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  1. Hi! How are aspens retextured in Skyrim CK (or is it even possible?) ? I have aspen branches in my unpacked skyrim texture files but there are no texturesets for tree braches (that I could find) in CK. Only the tree bark. Also, when I click on the tree, I only get the window that prompts me to upload a model for the tree. All this has me STUMPED... I tried to search for tree retexturing tutorials but I couldn't find them. Is retexturing a tree the same as retexturing a weapon? I have never tried to do that, so I don't know. If you know a good tutorial about tree textures, could you drop me link, please?
  2. Came to the nexus for some red leaves for aspen forests in rift and found nothing! Maybe someone will make that mod, it seems not to hard to make. Something like trees in this mod - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69831/
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