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  1. There is a mod fix for this. But it must be strangely worded or not mentioned on a description. Every search time I try across 11 search engines gives me nada. I know many must know of the 3bbb body being stretched out 2 feet after exiting power armor. There is a mod with a plugin just for fixing this but I can't for the life of me find it. Does anyone know of this?
  2. I've been having this issue where when i build bodies in bodyslide, they work like i want them to work when outfits are on. But whenever my character is naked, or using the vault suit (using the unzipped mod), it's just the default CBBE body and not the one i built. What is even going on? I'm at a loss on this one, so any help would be greatly appreaciated. Also, I'm using Mod Manager 2, and have 3BBB and 3BBB Physics installed. https://ibb.co/X7pdxNK https://ibb.co/4RTQ02q
  3. Hey guys, just started modding skyrim and while in my playthrough i noticed that my char has waaaay bigger breasts when clothed, unrealistically huge baloons to be specific. This also counts for female NPC. I have multiple CBBE and 3BBB mods installed, i also reinstalled them to make sure i didnt f*#@ anything up in the setup. Where can i normalise the breasts? Since idk how to share my mods i just screenshot them for you... ye... please help
  4. Hello! I'll try to make this as short as possible - I'd like to have both TEWOBA (the expanded version of bikini armors) and The Book of UUNP/BHUNP installed at the same time and have all of the armors occur naturally as I level-up. Right now, I have only The Book of BHUNP installed with TAWOBA converted to BHUNP, the latter of which doesen't do anything to distribute the armors in any good way. There's the weird BHUNP conversion with digitigrade, that hasn't been updated in ages for BHUNP and the one that is well-done by Baka, but it's not the expanded version and it doesen't distribute it either. On top of that - the version of The Book of BHUNP that is out there doesen't have Elven Armor in it. I've checked it with xEdit and with the mod that lets you grab any item from a mod and it's just not there. Like it's missing completely. So maybe the CBBE version of it will have it? Now, with CBBE 3BBB you get the distribution working with both, the thing is - would it be worth it? I've checked the Bodyslide morphs for CBBE 3BA and they are rather limited compared to BHUNP, but with a bit of time I can create a similar custom preset to the one I am using in BHUNP too, or at least I'm able to get close to it. But I've read the comments for both mods and there seem to be issues with physics with CBBE 3BA not working with The Book of UUNP (3BBB CBBE) conversion. The other plus with CBBE is that Demoniac skin textures are the updated 2022 version for it, more armor packs and compilations to pick from and probably less issues with compatibility. So, do you think it's worth it to rebuild my mod list with CBBE 3BA/3BBB in mind? Additionally, do you know any more lore-friendly armor expansions for BHUNP or CBBE, that are well-implemented and numerous? I am specifically looking for NPCs wearing them. I am using OWL too and I know it may cause issues, so should I get rid of it and instead use something else?
  5. Most of the mods I have contain multiple body types, but I exclusively use 3BA. Is there a safe way to declutter all the other files? I don't just mean a dozen or so... I mean a little over 3000. I wish I wasn't joking about that number. Any bit of help will be greatly appreciated, I really need to clean up my folders.
  6. Post your best video tutorials to learn how to transform a 3D model into a Skyrim outfit.at level like DesertX,Caenarvon,Daymarr,etc.
  7. I'm playing in Fallout 4 VR and fI'm having an issue, and as the title suggests... breast/body physics work for every woman in the game, except for Curie's synth body. I've tried taking off the very little mods for Curie that I've had installed, and played a new game right up to the transfer. I'm hoping there's someone who has experienced this or similar... and or someone who can perhaps make a mod to fix the issue? I tried looking in the game folder in data/meshes/actors/character and in the file structure of the BA2s to find where Curie is in the game files. As I suspected when I looked in the game folder, none of the character files were there. And oddly enough, in the Fallout4 - Meshes.ba2 file, I couldn't find anything when I did a search for her. :sad: I did make a folder with her name in the meshes/actors/character folder and put all the nif files from CharacterAssets into it, hoping the game would use those as a custom body for her... but no dice unfortunately. No matter what I try, Curie just has... rock solid Venus de Milo boobs when all other characters don't.
