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  1. ATCHUNG! For those who have downloaded the cbbe knee fix for the Animated Mannequins mod (can someone please port it and its armed mannequins addon to Skyrim for f*#@ sake) and are experiencing CTDs when selecting female or armed mannequins take note: The reason is because the female mesh is missing. (I found that out by going into the CK and seeing that instead of the mesh there was that red diamond exclamation point thingy.) It turns out the culprit is the cbbe knee fix, which requires the Skeletal Adjustments for CBBE - Knee Fix - Legs for Days - 3BBB mod. Now what the knee fix does is redirect the mesh path to that of the skeletal adjustments mod. However, neither the game nor the CK are aware of this and try to look for it in the original directory. When I actually took the time to read the knee fix description I knew that would explain why the female mesh was missing, so I uninstalled the knee fix and the skeletal adjustments and PRESTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The female mesh shows up in the CK and no more CTDs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. The idea is simple but would probably take a lot to pull off. Anyone who has ever played Mass Effect 1 probably remembers the loading screen of the Normandy flying through a wormhole. The image was an animated graphic of the ship just sliding indefinitely through subspace. So the idea I had was simple. A loading screen of the Frontier grav jumping to a new system indefinitely... or rather, until the loading screen went away.The next idea is for the ship to be the ship our character is currently flying. I've uploaded a screenshot of the loading screen that inspired me to type this idea out. It would be so much better animated.
  3. through out skyrims loading screens, ive seen three variations -static images -3d models -swf files i have looked into using flash for using loading screens but it got me thinking if it is possible for another way to implement loading screens with moving parts. i know you can use bik files for the logo start up screen and just curious if you could do the same for loading screens?
  4. Hi there. This post is targeted to those who have experience in creating gifs. I'm at the moment trying to create something similar to this gif. Now, I have looked around how you go about making the flag transparent but all posts I see claim it's not possible for a gif to have transparency in it. In the gif I have linked to, the one I am trying to recreate, the flag is obviously transparent, meaning it is possible. I have all the material I need and I also have Photoshop, which should be sufficient enough to create what I want. Essentially what I want to know is how you would go about making the flag transparent so that if you have a picture behind the frames, it would show. Thanks.
  5. I would very much like to see an equip-able set of eye flames. Something along the lines of your character having absorbed so much radiation that the energy is leaking out of they're eyes and dissipating into the air. My hope would be for multiple colors, animated energy effects, and the option of one eye or both.
  6. Hello everyone, I wanted to play as an argonian in my next run-through and have recently stumbled across a pretty neat mod that gave me an idea. This mod here changed the texture of argonians to create a chameleon-like effect - but unfortunately it is static. I am not entirely sure whether Skyrim's engine even supports that, but I think it would be pretty nice if it was possible to overlay a scrolling texture over e.g. the coloured scale spots in the above-mentioned mod (of course the scrolling texture should not expand over the entire model, that would be messy). Here is roughly what I mean: -->click me for a .gif<-- The .gif above depicts Enigma, a character from Dota 2. I have a little bit of experience with the texture system in Dota 2 myself and in that game two different masks are used in addition to the colour map and the normal map, as well as (for some models) a so-called 'detail map' which is usually used for scrolling textures - in Enigma's case the stars running across the blue lines over his body (which areas of the model are affected by this (i.e. the body pattern above) is defined in one of the two masks. Now here is my question: Does anybody know whether such a change would be possible in Skyrim's Engine and could create such a mod? Just imagine a chameleon-like argonian with the scales slowly changing colours or (even better) roleplaying as a dark-scaled shadowscale who's black scales are subtly but constantly changing. It does not have to be an overdone colour-fest but I think slight, animated changes in the textures might just add to these little details that really help bringing a game to live. Please let me know if anyone feels up for this task! Best regards, me
  7. I'm attempting to borrow the jet flame from the Super Sledge to stick on a Power Fist mod, so I thought what I'd do is take RocketHammer.nif and remove the sledge and it's blood decal. I'll explain what I've done so far but I could use any suggestions or ideas to make it function! :confused: https://www.dropbox.com/s/04wfum63rpnvuhw/Jet%20Flame%20Nifskope.jpg Everything else I left alone so I figure at this point the flame should still work. I replaced RocketHammer1st.nif with it and confirmed that it does. For the next test I tried renaming this .nif to one of my existing Power Fist Mods and loaded up the game. It didn't crash, but the flames didn't show up either. The FXWeaponLight showed up with the Power Fist equipped (the orange glow), so now I'm wondering if that works...then why is the flame not rendering/animating? And that's where I'm stumped. I had thought that maybe it looks at whether the weapon is equipped to start NiControllerSequence partA (idle flames), and when attacking starts PartB (big flames) but apparently it's more specific to the Super Sledge itself...is it a script maybe? Not sure where to start looking for the part(s) that tell it to go. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Example of the Power Fist mod "Grillmaster" :tongue: , hopefully with a working jet flame someday: https://www.dropbox.com/s/le5oia4omwh56yf/Grillmaster%20Mod.jpg
  8. basically the idea is in the name ,what i think would be a major addition to the game is if some modder made transmutation circles and an animation for spells say u were a rune mage u would cast the spell by clapping your hand and putting them on the ground , plus there could also be animations for flames like how mustang clicks his fingers (yeah i know theres a mod for that 1) but i was hoping they would also make these animations for first person also they could make bound spells come out of a transmutation circle (rune circle) and the character pick it up as it rises out of the ground
  9. After seeing this mod on Morrowind Nexus, I wondered if something similar for Skyrim exists, or someone would like to make it. There are tons of good backgrounds, but an animated one would be great.
