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  1. If I was a more skilled modder I would do it myself, but... It would really be nice to have a remover for the blood FX during cutscenes and regular gameplay in Baulder's gate 3, like the one assassins' creed odyssey has. It's probably not typical I know, but I'm sure there are many who would appreciate it, especially content creators, and those who like to play within view of their family. On that note, it would also be interesting to see if you could censor some of the more harsher curses in the game, replacing them with a beep or funny sound. Anyway for all you midders out there, it's something to think about at least! Sincerely Hotminichic
  2. Hello, I think that the jump feature makes a lot of things somewhat irrelevant, ranged attacks, jump spells, difficult terrain, etc., especially at higher strength scores. It's also highly unrealistic when compared to dash movement. Is there a nerf for this? I'm thinking that 4 times body length should be a maximum jump length w/o spell enhancement. Thanks for reading!
  3. Modding Baldur's Gate 3, Early Access; I see the mods in "Load Order" in Vortex (v 1.3.19 Beta) and can move them around. But every time I restart Vortex, or push "Deploy Mods" / "Refresh List" or remove/adds/enable/disables a mod under "Mods", the Load Order gets reverted to the same sequence. Vortex can edit my modsettings.lsx, and manual editing in this file, doesn't help. Vortex always reverts the load order. Is there a "Save Load Order" button I don't see? Have tried "Manage Rules" but there is "No conflict", so I'm lost. I do have Vortex to "Allow Symlinks without elevation" if that has anything to do with it.
  4. Hello everyone! Not long ago I found a video on TikTok where the author (nick @star.sp1t) showed custom Jinx hairstyle mod with physics. Unfortunately, as the author himself said, this mod was created only for him and he is unlikely to want to share it. For a very long time I have been looking in the Nexus for an identical hairstyle for my OC and an option with Jinx would be ideal. The question: can someone make a similar hairstyle or already knows where to download a similar mod? Thank you very much!
  5. Hello! I cleared my mods out due to conflicts and lost a mod with a face I cannot find again! It is a face/head mod with a blinded / damaged eye, i'm desperate to track it down, if anyone can find it i will be over the moon! I only have cropped screenshots from when i was sending a friend the pictures Thanks <3
  6. Greetings all, Could someone possibly make it so Harper Lasandra's scale mail chest is available for use by the player? it appears to be a variant of the Scale Mail +2 and Yuan-ti chests with different pants and a set of metal kneepad's different from what's on the adamantine armor Ref pics: Harper Lassandra Scale Mail +2 Yuan-Ti Scale mail
  7. I'm using Vortex version 1.11.7 and recently updated it after a few months of not using it, maybe 2 or 3, and am modding Baldur's gate 3. I am using Windows 10, x64, and I have 8gb of RAM. Last week is when I updated Vortex and some of the mods, everything deployed fine and there were no issues. Last night, when I tried to purge my mods so I could play multiplayer, it would say it purged everything but BG3 insisted I still had them downloaded. Not even uninstalling Vortex fixed the issue so I deleted all the mods one by one so I could play (This worked). However, upon reinstalling the mods from Vortex two of the mods are refusing to deploy and suddenly I'm missing symlinks. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, then moving the vortex folder to my hard drive where BG3 is downloaded instead of the default folder vortex choose but the problem remained. I am only using 13 mods and here is the error screenshotted alongside my vortex log.
  8. Pretty much what it says on the tin. Enemies respawn or infinite patrols. listen, i love bg3 as much as the next guy and i know there's gonna be a few that say "it's an rpg game it's not suppose to have infinite enemies to avoid xp grind". the story is great but. I come from games that have fun game play and the combat of bg3 is pretty cool, what's the point of having all these spells in my inventory and not using them. Surly I am not going to use them on the ground or civs, there's just no point. And if I couldn't kill anything then what's the point of having the combat system in the first place, it's just empty walking around with nothing standing in your way or a small battle. Asides, we already have various cheat mods that give you all that you want or make it interesting and make slots or whatever special, be put on a cooldown. The point im driving at is, just put respawning or an infinite patrol, they really don't need to give xp, just for the excitement. I simply just want to fight something and not spend the hours of just reading dialogue choices and pressing on a book. Thank you for coming to my ted talk, and hope you have a wonderful day.