  8. I have all my compatible outfits and presets showing up at least, but when i go to preview them it shows the outfit itself but with no body filling it out. if i select any of the naked body outfit options, it shows the body. but any clothing/armor selection removes the body.
  9. In the picture I have https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/58511?tab=description with 3bb body. in the bodyslide the boots are shifted forwards. I'm at a lost for what to do.
  10. Hi, is there any way that i can use my own in Racemenu saved preset in BodySlider as a preset, like the curvy body for example? the file is a .JSLOT and bodylider only take .xml files, not sure if its even possible, since i created my char in game the way i like it, its a khajiit. So i can adjust armors to it, since some armors arent converted to the body for some reason, glass and dragon armors, as i know of so far. Nightingale for example is converted to auto adjust to my chars body. Or is there any other way/mod that adjust all armors to my CBBE 3BBB body
  11. This is awkward to say the least lol, anyways, i'm having trouble getting the physics to work on JUST NPCs, my character is fine naked and clothes the physics work amazing and dont give me trouble what so ever, im wondering why JUST npcs dont have physics, they DO HAVE physics if they are completly naked, dead or alive, could it be some mod is over writing the outfits section of just npcs? its working for my character but not the npc. idk why i cannot to save my life figure it out. mods for physics- CBBE CBBE 3ba 3bbb CBP Physics for changes to do with npcs or anything under that category seranaholic seranaholic-valerica feminine chameleon and lizard female monster aesthetics leveled edition SSE female outfit replacer flower girls FNIS SE FNIS SE creature pack HDT SMP immersive citizens immersive wenches OSA osex racemenu racemenu highheels rosa roundbottom RSSE children overhaul XP 32 maximum skeleton special edition
  12. Hi guys, im pretty new in the modding scene. I want to make this Mod work https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29023?tab=posts . I have installed every requierd mod with the newest version(with vortex): -skse - Fores New idles - XP32 - Race Menu - CBBE - HDT-SMP In the setup for xp32 i choose the normal physics rig. I also have a conflict by CBBE with CBBE SMP (conflict files: femalebody_0.nif and femalebody_1.nif) i tried every rule(before or after). Nothing works and im frustraded
  13. Looking for a CBBE 3BBB armour/clothing replacer that's not as skimpy as BD's or Ghaan's replacers. Basically anything that's somewhat lore friendly and not bikini/topless armours. Something towards a 3BBB conversion of those Gigst Spice Gear/Minidresses Collection. Not sure if this exists or already in the works?
  14. title says it all I just updated XPMSSE to v4.72 (using vortex) Do I need to rebuild my body in Bodyslide, or is that unnecessary? thanks.
  15. So I've got this armor I wanted to give physics to. The body underneath works fine, has physics. The armor does not, and the body simply clips straight through the static armor. I did the usual on outfit studio, and although I was given an unweighted error, it only masked parts where I couldn't care less about having any physics. What gives?
  16. Issue is most prevalent when jumping, just trying to find a solution, will be very grateful for any insight: https://imgur.com/a/zO5s3AH
  17. Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to read this. I'm trying to covert a outfit from the mod Arcanum - A New Age of Magic, the mod idea is trying to covert it for a body-type, while having the mod be dependent on the main mod itself. I've learnt about BSA file extraction, basics of body-slide and outfit studio and outfit conversation, but having problems trying to put it all together, and think i might be missing a few things along the way. If anyone could help me by giving a basic guide on the steps to converting a outfit from another mod to completion been dependent on the original. Or link to any guides that are available To my question. A general idea would be guide would be. Taking the outfit and all BSA files required, the outfit is the The invokerrobes/ along with arms boots and gloves for the female character. converting it to CBBE, then to another body mod. 3BBB as and example. then creating the mod so it overrides the outfit within the main mod mention above, so it can be easily/ change in body-slide and equipped in game with the body type and slides set to it. Thank you.
