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  1. Asking for a friend Can someone make a mod where you can see a character's affinity with you without having to add them to your party? Like in the camp menu? It's just annoying and I'd like to be able to quickly see
  2. Asking for a friend Can someone make a mod where you can see a character's affinity with you without having to add them to your party? Like in the camp menu? It's just annoying and I'd like to be able to quickly see
  3. The game allows you to romance multiple companions, so it doesn't make sense to me why some companions don't like you flirting with other companions in their presence, or expanding your relationship. I know jealousy is still a thing in real polyamorous and/or open relationships, but this doesn't seem to be a direct-enough way of representing that for that to be an intentional design choice. I would like to see flirting and romancing other companions (and characters like Magnolia) be made neutral affinity actions rather than negative affinity ones across all romanceable companions. I would also like to see some changes to how companions interact with each other. Just as an example, Piper reacts negatively to Cait's "threesome" line. But if you're romancing both of them, and considering that both of them can date a Sole Survivor of any gender, I'd personally expect Piper to be open to the idea, or at least less snarky in turning it down. I'm sure there are more interactions like this. Replacing some of the dialogue and facial expressions in these interactions with other lines of dialogue or even "hmm"s and grunts, where appropriate, should make them more reasonable for if both companions are being romanced.
  4. Is there a mod that decreases companion cooldown for DLC companions? I tried No Negative Affinity DLC Patch but that only affects negative affinity. I only want shortened cooldowns, like the base mod did. (which doesn't include DLC) I am looking for Gage specifically cuz I'm planning on "breaking allegiance" with him. The only mods I DID find are all Xbox/PS4 (go figure)
  5. I'm doing my second run through the game, and I've been playing with Cait as companion for a few ingame days now. And I'm not getting any [Cait liked that] messages. At all. Drinking booze? Nada. Picking locks? Nothing. Taking drugs? Zilch. Fast travelling and changing cels naked? ZIP! Seriously, that last is a major WTF? My first play through I maxed her affinity out in a hurry by doing the fast travel naked thing. Using console command getav CA_affinity showed her at 0.00 We all got the 1.5 update pushed, and I recently installed CBBE and Bodyslide. Those are the only things I can think of that are recent changes. I will confess that I haven't used a human companion in a while before the changes - I maxed out Piper and Nick early on, then Danse... and I was using Dogmeat just before the changes, so I don't know if this is something that is effecting the other companions. I am using F4SE, and I'm not using a lot of mods, either. Here's my load order. 0 0 Fallout4.esm DLCRobot.esm DLCworkshop01.esm Homemaker.esm SettlementKeywords.esm SpringCleaning.esm Snap'n Build.esm Homemaker - SK Integration Patch.esp Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects SK.esp SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp Snap'n Build - Patches.esp Snap'n Build v1.6 SK patch.esp DarkerNights.esp Snap'n Build - Bunker.esp Snap'n Build - Capsule.esp Snap'n Build - Greenhouse.esp Snap'n Build - Industrial.esp Snap'n Build - Real Estate.esp More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp Elvani's Track Pack - FIX.esp OWR.esp OWR_CraftableRadios.esp DarkerNightsDetection.esp Snap'n Build - Capsule Paints.esp Snap'n Build - Modules.esp CBBE.esp I'm scratching my head here. Any ideas what might have gone buggy? Better yet, any ideas on how to fix it? I'd like to get it up to start her personal quest.
  6. So I'm doing a playthrough where I'm using Cait as a companion, but I'm also using the Cannibal perk. So I wanted to simply make it so that Cait didn't care whether or not I ate a corpse, without changing anything else. But I cannot figure out for the life of me how to do that without completely changing her dislikes to another companions, or removing them altogether. So does anyone know how I can actually do this? I've tried looking at her character itself, and altering the Cait dislike event keyword, but they don't allow you to change the individual dislikes, at least not that I can see.
  7. (None of the other posts I've seen here actually break down the problem, so here's my attempt at clarifying the issue. And yes, it's been reported to Bethesda and acknowledged, but so far their response is basically along the lines of, "Dude, that sucks; we don't know what's causing it, and haven't seen it happen ourselves, but we'll keep looking into it.") The bug: Companions neither gain nor lose affinity, regardless of actions taken, and regardless of wait time between actions. Once the bug happens with one companion--and it can do so at any point in the game--it hits all of them, without exception. It can manifest as early as Codsworth, thus keeping you from ever gaining any affinity with any companion. Example: Normally, when you recruit a companion, they immediately gain 40 affinity. With this bug, affinity remains at its current level--in this case zero--and cannot be raised or lowered except through console commands. This also means no companion quests unless triggered by console for each stage, and no companion perks, unless given by console. Also none of the usual companion comments relating to actions. If you already have an affinity rating with one or more companions, that rating will be frozen at its current level. (And again, this affects ALL companions, and levels freeze for all of them at once--it's not a matter of the quest-locked affinity plateaus some companions have.) What we know it's NOT: We know it's not a mod issue, because it occurs seemingly at random on all platforms, and on both "clean" and modded games. It's also not the new cooldown times--this was happening long before the update that increased cooldown times, and besides, increased cooldown times don't prevent you from gaining affinity ever with any compion--they just make it take longer to raise affinity to max. Seeking a solution: Various people have reported that one or more of the following fixed the problem in their current game, but many have reported that even after attempting some or all of these, the only way they could fix it was to start a new game and cross their fingers. None of the below "fixes" work reliably, so it may be a case of mistaking correlation for causation. Solutions tried so far with varying degrees of success and failure: Reverting to an earlier saveTrashing all saves and starting overUninstalling and reinstalling the Unofficial PatchRe-verifying files through steamCompletely deleting the entire game, including preference files and mods, and starting over from scratch (but especially considering it doesn't work every time, that's a bit extreme) So that's that. Anyone have a solution, or able to steer me where I should look for one?
