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  1. Hi. I can't seem to find the .dds texture for the formal hat anywhere in the .ba2 texture files. Does anyone know what it's called exactly because it's driving me crazy. Any help would be greatly appreciated. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Formal_hat
  2. When you pull up your pip boy next to where it displays your caps amount there is a picture of a cap with a big "C" on it. Im looking for that file but cant find it. Ive extracted everything I can find using an extractor and going through the files with gimp but I cant find the file that has the decal or picture or image or whatever of that "C". Anyone know where I can find it?
  3. Hello everyone. I am fairly new to modding. I am trying to import .dds files into the Creation Kit. They are face textures (stuff like warpaint and what not). I placed the .dds files in: C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data\Textures\Actors\Character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\3DNPC.esp Hoping that they would show up in Creation Kit, but with no success. I tried using the "Import" button in the Creation Kit, with no success. I would like to use the textures I am trying to import in conjunction with warpaint. So maybe there is a way to place them in the category of Dirt? Any help would be much appreciated. ---- MMB1994
  4. Ok I have a .nif file and the associated .dds files and the head and face looks fine in nifscope can some one help me on how I get this in an .esp so an npc can look like it. ? Thanks a million LOST
  5. Hey all, did you know there was a cool mask underneath the Big Hat armor in DS3? Well I want to erase the hat but I only remembered how to edit targa-to-png files from Dark Souls: PtDE and, needless to say, that doesn't work the same way with .dds files. I converted to BC3_unorm as suggested by the iGP11 readme, but I don't really know what I'm doing wrong from there when I edit them in a similar fashion, particularly about the bump mapping. Everything turns out black and splotchy when I edit the files in real-time, or just after rebooting the game Any advice/corrections/help would be appreciated
  6. Hello! So i've got an issue that been plaguing me for a while now. I've taken on a bigger project and need to have my custom landmass in creation kit display lod. This would allow me to look around and see the distances as I work on the landmass. (its about 31x31 cells) . I've tried with the Creation Kit, both original and SE version. Then I tried Oscape which didn't work. I've followed several guides which result in the same issue, the guides being the friendly hoddminir's Link, then the Ckit websites. What happens is after generation the _n.dds are normal however the regular .dds are completely pitch black, even though there is a texture painted on the land that is from original skyrim's assortment. Has anyone dealt and fixed this issue in the past? Google comes up with no relevant results.
  7. Hey guys, i have Photoshop CS6 Extended and i downloaded the nvidia tools to open .dds files, but after install it not works, of course that i installed on the correct directory (photoshop base folder), but after when open the program it doesnt show on filters the new menu's or still cant open the .dds files. I googled around and nothing appears about it, any idea? Ty <3 ** RESOLVED ** It seems that Nvidia Tools not works with Portable version (which i had) so i installed the normal version of PhotoShop and it works correctly.
  8. I want to make some edits to a texture mod for Monster Hunter World. The mod edits monster icons in the hunter's notes section and other areas of the game by overlaying a small icon of whatever element that monster is weakest against so that the information can be gleaned at first glance without having to open so many menus. The mod hasn't been updated in a while and is missing icons for two monsters, so instead of just having the monster thumbnail as usual without an extra element icon over it, there is no icon at all! This is really bugging me so I've tried two different converters to convert the .tex files the game makes use of, to .dds files I can make edits to and package back up to .tex again. Both converters say they worked successfully but nothing I try can open these .dds files. I've traied Paint.net and Gimp with a .dds plugin i found for it. I've also tried Windows 10's native .dds viewer just to try and look at them. Does anyone have an idea of what I can use to edit these things?