  18. I have a problem and i still can't figure it out. Every parts works fine except breast and also i already install everything that required for this mod Here's a video https://drive.google.com/file/d/13c5um3rsPw0ikZvaZJpNJKccwZ_U7pcF/view Images https://i.imgur.com/UTskNEO.jpg
  19. Im sure this is answered somewhere but I just cant find the answer so appologies in advance. Installed HDT-SMP, CBPC-CBP physics with collisions, and 3bbb and got major clipping in a few NPCs outfits. Armors and what not fit fine. It seems like only certain vanilla clothes not retouched for CBBE are affected. Uninstalled all 3 mods but cannot remove the clipping. Did I break my game? Have no idea how to fix this. First time modder (170ish mods) but relatively powerful pc. Ran LOOT and FNIS after instal and un-instal. please help!
  20. Hello! My skeleton works fine until I install a a lot of other mods.. I've been disabling, enabling trying to find the mod thats making my npc's chest physics drop to the ground. I had it working before installing the overhaul of other mods. I didn't know how in-dept the papyrus logs were, if it would point to what's causing my issue. Thanks for anyone time, Zach
  21. so i just came across this issue guards where dubble armor but only one of them is real load order mod list
  22. I got some huge problems with this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30174 Actually checked out, everything is updated, load order is fine, not here the problems. Still as i said, i'm unable to resolve. Probably doing something wrong but how do I change the body appearence/sizes? In racemenu character creation(when I enter new game) I can only modify the face. It appears to be that the initial prisoner outfit, is incompatible with the body and so i cannot see the changes I make trough racemenu(or maybe is just my fault?) Even removing that, the body reveals to be deformed(don't know if it's my fault or the preset) and physic is problematic since the breasts just "float" and then introflect inside when walking. The mod author says it's compatible with all cbbe armors, then why? What's wrong? Is there a specific way to create a good body in-game?
  23. Hello I started Skyrim (again for 17th time) 3 days ago with goal of actually going past first town and mod it to hell while at it Currently have 50~ installed ones from all over the place which are doing fine but I can't make 3BBB and certain body mods to work So I figured time for guidance Have uninstalled all my mods (Using Vortex) to go for a clean one I'm planning to have the following, if anyone could tell whether they will work together seamlessly or have problems that will be nice, and how to actually get 3BBB bodies in game since my Body Slider only gets the CBBE version options.. Body, Face, and Hair Animation Patches/Bug Fixes/Utilities Presets Clothing NPC UI CBBE 3BBB XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - XPMSSE HDT-SMP (Skinned Mesh Physics) CBBE Presets Compendium Osare Underwear (CBBE 3BB) Bijin Warmaidens+High Res Skin Textures RaceMenu Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE- CBPC - CBP Physics with Collisions for SSE and VR USSEP Bijin Wives+High Res Skin Textures SkyUI Bijin Skin CBBE CBP PHYSICS CONFIG QUASIPC Bijin NPCs+High Res Skin Textures World Map Bijin Skin CBBE 8K Body Diffuse CBP PHYSICs USCCCP Interesting NPC Bijin Family Bodyslides - CBBE FNIS Body Slide and Outfit Studio Eyes of Beauty SSE+ Elves+NPC+Player SKSE KS Hairdo's Male+Female Enhanced Character Editor or Total Character Makeover? Will these work seamlessly? and correct load order if any ( Using both Vortex and Loot standalone, but if a certain mod requires it to be on top to work like 3BBB, do tell) Thanks a lot in advance really. If have any good mod suggestion that enhance gameplay and all, do tell using Follower Live Package for followers + Multi Marriage as I plan to re-create some stories so will need those
  24. Hi, I seem to have an issue with one of the breasts, it just doesnt seem to move normally for some reason. Im not too sure why this is Here is a video of what im referring to https://imgur.com/a/d7nQzxc (NSFW) If anyone could provide some insight on this, id really appreciate it thank you.
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