  9. Greetings All, I was recently browsing some list of Armor UUID's and ran across the numbers for the Drow commander set, a chest that looks like Araj Oblodra's and a regular leather drow hood separate from the frayed, covert cowl, or Shadow of Menzoberranzan and thought i would share them with everyone, I hope they prove useful The Drow commander armor uses the same material shader as the Spidersilk Armor and shares the same model chest as the Spidersilk. Drow commander armor: Chest: This can be Supplemented with the spider silk armor (ARM_StuddedLeather_Drow_Commander (Drow Studded Leather Armour)) TemplateAddTo("431f019e-3706-4a23-af48-e29acbc0e43b", GetHostCharacter(), 1) Bracers: (GOB_DrowCommander_Gloves_Leather TemplateAddTo("69e57d02-44a2-4e39-8b2a-502413761219", GetHostCharacter(), 1) Boots: (GOB_DrowCommander_Boots_Leather) TemplateAddTo("b1bf7df1-94e0-43b1-b083-e55eaafde2ae", GetHostCharacter(), 1) Drow leather hood: ARM_Helmet_Leather_Drow (Drow Leather Hood) TemplateAddTo("99cae83d-0afc-4e3b-b003-619b696bc112", GetHostCharacter(), 1) The Araj style chest plate uses a default color scheme. Araj Oblodra Style chest plate: TemplateAddTo("181383f0-c2db-4a15-9786-7d5a396dbfdd", GetHostCharacter(), 1) Bracers and boots with matching default color scheme to the araj chest for convenience Bracers: ARM_Gloves_Leather_Drow (Drow Leather Gloves) TemplateAddTo("f740cc6f-c7dd-4c31-8dbd-04138f59801e", GetHostCharacter(), 1) ARM_Gloves_Leather_Drow_1 (Leather Drow Gloves) TemplateAddTo("e28caa8e-e3d6-4cd3-a275-a58c6255e8ca", GetHostCharacter(), 1) Boots: ARM_Boots_Leather_Drow (Drow Leather Boots) TemplateAddTo("cda7838e-f619-4eea-913c-817ae3f2df09", GetHostCharacter(), 1) ARM_Boots_Leather_Drow_1 (Drow Boots) TemplateAddTo("549d897a-7de3-41f3-8def-9ae899173756", GetHostCharacter(), 1)
  10. So as a mod, I would love to see someone create the three treasures of Evermeet. I think they are such a cool thing. I would add them myself but my device (mac) makes it harder for me to do things like making my own mods so sadly I'm unable too.
  11. I'm not much of a modder but i'd Love to be able to play as my fav. Race, Owlin! not enough representation for our feathered friends! just a basic owlin from Curriculum of Chaos. my thoughts for like game balance would be to make the flight kinda like the fly already in game, but make it a toggleable passive, and still provoke opportunity attacks. and then just dark vision and their silent feathers thing and that is basically all you need for owlin but models :3 i know its a stretch but i am helpless when it comes to making mods, and i really want my fav. race in the game. thank you for anyone who reads/ replies/ or even grants my wish! have fun out there guys!
  12. So after Vortex updated, my Tut chest went from almost 5,000 items to now just over 1,500. I have THE SAME MODS installed but most of them are not showing up in my game. I know SOME have been deleted, but I still have the file (and they are not showing up in game) I have tried to reinstall/redownload the game AND the mods and Vortex. The only ones that DO show up are the ones I have redownloaded from Nexus itself.
  13. Hellooo I've been modding games since 2014 I think? Started with Skyrim, mostly modded SDV, now I'm obsessed with BG3. Never created a mod of my own despite having ideas. Anyways. Like the title says, the glow/flame effect is not working and I canNOT for the LIFE of me figure it out??? It's driving me insane ;-; I used this site to sort my load order but I had to guess on some of the mods so it's probably still a disorganized mess. Been struggling with the damn eye effect for FIVE DAYS NOW!!! Finally admitted defeat and am crawling on my hands and knees to humbly request help... here are the screenshots of my load order and the (lack of) eye effect. I do have SE, I just have it installed to be compat with Native Mods so BG3MM yells at me cuz it can't find it but IT'S THERE I PROMISE. Also was trimming mods I decided I didn't want as I took the shots, and missed a couple (2 patches for a hair and a horn mods) so those will be in the screenshots but I uninstalled them as well, so pay those no mind... It's bizarre because I test with both nonmodded eyes and faces as well as modded and NO COMBINATION OF THE FOUR WORKS. Been uninstalling and reinstalling mods endlessly to try and figure this out. The eyes remain static no matter what!!! I could just throw up my hands and say "whatever" and just play... but this is one of my favorite details in the game... and I'm pissed I can't figure this out, and stubborn to boot, so... any help is appreciated ;-;
  14. Hi, first post here so lmk if I'm doing anything wrong! I am looking for a mod/method I could use to change the backgrounds of companions. I've checked around the internet for mods like this and came up blank. If anyone knows a mod that does this that I might've missed/would be willing to make a mod like this/could point me to character files to mod this myself, that'd be great!
