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  1. I'm of no use with the bodyslide tools, so I wonder if someone would be up to making some bhunp v4 bodyslide files for this one ? Daughters of Dimitrescu Outfit - CBBE 3BA - TBD - BHUNP at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) Would love to use it, but I haven't found any conversions as of now. The original seems to be just for BHUNP v2 and some parts such as the torso/coat are not fitting. Seems some others folks kept asking for v4 on the mod page too.. Would be amazing if someone could convert it
  2. I'm about to start Skyrim for the first time and I tried installing BHUNP, but it seems to require enhanced character edit, which is incompatible with racemenu. Is there anyway to make BHUNP work with racemenu? Also, is BHUNP significantly more difficult to make work than CBBE 3BA?
  3. So I install BHUNP via Vortex everything works except for gravity breast physics specifically (using smp for that specifically). I install CBPC, BHUNP, Faster HDT SMP, XP32 plus all their dependencies have built meshes/morphs in bodyside and messed around with load order nothing works. ran Nemesis/checked the pathing for bodyside all fine there. I'm new to the forums but I believe posting this here is acceptable based on the guidelines I read. Doing this off a clean install (Clean as in I nuked the Skyrim SE folders completely then installed the game again with just the basics.) I'm looking for any information as to what can cause this problem or even something as simple as a step-based installation guide. Any help would be appreciated. I've gotten it to work in the past, but it seems like it's just RNG as I have no idea what I did or did not do.
  4. If some modder don't mind, could you convert the following mod to BHUNP, please? Skimped - Creation Club AIO (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/70583) I'm going to be very glad if you could! Thank you very much!
  5. Hello! I'll try to make this as short as possible - I'd like to have both TEWOBA (the expanded version of bikini armors) and The Book of UUNP/BHUNP installed at the same time and have all of the armors occur naturally as I level-up. Right now, I have only The Book of BHUNP installed with TAWOBA converted to BHUNP, the latter of which doesen't do anything to distribute the armors in any good way. There's the weird BHUNP conversion with digitigrade, that hasn't been updated in ages for BHUNP and the one that is well-done by Baka, but it's not the expanded version and it doesen't distribute it either. On top of that - the version of The Book of BHUNP that is out there doesen't have Elven Armor in it. I've checked it with xEdit and with the mod that lets you grab any item from a mod and it's just not there. Like it's missing completely. So maybe the CBBE version of it will have it? Now, with CBBE 3BBB you get the distribution working with both, the thing is - would it be worth it? I've checked the Bodyslide morphs for CBBE 3BA and they are rather limited compared to BHUNP, but with a bit of time I can create a similar custom preset to the one I am using in BHUNP too, or at least I'm able to get close to it. But I've read the comments for both mods and there seem to be issues with physics with CBBE 3BA not working with The Book of UUNP (3BBB CBBE) conversion. The other plus with CBBE is that Demoniac skin textures are the updated 2022 version for it, more armor packs and compilations to pick from and probably less issues with compatibility. So, do you think it's worth it to rebuild my mod list with CBBE 3BA/3BBB in mind? Additionally, do you know any more lore-friendly armor expansions for BHUNP or CBBE, that are well-implemented and numerous? I am specifically looking for NPCs wearing them. I am using OWL too and I know it may cause issues, so should I get rid of it and instead use something else?
  6. Less of a request, more of an inquiry as to whether anyone's already done something like this Are there any mods or Bodyslide presets or similar that make female Argonians breastless? Like, not 'flat chested'. Not looking for an A-cup, looking for visible pectoral muscles because reptiles do not lactate and lizard boobs are harshing my immersion :laugh:
  7. Post your best video tutorials to learn how to transform a 3D model into a Skyrim outfit.at level like DesertX,Caenarvon,Daymarr,etc.
  8. I reccently did a fresh install of SSE. I also changed from Vortex to MO2. I have BHUNP installed, with the CBPC only setting in the FOMOD installer. I have also every other mod for body ohysics such as XPSME and CBPC etc. I use the UNP Perky body preset for BHUNP on Bodyslide. Nude physics work just fine. Also ohysics with every outfit created for BHUNP work as well. However when I use outfits that are designed for UNP, I only get belly and butt physics, but not boob physics. This is for example when I use vanilla clothing that has meshes altered through UNP Bodyfit armor aand clothing https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11136. I use this mod, because before switching to MO2 I tried it with BHUNP on Vortex and it worked just fine. I can't however get it working again. I tried reinstalling BHUNP with SMP physics instead of CBPC. I tried installing UNP instead again, and it worked fine. I also tried building the meshes for UNP Perky in bodyslide with UUNP Vanilla outfits bodyslide (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10980), but it runs down to the same problem. No boob physics, but everything else. I don't know what I am missing, or what I need to do different, as I have tried everything I can think of. If someone here managed to get physics working on vanilla outfits with BHUNP I would greatly appreciate help.
