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  1. I'm not sure if this is the right place to make requests but could any of the talented modders out there do me a huge favour and make a Guyver armour for Starfield on Xbox please preferable from either of the live action movies, id really appreciate it.
  2. HELLO THERE! I'm playing Dragon's Dogma 2 and there's a famous armor in the game called Brunhilda's Embrace. It's pretty beautyful and it have kind of a Xenna and Sonja vibes. Pretty good to barbarian and arcane warrior characters. So I was thinking if there's an armor (mod of course) that could be kind of similar to the Dragon's Dogma armor. What do you think? And how about the mod makers? Someone expressed a desire to create this armor in the game?
  3. I have no idea if it would even be possible but I think Red's (the male protagonist) outfit looks pretty cool and would suit an outlander/ traveller character really well. I've looked into doing it myself but have come to the conclusion I am nowhere near skilled or knowledgeable enough to attempt it, having never tried modding or ripping assets from games before.
  4. CAN SOMEONE ADD HDT SMP and fix clipping issues to this Armors mod? Please make a Black version of it. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13351?tab=images They look extremely badass and fit a wide range of characters. The Ino's guard armor is just slick.
  5. I use a decent amount of crafting mods and so there are a lot of moments where I have to scroll through quite a few of them to get to the ones I want. I think It would be useful to have a mod that makes things that you can't craft, whether from lack of a perk, material, or some sort of recipe, invisible until you gain them. It would probably be necessary to make it toggleable so people can check to see if a crafting mod is working or check the material they need for something. On a separate note, a lot of mods add their own workbenches so I think it would be useful to make more patches for adding other mods or vanilla benches items to the AWCR Benches like with the AWCR Explosives Patch so you don't have armour and other random things in the chemistry bench so much. That combined with the original premise would make crafting more streamlined but with more manageable menus.
  6. I like Lonesome Road and the symbolic meaning of the Courier Duster, along with each of the four options. An Old-World Flag for allying with house, a Bear for the NCR, a Bull for the Legion, and a 21 to symbolize you as the winner of blackjack; the ruler of New Vegas with Yes Man. But, what about a fifth version that's simply the Courier's Duster as normal, but with a painted 6 on the back? Just to signify that you, the Courier, are separate from all other factions, at least at this point? I know it's a ludicrously small change, but it'd just be cool if there was an actual Courier Six duster in the stash regardless of the choices made; mostly to save it having specific ways to occur because I assume that'd make the mod much, much harder to make than it would need to be. Basically; I think it'd be cool to have a duster which showed allegiance to just yourself.
  7. Would it be possible to have the Veteran NCR armours along with the Patrolman and Trooper armours in the colours and styles of Minutemen? Perhaps the General's outfit could be modified Vet armour. (Colour optional) NCR Armours in question; NCR Ranger Veteran ArmorNCR Patrolman and Trooper Armors
  8. The range troopers from the solo star wars movie look sick. would love a armor in that style.
  9. I know there's a couple nude mods out there, but I was wondering if anyone could remove the panties of the female Kirin armour sets?
  10. Hi I'm having issues getting an NPC to wear a static item as a piece of armour. I've added the static item to all the relevant lists it should be on but I cant get the NPC to wear it. The closest i've come is the NPC will spawn into the world in the render window but their item will be at their feet Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to go about this? Thanks in advance!
  11. Hello I'm trying to make an NPC wear a static item on their body but i'm having issues with it. I've tried adding it to the AA list, as well as replacing it over similar wearable headwear but the best i've done so far is spawning the item in with the NPC but it is at their feet rather than wearing it. Do I need another program in order to make this happen? Or is it just beyond the realms of the F4 creation kit? Thanks in advance
  12. So I have had a look around and seen some great mods but I am looking for something very specific (probably too specific). It would be great to see some mods with the two armours attached. One is an Anglo-Saxon warrior but because of their similarities in dark age Europe, look very similar to norse warriors so I feel this would roleplay very well, especially as a thegn or huscarl. The second (purple) is an anglo saxon varangian guard (there are many other similar varangian guards from other places which would also be great with this as several armour sets) and this/these would make a great roleplay armour for nords serving the empire as the real history behind the varangians was quite similar. Thanks for reading, know it's rather long and a bit historical, know its quite a generalisation too but you get the idea. I also know there are similar mods to what I am suggesting but again nothing so specific. :)
  13. I like to please make a request for set of NPC Princess clothes made the resemble the images below. I know show wasn't the best, but I always thought this outfit was the most practical of Zelda's outfits well untill BOTW came out that its. http://i.imgur.com/qPCFM.jpg http://www.zeldadungeon.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/ZeldaTetra.png http://i.imgur.com/sPAD4.jpg http://i.imgur.com/KvAfd.png
  14. Just finished binging "The Last Kingdom," a great show and was wondering if anyone would be able to make an armour mod based of main characters (Uhtred).
