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  1. So, there are a few tricks to refresh/update menus without closing them. Let's start with the inventory menu. If this menu is open and, say, we equip an item through a script, the item doesn't show as equipped until we refresh the menu. We can close it and open it again through the script to get the update, but that's an ugly solution. A much better one is simply to add and remove an auxiliary item because the inventory menu will be updated by the game engine whenever the player's inventory is modified. The typical solution is to add and remove 1 unit of gold, which does the trick nicely in this case. The barter menu suffers from the same pathology. If this menu is open and we add an item through a script to the merchant providing the service, the item won't show until the menu is updated. The player can buy/sell something to get the update, but there's something better the script can do to get the update instantly. The skyui BarterMenu.as actionscript contains several functions that can be called through papyrus, one of which is the doTransaction(a_amount: Number) function. If we call this function in our script as: UI.InvokeNumber("BarterMenu", "_root.Menu_mc.doTransaction", 0.0) which simulates a transaction, the barter menu will be updated by the game engine and the item that we added will appear on the list. The training menu is another one, albeit in this case what we actually want to do is to reset it through the script. The number of training sessions that the player has used as shown in the menu can be simply reset through papyrus by increasing and then decreasing the player level with the Game.SetPlayerLevel() function. Now we come to the crux of this post, which is the crafting menu, in particular the Enchanting menu. Suppose this menu is open and we add an item that can be enchanted, or a filled soul gem, through a papyrus script. We want this item to show on the respective list without closing and opening the menu. Is there any way to achieve this? This particular menu is not updated by an inventory change. In addition, I've tried to run each function that appears in the CraftingMenu.as actionscript as described above but to no avail, the item still doesn't show on the enchanting lists. I've also tried to use the SetPlayerKnows() skse function to make the player forget/learn an enchantment, hoping that this would update the menu, but unfortunately it does not. To my knowledge, the only way to get the engine to update this menu (apart, of course, from closing and opening it again) is by actually enchanting something: after the confirmation that we want to enchant, the soul gem will get removed and the now enchanted weapon/armor will move from the list of items that can be enchanted to the "disenchant" list. If an item has been added through papyrus before the enchanting occurs, it will now appear on the lists. However, we don't want to force an enchanting of a weapon/armor just so our item shows up (there isn't even a way to do that with papyrus, it's an action that has to be performed by the player). So, if anyone has any ideas on how to achieve this, how to refresh/update the enchanting lists with papyrus without closing/opening the menu (and without an actual enchanting action), please drop a line, your help would be really appreciated.
  2. So I tried to do that but all their items went gone. SO I asking for instructions now, after my bad... I wish to place a book item into Blacksmith's sell inventory. I made new chest>placed my items there>Placed chest under merchant>What is now? SInce I cant advance from this without breaking things or getting nothing as result.