  9. Okay, I've been slowly learning how to mod items in DA:O, and decided I wanted to recolor some armour. I've been following along with the tutorial from this link: http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Creating_recolors_of_existing_items_tutorial. However, when I went to the site to download the Windows Texture Viewer, it didn't allow me to download the program (a new window filled with gibberish popped up). So I thought, "No problem, I'll just download a plugin for GIMP." I did that, it's installed correctly, and it will open the files. The only problem is that I'm not seeing what I'm supposed to be seeing. I'm supposed to get see the RBG map of the items, instead I'm getting a shadow or complete nothing (like the transparency checkerboard). I tried turning off Alpha channel to see if that helped (it didn't). I also tried not loading mipmaps, and that also didn't work. I tried attaching photos, but they were too big to be uploaded. Any help would be appreciated :D
  10. Hi guys and girls, Sorry to ask what may sound like a stupid question to more experiences modders (only 2 mods released so far), but I ran into a wall with 3ds and while I googled forever to find my answers I can't find any - probably because English is not my native language and I'm not using the right keywords. I've created a piece of armor in 3ds that comes in my different elements - many of them using different materials, so I've textured them all one by one before attaching them together. I stupidly thought that 3ds would automatically pack my various .dds in one UVW when I attached all elements together - but this is not at all what's happening. It does repack everything but mostly retains only one .dds so I end up with the most horrible patchwork of textures. Anybody can point me to the right keywords for this, or some tutorials (I must have watched dozens but couldn't find the answer) or give me direction in 3ds to be able to attach my textured elements without having to retexture it all? This would almost unfeasable as some elements are actually covering others... Many thanks in advance to whomever can help me :) Cheers! Hoamaii
  11. Ok, I'm trying to add several tattoos to a custom (scarred) skin texture. "Smooth Male Body - normal maps for Better Males - by Urishi" http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26145 -The Scarred body texture file And I'm trying to add these Tattoos to it: "Vagrant Story Osana Tattoo CBBE - Better Malesby Garrett666" http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6671 -specifically the BSM1 tat from that psd file. "Tattoo for CBBE v3-2 and UNP and Better maleby Moein Aria" http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26985 -Layer 2, 3, 5 (2 of layer 3, one on each arm) Now I get as far as copying the tats as layers on the texture, but the Layer 3 Tat intersects a portion of the scars on the chest of the skin texture. I tried adding a layer mask and erased the little bits that overlapped. And then I flattened image and exported as malebody_1.dds, but when I go to open the .dds file to check it, All I see is that checkerboard pattern .... Not sure what I am doing wrong. I've uploaded the files (one is in .xcf format, the other in .psd format, depending on which texture editor you use) - http://www.mediafire.com/folder/1dt9m4pd6rqam/Tattoos_Folder If anyone is feeling generous, could you take a look at it and see if you can see what I am doing wrong?? Cause I've spent the last 30 hours (no joke lol, literally the last 30 hours straight) combing youtube and webpages for tutrorials. But I've only gotten bits and pieces from them, and still cant find exactly what I need. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. Okay, so I'm wanting to change the texture of the coals in the skyforge from the orange-red to a softer blue. The .dds file is already in the game for an unknown reason. It's called gradhotbluecoals3.dds and I know I can use NifSkope to change a .nif to a model with a custom texture. The only problem is I can't find the location in NifSkope when I have the Skyforge nif open to change the two files around. Has anyone done this before. Any help is appreciated. Thanks guys.
  13. Hey, I am new at modding and new to gimp and I am having an issue with the .dds plugin. I have followed the directions by "Gimp Tutorial Read First" and I am still having trouble. No matter what I do, I still get the error that "libgimp-2.0-0.dll" is not on my computer and I need to reinstall the program. I have reinstalled gimp several times and it does not fix the problem. I do not know what to do or how to fix the problem. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Again I am really new at this and don't really have a clue about it. I am trying to learn though.
  14. I have GIMP and DXTBmp installed, my current method is to open the .dds in DXTBmp, save it as a 24-bit bmp, open it with GIMP for editing, export with GIMP to bmp, which I then open with DXTBmp and save as .dds. As you can see, this is a very cumbersome method which loses quite a lot of resolution with all the conversions. Can someone suggest a .dds editing program that works like GIMP but actually saves as .dds? I have heard tell of a GIMP plugin that allows for .dds extensions, however not only does it apparently reduce resolution, I have also been unable to find it. Could someone confirm whether it is worth getting, and perhaps post a link to an active download site?
  15. As the title states, I can't find eyevampire_01.dds anywhere. When I unpack dawnguard.bsa, I only get the eyevampire_02.dds and some snowelf eye texture. I checked in my skyrim directory and can't find it either... (yes I went under the whole textures/actors/ etc thing, it's not there) If anyone can tell me where I can find it or upload the original (unmodded variant) file, it would be appreciated. Not sure if it's just me, or something I'm doing wrong, but I literally can't find the file. ps. The eye texture isn't missing in game strangely enough...
