from a screenshot but when I did that the mesh ended up just being replaced with some kinda red triangle prism. I checked online and some people thought that was a texture problem so I'm assuming the issue keeping me from exporting the .tga is linked to that. If anybody has any idea what's going on there your advice would be greatly appreciated, i really don't want to go making this mesh completely over from scratch again. Edit: Oh right, to wrap this one up in case anyone else has the same problem: the .tga export wasn't needed at all, making the texture from a screenshot works fine as long as the .blend file as the unwrap saved on it. The red triangle was caused by missing a step in the tutorial i read. I just had to edit it in nifskope a bit and make sure the nitri texture thing was pointing to the right file location for the textures, which was weird cause i didn't need to do that for the head mesh, but whatever. ---This topic has been S.O.L.V.E.D.---
  23. I really need someone that knows blender enough to swap out the meshes on a stack of crossbow .nifs. There's like ten and I need the usleep crossbow nif base with the mesh from the custom crossbow nifs to fix the snapback bug on them and the animations speed up. Please let me know if your capable and willing to do this.
  24. I cannot get an armor that I've made in Blender to show up in game. I'm following this tutorial http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout._Part_2#Export_the_armour and I'm stuck at the "It is important that the Shader flag SF_SHADOW_MAP is selected. If it is not the armour will be invisible in game." part. My armor pieces don't have the sf_shadow_map flags and idk how to add it. Can someone help me out? Something tells me it wont be as simple as right clicking and setting the flag from nifskope. I would have to make the changes in Blender, correct? If you need more info, please lmk
  25. So, I 've got a little problem.I 've set up material for my model in Blender, then simplified it to only diffuse, normal and specular map, so it looks like that: Now, I want to take that material and transfer it to NIF file. I have my 3DS files for model and blood ready, and textures are saved appropriately (diffuse = thing.dds, normal = thing_n.dds, specular = thing_m.dds). I only want node structure in NIF file that gives a similar result to my material. And, if MAYBE, someone knows how to control roughness through my mesh, I would be very thankful if he/she shares his/her knowledge.
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