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  1. So... I'm not really sure what these are. I don't even really know how to describe them, honestly. But they've been popping up in my game ever since I've been trying to get back into it (was on a little hiatus, and I updated a few things). They only pop up when I'm tying something. I use a number of mods that allow me to type - Jaxonz Named Saves, Jaxonz Renamer, and Take Notes. Maybe there is other instances where these... things would pop up, but that's what I've discovered so far. They're annoying and fairly distracting, and don't always like to go away. They'll sometimes linger until I restart my name. Any thoughts on what they are, or what might be causing this? I'd greatly appreciate the help.
  2. I have two questions about the Daedric artifacts, and I decided to put them in the same thread rather than make two of them. Question 1: How recognizable are the artifacts, in general? I mean, obviously scholars who have studied them might be able to identify them, but what about everyone else? Say if your Dragonborn walks up to Ulfric Stormcloak carrying for example Volundrung, would Ulfric be able to tell that it's Malacath's artifact, or would he just think it's a particularly cool hammer? Or, would an orc who actually worships Malacath be able to recognize it? Etc. Question 2: As part of the main quest in Oblivion, one of the Daedric artifacts had to be destroyed. Do we have any idea which one, lore-wise? At first I kinda assumed it was Goldbrand, since it doesn't show up in Skyrim, but supposedly Titus Mede II used it in battle a later date, so I guess that may not have been it. For that matter, you have the option of letting another one be destroyed in Skyrim, though I sorta suspect it will turn up again in future titles. That makes me wonder, can they even be permanently destroyed, or do the Daedric Princes just recreate them when that happens?
  3. Hello again fellow Skyrim lovers! So, after completing the College of Winterhold questline, I've once again visited Mzulft to investigate the Oculory. Yep. Nothing has changed with it. NPCs do not respond, and the Oculory's projection dose not change. So I got this little idea for the mod! The basic idea is a questing mod to continue to the story of the College of Winterhold. After becoming the Arch-Mage of the College, you can return to Mzulft and use the Oculory once again to locate magical artifacts. Surely it must be working properly now that the great disturbence (that is the Eye of Magnus) was taken care of? Use the Oculory to detect these artifacts and then fight your way trough dungeons to obtain these items! What could these items be? Well the possibilities are endless! Staff of Worms? Mankar Camoran's Staff? Bloodworm Helm? Sword of Jyggalag? The possibilities are endless. This could also opens are new possibility for a questline involving the Synod? I kinda thought Synod would be very angry with us, if they believed Paratus's story about the College intentionally undermining Synod's efforts. Perhaps one could throw College of Whispers in the mix. Now I`m not specifically asking for anyone to make this mod, but it would certanly be a nice addition to the status of Arch-Mage! What do you think about this little idea?
  4. I've always wondered how can a Daedric sword that you can craft have more attack and be stronger than a Daedric Artifact such as Dawnbreaker. If there is something in the lore that would prevent this from happening then that's fine but if not is there anyone who can change it :)
  5. I was curious if there were any mods that could possibly increase the damage done by the Ebony Mail, or more specifically, the Boethia's Embrace enchantment. I am disappointed in the lack of damage dealt by the poison effect, but can't find any way to increase it. I im a novice modder, and it seemed obvious how to change the number, but after I changed it a loaded the mod it didn't change in-game. I use the artifact disenchanting mods and stuff like that. Any help would be... helpful lol
  6. I've always enjoyed piecing together a suit of legendary artifacts in Morrowind. The Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw, the Dragonbone Cuirass, the Fists of Randagulf, and Eleidon's Ward. This was my usual setup when I use heavy armor. For the next playthrough I was going to do, I was gonna use medium armor, as the Ebony Mail artifact is very effective. I searched the UESP for any worthwhile medium armor artifacts to cover the rest of the body when I came to the stunning revelation that the only artifact in the medium class was the aforementioned Ebony Mail! Sure, I could always enchant adamantium, but the enchantments offered by artifacts would beat any enchantment I could muster. Plus, using a legendary artifact is cooler! It's got pedigree! Anyway, I thought and thought, and came to the realization that Indoril Nerevar's armor likely influenced the Ordinators you see in-game. You know, the best medium armor in the game. Anyway, this means that Nerevar was a user of medium armor. And some pieces of his suit must have survived. You see what I'm getting at? I can't mod. I simply can't wrap my head around at the moment. But maybe a modder could consider my silly idea and give the medium class a good reason to be used. Hope I didn't ramble too much. But yeah, give it some thought, ok? And yeah, I know this isn't really the place to just throw ideas at. Sorry.