  16. are there ay open resurces or tutorial on how to create goodones of the pipboy images for reputation of different factions cause im working on a big mod with alot different faction from the game example; viper, jackals, ghoul and dont want to use the same vanilla for every faction
  17. Hello! I am trying to make a simple color texture mod for DMC5, but when I use FluffyQuack's REtool (texture-convert-all-dds.bat) to convert the textures from a .dds to a .11 file, it doesn't seem to convert, as opening the supposedly converted file in Noesis shows the original texture, not the edited one. The same went for when I tried to open the game with the files enabled, not showing the edited files, but just showing the normal texture. I'm not sure what I could be doing wrong, whether it be the file extension on the .dds, or the way I saved the dds in PS, so any help would be appreciated. This is how I saved the file using PS: These are the .dds files next to the .11 files: This shows what the REtool outputs when I open the files using the texture converter: If any other info is needed to troubleshoot, let me know, I'll share it. :smile:
  18. Hi folks. I've finally succeeded in making winterized Forsworn armor using a greyscaled version of the original textures: So I'm pretty happy with that. The CK tutorials have also shed light on crafting and improving recipes, no problem there. I have placed the .dds texture files in the following path on my computer: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\textures\clothes\ForswornArmor\**here is where the new, renamed files are** I had to add the \ForswornArmor folder as the \clothes folder was empty. I put them there because that's where Nifskope extracted the originals from when it opened the .bsa files (I saved the extracted files to a different drive). What I can't seem to find is clear instructions on how to make these .dds files and the CK file into a mod that can be uploaded to Nexus. I'm assuming this has a specific process, but I can't figure out what to do. There seems to be a lot of conflicting info and some extremely difficult and hazardous versions of how-to on this topic. If anyone out there has a reliable method for this, or knows where I can find one, can you please advise? Apologies for the ignorance. Thanks in advance for your help.
  19. Hi Folks. I'm looking for possible suggestions for fixing this; so if you have any idea at all please let me know. I'm making a version of the Vault Suit with "62" on the back. So far so good; I got the female and male dirty version to work fine both on the player and on npcs and followers, but using exactly the same technique I can't get the replacement number to show up on either the male or female clean version. I've done the material replacement thing with the .dds and .bgsd files, also the Armor Addon etc. Also, when I look in the model data for the clean suit, it actually shows the new number on the back...but not in game! Each time I do a change I want to see I reload the CK so that's not the issue. The clean suit defaults to the Vault 81 pattern, which is also strange since I used the Vault 95 suit as the basis for this changed version. Admittedly, I am in-game testing using a modded game that I have just stuck the mod into. I suppose that could be a cause, but to show one and not the other version of the suit? Bizarre. So yes, if anyone has even a vague clue please let me know. EXTRA: When I do the "material swap" thing on an actor in the CK the new suit does show up. However, if I put that same suit in an Outfit and add that to the NPC, it only works with the dirty version and the clean one defaults to 81 again.
  20. Basic Info: Just as the title says. I am wanting to know how I might do this? Reason: Missing a texture from Skyrim Bruma. My Skyrim Bruma is currently on 1.3.0 despite the latest Bruma update being 1.3.3. My version of Bruma has always worked fine and I have a number of mods that I have downloaded that affect BS Bruma and I worry they won't do well with the update. Other than this one texture problem, my Bruma is tip-top. I have tried installing "Archive Loaders for V1.3" (which I believe was the solution to this problem when I had experienced it years ago, when the mod first came out), but to no avail. So I figured I would "pluck" the texture I need from the version 1.3.3 .bsa and pop it, manually, into my skyrim/data files. I just need to find out how to do it! Thank you all for the help! - As you can see from the picture, the texture I am missing belongs to the mill in Applewatch.
  21. I found some .dds files which are in the tattoo format that I want to add to my game. Issue is, I don't know how. Been looking for tutorials but nothing is pointing me in the right direction. I figure I would need to make an .esp, but even then I have no clue where to put these things So... how do I add these tattoos in game to use in RaceMenu?
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