  3. I'm currently in the process of making this guide but I figured I'd go head and post what I've got so far. I'll gladly accept any tips or knowledge on how I could make this better for everyone. This list will be my complete load order when I'm done. With links and instructions on which versions to choose. Downgraded Skyrim Guide And Working Load Order Skyrim Version 1.6.640.0 Starter Guide: Install Skyrim Run Skyrim Download CC Content Close Skyrim Downgrade Skyrim to 1.6.640.0 (Paste steam://open/console into your web browser) Type These into the Console that pops up in Steam, one at a time. Waiting for each to download. download_depot 489830 489831 3660787314279169352 download_depot 489830 489832 2756691988703496654 download_depot 489830 489833 5291801952219815735 Copy the files from \Steam\steamapps\content/(Three Sub Folders) into your Skyrim Folder Mod Organizer and Tools: Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019 Install MO2 to an SSD Drive. Preferably the same one with your Skyrim Game Download SKSE (Version skse64_2_02_03), Copy Files into Skyrim Directory) Install LOOT into your MO2 Folder Install SSEEdit and Copy Files into your Skyrim Folder Install Wrye Bash Install BethINI into your MO2 Folder Download ENB and drop wrapper version files into Skyrim Directory Run MO2, Press Yes to Handle Nexus Links Add all of these tools including SSEeditAutoClean BUT NOT BethINI to your MO2 Toolbar by clicking the Gear Icon in MO2 followed by the + button. Run Loot, Sort Plugins, Update Masterlist, Close Loot Run Auto Clean, Double Click the Plugins Listed, one at a time, closing and reopening Auto Clean after each. Mods to Clean: Update Dawnguard Hearthfires Dragonborn CC-Fish CC-Zombies CC-RuinsEdge CC-Goldbrand CC-PuzzleDungeon CC-hStead CC-NorJewel CC-Pets CC-HaseDoki CC-ve CC-Crosselv CC-Umbra CC-BowofShadows CC-AdvoBGobs CC-Daedric CC-Dragonplate CC-Dwarven CC-ArmsOfChaos CC-NetchLeather CC-Splkntset CC-DwarvenMail CC-Dragonscale CC-DaedricMail CC-Stalhrim CC-BeaFarmer CC-NecroHouse CC-Redguard CC-Hall CC-Altar Go into your Skyrim/Data Folder, Copy ALL Cleaned ESP’s and Paste them in a Backup Now Install These Mods in Order. After Bug Fixes, the choices are yours. But you will want these SKSE Plugins and Bug Fixes. I will continue the Load Order based on my LO, so you can get an idea of not only good mods, some adult mods, but also where they go. I’m no expert, but this worked for me. I’d love to get feedback in the comments if you have a better way of doing things. 1. SKSE Plugins (Address Library, Papyrus Extender, JContainers, Base Object Swapper) Address Library for SKSE Plugins PapyrusUtil - Scripting Utility Functions (Get Version 4.4) Papyrus Extender Console Util Console Commands Extender More Informative Console Scaleform Translation PP ENB Helper ENB Helper Plus ENB Input Disabler Better Jumping JContainers (Get Version 4.2.3) FileAccess Interface for Skyrim Scripts - FISSES Fuz Ro D'oh (Get Version 2.2) Base Object Swapper Custom Skills Framework Time Format Changer dTry's Key Utils (Get Old Files SE Version) Spell Perk Item Distributor Dynamic Key Action Framework NG *FormList Manipulator (Requires MergeMapper, But I don’t have it [I’m working on it]) Watch THIS video and follow the instructions to install the DLSS/FSR2/XESS Upscaler (These are currently not working for me. I suggest skipping them unless you want to try to figure it out for yourself) Upscaler Base Plugin Skyrim Upscaler 2. Bug Fixes and Tweaks (Engine Fixes, MFG Fix, USSEP) SSE Engine Fixes Bug Fixes SSE Fixes (DO NOT download DLL Plugin Loader. SSE Engine Fixes has it’s own loader) SSE Display Tweaks (Also grab the High Performance Config if you can handle it) Mfg Fix (Download Main File, then the optional MCM) Dead Body Cleanup Script Crash Fix Chillwind Depths CTD Fix Dragon Mounds CTD Fix Scrambled Bugs Survival Mode Prompt Removed Recursion Fix (Choose the Bottom-Most Recursion FPS Fix) Powerofthree's Tweaks Papyrus Tweaks NG Disable Auto Vanity Mode NPC Stuck in Bleedout fix Stuck on Screen Load Door Prompt Fix Southfringe Sanctum Crash Fix Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch Unofficial Skyrim Creation Club Content Patch 3. Alternate Start Skyrim Unbound Reborn (You will need to reinstall this after/if you install Guard Dialogue Overhaul, Relationship Dialogue Overhaul, Cutting Room Floor, Book Covers, Audio Overhaul, Sofia, Timing is Everything, Trade and Barter, WACCF as they need patches from the installer) At this point, delete the SKSE Folder in your Overwrite. It crashes the game for some reason. Now right click your Overwrite tab and Create New Mod for the SSEedit Folder. 4. HUD and UI (SkyUI, QuickLoot, iEquip, TrueHud) Sky UI MCM Helper (Choose MCM Helper SE (1.6.659) SkyHUD UI Extensions Infinity UI Add Item Menu MORE COMING SOON. I'm literally typing it up on another tab.