  15. Hey folks! I have been hyper-fixated recently on BG3, but since going on vacation, I have gotten heavily back into Stardew Valley on my laptop--particularly modded SV--and decided to draw Astarion in the style of the game alongside some pixels. This kind of led to an idea to do an actual sprite sheet and then to consider what this would even be like as a mod. I suppose this is a general interest check, request for story ideas (I have no idea how to integrate the lovely folks of Faerun that would at all make sense to the story, and who the farmer would be to the companions is a whole other story), and perhaps some people who actually know how to mod in custom marryable NPCs and maps. Thankfully the companions have more than enough dialogue in game to port over so there is a decent relationship progression (though god knows how the story would progress without Tav or the story lmaoo). Overall, would love any suggestions and thanks folks in advance~
  16. Well, i neve used this forum before and just find a few interesting topics, so... if i'm doing something wrong here or making this post somewhere place not allowed, i beg your pardon!!!! And also for my english, i'm brazilian and counting on the help of my poor vocabulary and some phrases translated on Google lol Well, getting straight to the point (or maybe not so much). I would like to request a mod. Not just any mod, but a very specific one about a specific object that i fell in love with after discovering it recently in my research on DnD stuff. I KNOW, i should learn to do it myself. But to be honest, i don't think i have the capacity for this lol. Just playing around with editing the "Whispers of the Divine: Aasimar" mod i realized how difficult it must be to dedicate yourself to making a single mod and trying to keep it updated along with the various game patches that come out over time, and i don't even have the slightest knowledge about creating a mod from zero point. I'm already almost breaking several game saves a week just using a Cheat Engine cheat table, so try to imagine what it would be like to try to create a mod. But anyway, as i was already saying, and adding... I would really like a mod for the "Sword of Zariel" item. I realized that not only is it a awesome weapon, but it would also match well (historically speaking) with the period in which the third act of the game takes place, in addition to being a simply insane item. I mean, i don't mind the part where she "has to choose who will wield it" or even the fact that she's a sentient sword, both things that i know are extremely difficult to apply in the game (especially the last) if not in a role play. Just based on her stats and some features, i would think it would be incredible to have her in the game. A sword capable of practically transforming the wielder into a type of Aasimar, bringing various buffs, feats and including a pair of wings to be used at will... Game breaking ?? I know!! But still, sensational. That's why I decided to create an account just to come here and humbly request a mod like this. My idea would be to use the same bases, for example, as the "Whispers of the Divine" mod, where an activatable passive has recently been implemented in which you can activate or deactivate the character's wings (which could extend to the sword's glow, like the Blood of Lathander mace, that have the option to turn off that glow, which is sometimes annoying and irrelevant/unnecessary). Adding the animation of the wings flapping when walking (Deva-like) and also the immunity to terrain effects (such as impregnated surfaces, difficult terrain, etc.) as it is basically floating and immunity to fall damage as in the Solar/Aasimar mods (although visually doesn't make sense, since when motionless the character is still standing on the ground). I could talk forever about countless ideas i have in mind but i even have idea if this is a possible mod ;-; I would just really like a mod for Sword of Zariel. If it's possible and someone is interested in trying, i will sketch out the ideas i have below (even if they're not possible) and all the official dnd details arround this weapon... I really don't know anything about modding but i would find the opportunity incredible... Anyway, if anyone has read this far, thank you very much for reading and have a great day and also have a great game!!!