  8. I ran solo or with Dogmeat for a long time, but I've recently run into a weird problem. Preston loves me. MCReady loves me. Cait really loves me. Now, however, no matter what companion I try, I no longer see any "x loved that/x hated that" messages ... even with the companions who love me. I checked via the console command "getav ca_affinity" and confirmed that affinity is not being changed no matter what I do. Tried shooting/healiing Dogmeat to no avail. Pick a lock in front of Deacon. No change. Heal in front of Curie. Nothing. I even tried the console command "setav ca_affinity". While the value I set shows with the "getav" command, there's absolutely no change in the attitude of the companions toward me. I've uninstalled all mods that have anything to do with companions. I'm really hoping thare's a console command or other quick fix for that. I've built a lot of things a lot of places. I really don't want to start over using this clunky building engine. Thanks in advance for any tips or help.
  9. Each time I enter in the command console Paladin Danse ID changes and make impossible to abjust his affinity. Can anybody help?
  10. I've edited CompanionAffinityEventQuestScript and added all the properties and functions for my companion, but it doesn't work in-game. I've seen a few topics like this floating around the internet but none with an answer. Is there anyone out there who has managed to get quest affinity working for a custom companion? If it matters, I only added Companion_Likes() to a few quests in the script because that thing is massive and I wasn't going to waste hours adding affinity bumps to all of them only to discover it doesn't work.
  11. Hello. I am modifying a Papyrus script in Fallout 4. What i specifically need, is an if-statement that checks the current affinity value of Nuka-World DLC companion Porter Gage to see if his affinity is at 1000 or more.
  12. I have done a lot of searching around for a mod or at least someone who has done this, with no luck, so I'll ask here. I would like to be able to experience all of the content of Nuka World while keeping Preston as a companion for essentially the entire game, without doing Open Season or skipping Home Sweet Home. So no skipping raiding settlements/Home Sweet Home, no doing Open Season, no skipping Preston until post-Nuka World, and no hate/loss of Preston as a companion. I doubt a full fledged mod is necessary, as my guess is that a single string is fired when you place the first raider flag down in a settlement (which is when his instant hate and loss of companionship occurs). I'm not exactly well versed in the Creation Kit, so I don't know how easy or difficult this is. Anyways, any assistance would be wonderful. Whether it be making a mod, doing a tutorial on the how to, or just giving steps to accomplish. To recap - Want to prevent the loss of Preston as a companion while still maintaining the ability to have raider settlements from the Quest Home Sweet Home, and without doing Open Season (want the Nuka World factions and Gage to still be alive).
  13. As the title suggests, I'm unsure exactly how to properly set up 'Affinity' in the Fallout 4 creation kit. I'm following Seddon's tutorial on how to create a companion but he doesn't really cover affinity. However I'd like to create a companion who does 'like' and 'dislike' certain actions and can grow a relationship with the player. So, for StartingThreshold i put : CA_T3_Neutral. AffinityThreshold: CA_T1_Infatuation then i filled out my own perk and perk message. He goes on to explain all the other things that are red, but specifically states that he doesn't cover affinity. http://i.imgur.com/JXLixe6.png So, what things to i need to fill out, and how do i ineed to fill them out? Or how do they work? also will it effect any scripting i need to do to finish my companion? I feel like this is very strangely worded, but any help is appreciated.
  14. So, I was digging through MacCready's wiki page, and I've noticed something that I consider to be a glaring inconsistency: MacCready doesn't like it when you give the cure to Austin during Hole in the Wall. I've spent the last three or so hours trying to figure out how to edit his affinity to change that to something I consider to be more in-character, with absolutely no success. Does anyone know how to change how companions react to specific quests? Because I've got absolutely nothing.
  15. Hiya, Can anyone help make a mod that change Gage's affinity to like or neutral when we use (including addiction) chems? Would like to try a junkie raider playthrough this time and I'd like to have Gage along in my travels. Thanks for reading :)
  16. Just a general question that I was curious about , and that I can't seem to find any information about because it is to broad I suppose. Basically, I was wondering if anyone knows any quest mods that actually trigger likes and dislikes via the affinity system for vanilla companions. I've notice on some of the big quest mods such as; depravity,tales from the commonwealth, America Rising, etc... Do not seem to trigger any affinity for the games vanilla companions. Would I be incorrect in this analysis? I understand the vast complexities of the creation kit, but I was curious if anyone has figured this out. I've seen posts on how to use the affinity system for custom companions, via manipulation of the Bethesda DLC characters; however I have not seen anything on the vanilla companions. I'm attempting to get back into modding again (It's been a loooong time) and I wanted to do something story based for a change. If I do anything pertaining to questing I'd like to be able to use the affinity system to support all companions.I'd appreciate any answers to my query. Thanks in advance and I apologize for any grammatical errors I'm posting this via my phone.
  17. I'm currently travelling with Piper, playing an evil mercenary build. Naturally Piper has something to say to me about my stealth knifing dozens of hapless settlers. I've already hit her first negative affinity dialogue. I'm currently continuing my murder sprees, trying to unlock the second negative affinity stage. My question is, how many more unfortunates do I have to whack before Piper gets angry enough to pipe up again?
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