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  1. to make it quick: my physics are working, except for the "jiggle" physics so hair, skirts, extra equipment physics will work fine but everything thats on the body is STATIC which looks out of place of course. i have no idea how i created this flaw but it happened during some animation errors ive had, i resolved those but the issue remains so i reinstalled 3ba, cbbe, Faster HDT SMP, CBPC and rebuilt outfits in bodyslide, but no luck so far does anyone have any clue or experience with similar issues?
  2. I'm looking for a SE 3BA conversion of the Dancing Holy Rose Armor, which can be found here: http://jonny0406.blog.2nt.com/blog-entry-197.html It's the first armor set on the page I'd like converted.
  3. Hello! I'll try to make this as short as possible - I'd like to have both TEWOBA (the expanded version of bikini armors) and The Book of UUNP/BHUNP installed at the same time and have all of the armors occur naturally as I level-up. Right now, I have only The Book of BHUNP installed with TAWOBA converted to BHUNP, the latter of which doesen't do anything to distribute the armors in any good way. There's the weird BHUNP conversion with digitigrade, that hasn't been updated in ages for BHUNP and the one that is well-done by Baka, but it's not the expanded version and it doesen't distribute it either. On top of that - the version of The Book of BHUNP that is out there doesen't have Elven Armor in it. I've checked it with xEdit and with the mod that lets you grab any item from a mod and it's just not there. Like it's missing completely. So maybe the CBBE version of it will have it? Now, with CBBE 3BBB you get the distribution working with both, the thing is - would it be worth it? I've checked the Bodyslide morphs for CBBE 3BA and they are rather limited compared to BHUNP, but with a bit of time I can create a similar custom preset to the one I am using in BHUNP too, or at least I'm able to get close to it. But I've read the comments for both mods and there seem to be issues with physics with CBBE 3BA not working with The Book of UUNP (3BBB CBBE) conversion. The other plus with CBBE is that Demoniac skin textures are the updated 2022 version for it, more armor packs and compilations to pick from and probably less issues with compatibility. So, do you think it's worth it to rebuild my mod list with CBBE 3BA/3BBB in mind? Additionally, do you know any more lore-friendly armor expansions for BHUNP or CBBE, that are well-implemented and numerous? I am specifically looking for NPCs wearing them. I am using OWL too and I know it may cause issues, so should I get rid of it and instead use something else?
  4. Google did not help, so asking here. Got weird issue when having vanilla race and custom race, both having weird seam (like tanlines from swimsuit) on their buttocks. It shows both in Bodyslide and in-game. On vanilla races and custom. When testing, it is invisible in direct light but shows clearly when any shadow (seems light and shadows act differently on those seams, and that area is slightly different coloured than other bodyparts). https://imgur.com/a/FqHcXDc Using 3BA body, and vanilla race Diamond textures CBBE, custom race uses its own textures. Have tried to figure out what affects both vanilla and custom races both. Is this physics mod issue (CBPC / HDT-SMP) or something in mesh underlayers (confused with BSA/UV), but it can't just be conflicting textures as both are on their separate folders and Vortex should not mix those (at least did not earlier). Have tried to Vortex-reinstall almost all mods i can think related to this (3BA, Diamond textures, Racemenu, CPCB, HDT-SMP etc) but issue sticks.
  5. I apologize if that has been asked before, but I have been dying to get my hands on a CBBE/3BA version of this mod for a long time.. is anybody capable of doing this conversion? trust me i googled it, doesn't exist lol link to UNP conversion here : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20333?tab=description but no CBBE/3BA :sad:
  6. Post your best video tutorials to learn how to transform a 3D model into a Skyrim outfit.at level like DesertX,Caenarvon,Daymarr,etc.
  7. Has anyone ever thought that maybe DeserterX should create an amor and clothing replacer for the vanilla armors and clothing using the abundant creations made for Skyrim?
  8. Hey guys So there's this mod on Nexus that is a replacer for vanilla armors and clothing. The point of the mod was to fix the problem of armors and clothing acting like liquid metal and getting built inside the cleavage area. This isn't supposed to happen as realistically cloth would strech on the area of breasts and go over a cleavage and not inside of it unless the cloth is extremely loose and deliberately stuck in there. Problem is, I can't find the mod or remember it's name, forgot to track it. It was such a unique concept among clothing replacers. If anyone knows its name please kindly let me know. Thanks for reading. edit: Apparently these things are called UniStrings. Just search for the UniString version of whatever outfit that has this problem
  9. Most of the mods I have contain multiple body types, but I exclusively use 3BA. Is there a safe way to declutter all the other files? I don't just mean a dozen or so... I mean a little over 3000. I wish I wasn't joking about that number. Any bit of help will be greatly appreciated, I really need to clean up my folders.
  10. Can someone make this armor? FIRST IMAGE SECOND VERSION, SAME GIRL (yes, it's my avatar and I've been wishing for this armor for YEARS) So... Please? ARMOR DETAILS: The armor is Light Armor and has two variants of torso and boots. The 1st torso is full leather, with elbow-length sleeves and both shoulders are equally armored. The 2nd torso is fairly visible on the 2nd image so the differences are obvious. The boots differ only in heels: 1st boots are flat, 2nd have heels - as seen in the images. There is a jewelry set: earrings and the necklace. The armor is accompanied by a one-handed sword.I'd honestly be happy with first image version only. I use CBBE-3BA so the armor is needed for that body model. If anyone is interested in making this armor, please contact me in PM.
  11. So I'm having an issue and I'm at wits end. I installed CBBE 3BA along with all the requirements. Everything (for the most part) seems to be working however for some reason my character's breasts are very large. My Bodyslide model is somewhere akin to say a C, maybe D cup, but my actual character has like J cups. I tried rebuilding in Bodyslide and even changing it to a preset with a smaller bust. In short I'm out of options.
  12. I've been using Ghaans 3BBB outfits for a while but after a recent update with Vortex it somehow corrupted my CBBE 3BA (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30174 (And Voluptuous Body preset ; https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23800)) body so I had in delete and reinstall it but afterward some of the armors physics are weird, some clothing and light armors are fine but heavy armors like the iron armor the breasts and butt keep clipping throught due to the physics, I do use CBPC (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21224) and Sinful CBP (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24313) and have redone their load order in every combonation with either the same results or just removing the physics altogther, and I have uninstalled Ghaans outfits to find the physics are normal with the standard CBBE armor [i always run bodyslide and batch build everytime I remove and install the armor] and even after a reinstall the problem keeps persisting and I can't figure it out. ( I also have checked and XP32se is at the bottom of my load order so it's not that either). Any suggetsions would help as I'm sure I'm missing something proberbly simple in hindsight I just can't see it. Image link to help : https://imgur.com/a/4zgxfNA Edit: Finally fixed it, not sure how as I've just did what I did for the last few days but for some reason this time it worked.
  13. [Deleted for being in wrong catagory]
  14. ----NSFW----- Hi, I was using the GSPoses & SLAL mod and selected some animations character is playing with breasts. But her hands not interacting with the correct area otherwise animations are fine. https://imgur.com/V930Wiq https://imgur.com/jXPoBCD Thanks for help,
  15. I have a problem and i still can't figure it out. Every parts works fine except breast and also i already install everything that required for this mod Here's a video https://drive.google.com/file/d/13c5um3rsPw0ikZvaZJpNJKccwZ_U7pcF/view Images https://i.imgur.com/UTskNEO.jpg
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