  7. Could possibly be done with SPID? I know it takes away from some quests - but for immersion it would make sense. The only real reason to do EVERY Daedric quest is if you're going for the 'Oblivion Walker' achievement or just want to collect everything. What if some of the Daedric artifacts were actually BEING USED by enemies though? More powerful enemies + an alternate way to get some of the artifacts.
  8. Need help finding the mesh and textures for the mysterious artifact that shadowheart has. been looking through the pack files, but i can't seem to find it. Update: i found the mesh and a vfx mask, but i still can't find the color, normal, and other maps. god forbid the textures actually be in the games texture.pak.
  9. Hi, there! I'm not a mod creator and I only within the last year found out about and learned how to install mods. I was wondering (since I'm not certain I'm searching correctly): has anyone made a mod to acquire the giant sloth skeleton from the museum? In a couple of my game files, I had decided to trashcan the skeleton rewards from the museum, but I've grown to really enjoy that big ol' skeleton and I would like to have him back. Is there a mod that allows for reacquiring the sloth skeleton?
  10. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/47249 I always loved how Hopesfire looked, so I was wondering if anyone could work on a higher res texture for the port :)
  11. Greetings all I ha an idea for a weapon mod but I don know how to mod myself just yet, so I decided to tos it out here on the forums and let someone else handle it. THE GOAL The idea is to recreate the oblivion artifact Hrormir's Ice Staff (SPOILER!) which the thieves guild stole and returned in oblivion. THE EFFECT in oblivion the staff was sort of crap it did 10 frost damage and cast chameleon and light for a more useful weapon worthy of the songs sung of it I feel a slight tweak is needed. It should cast a slightly more powerful version of wall of frost and magelight(not candlelight) that lasts the same amount of time as the frost hazard. I know the light doesn't make a lot of sense but it was important in the old song. THE MODDEL This could actualy be quite easy all one would really need to do it seems to me is combine the mesh of two staves of conjuration and retexture the result with stalrim which is what I aways assumed it was made of(I guess you could use a glaciers textures but where's the fun in that?), for bonus points you could probably make it have that same idle sound that chillrend plays OBTAINING It would be funny if the dying synod member in Muzulft had it (one of the few artifacts left from the mages guild and they lose it in skyrim and come back without anything to show from it) but just try to add it in a lore friendly way and I would be happy as a Nordic Barnacle. THE PART WHERE I BEG SOMEONE TO MAKE THIS, AND SAY THANK YOU That's the plan I had if you can make it you can take all the credit as long as it goes up on nexus (or steam I guess) and I get to play with it I am happy:) THANK YOU!
  12. Back in Oblivion, with the DLC Shivering Isles, there was a quest item ring called the Ring of Dessecation in the Museum of Oddities. It was a unique solid black ring with a deeper black onyx gemstone in the center, and gave the wearer the magical effects of both Waterwalking and Waterbreathing at the same time. I hated having to give it away and wanted to keep it forever, due to its infinite usefullness. Now with the Skyrim DLC Dragonborn's recreation of the Waterwalking effect, I do believe it would be possible to recreate the ring, but I am unskilled at modding and therefore must request that somebody make it for me. Also I like lore-friendliness, so I would much appreciate it if it were, say, in the Pelagius Wing of the Blue Palace. I hope this isn't too much to ask. Many Thanks, Alexis P.S. Just on a side note, in Oblivion the ring was worth 4015 Septims.
  13. If my light armor character decides to use block, does it hurt to use heavy shields, as there aren't many light shield artifacts in the game? The Dawnguard Rune Shield is one, but it is unlikely that I'll be fighting undead all the time, so that shield is fairly specialized. Most likely, I'll be using Spellbreaker and Auriel's Shield.