  9. Edit: I Changed some points bc I wrote those Ideas as I started the game fresh and didnt know some of them are already in the game :D However here are my Ideas + some new ones - mostly inspired from games like starbound FU, Skyrim and Fallout4 Character (most important first lol) -Bodyslide + BHUNP if possible... BHUNP is by far the best I have ever seen. At least for Skyrim SE imo. -Body and Clothing Physics -Visible Player Body in 1st Person -Walking while faceing the camera -More Hairstyles, Makeup, Moles, Scars, Tattoos, more Details -3rd Person camera adjustability (to move 3rd person Camera lower, higher, closer etc) -more idels (animations) -"Smile at the camera" (skyrim mod idea) -crawling, instead of sneaking (or in addition) Survival -Hunger, Thirst, Need to sleep -Usable Coffee Machines, Cooking stoves, Toilets, Showers, Mircoscopes, Training gadgets etc -Rotting Food (prevent rotting in Coolers or Fridges) -extreme Weathers (Acid Rain, Molten Metal Rain, Poison Rain, Tornados, earthquakes) -Meteorites and / or shooting stars -Lava seas, Poison seas, Acid seas, Saltwater or frozen Seas -Way more animals and plants - to hunt and collect (maybe alien Bugs and Viruses) Items -Containers with more capacity ( Edit: Done in the Starfield Mod of KaySato " Custom Carry Weights " ) -Uran, Plutonium, Irradium, Thorium and other radioactive stuff to use as energy ( in Fusion and / or Fission reactors ) -Industrial Batterys in different sizes (to save energy) -More Weapons, Armor, Clothing, Accesoires, food recepies, Medicine, etc -extractors for Items (Centrifuges, Stonecrusher, Sifter etc) to get crafting materals -Different Ship Fuels to enable longer travel distances / the need to fill up ship fuel from time to time Farming -Cows, Fishes, Sheeps, Bees, Chicken, Pigs and other (alien or earthlike) animals to Farm - for craftigmaterials / Food -Plant Farms, Crystal Farms Mechanics -smoking Cigars and cigarettes -Visible Footprints for deserts or moons (skyrim Mod idea) -Investment system (maybe with Banks?) -Vehicles to travel on planetsurfaces -> Hoverbikes, Flying cars, rideable Aliens -Intelligent alien species for quests or as crew members -Pets (normal cats or alien monsters, it doesnt matter) -Prost!tut!on and Slavery system -More NPCs -NPCs commiting crimes randomly -Useable Notice Block (to write something down like a checklist for crafting materials) -Usable digital photoframe (to use with own photos or videos) -Usable TV`s (to use with own Videos / Movies / IMG Slideshows) -Usable Music players (for custom Music Playlists) with those "Alexa like" gatgets maybe? (was it eddmund?) I will update this one if I have some more ideas
  10. Hey, I'm using the BHUNP Conversion for BD-UUNP Armor and Clothes Replacer (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/34701) And realized that some (or rather a lot) of the armors were not completely conform to all BHUNP Sliders. So I took it upon myself to learn how to use Outfit Studio to patch those issues over on the most basic level. (aka modifying the morphs my Presets and mods (Pregnancy) use to not cause any clipping (even though some armors still give me clipping ingame despite there not being any in Outfit Studio (the base Vampire Armors) Now, apart from some nipple clipping and tiny holes I could patch over I got one bug that, well, bugs me. On the Royal Vampire Armor there is a Shape "Skirt" when I look at it in Outfit Studio nothing clips, whether I max all Body Sliders or use my Preset normally, nothing happens, but ingame I get this: https://i.imgur.com/lBVgxxn.png the long metal part hanging from the skirt bends into the longer cloth-skirt and then out again, creating a stretched mesh that just looks terrible. Is there something I can do about that without having to know blender or something similar?
  11. Hi everyone! I'm using BHUNP body, here's my mod list: I followed this tutorial to make a new undressed body, I've used the bikini from this package, except that I had to merge lower body with upper, everything was made the same way. The problem is thighs are shaking like the butt :ninja: I'm not experienced with skyrim, but I read the physic nodes are only on belly, breasts and butt, this are correct? Hope you guys can help me, thanks in advance! EDIT: Just realized that was something that I've made yesterday, Idk what've changed, anyway, I realized that is not because body edition, all default BHUNP bodies are doing this.
  12. So I got a problem with my physics in that, they don't seem to move together. What I mean is, the breasts doesnt seem to stick to the clothing when it jiggles, as a result some weird clipping occurs and the breast clips through the clothing. The bikini armor does have jiggles but it doesn't seem to move with the breasts. I don't seem to have this problem with the vanilla clothing (that is converted by bodyslide), so im 90% the body is working fine, I guess something must've went wrong when I was converting the bikini armor through bodyslide. Anybody gone through something similar before?
