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  1. I am currently making what I think the M199 "Back Talker" rifle may look like. I wish to make it as lore friendly as possible and will be posting progress as I go along here. Currently, I have modeled it's general shape and now must add further, finer details. Then, I will texture and animate it, and eventually implement it into leveled list and a Quest. Please give me any constructive criticism you may have. Stand by for more as i develop it.
  2. Hello =) I'm looking for an addon to be able to see a list of merchendises directly on the interface (more than the 5 at the top of the screen). thanks :)
  3. Is there a way to add a new attach point keyword to a weapon with a script instead of changing the base weapon? I want to avoid conflicts between mods.
  4. Is there any modder/programmer out there, who is able to add a "notepad" to No Man's Sky using the NMS Extender? Exploring planets would be nice with a way to write down things about them within the game. It would be great to have a notepad in the System/Planet-List, optional with keyvalues like 'weather', 'temperatures', 'size', etc.
  5. Hello! I asked in the chat where such a question would fit best in for what section, I got an answear that the game-section would be best so... I got a question about Blender. I have modified a Morrowind-item (.nif) with Blender. However... I cannot import and export .nif files with Blender, aswell as I cannot open .blend files with NifSkope. There are addons for Blender as I have tried to install for my Blender, which allows me to do just this with .nif file format. But it seems like the addon refuse to being installed. I cannot seem to find the issue really, as nothing happens, it wont get installed. This is the video I followed for trying to install this addon; I would be most delighted if someone know how to do this "correct" or if someone can send me your own Blender-Directory with the addon already installed. Or if you know another program which can modify .nif files and save them for NifSkope, feel free to tips me :) Thanks!
  6. I just simply like the way the elvenkind look in the elder scrolls online... they look so much better than in skyrim, & look better & appear superior to humans (sort of, no offense :tongue: ) Just a request for racial (appearance) overhaul for all mers (Altmer, Bosmer, Dunmer & Snow elves) (not orsimers because they already look good in vanilla) Thank u :smile:
  7. Hello I can help any one add new outfit Meshes. originaly Dead or alive 5. I can export them into .obj format. Or any other request. I have original textures as well. All meshes comes in T-Pose. and needs a new Animrig. I am looking for a team mate to make some outfit Mods. Okay Cya and good luck. Skype: MRC-007. +15 years old only if add me. Name: Miles.
  8. this is two mods im tryna figure out how to make them an "added" tattoo set, didnt want replacers, wondering if you or some one you know on nexus could make them into an addon esp http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/22749/? http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/24867/?
  9. Helo everyone, I downloaded the Climates Of Tamriel - Weather Patch and activateded it. There could be some problems with that patch they said and it happend. After the Bethesta Logo the game crashes down, and i dont know how to solve that. I deleted the patch out of the Nexus Mod Manager but it didnt helped.
  10. So today I beat the Vampire questline of the Dawnguard DLC for the twentieth time. It occurred to me for the twentieth time that there is absolutely no benefit to being the lord of the castle. It would be nice if someone could make a mod that add more to this. Maybe a short questline and something more that repairing the door to the garden... There are side quests but they are soooo repetitive. Maybe something similar for the dawnguard side too. I just want something more out of it.
  11. I wanted to check whether anyone knows where to find (or can make) a MOD for the Elder Scrolls online, which allows the player to play custom music from saved files (such as mp3 or midi), using the game's emotes so that other players can hear the tunes. It's only cosmetic but it could be fun to have. Other MMO's such as The Lord of the Rings Online offer that system (it uses abc files), so I was wondering if it could be done for ESO. Even Guild Wars 2 has the player generated musical feature. There should have been a window that lets you pick your instrument (Lute, horn, flute, drum,) and select the music file you wish to play, and the surrounding players shuld be able to hear it at the same time. Maybe even synchronise a band if the files matched, though that's a bit far fetched for now. If nobody has something to suggest, could you at least point me to a direction where I can learn to create mods myself? Thank you.