  10. Hey guys, so I'm running the Shadowrun: Dragonfall editor and I'm trying to make an exit sign flicker. I've looked up tutorials but there aren't many for that and they're not good. I got a gif, loaded each frame as a separate prop into the editor, and put them on the map. What I'm confused about is the triggers and trigger events. How do you loop it so that it switches the props with a set delay?
  11. Hello i would love to have an animated main menu rather than the boring static images. A way to do this maybe is using a GIF (i dont know if its possible tho). I would also liked the theme to be something like the civil war or the dragon attacks. Also an example of a game that had a "animated" main menu is dragon age and dragon age 2 its something really simple but it makes the menu really more lively. Thank you.
  12. I looked around and I'm not really sure how to do this, sorry if I'm being really stupid, I'm still kind of new to this.
  13. Animated Dragon Wings is a great mod, but the 100% size wings really stick out on the character, and 50% wings just look wimpy, at least to my eyes. Could anyone make a mod that would have animated dragon wings, but they would fold together to form almost like a cape? Here's a picture of what I was thinking (image taken from eleteguard's Animated Dragon Wings Bloody Retexture mod, and modified - albeit poorly - in Gimp by me): Here's the original for comparison: Thanks!!!
  14. There are lots of us who experienced the unrealistic but still enjoyful sneaking type of playing in Skyrim , we are all familiar with the moments when we are close to the enemy as hell , but because of our high level in sneak skill tree , we don't get detected by anyone , it's so exciting to be close to someone and not bee seen , in the other hand it's really annoying , cause it breaks the hell outta Immersion in game , there are already some AI mods that solve this issue by changing the behavior of enemies and their AI while we are sneaking inside their hideouts , they actually get rid of the stupidity that they have when they are close to a high level thief , but what if they can't see us while being smart ? , imagine being able to be close to bandits or vampires in a cave/mine and not be detected in a realistic and immersive way , The Camouflage Cloth/Cloak ! it can really bring the life to the sneaking gameplay when we go to mines and caves , get close to the walls and stick to them , and then put a rag texturized cloth/cloak out of our back pack (or something else) out on our head and body with one hand to fast and fully cover ourself , then we may be mistaken by a rock or a part of wall in a cave/mine , WE REALLY NEED THAT ONE ! but definely with a high quality animation that comes with the Camo cloth as we put it out of inventory (and it would be the best if it's done without going into any menu or inventory , just with a key) Here's the first concept of the mod and if anyone decides to make it , then we can talk for further details and gameplay balance and such suff which can be related to mod , Just remember , Quality is better than quantity , so a single high quality animated Comouflage with a high quality ease of use is definely better than dozens of unrealistic SNEAK TOOLS. (I actually respect that mod and the one who created it , but due to districtions which CK and Engine have , they are awfully animated , also using the knock out stuff from a menu and not directly from in game is another pain in the back!)
  15. I'd like to see if anyone could make animation mod for khajiit ears that work for these two custom races based off khajiit subspecies lore. I prefer playing as the first of the two races but this would be a really nice touch for both races. Dagi Raht Reborn: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60404/? Ohmes Raht Reborn: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18418/? I don't own or created these images below but they give the best reference for what I'm looking for to use for expressions and poses. http://phiepncts.deviantart.com/art/Mrissi-Ear-Movement-507241821
  16. Hi! I'm making another mouse cursor based on Ghost in the Shell. I need your ideas to design it. i can easily do everything with the mouse, such as the click effect,trails,animations,etc. also keep in mind; theme: cyberpunk style
  17. how do you point to your hkx file for animated nifs?