  4. It seems there has never been a proper arrow weight mod even for Oldrim, but I'm wondering if it would be possible now that the official Survival mod does it. I don't really want to play Survival mode, but would love to have my arrows count towards my carry load. I guess it depends if the Skyrim internals were changed to allow for arrow weight or if the Survival mod does some crazy tricks. A simple mod where each arrow weighs 0.1 would be just fine.
  5. I've just finished V1 of a Blender Import/Export tool that supports Skyrim LE & SE and Fallout 4. Yes, you can import from SE and export to LE and it just works. https://github.com/B...yNifly/releases Features Supports FO4, Skyrim LE, Skyrim SE. Import from one game and export to another with minimal twiddling (bone weights, partitions, shape keys). Handles tris and base mesh in one step. No need to separate UV seams or triangulate before exporting Handles expression and chargen tri files for Skyrim and FO4 Import tris into an existing mesh or on their own Supports Bodyslide tri files on import and export for body morphs Handles multiple bodyweights in one step. Export _0 and _1 armor weights for Skyrim from a single mesh. Handles Skyrim and FO4 partitions and also FO4 segments Handles skinned and unskinned meshes correctly. Exports head parts to SE correctly. Handles shaders correctly. Set them up in Blender and export. Import-and-forget. What you import will behave correctly on export without fiddling.
  6. Hello. I decided to remake my old mod for SSE, but when fitting the saddle model to the new horse model, I ran into this problem. The model breaks when using the Skinning function. Removing Skinning through Outfit Studio causes saddle parts to stop showing in game.
  7. I've been putting the final testing on a village I've been working on (for over 2 years now). I use a separate PC for testing, and until recently I haven't had any probles. There are 6 buildings, and now I'm getting CTD when entering 4 of them on the test PC. Ideally I would have the exact same setup for testing, but here's the differences: The design rig is Windows 10 running SSE prior to the anniversary update (1.5.97). The test rig is on Windows 7 with the anniversary update (1.6.64). I suspect that this may have something to do with the problem. On the test rig, I checked for any conflicts in SSEEdit and LOOT, none found. Then I disabled every mod except the one in testing, and the problem persists. Some people say that it is a texture mod, but I have none installed. I would love to get to the bottom of this, as once I do my village will be ready for release. Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Thanks, Chew
  8. Hi all, I'm using the RBT (Race-Based-Textures) mod together with the bnp fantasy skins. RBT uses custom texture paths for each individual race. When exporting the facegen data for npcs, all textures from the custom paths are being successfully applied, except for the specular texture. Instead of the custom race specular texture it uses the standard male or female specular texture path, which causes neck seams for the races. Is there any way to make CK actually read the custom specular path and use the texture? I don't really feel like going through 1000s of npcs, editing the texture manually.
  9. Greetings, I do hope that success and happiness be the inseparable parts of your life. We all loved Skyrim as game players and thanks to mod makers it has become even much more enjoyable. I am the one that is obsessed with vampires beyond salvation, my whole life is about them, literally my love for vampires is limitless and infinite and the games are the only windows I can be what I love the most. For me Vampires, especially vampire lords are infinite power that cast darkness over darkness itself, personally I don't care about balance in the game, the idea of becoming a vampire lord to me it to become omnipotent in the game. I also have great ideas about vampires that I share them here with you. Would mind at least teaching me how to change vampire lord's blood bomb damage amount manually? I have seen mods that allow weapons deal 9000 damage. I have also used all vampire mods in Skyrim we could have the perfect combination of these: True vampire Lord Soys Vampire perks (This one is the best one but sadly is incompatible with special edition) Better vampires with out a doubt. I also used Sacrocent and, vampire lord's perks expanded and etc and still nothing has been able to make Vampire Lord as powerful as Soys. Here are my ideas I hope they'll be useful to you 1- Make great castle like castle Volkihar with great and mighty towers (exactly like Volkihar) on top of a mighty mountain, it should be circled by mountains and ghastly cliffs. 2- I can choose my own coven with main members and other lower members. 3- In entire skyrim everyone should speak about my castle and coven with dread. 4- Clearly with unique dialog I must be recognized as the vampire king/queen. 5- Gargoyles in the castle should be under my command. 6- The throne of Vampire must be Vampiric with skulls and bat wings carved on its frame and two mighty gargoyles should be on both sides of the throne. 7- A very special Vampire style marriage would be very good.( I have the details in my mind) 8- As the master I should be able to make vast requests from my coven. 9- Other Vampire clans should respect my clan. 10. Add a great destructive black hole power to Vampire Lord compatible with all other Vampire Lord mods such as true vampire lord and soys mode. 11- Great Vampire cape I should have like the Vampire in night flier movie. 12- The cape of Vampire Lord must be black. 13- The coffins should be black and for Vampire Lord it hast to be a very mighty one with skull and bat wings on it. 14- A true Vampire Lord can summon a black hole to suck anything in itself and decompose them. 15- A True Vampire Lord can summon a large black cloud that eats anything it touches.