  12. This is just an idea, any planned weapons that are't real, will be linked to my Deviantart Account FACTIONS: Enclave Outcasts - The Pre-Resource Wars (Our Universe) america. They are not evil US Army - Friendly with the NCR, and the Enclave outcasts. Uses 10mm SMGs, 10mm Pistols, Hunting Shotguns and Rifles, and Assault Carbines, along with Sniper Rifles and LMGs and XM95s Unity Remnants - Pretty Obvious who they are.... WEAPONS (Fictional: http://thebronywholikesgta.deviantart.com/gallery/39114898) XM95 Bullpup Bolt Action - uses .50MG Ammo Stoner63 - Vietnam LMG AK112 - 5mm Assault Rifle, Fallout 1 % 2 Classic Colt Rangemaster - 5.56mm Semi Automatic Hunting Rifle, and Descendant of the AR15 Series Burrus - A Plasma/Gauss Hybrid, and better than the Gauss rifle at 215 DAM M1600A400 - A Automatic Laser Rifle (Based off the Nerf M4 thingy) FN SCAR-LMG (HAMR) - Automatic MG M358 SAW-X M32 Gauss Automatic Gauss Rifle LT-40 Semi Automatic Shotgun Wattz 3000 (Automatic 2000 Laser Rifle) Auto-Plasma Cannon - Uses Microfusion Cells S&W .500 - GDHC, With Wooden Furniture AMMO .500 S&W 2mm EC ENTITIES: Enclave Outcasts (Numerous soldiers, and scouts, and scientists etc) Floaters Wannamingos Armor Numerous Enclave Outcast Armor - with Maroon, Black and Desert Tan colors. Classic FO1 Armor - Leather Classic, Combat Armor Classic Location: Vault 90 - Vault Under Freeside (under train station) Still in Use by VDs, Security Team are Actually US Soldiers People Who Make the Mod will be marked as the Mods Owners Yes I am a brony, but i don't use MLP Mods in New Vegas, to keep that fresh pristine clean feel of Fallout
  13. I'm not sure if many people know Havens Bag, but it is my favourite mod. I was just wondering if anyone would make me a mod that adds more rooms to it. I would still like all the extra rooms to have the same feeling as the original Havens Bag room (Piles of coins everywhere and loots and such). I think all the extra rooms should have doors connecting to the original room. So far it adds (off the top of my head): 26 chests 1 bed 1 cooking pot 1 mini smelter 1 arcane enchanter 1 alchemy lab 1 grinding stool 1 workbench 1 tanning rack What I would like added: A greenhouse (planters and 1 apiary, Hearthfire) A bedroom (this is where the bed will be now, also has a lamp and bedside table) A kitchen (this is where the cooking pot will be, also has a small table with chairs) A magic related room (alchemy lab, arcane enchanter, shrines) A doorway to the Soul Cairn (a room with the portal to the Soul Cairn in it, Dawnguard) A falmer room (has a shellbug in it, Dawnguard) A workroom (workbench, anvil, tanning rack, mini smelter, mini forge) Please respond if you have the time and knowledge to do this mod. If you decide to please say so in the comments. All the chests in the main room I would like unchanged. This would need to be compatible with chest sorting mods. That's all and please comment on it :smile:
  14. Hello! I've been working on Particles and AddOn nodes, and as a first project, i decided a torch would be a rather simple way to start. Apparently, I was wrong. I added the AddOn14 and AddOn35 nodes to my model of a torch, and when in game, the fire and smoke that is supposed to go on the Torch, also is on my character's head. I have no clue why. Any help would be apreciated. Here's a video of what the problem is.
