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  1. The idea is a spell package for players who like to play greedy characters that loots everything they can. All spells would be from the alteration school. I'm not good with balancing so I won't suggest values or levels, only the ideas. Also, my english is not that good so please be nice :smile: Gold Ray (aka Make it Rain, aka Golden Shower) : A spray of gold coins that causes damage per second (a little better than the novice destruction spells but consumes gold per second) Gold Blade: (only equippable in the left hand) Infuses the weapon in your right hand with gold increasing the damage. Consumes a certain amount of gold. You can use several times up to 10 times to stack the effect increasing the damage even more and consuming more gold. Gold Armor: Infuses your armor with gold increasing the armor rating. Consumes a certain amount of gold. You can use several times up to 10 times to stack the effect increasing the armor rating even more and consuming more gold. Bag Punch: A short range spell that causes damage based on your current Carry Weight. High Carry Weights will also stagger the opponents while very high Carry Weights will knock them down. Transmute Objects: Transform your itens into gold. Using this spell will open a container where you can put any itens you want. Closing the container will detroy the itens and give you 25% of their value in gold. Recruit: Cast into an oponnent to change him into an ally for a period of time. Consumes gold based on the level of the opponent (it would be cool a warning message showing the amount of gold you're about to spend). Hire: Just like recruit but permanent and more expensive. (You can only have one recruited / hired opponent per time). Gold Touch: Transform enemies with 5% or less health into a pile of gold. The pile will have gold based on the level of the opponent. The downside of that spell is that it won't be possible to loot the itens of that opponent. Also, I think it should have a high cast time. Zenithar's Favor: Trade a ton amount of gold (I'm talking like 20k ~ 50k) for a permanent bonus (for example: More health, more stamina, extra perk point, resistance bonus, etc...). This spell I know it should be on master level. So, what you guys think of my idea? Any suggestions of spells that could be included in this package?
  2. An mod request that messes with the games code where anything you obtain, and anything in your inventory, that has multiple uses, always reaches it's maximum limit. Ad Infinitum is basically a script injected into the games code that says: "You should always have the maximum limit of this item, never anything less" This will take away hours of tedium especially for those who are there for the story. Ad Infinitum does not work on items you've already used up such as gifts, only ones you have on you, and ones recently obtained. Things like materials, medicines, healing items, manuals, recipes, etc. that you have gained from the field to items in your inventory. Ad Infinitum can refresh items greyed out such as the DLC outfit collection and DLC aids, since they still technically exist in your inventory instead of disappearing. Mod Type: Infinite Item Injection Script Mod destination: Source Code subfolder
  3. Hey guys! I've been looking for some alteration magic mods for Skyrim. I want to have less time in my armor spells. I'am playing as a thief so something like 10s or 20s will work out great. Thanks for everything!
  4. Hi, I'm in the process of trying to make a nature/druidy sort of mod. One of the things I want to do is have an Alteration Armor spell like Oakflesh, which also gives you the Spriggan swarm visual effect for its duration. I've tried setting Equip Ability in the Magic Effect in the CK to AbSpriggan etc. (as part of the Spriggan ability is the desired swarm effect) but it hasn't worked. I'm pretty new to this and was hopeful there would be some simple way of doing it, without scripting, that I've overlooked. If not, I guess I'll have to learn how to script. Any help would be immensely appreciated.
  5. hi guys this is the first thing to write ever in this website, English is my second language, but ill do my best to explain, and sorry for any mistakes i have a new idea of making some sort of new and unique alteration spells. the spells is about to cast enchantment on not enchanted weapon and give special effects. the spell level starts from apprentice level with minimal efficiency, and can be upgraded to a more powerful versions, up to it's ultimate effect on master level. this mod is about enhancing your "one handed weapon" attacks , with some cool and powerful effects, with a high cost of health, stamina, and/or Magica. so the element of managing the resources and challenges to survive will be presented. Apprentice: Enchant weapon to do extra damage with the cost of health, if reuse the spell within 30 second, cost to cast will be increased by 10%. Health cost is 10% of max health, but with every level to health will reduce the cost by 0.2% of max health. Adept: Enchant weapon to more extra damage and stagger the enemy with cost of 15 % of max health and 5 % of max stamina. if reused within 30 seconds, cost for health will be increased 10 % and for stamina by 5 % of their max’s. With every level to health or stamina cost will be reduced by 0.2 % or 0.05 % respectively. Expert: Enchant weapon with extra damage and stagger enemy and slow them for 15 second with cost of 20 %, 5 % and 30 % of health, stamina and magicka respectively of their maximum. If reused within 30 seconds, cost for health will be increased 10 %, 5 % for stamina and 5 % for magicka With every level to health, stamina or magicka, casting cost will be reduced by 0.2%, 0.05% or 0.05 % respectively. Master (must be dueled): After casting the spell, for 30 seconds, damage taken will be ignored by 40 % and 10% of damage will be absorbed until reach a certain threshold, then weapon will be enchanted with the ultimate strike, that will blow away the main target (like unrelenting force) and knockdown other enemies surrounded the spell user and reduced everyone armor by 25% for 30 seconds. Casting the spell will cost 50 % of health, 50 % of Stamina and 30 % of Magicka, of their maximum. Reuse the spell within 1 minute will increase the cost by 10 % for health, 10 % for stamina and 10 % for magicka. Leveling any specific attribute will reduce the excution cost by 0.05 % for health, 0.05 % for stamina and 0.01 % for magicka. i am trying to make this balance and integrated with other skills as possible as i can,but this is my limit so far :D , so if anyone has an opinion to make this better, please do share your Idea. the problem i don't know how to mod, so "mod creators" please make this mod.