  10. What are the limitations of converting ESP Files to ESL? Mod Size? Mod Type?
  11. So I've always had my eye on the wonderful looking Gray Cowl of Nocturnal mod, however I never quite liked the way the model for the cowl uses the mesh from the Gray Fox bust. More specifically the little bits at the bottom that look frozen in motion. (I know, a super minor detail that Im honestly just being too anal over.) Since the time that mod has ceased continued work, though, there has been another version of the Cowl added to the Creation Club (I know, boo) with a model that looks really good. The quest for that version, though, looks pretty underwhelming by comparison. So my request is this: Would someone be up for making a patch for the mod to have it use the CC model, and also disables the related content from the CC version?
  12. I am currently, implementing a mod in Skyrim that would be reminiscent of Bloodborne's Rally System. Essentially, when you receive damage, you can get it back if you are able to hit enemies within a certain time frame. As of now, my mod can regenerate health, magicka, and stamina on hit, and I'm quite satisfied with how magicka and stamina are implemented. Health regen though is incomplete. It do percent regen per hit, but I want it to only activate when the player is damaged. I skimmed through the available papyrus functions and found nothing that could help me so far. TLDR: Is there a papyrus event/function that gets Damage Received?
  13. I'm trying to create a new FOMOD and MO keeps returning a bad XML error. I don't know enough about XML coding to troubleshoot. Would someone please check out my ModuleConfig and help me find where I've went wrong? I'd also love any tutorials on FOMOD creation you know of! I'm using this FOMOD creator but have only tiptoed into the depths of more advanced usage and want to be able to add things like auto-detection of mods for patches, etc. Thank you in advance xx
  14. took a two year break, came back found that nothing worked because of V.1130 - downgrade patch applied. Loot says all's well enough, using MO2 with SSE version 1.6.640 from steam but the game only gets to the title screen (half a drumbeat in) and quits: no error message just poot. -help for this indigent blind beggar load order from heck.txt
  15. A lot of searching has not produced results so I thought I'd ask here someone must know :) I'd like to trigger the start of my quest after an stage within another quest has been set, I know I must use the story manager to accomplish this. Let's say after the Glenmoril Coven from Blood's Honor or KIlling Astrid in the Dark Brotherhood. Any idea's gratefully recieved.
  16. Hey, I'm trying to add a custom sound effects to an outfit mod. This outfit mod already has an object effect that's set to apply constantly, so to add my sounds I made the magic effect for them constant and added it to the existing object effect. This allows the sounds to play, but only on the initial equipping of the outfit. I want the sounds to continuously play until the outfit piece is removed but I don't want to set the sound descriptor to loop as it will only play one sound repeatedly, while I have multiple I would like it to use. How can I go about dispelling and recasting the constant magic effect to play these sound effects?
