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  1. Just wanted to post this here, for anyone willing to maybe try making this Skin for Catwoman in Arkham Knight. I haven't seen it before but I would like to play as the Arkham Asylum Catwoman from her Character Bio Picture. I know its not too different from her base, but I think it would be cool.
  2. I have an idea for a mod: the Spider-Man 2099 costume from the game Spider-man: shattered dimensions. This variation came to mind, as it seems to me the most successful: without the ugly translucent web cloak and with wings between the arms and body. The costume had an interesting feature: the pattern on it shimmered in the form of blue waves. But I think that's too complicated, so you could just create a texture of those patterns or something approximate like that. If you create similar wings between the arms and remove the cape, Batman would essentially open his wings by spreading his arms when planning
  3. Why dose Arkham Asylum have it's own in-game curser & why is it such a disappointment? Is it possible to change or swap out the default one for a custom curser that better suits the game? Like this curser I made for my PC using the Arkham Asylum logo turned on it's side! I feel like it's a huge missed opportunity. Arkham Asylum.ani
  4. I was seeing if anyone would be interested in making a Batman mod. I would say a stealthy unarmed monk style play. Perhaps some grappling hooks, batarangs, smoke bombs, etc.
  5. Can someone make a mod for Black Noir from The Boys series for Batman Arkham Knight?
  6. After searching thru nexus mods for suits and some other sites I haven't seen any Black panther suits for the game besides the ones in Arkham City. I think it'll be cool to finally have him in the game! The suit idea I have in mind is Black Panther #46 1998 (https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/12615/black_panther_1998_46)or even the Black Panther animation series that's on Youtube (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1441105/). The suits from the movies will be fine too, its just that it'll be cool to have the cape versions instead since the game has the physics animation for it. Please if any modders are up to the task please leave a update post on this topic thread.
  7. It would be great to have a batsuit and also a subclass for monk if possible.
  8. hey guys I want a companion mod of the little green aliens from toy story, I want them to waddle and even say the dialogues from the movies, I will pay if needed I really want this mod I think it will be funny, and I think a lot of people will enjoy it as well, please contact me through here or my email if you are interested <email address removed> THANKS!
  9. The title says it all i NEED this because i am working on a batcave in my game and well it looks great! I just need some more bat armor like a Dawn of justice Batman mod without the duster and with a cape, If thats even possible. Earth 2:Minus the white eyes if you can do something like this i would be so happy
  10. So I am a massive fan of the Batman game franchise, and Scarecrow is my favourite villain of all time (next to Jack of Blades, of course) after his outstanding appearance in Batman: Arkham Knight. I also really like his new apparel's design, and I think it would look great in Fallout 4. The mask, the glove, the coat with all Scarecrow's items... it would be amazing if done right. Is there anyone that could make such an armour? I would be more than happy to support any mod author who could do this and release it. There's a few pictures below- http://img02.deviantart.net/abde/i/2014/215/f/d/arkham_knight_scarecrow_wallpaper_by_aidyhn-d7th775.jpg http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/batman-arkham-knight-review-pc-485286-13.jpg
  11. Why isn't an Arkham Knight skin available? I mean look at him...
  12. I saw a bunch of people wanting to have Batman themed mods of various Batsuits and armor and one for Alfred Pennyworth to replace Codsworth, all of which are awesome. Here is my own personal BatMod wishlist which at last check isn't on the Nexus for Fallout 4. 1) Lore friendly way to introduce Batman as Nate's Great Great Grandfather or Great Grandfather (who was born while GG Grandfather was serving in WW2) this would make the next several mods even more lore friendly.2) Adding references to Gotham City, Star City, Metropolis, and more DC cities into Fallout 4 and eventually the cities themselves (because that is awesome)3) Replacing Codsworth’s name and all references to him with Alfred, possibly adding a reference to Alfred at one point being a living person.4) Making the newly renamed Alfred into a Synth matching Alfred’s Batman appearance. (See Alfred Pennyworth thread for Synth variant) https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3955335-alfred-pennyworth-as-codsworth/5) Forcing the game to give your Sole Survivor the last name of Wayne that Alfred can understand and switch to along with the chosen name (Wayne is on the list of the names) The combinations can be Master or Mistress chosen name and Mr. or Mrs. Wayne.6) Having a quest start by finding a holotape where your grandfather confesses that him, his father, and possibly his father before him were all Batman.7) Via the holotape, give the location of the Batcave. Quest could be called something like Family Legacy.8) The Batcave with records of the 2-3 Batmen on the terminal and their fight on crime in Gotham City, some criminal bios, go nuts.9) Batman suit that is able to be given the standard mods that armor has. Preferably with the appearance of Batman The Animated Series or New Adventures/Justice League cartoons or the Arkham game series10) Gadgets. Lots of fun gadgets. Grappling hook, batarangs, smoke bombs, line launcher, remote control batarang...that sorta thing. (see links below)https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4798095-grappling-gun/?hl=%2Bbatmanhttps://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3495205-climbinggrappling-hooksziplines/?hl=%2Bbatman&do=findComment&comment=3743385511) Additional Quests and npcs that would make it even more fun.12) Batmobile? Not really needed but would be interesting.13) League of Assassin faction you can join and gain rank in with it building up to becoming the Demon's Head.14) Gotham City, supposedly the city is south of New York in the northern most part of New Jersey which is several hours south of Boston.15) Bludhaven and other DC cities being present with Superhero descendants.16) Superman17) Batman style villains for Gotham City17a) Batman resurrected as a villain perhaps?17b) Fallout Joker as a villain.18) If I can have Daleks, a Tardis, Cybermen, and Angels in Fallout New Vegas turning Fallout 4 into a Batman game can’t be impossible, difficult but not impossible.19) Green Lanterns20) An entire world based upon DC comics21) Additional Earths22) Ways for Nora to do all this too taking up her husband’s birthright or having ties to Barbara Gordon.