  6. Hey everyone its Mace, I have another request for some anxious modders out there. If anyone has every played Dungeon Siege Legends of Aranna, by microsoft games, around 2002 I think? They had an awesome little system for mages that the skyrim candlelight spell reminded me of. Basically it allowed you to cast a buff spell that was treated as an orb, floated around you and sort of thought for itself, while you could do other things at the same time. It allowed for some diversity, a fan favorite was orb of healing, which cast a constant, slow and steady heal over time on any single nearby allied target at a time, priority on caster, second to most injured ally. In addition there were typical offensive orbs as well, orb of fire, frost, energy, lightning, and I think the base system would be a great addition to the skyrim magic line. A buff based spell like an orb, being added into spellshops and loot, to the various magic trees with a variety of effects, treated just like a cloak spell, except beyond just the destruction skill. Those cloak spells would be a good one to advance on as well, bringing them into other magic lines but perhaps a request for another time. What I'm looking for specifically, would be seeing spell trees incorporate an orb spell that follows the same ideas as above, perhaps your typical elements in destruction. Using a reasonably low spell like frost, sparks or flames, a restoration one casting a constant healing or heal other, perhaps with cure disease on a pulse sometimes. It could stop there but maybe if it was able to be primed with a basic spell, tier 1 or tier 2 spells, it could expand to other trees as well just to try keep things balanced. Like orb of fear, courage or frenzy for illusion, alteration elemental shielding buff, just armor, for yourself and others, or maybe soultrap. Anyways I'm sure the idea has got the point across, hopefully it gets some bites. Happy modding! :)
  7. Hey everyone its Mace, I have another request for some anxious modders out there. If anyone has every played Dungeon Siege Legends of Aranna, by microsoft games, around 2002 I think? They had an awesome little system for mages that the skyrim candlelight spell reminded me of. Basically it allowed you to cast a buff spell that was treated as an orb, floated around you and sort of thought for itself, while you could do other things at the same time. It allowed for some diversity, a fan favorite was orb of healing, which cast a constant, slow and steady heal over time on any single nearby allied target at a time, priority on caster, second to most injured ally. In addition there were typical offensive orbs as well, orb of fire, frost, energy, lightning, and I think the base system would be a great addition to the skyrim magic line. A buff based spell like an orb, being added into spellshops and loot, to the various magic trees with a variety of effects, treated just like a cloak spell, except beyond just the destruction skill. Those cloak spells would be a good one to advance on as well, bringing them into other magic lines but perhaps a request for another time. What I'm looking for specifically, would be seeing spell trees incorporate an orb spell that follows the same ideas as above, perhaps your typical elements in destruction. Using a reasonably low spell like frost, sparks or flames, a restoration one casting a constant healing or heal other, perhaps with cure disease on a pulse sometimes. It could stop there but maybe if it was able to be primed with a basic spell, tier 1 or tier 2 spells, it could expand to other trees as well just to try keep things balanced. Like orb of fear, courage or frenzy for illusion, alteration elemental shielding buff, just armor, for yourself and others, or maybe soultrap. Anyways I'm sure the idea has got the point across, hopefully it gets some bites. Happy modding! :)
  8. Hey everyone, my name is Mace and I have been hanging around the nexus community for acouple years on and off and just recently returned to skyrim nexus checking out all the new ENB graphics adjustments and started playing again. This time through I thought I'd try spit out some more ideas for mod creators out there who are up to the challenges. Personally I've never done any modmaking (quite frankly sometimes I struggle just to get the ones you guys put all the hard effort and time into, working) but definitely not short on ideas. This particular request I found inspired from MassEffect3's multiplayer class the N7 paladin. I thought it would be convenient for mages to not have to compromise defensive benefits when playing a spellsword, then I got the idea to try something more like a spellshield. I came across a mod to change all shields to dispel magic like spellbreaker, via a perk, and another to