  17. Not too long ago I added the ESO-UI high end collection to my vortex mod manager. My pc is pretty good however I ended up getting rid of the ESO-UI high end collection because I prefer the performance to be a bit better. Within this list of mods there was a couple I have been looking for that I added while I had the collection. One mod added sparks to weapons colliding with something that made sparks, the next mod added a feeling of more precision in combat and finally my favorite one was a mod that added some type of response to enemies being hit in the face or body. I remember having a two handed mace and wacking a bandit in the face and I noticed his jaw and head did a 180 and I thought that was the most amazing mod I have ever seen. Anywho if anyone knows the names of these mods and their dependencies I'd appreciate it.
  18. I'm trying to get my head around these, in this page: https://ck.uesp.net/wiki/ModEvent_Script things seem quite clear, a function ModEvent.Create creates an event and other functions decide what parameters it will have and then the script sends the event (I presume the ModEvent.Send(handle) could be also sent from outside the function that creates the event?) Those functions on that page are apparently 'Global', does this mean the created event can be received by anything? Or the event created by anything? However, this page: https://ck.uesp.net/wiki/SendModEvent is confusing. Does it send events created by the ModEvent script functions? If so is the SendModEvent adding/able to add more parameters to the event - SendModEvent(string eventName, string strArg = "", float numArg = 0.0) This page: https://ck.uesp.net/wiki/RegisterForModEvent_-_Form RegisterForModEvent(string eventName, string callbackName) explains: eventName: The name of the event sent by SendModEvent. callbackName: The name by which you can catch the event. but why does there need to be two 'names' for the event, it is custom so surely all it needs is a unique name? diziet
  19. Just as the title says, I'm looking for help with enabling an Xmarker (and attached NPCs) at a certain quest stage but don't know how to go about it. Thanks in advance!
  20. https://i.imgur.com/ZseqW4A.png The top left corner of all dialogue tabs is glitched in this weird way which makes the subtype menu inaccessible. I have tried different versions of Creation Kit, unofficial patches and so on but I can't fix it. Has anyone else encountered this issue? If so how did you fix it?
  21. Hi, has anyone ever seen a tutorial on how to change the looks of an NPC using new face graphics? Some of the mods out there have created some really beautiful faces. How is this done, and which tool is needed? I have CK and SEEdit but am very new at using both.
  22. Long story short, Iâve been playing with the Viking race mod, recently I changed over to a different Xbox. I downloaded all my usual mods but canât find the Viking Race mod. This means that my save crashed on load every time....is there any way off getting it re uploaded?
  23. Hey all, I'm having trouble getting this resource in my mod. I have used plenty of other resources just fine, and like the others I have placed the Ingredient Wall Art resource in my custom mod folder and I have also tried the standard way of putting them as they came under the default meshes/textures folders. However by either dragging and dropping or doing the manual way of creating a new mesh and guiding it the NIF file, the mesh does not show up. I can see it just fine when I open NIFSkope. Does this have to do anything with me using the SE edition? I have seen others use this in SE mods so I am confused as to what I'm doing wrong.
  24. Here is a list I've found so far of mods/patches that need to be resaved by user in CK for compatibility in sse. These I've included were indicated by Wrye Bash as "older versions of plugins" If you have others that should be included, please post in the topic and I'll include them in this list, and any that get corrected by the authors I'll remove. Your input here will help SSE become a more enjoyable gaming experience and let authors and users alike make the necessary corrections need for smooth gameplay. Needs special attention HearthfireMultiKid.bsa will need to be extracted before HearthfireMultiKid.esp will load in CK. Following will not load without this being done. HearthfireMultiKid_pnpPatch.esp SFCO_MultipleAdoptionsPatch.esp Convert as is AddItemMenu.esp amidianborn_skyforge_weapons.esp Brows.esp JoyofPerspective.esp ShlongsofSkyyrim.esp SFCO_AlternateStartPatch.esp SFCO_CastleVolkiharPatch.esp SFCO_CRF_Patch.esp SFCO_ImmersiveCitizensPatch.esp XN-Microbikini.esp
  25. ...that contain randomly selected pictures of a local folder filled with pictures of "cute cats". i remain
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