  17. I feel I have tried everything. Zipped unzip, leave the folder alone and just put it in there, take it out of the base folder and other slap the 'generated' folder in the data area, put it in the mods area or the localization area, nothing is working to make the mod work. Does anyone have a video they can show me to show what I'm doing wrong? Or suggestions? I just want mods like 'Faerune dental care' or 'alternate wyll horns'
  18. I was seeing if anyone would be interested in making a Batman mod. I would say a stealthy unarmed monk style play. Perhaps some grappling hooks, batarangs, smoke bombs, etc.
  19. As many of you might know, merchants and traders refresh their stock after every long rest and every level-up. And personally, I find this to be waaaaay too generous in a game in which its economy is already super forgiving and overtly bloated with a surplus of supplies available at nearly every merchant. Now, I know it's because they don't want players to feel as though they can permanently run out of supplies like arrows, but I think there could be a nerf mod that could de-incentivize buying out and/or pillaging merchants so frequently. The behavior in which that merchants refresh their stock after every long rest and every level-up also makes it so that players looking to optimize will know to almost obsessively check and buy out every available merchants' inventories, turning it quickly into a mind-numbing game of buying/stealing after every such long rest and level-up, meaning you can very easily get enough money and items to go through the entire game comfortably without running out super early on. Of course, it also enables frothing-at-the-mouth hoarders like myself to go on shopping-stealing sprees every time a character levels up or a long rest passes. And, well, as someone who now has well over 200,000 Gold and more scrolls, potions, elixirs, arrows, explosives, and Absolute-knows-what-else than I know what to do with, I can tell you that it's just a massive time-wasting chore that I wholly regret. It's still my first playthrough and I'm only just starting out Act 2, for the record. Getting to the requests, I would love it if there's a mod to be made that makes it so that traders only restock their inventories only after a long rest, as opposed to both every long rest and every level-up. I mean, why is it that they re-stock when I level up? It's not as though a level-up implies any significant passage of time like a long rest does. In addition, I think it'd be great if there's a set of mods that modularly disables what gets restocked. For example, a mod that disables merchants restocking on armors in particular, because seriously, who uses any of that cruddy stuff? Except you, Hide Armor +2. You're lovely. Lastly, perhaps to emulate a hardcore campaign rule, it would be great if there's a mod that makes it so that merchants just don't restock their inventories whatsoever. In other words, a 'What you see is what you get, and that's it' kind of rule. It'd make for a much more scarce playthrough that I think at least some of us would crave! #notstonks
  20. I've seen many playable monster and undead races, along with flying races. I would LOVE to be able to play as a harpy character for a campaign. Seeing the many other custom races added so far I'm honestly a bit surprised this hasn't been modded yet. If a modder would be so kind to do this, please and thank you.
  21. For Baldur's Gate 3, I’d love a mod that would allow you to see unique companion kissing animations with a different companion. For example, use Gale’s kiss animations with Astarion. I realize that this might not work with companions that are drastically different heights, but for similar-sized characters, it seems feasible.
  22. So I made teeth with tusks and I don't know how to get that to work on a head without the game crashing. I'm sharing the teefs Blender file in a rar. I stole the gums from a _malestrong elf to Tiefling head (it's ok, he'll never notice) and heavily edited a Half Orc's tusks (he's probably looking for me) I hope this is helpful to someone. teefs.rar
  23. Just as title suggests, I’m looking for a long hair mod for males that has a high, preferably fluffy ponytail. I’d like it to have physics but understandable if not I’d like to request a modder that does hairs but wasn’t sure how to go about doing so.
  24. Hey guys, I'm pretty new over all to the modding scene. Recently (since patch 6) I've been having some trouble with my game crashing when I try to respec Karlach, and sometimes it won't let me confirm my respec choices with other characters. It says "pending choices" even though I have selected all my choices. Also at times the game gets clippp as if i's struggling to keep up. I'm wondering if my load order is affecting anything. I've posted screenshots of my load order. Any suggestions?
  25. I played with a friend and initially everything was fine, but then we removed the mods because others did not want to play with them. Later we installed everything again and a problem started that all our mods are the same, but we can’t connect. also the bin folder and date are also the same. I don’t understand what’s wrong and what to do so that I can play with a friend with mods again. When trying to join a friend in the game, the loading screen is 0%, then a white screen and going to the main menu. please help me find the answer what to do.
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