  18. For a while now I've been dying for a weapon mod featuring the beautiful custom AKM in the 2013 movie "Elysium". There is a mod that adds a barrel for the handmade rifle from Nuka World, but it isn't 100% accurate, and is just a barrel. I would love it if someone created the AKM from the movie with custom animations. However, I would be just as pleased if you make a barrel and sight attachment for ngabber's wonderful stock AKM (https://rd.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25152).
  19. so there are many mods for changing and enhancing the visuals of weapon effects, but not a single one (that i know of) exists for armor enchantments. i can understand why many people wouldnt want their enchanted armor spewing off effects, especially with the many npcs also wearing enchanted armors/cloths out there in skyrim, wither from mods or not, who would be doing the same, but it would still be nice for some kind of subtle effect, like colored mists for various effects. so im wondering, is there a mod like this that i just havent found? and if not, can we get on this already? it seems odd that this isnt a thing yet
  20. Help me please to find some examples of animated cloth/armor which determines by game engine like cloth/armor (or something else that can be wear). This object must be skinned to the actors skeleton, but had its own animation either. Maybe game already has it or some modders made something like this. And one more thing. I saw the game's object that allows NPC to detect you when you touch it. It looks like rope with small bones on it. How can I find out NIF file with this object, or how it has been named in CK ? (it is the only one object i can remember that use HAVOK to interact with game's world, if you know more - point me on it please)
  21. So I've been annoyed at the default reloading animations ever since I started playing, and the DLC let me down even more. So I had an idea while looking at Heffy's AKs and AR15s mod:(http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/42970/?) Would it be possible to make new reloading animations for the weapons. I haven't done any research on whether or not it's possible, but this would make gameplay much better. I already know of some of the restrictions that the game engine has, but this would be superb to have.
  22. [RELEASE] Unique Animated Crown Link to my mod on Nexus: <CLICK> http://jpegshare.net/thumbs/22/fe/22fe4581cefd8694744bd3a7d42226ad.jpg http://jpegshare.net/thumbs/5e/f4/5ef44d42c522b801c7b631b63c0c5976.jpg http://jpegshare.net/thumbs/ac/e0/ace06af36560e04cc07e596b3130c513.jpg http://jpegshare.net/thumbs/58/37/583701c3caf9647116ce6699c009b939.jpg http://jpegshare.net/thumbs/a0/2c/a02cc7c3658553f1fb317907cfa95d8d.jpg http://jpegshare.net/thumbs/17/f1/17f1129f244a27599a99d7365a05cb6b.jpg (... mod is under construction ...) I couldn't find mods adding nice crowns to the game. (drop me some links to the beautiful crowns please, if i am wrong) So i decided to make my own and present it to my Dovakinness. But it is suppose to be something more than just a common headdress. I mean Animation off-cause ! :smile: Here how it looks for now: YouTube And I am curious, how it bad ? What could be done to improve its look ? Do i must to continue to work on this mod at all ? :smile: PS: If you know any other animated things like cloth, jewelry, weapons or something, drop me links please. I wish to see an example what already have been done ( and to expand my collection by new unique stuffs too :smile: )
  23. I am not sure if this request comes under the Help or Mod Requests section in the forums, but if this is the wrong one, sorry in advance. I'm a modding/computer noob^^ I was just wondering if anyone knows of a mod or could create a mod that sets your characters armour as their actual skin/face/body? (so it's selectable in the character creation & showracemenu). I have a remodel of DmC Dante (http://youtube.com/watch?v=nvIPjaIQbGg) that is just one armour piece that completely changes my character to look like him and I tried to use him with the Animated Prostitution mod but both him and the NPC strip down to nothing (I also have the Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles mod installed) which reverts him back to what he looks like originally under the armour. Is there a way to prevent this so he still looks the same during the sex scenes as well as having the 'added benefits of the nude male mod through his pants? :whistling: Thank you very much to all who have taken time to read this and hopefully know a way to resolve the issue :smile:
  24. I was looking at a pot where you make food, and I noticed that up close it's a static mesh with a couple bumps in it. This is incredibly noticeable when one has sounds of Skyrim installed where everything has sounds attached to it. I'd like to request a mesh/texture that is animated to look like it's boiling. I honestly don't know if this is even possible, if even practical, but it's one of those things you don't notice but once they're there you realize how shallow the former was. Whoever takes up the mantle on this one will... Get a promo? On my relatively unpopular YouTube channel, Jakeasaurouz
  25. (fallout 4) I'm trying to make a femboy (for unique player) using aaf animated fannies as a base, I want to remove the vagina, flatten the breasts, and add a penis to it (that's aaf compatible). I have no idea where to start. ps. I also want to have the anus to be aaf compatible.
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