  13. I'm having a problem where everything but the breasts has physics attached to it. I can't seem to figure out what's wrong. Any help? I'm starting to f***ing lose it I have re-installed BHUNP multiple times I've checked all the plugin files in SKSE which are there. I do have the proper skeleton its just that the breasts don't have a node or something?
  14. I suspect most of you have a severe case of mod-itis instead of this super viral pneumonia or what ever the f***. The major side effect is many of us are stuck home getting free money with no real prospects of getting our jobs back. In the meantime some of us are either building our skill sets toward becoming a mod author or getting a job in the gaming industry. Some of us just want this s*** to work like it used to. We all want things to go back to normal. I can only imagine with horror, what a motherboard is going to cost when I'm ready for my next upgrade. I don't even know where to turn in my quest for gaming goodness.We have amazing tools with which to work, SSE and Vortex have simplified modding to the point where starting a new build is almost as easy as starting a new game. The core game is working better than ever. Mods not so much. Far from complaining about it, I'm delving ever deeper into the vagaries of modding the realm which we have been handed almost for free. Should I go back to CBBE and wait for the fix? Should I go back to Oldrim and wait for the fix? Should I just give up on gaming altogether and focus on getting a job and a place to live that is sustainable, one always runs out of free money. I welcome not only answers....but questions...they are usually more important.
  15. Just as the tittle said, I would love to have BHUNP bodysliders for the fishing clothes that were added with the AE update (CC that can be usable in SE, without the updating, if you just put it in your game as any other mod). https://legacy-of-the-dragonborn.fandom.com/wiki/Fishing_Clothes Can someone do it? With al the talented modded out there, I wonder how it hasn't done yet.
  16. Hello, I have a problem with body slide and BHUNP, I have installed the mods and build it with bod yslide, but in game nothing change. I don't understant what is wrong, I need help plz.
  17. Hello, I have a problem with body slide and BHUNP, I have installed the mods and build it with bod yslide, but in game nothing change. I don't understant what is wrong, I need help plz.
  18. Alright, so basically Im trying to use bodyslide and outfit studio for my Skyrim LE game, but when I try it in my SE game it works. I download the neccessary files and stuff, needed to make it work. I even downloaded vanilla uunp morphs, I am using bhunp , I don't know if thats an issue or not. For the life of me, I cannot get my bodyslide preset to work in game, nothing has worked. I have seen others fix it, I've tried their methods and have failed. I honestly do not get it. I batch build do everything(I think) and it does not appear in game... I can change it in the in game racemenu, but it isn't as in depth. I can see the texture mod I am using for my character in bodyslide too, alas it still does not work in game. I really need some help guys, I've been stuck on this quite a bit. I even tried other bodyslide presets and they do not work as well. I am using nexus mod manager, as it seems the most simple to me. If you guys need anything to go off, please let me know. I am not a skilled modder, and I don't think I ever will be. I'll appreciate any help I get. Everything saves to my D drive I think. I've only installed a couple mods so far before I kep modding, I need to fix this. My Game Data path is D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\ My reference skeleton is D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\CalienteTools\BodySlide\res\skeleton_female_sk.nif
  19. hi everybody, pretty much in the title. I've installed BHUNP for SSE along with anything else it required, keeping my mods to a minimum until i sorted this out but basically everything seems to be working except that the BHUNP body doesn't load, just the vanilla body. I check once i'm out of the character creator but no luck, i've attached pictures of my modlist. Any help would be appreciated, thank you. [update: I installed CBBE and was able to use that body or at least remove all clothing but was still unable to modify it in the racemenu, no longer going to use CBBE as i prefer BHUNP but hopefully this helps] [update 2: Installed UNP Female body renewal 4.6, was able to remove all the clothing and do some scale changes. BHUNP might just be incompatible with SSE even though it was in the SSE section] [update 3: Installed Bodyslide and outfit studio for some reason i forgot to do it before, used batch patch to some success with BHUNP although some of the physics don't seem to be working and some other stuff. Will mess around with it for a while hopefully i'm able to fix it since it seems these forums don't get alot of traffic.] [update 4: have had some success in fixing it but the breast physics don't work on a nord character although the Ygnord seems to work and i can no longer edit the body outside of the BHUNP options. If anyone has any advice to fix these new issues i'm open to it.]
  20. Might not be the correct place to ask this, but is there a way to covert multiple outfits at once in Outfit studio? I've started to use the new BHUNP body and decided to get the Dynamic Clothing System mod along with it, thinking that I could just convert them easily. After a couple of guides, I didn't find anything about converting multiple outfits, only one at a time. Is there a feature similar to it? An easy alternative to doing this? Do I need to do it one by one? Ideally, I was also thinking of setting up a macro to do most of it for me, but I haven't any idea how to do that either. The only reason I'm asking this is because I'm too lazy to take what would seem like an hour or so to convert all of them. Any help or advice would be appreciated.
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