treat wards similar to shields, in as far as being able to block arrows, and slightly increase defenses thru the shield wall perk. But I notice the time changing between using a shield and magic, is somewhat sloppy and delayed. I want to see a full ward spell that is cast and treated like a shield equipped, by holding up the ward you are able to cast with your other hand as per usual. But it would be even better if wards could be used to actually block melee attacks rather than just add to defense, and bash accordingly, while held up. Im not sure if this is even possible, but I thought the idea was interesting, carrying that shield all the time as a mage could be rather burdening, would be more intense to be able to wield their own magic accordingly. Thanks alot! Happy modding
  9. Can someone please try to change or add a new enchanting system wherein you can temporarily enchant a weapon through alteration? Like the how the Forceblader from Cabal Online enchants his weapon for a period of time. It will basically target players who want to enchant their weapons but loathes the weapon enchantment where you have to recharge it through soul gems. Like here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pfp_KH1f_aY at 0:14-0:18
  10. I've found that Alteration is a very difficult school of magic to get into, and I think that's because there aren't really any good spells for combat up until you get Paralysis (which can be achieved at MUCH lower levels with enchanting or alchemy), which is an expert-level spell - the magic armor spells are also vastly underpowered compared to armor, which can also be enchanted. Here are some spells that I think would make Alteration a much more appealing school of magic to study: NOVICE LEVEL Stagger - Causes target to stagger and to move slower for 1 second after recovery. 60 base cost (so not very useful for large groups of enemies at lower levels)APPRENTICE LEVEL Shockwave - Casts stagger on targets in area around user. 135 base cost.Adrenaline - Increases player's running speed by +5% and reduces all stamina costs by 20% for 20 seconds. 180 base cost.ADEPT LEVEL Stun - Paralyzes target for 1 second. 185 base cost.Rush - Increases player's running speed by +15% and reduces all stamina costs by 35% for 30 seconds. 250 base cost.
  11. can someone create a mod that allows two handed weapons to be enhanced with alteration magic? i really dont see a reason as to why it is restricted to one handed weapons, this is clearly a problem for me because my character is a alteration/destruction mage that uses enchanted battlestaffs which is frickin awesome but this is a massive let down, thank you, and good day Thy Doughnut
  12. Would it be possible to make a spell, or scroll assuming that would be less overpowered, that could cast a temporary curse on any NPC turning them into a werewolf that would either: (1. go on a killing spree avoiding the player and their followers or (2. be a temporary follower that would assist in combat If this could be done I think it would be awesome to have a hand full of spells similar to this one, transforming other characters into beasts such :D Maybe even make them only available to a custom race if you felt so inclined :sweat: Inspiration behind the idea: My girlfriend likes to make me watch American Horror Story with her, don't get me wrong I'm a fan of the show just not the 3rd season, however I thought it was cool when Marie Laveau turned her man into a bull-headed minion along with many other things and decided it would be awesome to have Voodoo type magic in Skyrim.
  13. I thought it would be cool if you could mix spells from different types into one dual cast. Ya know, like having Fire Ball in one hand and Ice Spike in the other, thus making a FrostFire Bolt that has both spell effects. Or a Flesh spell with Circle of Protection. You got the idea. Anyway, I hope someone picks that up. It's gona be a blast for the Skyrim community! P.S. I looked everywhere for such a mod but failed misserably, so if there actually is one, please let me know. :whistling:
  14. Ever since I played the dragon age series, I have had a deep seated hatred of timed buffs and whatnot. I frequently have my whateverskin and bound weapons and summons end in the middle of a fight, and even on small dungeons I have to refresh them multiple times. I am requesting a mod to change this. I'm not well versed in modding, but I think the easiest idea would simply to change it to having some sort of magicka drain. So for example, if a spell costs 50 magicka to cast, and lasts for one minute, instead make it cast 50 magicka per minute, for as long as you have enough magicka. Thank you in advance for any interest in creating this mod, and I will happily answer any questions that may arise.