  13. Hey guys~ I recently just watched Batman v Superman and decide to make the armored batman as fallout 4's power armor pieces. Thing is.. has anyone already started working on this thing or not? Cause I don't wanna waste time working on it and ended up somebody had already done it somewhere.. so far i've only had the head piece that i made from scratch, and was still in low poly, so if anyone could clarify this would be great and time saver :smile: EDIT : The image was too big, reupload
  14. Is it possible to make a mod that transforms the player's voice into a robotic voice when in a power armor like Batman's voice modulator in Batman v Superman? I just thought that would be very cool for roleplaying, if It's possible to do. But there are mods that change the characters voice in and out of power armors so i don't see why not. I hope someone can actually do this, it would be great.
  15. I'm looking for a mod that will add a two handed Mallet like what Harley Quinn uses, anyone know of one or want to make one that would be awesome.
  16. So I recently saw this body change for Codsworth where he was a gen 3 synth with British butler attire so I had the greatest idea of Alfred Pennyworth as Codsworth, only that I can't mod outside of sound as of yet, so I send this out to you guys
  17. I was thinking of starting modding myself, but am struggling to find any time what so ever. So if somebody could take my idea and make it a thing I would be greatly appreciative for you doing so. Basically, with Batman V Superman being released next month I thought it would be a pretty sweet idea to create Batmans armoured batsuit for Fallout 4. It looks like it would actually fit right into the game, it even has glowing eyes like the other armours! I'll add a picture of the concept armour, let me know what you think. Additionally, I have included a link for higher resolution images of the actual armour. Damn it looks so nice!
  18. I was hoping someone could give some advice on which armours cook be combined to make a character look like the picture above: Black Spider from the new Assault on Arkham animated movie. Preferably accommodating for stealth. So far I've been using the Chinese Stealth Armour, but am trying to find a different mask. Mods or vanilla, I have no preference. Thanks for any help.
  19. So I created the joker in dark souls 2 and to make it more believable, I wanted to add a re-texture for his suit in the game. If someone would like to create said re-texture, that would be awesome. Or, if someone could send a tutorial my way, as I have be unsuccessful in finding a good one. thank you in advance! XTT
  20. Just wondering if all the DLC skins and such can become availble via mods and if it's something people would do. Thanks in advance
  21. Just wondering if all the DLC skins and such can become availble via mods and if it's something people would do. I've seen things like GTA V exclusive content mod, so wasn't sure if the actual DLC skins could become available this way. Thanks in advance
  22. I think a scarecow arkham knight mod would be great! Just imagine the fear toxins moving and bubbling His surgical attached gas mask Overall i love the scarecrow in AK and think it would be awesome to have him in skyrim I tried to make him from other mods and it turned out, well you can decide
  23. Someone needs to make this into a mod: http://imgur.com/Ri83wHj
  24. Greetings, I want to help write and do concept art for a lore friendly Batman mod. But not in the sense you might be thinking. It is not Bruce Wayne in Skyrim, think of it as an Elseworld tale. There will not be a weird looking Batman armor that looks extremely out of place and no quest attached. It is not a direct lift of Batman. His name will be Bathawk, a vampire hunter with power from an ancient Bat god from Skyrim's past. I'm writing a brief synopsis, and trying to flesh out the ideas and quest line. When I write it up and draw a few sketches, I will do a full post. Here are some of the brief points *A Dynamic Bat Cave player home, slight replica of the actual batcave, instead of the giant penny, a giant Bat shrine, which is majestic as much as it is terrifying *New creatures- mountable Giant Bat and Armored Giant Black Spider. Maybe the Bat would have the AI and skeleton of a dragon, be scaled down to size a bit, and his fire turned into a shock or scream *Bat armor and weapon set- Batarangs or the first boomerang? Throwing knives *New companions, which are homages to great comic characters- Robin, Nightwing, Green Arrow, Ghost Rider, Etrigan. Remember, they will not be exactly those characters, but still share the attitude and motivations *Mask of the Bat, which gives amazing powers to the wearer, powers I'm still trying to pin down. Mask very reminiscent of The Bat Mask of Tengu *Gothica, the land where the mod would take place, is the most crowed, dirty, and loud setting in Skyrim, think poverty in England during the 16th century. Streets where you can touch both sides with your arms stretched. Huge over crowded tenements that block out the sky. Not to mention thieves, thugs, and bandits hiding in the alleys waiting to surprise an unsuspecting citizen *Random Crime- There are a list of 20 offenses that are randomized, the player can find the posters scattered around Gothica attached to trees and buildings alike. killing or capturing them yields a reward *prostitution, bath houses and brothels- Not in the GTA sense of bang her and get your money back by killing her, but the brothels act as a sort of black market. The more you engage in dialog in the brothel or bath house, you can gain knowledge on new bounties or be able to buy "rare and dangerous items." I will contribute to the project in anyway I can, since I personally cannot mod, but can help crew visualize the work before it even begins. Also thinking of investing in a mic and small desk top sound booth to do some voice acting, my little cousins are getting too old for them. I also would like the post to serve as a sort of education on the limits of the capabilities of modding Skyrim. I've looked through the forums quite a bit, but would like to have a direct discussion about these lofty ideas.
  25. If some1 could make a bane mask it would be so awesome, since i love fightting with fists skyrim. I mean i cant be the only1 wanting this to happen. I would be ever so gratefull if some1 would make this. Thanks :)
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