  15. Crusaders Knights Templar Hospitaller Teutonic Medieval Armors https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26983/?tab=files While some mods try their best to imitate helmets, they just suck in comparison.
  16. As it currently stands, weapons and armour contain a single upgrade per category, this allows for some balance by means of categoric restrictions, but I don't believe this is the best method for balancing the player's experience; for instance, the player can either add a lighter build, pocketed, or dense for their leather chest piece, but cannot have all three, this is technically balanced, but I believe it's far too restrictive. Instead, I think it would be better if the upgrade system used a point mechanic, in that weapons and armour would have a quantity of slots assigned to them based on their type, and the upgrades will cost points depending on their level (The materials used to upgrade will still be required though), for example: (Assuming a leather chest piece has 5 upgrade slots) Pocketed and lighter build may cost 1 point each, which will leave 3 upgrade slots open, but dense (being a higher tier upgrade) may cost 4 points, as a consequence, it cannot be added alongside pocketed and lighter build together, the player would have to give one up to add the "dense" upgrade. The number of upgrade slots, as mentioned, would rely on the type of item, since leather armour doesn't afford as much protection as its metal counterparts, it would contain a greater quantity of upgrade slots, but don't you worry metal armour lovers, more upgrade slots are added based on the level of your armourer skill, the additional amount will depend on the tier you're upgrading to, the first star will give you 1 additional upgrade slot, the second will give you 2, and so on; this applies to all armour. Now weapons aren't sorted based on their materials, so instead they can be categorised into: Primary, secondary, heavy, and special. Primary would consist of rifles, sniper rifles, machine guns, etc... Secondary would consist of: Pistols, revolvers, energy pistols, etc... Heavy would consist of: Miniguns, missile launchers, fat man launcher, etc... And special would consist of: Syringer, junk jet, etc... The same mechanics would work for weapons as well; secondaries, being the smaller weapons commonly used as a backup to quickly switch to, would be afforded the most upgrade slots among all of the weapons types, and for the heavy weapon users, again, more upgrade slots can be added by upgrading your "gun nut" perk. The idea behind this overhaul is to maintain a level of balance while allowing the player more freedom in their choices; if you want to increase your damage at the cost of range and reload, and then add another upgrade to increase your reload, you can absolutely do that, but your range may suffer if you can't afford the slots to improve upon it. Now there may be some combinations that fundamentally counteract each other, but the important thing is getting the system in place first, and finetuning it afterwards... Baby steps. Thank you.
  17. Just wondering, what ever happened to the Mass Effect armour mod that got a YouTube review back in 2016 then (apparently) disappeared? How is it that theres only one mod these days offering a mass effect themed reskin of combat armour (which lives in my load order) when there are so many great looking other mass effect armours that havent made it across? X-com 2 has ME armour mods in the steam workshop, Im amazed theres not a bunch of FO4 options on nexus.
  18. Would anyone be interested in porting the SellSword armour and weapons set by Magnalenian to Skyrim SE? for those who like to play the role of a Swashbuckling Rouge https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62093 Magnalenian has given permission for their mod to be ported into Skyrim SE, as they no longer making mods for Skyrim. Dose this project appeal to anyone?
  19. A plumed and visored version of the churburg S18 armet. Something like this: Here's some real-life reconstructions. The S18 is basically a corroded metal shell, but art from the time suggests that it would've looked something like this back in its hay day.