  15. Hi I made a custom alteration spell and have hit a few snags. Its a "fire and forget" "peak value modifier" set to increase unarmed damage, its cost ends up being 95 magicka with auto calculate but ingame it shows up as "83 points/second". It also refuses to level alteration, as I have tried it in and out of combat and even killed some enemies with it (via punching them a lot). I have even tried making a version tied to Ordinator, still to no avail. Any idea's on why this one's sassing me? My mod is Enchanted fist. Here's my load order for your perusal:
  16. I use alteration armor spells such as stoneflesh a lot but I don't like the visual effects on character's face a lot. I can remove the visual effects completely using CK but I'd rather have some effect going on. So is it possible to make visual effects not be visible on character's head only? Thanks in advance. p.s. I use CRF.
  17. Can somebody make a quest and a scene that winterhold bridge is collapse.... And the quest is to get an alteration spell dan can lift the ruins or make a conjuration bridge.... I think it'll be cool Or.... A replacement for magical looks like for winterhold.... I mean.... It so looks.... Boring after these years
  18. Hello everyone. I had this idea for a mod I thought would be kinda cool. You would have these masks that when you wear them transforms you into different beasts from Skyrim until you took it off (or until it wears off). Kind of like the masks in Zelda MM. e.g. You put on the Giant's Mask to transform into a giant, or the Flame Atronach's Mask to transform into a flame Atronach, Reindeer Mask etc. There would be a mask for most of the creatures in Skyrim. Maybe you would find these masks as loot when you kill one of the beasts? Or you would cast a spell on their corpse that adds the mask of that creature to your inventory. I'd work on this mod myself but I'm only still learning how the Creation Kit works and I have no idea how any of this would be accomplished. What do you guys think?
  19. For some reason I can't level above 40 in Alteration. It just stopped working. Anybody know why & how to fix? The only mod I have that alters Alteration Training is AltDunmer's Diaries Of Training.
  20. Hello, I after deciding to choose alteration with armor I realized how pointless flesh spells become. With dwraven armor, I am already almost hitting the cap, the same can be said for my light armor alt. I was wondering if it is possible to have a flesh spell raised the armor cap for the duration of the spell, allowing the player above 80% damage migration. I tried the scrip creator myself but I only know c++ so i couldn't program it with prapyus. I would really appreciate it if someone could make a mod that gives an alteration spell the ability to increase cap for a set amount of time. (Extend the duration of the spells and make restoration and destruction skill scale too please if you have the time.) Thanks
  21. So I have recently got back into Skyrim in a big way thanks to mods. However, I've been looking for a mod that would perform what I have REALLY wanted every time I've played the game. That is, a reliable way of turning items into gold without the hassle of organising your inventory/finding the things you want to sell in amongst the rest of your junk treasures, selling them to vendors, who then run out of gold, finding other vendors/modding vendors to have a metric craptonne of gold, etc etc.... whatever. My idea is simple and I'm sure any modder with a modicum of experience could create it. Sadly I lack even that amount of expertise, so I am coming here for help. Spell Name: Transmute to Gold School/Level: Alteration/ (Adept?) Type: On Target Cost: (No Idea. Whatever you guys think is balanced. I figured around 150 - 200 mana. Discuss?) Function: Cast on a chest, converts all the items inside into gold to the amount their combined value x ([Caster Alteration Level] + 20) / 100 Daily Power: If it was a daily power it would stop people from simply converting items to gold while out adventuring as and when they find them. This might not be a bad thing, but it's something to consider. I believe this would be a fairly balanced spell as for lower level characters it would be similar to simply selling the items inside (with the benefit of not having to faff around you could just fill up a chest and cast it every now and then after multiple adventures to get a massive influx of gold when you need it), later on it would be a rewarding reason to level alteration, as it would give 120% of an items value back as gold, quickly gaining the dragonbornLOADSA MONEYYYY quite a bit of coin. Any thoughts, ideas or even pointers to a mod that already does this would be appreciated! Cheers all.