  15. So I thought it might be cool to have like star wars or diablo version of torchlight 2.... As for star wars, I mean mods so that you play in a star wars environmental (texture replacer for example) with lightsabers, making all the enemies in TL2 into star wars enemies or something similiar and then maybe some cool force powers like force push, etc. And for diablo mods look look down in this post for more info. I saw some guy who had made a torchlight 1 video with diablo and star wars mods being used. (at least I think it was torchlight 1) And then I thought that maybe there are those kind of stuff for torchlight 2 aswell.... (not diablo ones but at least star wars mods) I'm wondering if anyone knows of any star wars mods for torchlight 2 out there? Would be great if anyone could provide links if found. And as for diablo I've already found some great mods which replaces the UI/Interface into diablo style, i'm not sure if there are any more out there though. I'll also check at the workshops if I can find any more there tho... :ohdear: Anyways here are some diablo mods I know of so far: Evil UI Gritter Edition + Diablo 2 Orbs Diablo Complete Pack Diablo 2 Music Mod Barbarian Custom Class v5 Elemental Blade Dancer v45 (I would also try out Awesome Classes Reborn) Noddyngineering (not really that much diablo alike but its kinda cool though) Paladin Custom Class New Champion Names Diablo 2 Skill Tree Levels Thrasher's Armory Evil UI (not gritter edition, does NOT include diablo 2 orbs) Dark UI Meta Mod DeeZire's Events of PAIN Diablo 2 UI Drop and Loot! Dracos Mod Merger Overhaul Monster Mod Compilation
  16. Anyone know why no modder has made a codsworth name list add on? codsworth should have enough dialoge to make a phenetic library to make names. Some sort of external name to voice genorator so you can build the name and used spelling so it would have a chart of phenetic parts and you look up which you need and what order. Then you have a second input for spelling you will see in subtitles and other places. I am not a modder and I don't know how hard that would be... but Codsworth saying Sir, has been killing me...
  17. So hear me out, even if your not as Star Trek fan or agree with this post I still think this will be a nifty mod. So understand i know little to nothing about how to mod or the complexity of how its done, but instead of simply saying I want a Star Trek mod, here an template for someone, IMO, who even if they are Star Trek fans or not they could still make it without any crazy game play unreasonable game play modifications. As iv watched a lot Star Trek with friends and family (specifically younger family who requires a lot of pausing and translations and (which is more then worth it as it leads to amazing conversations that most adults would have a hard time holding let alone a child but I digress) a simple and easey summary for the race in the Star Trek Universe called the Borg, their basically a lot like space zombies, who go around with their advance ships assimilating with force everything they find of any value., how ever the beings that in a sense represent the borg who all operate as a hive mind mentality, in many ways behave like zombies, relying on their advance technology and massive numbers to take most of their targets by force. Where most races that are Faster Then Light capable in Star Trek rely on some type on energy base weaponry. To put it simply that is :smile: Now at this point your wondering where im going, and if your not a star trek fan(or are) your possibly wondering if I ever leave my house... this reasonable.. but hear me out as i want to make sure my idea is clearly represented, even to someone who inst a fan of the show. Anywho, the borg how ever are invulnerable to brute strength and crude chemical based projectile weapons (That would be guns in English lol) Star Trek fans please reference Star Trek Destiny, combating the borg with riffles. Well, the feral ghoul in many way behave like a borg drone, hence my early zombie/walker comparison, and in my opinion while the finer details (machine implants, laser, creepy voice resistance sucks eta.) will be a pain in the but, i believe the overhaul of the ghoul to turn it into a Star Trek Borg shouldn't be that hard... then again, like i said.. I have no idea what im talking about lol. So, while all this is nice their still has to be substance, context... you know.. a freaking point to the whole thing. This is where the beauty writing, creativity and imagination can thrive at this point, even if your not a Star Trek fan. If you watch Star Trek then you should know they have a way of connecting things and events, between different universe, dimensions, crazy god like creature who flicks his fingers and brings who knows where.. or if you think Galactica, or one of SG1 strange but somewhat cool looking aircraft like ships, then your stupid... jk... kinda. Point is you can insert what ever you want, Even a differnt star trek allein agressor or