  14. Hello, I was wondering if there was anyone capable and willing to remodel the Masque of Clavicus Vile so that it is just a masque with some horns instead of a helmet. Ideally the masque would look more integrated with an around-town costume (now easier to change into with SkyUI 4.0) If no one is willing to construct the mod, could I get an instruction or two on enabling the masque to be worn with a hood? Thank you, Twilightarc
  15. I need some help understanding how conditions are evaluated in perks. I am creating a mod to allow daedric-artifacts to be counted towards the matched set bonus regardless of their armor material. My confusion arises when trying to modify the criteria that the Matched Set perk uses to determine whether or not a set matches. The logic of the perk looks roughly like this: if( WornApparelKeywordCount(ArmorMaterialLeather) == 4, OR WornApparelKeywordCount(ArmorMaterialFur) == 4, OR etc.) ArmorRating = ArmorRating * 1.25 Which is pretty straight forward. If the character is wearing four pieces that have the same light armor material keywords then they are wearing a matched set. This is how I want the logic of the perk to look: if((WornApparelKeywordCount(ArmorMaterialLeather) == 4, OR WornApparelKeywordCount(ArmorMaterialFur) == 4, OR etc.) OR (WornApparelKeywordCount(DaedricArtifact) == 1 AND (WornApparelKeywordCount(ArmorMaterialLeather) == 3, OR WornApparelKeywordCount(ArmorMaterialFur) == 3, OR etc.)) ArmorRating = ArmorRating * 1.25 Here I want to change the logic so that the armor bonus is applied if there are four matching pieces, or if there are three matching pieces and one daedric artifact. The problem: I don't see a way to nest conditions. The original perk conditions are just a series of OR statements. If any of them are evaluated to be true, the bonus is applied. If I add a condition looking for a daedric artifact as an OR statement, then if they wear any daedric piece they will get the bonus regardless of what else they are wearing. If I add the daedric artifact requirement as an AND... I honestly don't know what will happen. I don't understand if AND applies simply to the next condition, or if it applies to all subsequent conditions. The conditions are listed like this: 1 Daedric Artifact AND 4 Leather OR 4 Glass OR etc. So basically, does it logically evaluate to this: 1 Daedric Artifact AND (4 Leather OR 4 Glass OR etc.) = Bonus or this: (1 Daedric Artifact AND 4 Leather) OR 4 Glass OR etc. = Bonus Any help is appreciated. If this is the wrong place to post a request of this type please let me know.
  16. Good day all. I have an idea for a mod that I would personally like to create for the betterment of the Skyrim modding community here on the Nexus site. So listen up. Have you ever had a character who's weapon choice involved a weapon of legendary status, or maybe an armor choice that was meant to be divine? Well this mod may be for you! With the WIP mod "Legendary Artifact Enhancements" I intend to buff and balance all Daedric, Aedric, and Legendary weapons in game. What qualifies as a Legendary artifact you ask? Well, let's list some. WuuthradHarkon's SwordRed Eagle's Fury/BaneYsgramor's ShieldMiraak's SwordAnd the list goes on and on, including all of the Daedric/Aedric Artifacts. I fully intend to make these as a bundled file; one that is all inclusive. But I would also like to create separate optional files for those w/o Dawnguard or Dragonborn or both or any other possible combination. (Why some people still don't pay $5 for these during steam sales is beyond me...) In this forum, I'd like anyone, and everyone to make suggestions, comment, criticize, etc... Maybe some people would like to help with the mod; anyone is welcome, given the work put forth is worthwhile. Plans include but are not limited to: Revamped Daedric ArtifactsRevamped Aedric ArtifactsRevamped Legendaries/UniquesFull DLC and non DLC supportJava installer (for picking and choosing which to revamp?)SkyRe compatibility, for those hardcore gamers such as myselfPlease post your ideas! I'd love to hear back from people! This is rather ambitious for me, being my first mod, so I will certainly need others' opinions. Please note that I would like to keep this lore friendly and balanced to make these objects as enjoyable as they sound without breaking the game entirely. Thanks!
  17. Would there be a possibility for someone to make a mod that adds godly equivalents to daedric artifacts like a blade of talos or something like that.
  18. Can someone make a mod that allows you to wear/equip Azura's Star/The Black Star?
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