  20. Hey. First time on the forums. Was wondering, is there a way to place armour enchants (mainly fortify health) onto weapons? Have been tampering with it for a little while now, but to no progress. The enchants seem pretty strictly locked to their weapons/armours, at least in Creation Kit. Thanks very much :smile:. EDIT: I finally got back around to looking at this and Oblivionaddicted is right, you attach a script to the weapon. The script is a SPELL type and you add the EVENT type to be OnEquipped, then you add the name of the spell as a reference in the script. Many people probably know/knew how to do this but for those who don't, this is how. In Layman's terms, for people who don't know, but want to try it (using my own first weapon+script mod as an example) there are five things you need to address; weapon, spell, perk, player, script: Make your weapon in Creation Kit (mine is called "King's Sword"). Make a spell, with, for example, fortify health on it (this will be the spell you use/reference in the script; the script will apply this spell (as a buff) to you when you equip the weapon). My sword spell is, 'Type: Ability', 'Casting: Constant Effect' and 'Delivery: Self'. My spell ID in the top left of the spell window is "WeaponKingsSwordSpellBuffMod1". You will need to copy and paste this ID name into the script. Make a perk (mine has the ID in the top left of the perk window "KingsSwordStatsPerkMod1"). In the 'Conditions' area of the perk, you want to right-click > "New", in the 'Condition Function' you want "GetEquipped", in the box to the right (which should as default say "INVALID") you want to look for the ID of your weapon, mine is "KingsSwordMod1", the 'Comparison' box should be "==", the 'Value' box should be "1.0000" and the 'Run on' box should be "Subject". Then click okay. At the bottom of the perk window, the 'Perk Entries' area, you want to right-click > "New", where it says "Quest"/"Ability"/"Entry Point" you want to click "Ability" and then find the ID of your spell you just made (again, mine here is "WeaponKingsSwordSpellBuffMod1"), and then click okay. Before you click okay on the main perk window, make sure the "Playable" box is ticked. You want to go back to just the "Object Window" main screen, open up the "Actors" drop down at the top left and click "Actor" underneath that, then in the search filter box type "Player". Double-click on the result which just says "Player" in the Editor IDs. In all of the tabs along the top of the player window, find "SpellList" and in the "Perks" section you right-click > "Add". Search for the ID of your perk (again, mine here is "KingsSwordStatsPerkMod1") and then click okay, and then click okay on the "Player" window. You want to now go back into your weapon window which you made first thing (again, mine here is "KingsSwordMod1"), at the bottom right in the "Scripts" area right-click > "Add Script...", from the small new window click on "[New Script]" and click okay, and from the "Add New Script" window add a name for your script (mine is "WeaponKingsSwordSpellScript") and click okay -- if you want to type a description of what the script does, you can do that in the "Documentation String:" section of that window. My description is "Gives the constant stats to the sword via it's spell.". You will see this written in the script at the top when you open it. You should now see your script in the "Script" section of the weapon window, however, it is emtpy. So right-click > "Edit Source" and in the script window, copy and paste the following, replacing any required names where necessary: Scriptname SCRIPT NAME extends ObjectReference {SCRIPT DESCRIPTION} SPELL PROPERTY SPELL ID AUTO EVENT OnEquipped(ACTOR akActor) ; //if we're the player if (akActor == Game.GetPlayer()) Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(SPELL ID) EndIf ENDEVENT EVENT OnUnequipped(ACTOR akActor) ; //if we're the player if (akActor == Game.GetPlayer()) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveSpell(SPELL ID) EndIf ENDEVENT All you really need to input here is the script name, which you made in step 5, the spell ID, which you made in step 2 and the script description, which you may have made in step 5 also. So, for example, my script is: Scriptname WeaponKingsSwordSpellScript extends ObjectReference {Gives the constant stats to the sword via it's spell.} SPELL PROPERTY WeaponKingsSwordSpellBuffMod1 AUTO EVENT OnEquipped(ACTOR akActor) ; //if we're the player if (akActor == Game.GetPlayer()) Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(WeaponKingsSwordSpellBuffMod1) EndIf ENDEVENT EVENT OnUnequipped(ACTOR akActor) ; //if we're the player if (akActor == Game.GetPlayer()) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveSpell(WeaponKingsSwordSpellBuffMod1) EndIf ENDEVENT After you're happy with that, click "File" > "Save" in the top left of the window and wait for it to say "Save Succeeded" in the bottom left; hopefully it should show you no errors. Now you can click the red x close button on the top right of the window. It should take you back to the weapon window; right-click > "Edit Properties" of the script in the "Script" window. The properties window should now show your spell/property (since my spell was called "WeaponKingsSwordSpellBuffMod1" this is what the property is named. Once you have clicked it, then click the "Edit Value" button on the right. This should give you the option to "Pick Object:" from the drop down list; search for your spell ID (mine here is "WeaponKingsSwordSpellBuffMod1") and click okay. This will take you back to the weapon window and your script should now be made. It should now have the symbol of a small blue plus with a pencil to the top right of it, instead of the large blue plus which it started with. This is the weapon done now, you can save the Creation Kit mods and close it to play the game, but there are some useful things you may want to try first. Obviously you should implement it into the game first, so that you can play with it. I just dropped mine in Whiterun to try it and see if it works; it may be a bit glitchy at first (it may buff your character with the stats before you've even picked up/equipped the weapon), but just pick it up and equip/unequip it and you will see from your stats and in the 'magic effects applied to you' menu that it sorts itself out. I think this is because of the changes we made in step 4 and/or because the Weapon/Perk/Spell do not all tie together immediately in the Creation Kit, but tie together after you close and re-open the Creation Kit and/or game once. Then it sees that they're tied to one another. I could be wrong. Every weapon since has worked no problem, first time. If you want to see what stats are on the weapon from the spell, it won't tell you because the stats come from the spell and not the weapon. You will only see the stats in the active spell effects menu in-game. The way I got around this is to just write what the stats are in the "Description" area at the top right of the weapon window. This way, when you look at the weapon in your inventory in the game it will show you what is on the weapon, for example, my "King's Sword" which was my first attempt has +50 health, stamina and magicka on it. So I just write that in the weapon description. It's worth saying, that the formatting for this in Skyrim is terrible. The weapon description box never makes full use of the space which could be allocated for it, so you may have to mess around a bit to find what you like. You can also add an enchant. And, again, you could add this in the weapon description. There may be better ways to do this than what I've just put here, but this is what I've found so far. As I learn more I may update this to clean it up.
  21. hello I'm looking for the armor of god that kratos uses in god of war 2
  22. Hi, I don't know if a mod already does this - I haven't been able to find anything. It seems a bit silly to me, that your average Joe can just walk up to a workbench and mod their weapon to oblivion - without any prior knowledge or guidance. My idea is to introduce recipes for weapon/armor/item mods - as standalone or books/magazines (collections) of recipes, that the protagonist can acquire through scavenging, bosses, vendors and quest rewards. Only the learned recipes would be showing for a given weapon/armor/item at workbenches. There would be tier lists of upgrades - such that easy-to-do and logical upgrades would be available from the getgo, but you need to find and unlock the rest. There should also be skill requirements for unlocking/learning advanced upgrades/recipes. Maybe there could also be tiers for workbenches - level 1 workbench allows certain mods/upgrades to be carried out, level 2 would allow more advanced mods/upgrades. Then you can build or upgrade your settlement workbenches throughout the game. In addition you could have several different npcs who have this knowledge throughout the game. For instance a couple of different weapon smith characters, where you can do quests for them (for instance finding special tools, or fetching special weapons), and the reward is then new recipes/skills for weapon mods. These npcs should then also be able to perform the upgrades for you at a cost (if they have the knowhow). Finally you could have special settler npcs, who have knowledge of upgrades - specialized in weapons, armor, other items, and you can then also get your upgrades through them for a price, or do quests for them to acquire some more mainstream recipes/skills. I have listed a number of ideas for different game mechanics revolving around the upgrade system here, and I don't know if they are all feasible, but maybe some of them can be implemented. I don't have much experience in creating mods for Fallout 4, but I do have solid experience in computer science, so I could certainly help/collaborate if anyone finds interest in this. Cheers
  23. can someone please make a mod so that helms that cover the face during combat stays covered out of combat while exploring ect. would be very greatful for your time thanks.
  24. This mod is available on bethesda.net, but currently only the vanilla version https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/58393?tab=files Would someone be willing to port the CBBE files from this mod as a patch for xbox (don't worry, it's SFW, it's technically just an armor mod) Thanks
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