friend, better yet make up a species all to your self but for a basic template here is what id put in if I had the power to put these words into Fallout 4 PC content. Worf (huge turtle head like creature who is a known and accepted psychopath but a REALLY good character) is going through time and space trying to bring back the love of his life (bla bla bla) and has lead him The Commonwealth. He became aware that small pockets of the remainder of humanity in an alternate universe where we harnessed the atom way better yet in the end still killed each other. Wile everyone is attempting to rebuild and struggle with not only getting along but just staying fed, sensor detected a borg presence. He needs someone with some influence and who can blend in to assist him in dealing with the threat. Which again, thanks to creative writing and script can be anything you want. Help out the desperate klingon looking to revive his dead wife, or steal the borg tech and see how many caps it can get you.. what ever. For those who play the less then moral path, switch out Worf with a fella called Gul Dukat. Easy writing their to accommodate all of... Fallouts more... interesting side. One may think that what kind of quest or adventure that relates to Star Trek that Fallout can do, but Star Trek, like in many ways Fallout series and other creative forms of expression (Many people from star trek do voices in the Fallout series) is, IMO, great when you can settle a conflict with the some well thought actions or the proper things to say or do. We can just have a simple quest that tells a basic story... of love, adventure, life, universe, all of the above, or none... skys the limit. Not everything needs to end with gunning them down with a 1911 or simply reducing the enemy to dust with a phaser/energy weapon. Prehaps, add the option that once everything is said and done, the drones will still occasanly show up and try to cause havok to add a lasting affect to the game. Not to mention an excuse to bring a batleth and a DS9/VOY hand phaser to Fallout 4. Again... plenty room to add your own twist. Why is this lore friendly? Like i said, Star Trek... well.. enough said. Not to mention as I understand Fallout takes place around Star Trek times, and.. ohh yeah google the game Star Trek Legacy. A cross over isnt as crazy as it may sound. Thank you for reading my idea and if its far fetch then sorry for wasting everyone's time, perhaps I inspired something in someone else. Please let me know your thoughts or if your interested in a free advisor to help with content and/or direction. Good challenge for anyone looking for a change a pace! lol
  18. I managed to build my first music addon pack for Skyrim. All music original and composed by me. Extra Music Addon for Skyrim Back in the day my five music packs for Oblivion gained quite a bit of popularity, so I finally thought of making something for Skyrim as well. Hope you enjoy the music! You can preview all of the tunes here: I'd love to hear your thoughts! If you feel like this music fits well and would love to hear more, just reply and I'll see if I can come up with more music packs!
  19. What if you could thumb your nose at the bloody Jarl and the haughty Imperials? What if you could raise your own militia, rallying the people to a common cause against the ravaging influences of either side...or become your own warlord? This idea was inspired by the plight of Sinead and others like her, who have been disenfranchised by the power struggles, superstitions, and prejudices of lords, nobles, and other factions. Wouldn't it be incredible to carve out your own kingdom in the land of Skyrim through combat, subterfuge, and influence? Become a tyrant or a benevolent leader, but either way, you've had it with either side. It's time for the rise of a new power in Skyrim...yours! ;-) This mod/addon would rely on the reputation system (people will join out of your influence...or out of fear). This would expand on multiple followers mods, as it would allow you to raise your own warband or militia. The more people you bring to your side, the more the scales tip in your favor. The more you can undermine the other factions, the more will join you or seek to overthrow your enemies...and theirs? This would also expand on interactions with followers, allowing you to send assassins, rogues, scouts/rangers, and infiltrators into your enemies' lands and affect the mood of their followers, inciting conflict, digging up dirt, or taking out key targets. You could also post your own quests and bounties for neutral adventurers to fight alongside you or insinuate themselves into the ranks of your enemy, only to turn on them, in the midst of battle. It would also need to offer a rich decision system, which would have significant impact on the world of Skyrim. I realize it is lore-breaking, but it sure sounds fun, no? ^_^