  22. Hey guys, Not sure if this exists, but thought I'd toss it out there as an idea. Im playing a mage character on master with some major difficulty mods, and as a compulsive looter I of course have been picking every lock/chest. The problem is that this has been raising my lock picking pretty fast, which is bad for roleplaying purposes and because I level too quickly (and enemies are leveling with me cuz of some mods). Anyway, that's not the important part, on to the idea... A lot of mods add unlock spells, but most require your level of a particular school to match that of the lock for them to work. This would make sense, except with enough lock picks/time I can pick any lock no matter how difficult. So what if someone could make a mod that would make the unlock spell just take more time depending on the lock difficulty/your skill? That way with enough time/magicka a mage could pick any lock, and as your skill leveled the process would slowly speed up, eventually becoming almost instant (which makes sense lore-wise too, since a mage who can directly alter the insides of the lock should be able to unlock anything given enough time, and a stronger mage should be able to do it faster/easier). Not sure how easy/possible this would be, just thought it sounded sweet! If a mod like this already exists then point the way! Thanks in advance
  23. Would it be possible to create an alteration spell, which created an overlay while lockpicking? Basically, you would cast the spell, then try to pick a lock. While the spell is active, you would 'sense' the inner workings of the lock, represented by a colored glow overlaying the lockpick minigame. One portion of the glow would be a slightly different/more intense color, showing you were to start. Intensity and area of the glow would be determined by comparing the lock's level with your alteration level (or spell level if using multiple/tiered spells). The higher your spell/skill is and the lower the lock level, the narrower and more intense the colored area would be. I thought of this because I very much dislike the lockpicking minigame. I used various replacers in Oblivion, but those made it too easy. For Skyrim, I have only found mods that would qualify as 'cheats', or spells which would automatically unlock certain levels of locks, similar to the spells from Morrowind. I'd like to see something a bit inbetween, which allowed for leveling lockpicking and alteration at the same time. Basically, using a spell to cut down the amount of time it takes to pick a lock, while not cheating or breaking immersion. Thanks.
  24. Hi all! I just wanted to share an idea I just had; maybe some modder likes it and considers it workable: Currently staves are mostly used for non-magic users to be able to cast some spell without needing the magicka / perks / learning required, but for mages it's usually better to just double-cast spells. My idea tries to address this making spells a valuable (almost required equipment) for any serious caster: Basically, tiered staffs for each school of magic should exist, and be able to be equipped-over with a spell (this is, equipping a spell should not un-equip the staff). Using that hand (AKA casting with that staff) should cast the spell equipped over it. Staffs from each school should make spells from that school stronger, if cast with it. Probably 1-handed, so they can be dual-wielded or used with a shield / off-hand weapon / "hands-free spell" (as in vanilla). Using spells with staffs WILL gain experience on the corresponding skill. In detail: *Add 5 new staffs, one for school (Destruction, Restoration, Illusion, Conjuration & Alteration). *Each of these staffs will be one-handed (allowing for using with a shield or off-hand spell/weapon) *If no off-hand / weapon / shield is used, you can block with the staff similarly to blocking with a sword without a shield or with a two-handed weapon. *Each staff will have 5-tier versions (pine < ash < maple < oak < yew, similar to how regular weapons scale from one metal to another) *Each staff will NOT have charges, and instead will make spells from the staff's school of magic +5/10/15/20/25% more powerful (for example, a Pine Staff of Illusion will make Illusion spells 5% stronger, and a Yew Staff of Destruction will make Destruction spells 25% stronger (this are rough numbers, can be tweaked up/down for balance) *You can equip a staff on one hand, and a spell on the same hand. When you use that hand, you will cast the spell you have on that hand (using staff cast animation). *If you have a spell from one school on the same hand than an off-school spell (like casting fireball on the right hand while having a Pine Staff of Restoration in that hand), you will cast the spell with the staff, but it will not have any bonus (regardless of you having the correct staff on the other hand) *Casting spells with a staff will grant experience to that spell's skill. *Double casting allowed with no staff on both hands or a staff on both hands. *Dual-wielding two staffs from the same school probably shouldn't stack their effects. *Current Staff of #spell# will still exist, working as in vanilla. I'd love to further discuss and tune-up this idea, hopefully someone finds it mod-worthy. -ccjmk
  25. Someone must know a way to get at the ship files that define how they're built and colored. They're generated procedurally in each star system using pre-defined parts and color schemes that go together like Legos. The NMS Save Editor shows the seed data used to define every ship, multitool... even the storage crates. On every space station, there is a ship upgrade station. When you activate it, it shows a graphic of your ship being separated into parts. Surely someone can dig into that system, and give us the ability to swap parts around, and even color schemes. I'm spending all my time in the hunt for my ideal fighter, after losing mine trying to trade for an Exotic ship. Something went wrong and I completely lost my main fighter. I have better ones now, but the one marrying all the components and almost as importantly, a good "livery" paint scheme, is eluding me. But there has to be a way to edit the files, essentially giving us a ship builder and painter. The NMS Save Editor has a random ship generator, and I've resorted to using it, but it's completely random, so it spits out about ten meh ships or more for every keeper. But that means that someone knew enough about the system HG uses to harness it. If someone would make this, I'd give them tens of dollars.
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