  20. "In a quiet town that borders a great fey wood, infants woke from their slumber, wailing in defiance. Guards readied their shields and spears, rushing to the gates of their garrison. The people were shaken from fitful dreams, as a mighty roar was heard, within the forest, and teetering minds wondered if a great dragon had awoken from its long slumber. Night animals sought shelter, and even the fiercest predators did not leave their lairs, for fear of being devoured. A great brute, clad in furs and bones, emerged from the forest, that night. His hunger was insatiable, and he roamed in search of something no one had. He was returned and is returning, wandering a world not his own. A grave promise hung upon his lips, and a fire burned in his eyes to match the smoldering blade at his back. He was Zorubaash Forgeborn, and the realms would be forever changed by his passage." ~ Song of the Returning King (bard unknown) Harken to an age of might and adventure, listener. The floating home of the Wandering King has made port in Whiterun. He has heard of your mighty deeds, champion, and he asks a boon. He offers you the riches of his kingdom and a power to defy the gods. Will you lend your aid? Will you cower before the weight of his story? Will you survive the trials to come? This is a pitch for a SSE addon, offering the player a chance to meet one of my all-time favorite PCs from D&D: Zorubaash Forgeborn, the Shame Breaker. It would entail a lengthy quest, some new locations, while fully incorporating established quest lines and side quests. It would add some new NPCs and followers, along with in-game cut scenes, as the player would delve into the story of the Orc King, Zorubaash, and his journey to seek a power beyond the gods, one that will break the chains of fate and free him from the prison of a world not his own, returning him to his lost people or ending his story, forever. What do you say? Up for a challenge? Will you aid the Wandering King?...or am I pitching something that is way beyond realistic and/or reasonable? ' :D ***For reference, see my DeviantArt page for additional story/content. WARNING! Some stories will be NSFW! I am adding to his story, when able, and plan to publish, at some point. https://www.deviantart.com/angryspac3monk3y/gallery/
  21. I wanted to create a Mod for Fallout: New Vegas and thought of an idea. You receive a note from a courier (pun intended) and read about a sniper, (maybe the weapon itself or the sharpshooter), and find a new location on your map. Then, basically, you go to a new mountain pass, or canyon pass, and you're told that if you have a sniper out, you'll be shot on site by a mysterious sniper. You must hold a certain item (the lore hasn't been ironed out yet) and he won't shoot if you hold said item. Then you can either become his ally or enemy, and help him for a reward of caps, and a new pistol. But, if you kill him, you get his sniper, which is either a rugged sniper, a bit better than the unique sniper in the original game, or you get some crystal sniper - not sure yet. The story behind the sniper is he was a legendary sniper, but he was a vigilante and was working for the NCR. Years ago, he was the top sniper the NCR had to offer. But he disagreed with his officer, and shot him/her, and was chased and hunted by the NCR, but they never caught him, as he was an Elite sniper. Years later, you find him camping out atop a canyon for years. I also haven't thought of how he gets supplies. One more thing: if you wear any NCR uniform, you'll be shot by him, as he's wanted by them. Here are my ideas for a title: - The Legend of the Vigilante Sharpshooter - The Legend of the Mysterious Sharpshooter - The Lost Sniper - The Lost Sniper's Nest - The Desolate Sniper - Plus any ideas from the replies I would love to hear any thoughts about the mod, whether it's to add, change, or remove parts of the lore so far. I'm a novice at creating mods, so it would be a fun learning process for me, so I'm thrilled to get started. Thanks for the replies and feedback, AhellHound
  22. Can anyone here modify and rescale the armor addons? because most of them (especially heavy ones for males) are obnoxiously huge (Most notably the Heavy Metal Left/Right Arm Piece). The female addons are fine though. Thanks. I would like to do it myself, but sadly im not familiar with 3d modeling programs and such :sad:
  23. Is it possible to assign a single armor item multiple addons, which hide differing bodyparts? I'm trying to get something working with a left-hand arm piece that covers the hand and forearm, and a right-hand glove which just covers the hand. However, when I set up the addons thusly in the CK, only one of the two will render - is this behaviour just not supported, or might I be doing something wrong?
  24. Hi everyone, I'm looking for some tips/advice on which entries I have to edit from FROST with FO4Edit so I can add PMC's amazing armor/clothing changes to my playthrough. I'm not planning to release the mod so if someone is actually working on it I can wait. Thanks in advance. Peace.
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