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  1. Hello all, hopefully a simple request, I'm looking for a way to call up a custom animated title like those that display when a location is discovered, a shout is learned, or a quest is started. I can find where the text strings for these messages are, but all my digging has revealed no way to actually call it in a script. I'm sure it's something painfully obvious, but any help you may be able to provide is appreciated!
  2. You can change the phrases npc say ?. ideal would be to make your pawn say things like: I love you, or other sexy and comforting phrases. :laugh: Take this opportunity to thank and congratulate them for such a good job.
  3. http://www.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/runicstylefonts10.png Does anyone know of a good sort of plug&play font replacer? Ideally one where you could just drop (and/or rename) whatever TrueType font into a subfolder and on restart, the game would use that font instead for book text. I know this is nitpicky (but what is the point of installing mods if not to fuss and nitpick and get just the right experience) but I would prefer a more Nordic/runic inspired font for books rather than the High Gothic manuscriptish font. A Google Image search of "Runic Style Fonts" and you can see what I mean. Many thanks and thanks to all of the modders for all of their hard work.
  4. Hello, everybody. This is my first post :smile: I'm looking for a Font Mod for Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Fallout 4. The mod that I'm looking for, consists on replace the Monofonto and Helvetica fonts from the 3 last Fallout titles, by the main font of these, that we see on main menu, and cinemathics. This font is also used on Fallout Shelter's UI. Here's a pic for example: So. I have no idea about creation of mods, but I see this expected add-on nowhere. I think this font, looking a bit childish, can enhance the touches of pleasantry on the Fallout's plot (as it already is). I hope to see this add-on soon, is kinda cute :3
  5. Hello, I recently tried to install this, http://www.gamingboulevard.com/2015/11/special-lets-mod-fallout-new-vegas-with-100-mods/ list of mods. Before I installed ENB however, I loaded up the game to make sure things are alright, and there is an issue with any text that results for hovering over an object. Here is an example. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=805082680 Is this a fixable issue? I'm going to try and keep turning things off until it works again, but if someone can point me in the right direction that would be helpful.
  6. So I want to add the player's name into the Header Text for a Terminal, however I'm unsure on how to do so. the CK wiki was unhelpful, and I cannot find anything that relates to this. Help???
  7. So it is known by now that there is an issue with the Illusion Ritual Spell quest given by Drevis in the College of Winterhold. For most, one or more of the Master Illusion Texts cannot be found. They may not appear in the Midden (have not seen any issues online), in the Hall of Countenance (same as previous), the Arcaneum (found it here; others could not find theirs here), and the Hall of Attainment (where I currently cannot find mine and have yet to see anything from others online about it). I feel it would be valuable to see these fixed. To the Illusion mages out there at least.
  8. Do someone know where the "Press any button to start" text at startup is located? I have been poking around in the interface files but have not found it. Have I not looked hard enough or in the right place?
  9. So... I'm not really sure what these are. I don't even really know how to describe them, honestly. But they've been popping up in my game ever since I've been trying to get back into it (was on a little hiatus, and I updated a few things). They only pop up when I'm tying something. I use a number of mods that allow me to type - Jaxonz Named Saves, Jaxonz Renamer, and Take Notes. Maybe there is other instances where these... things would pop up, but that's what I've discovered so far. They're annoying and fairly distracting, and don't always like to go away. They'll sometimes linger until I restart my name. Any thoughts on what they are, or what might be causing this? I'd greatly appreciate the help.
  10. Resolved: some changes only takes effect with a new game. editing existing values that pre exist may conflict with any big changes, due to that, some simple changes can be done for a new mod, but reworking a existing quest/npc are a bit more complicated. Issue: I want to create a custom trainer that doesn't align with pre existing trainers. I have already done and reworked the necessary dialogue that will play when the player prompt "i'need you to train me in" with the necessary new responses and all minor requiriments. Very well, i hope you are not going to cause any trouble. When the player surpass in Job skill > Are you joking? there is no need for that. Not, not, that won't be necessary. however, when i talk to the npc, the option doenst appear, i have completed the necessary requirment and tested in others Npcs and it did work well, so i want to know if someone have some small time to explain to me why the dialogue box doesn't show. (if i add for example a orc with armen onehanded request, the dialogue will appear normaly, but this isn't working with Shahvee) i do believe, this might have something to do with "sharedvoicedialogue", or with the script used in the trainerquest, but i don't find any resource to explain that. i know what i'm requesting is something ordinary with nothing new or especial. but i will be very thankfull to learn more over my mistakes with CK. my goal, is to rework vanilla followers, improve and ability new ones that could potentialy be in the game. so i thank for anyone with some spare time. :D
  11. Hi community, I wasn't sure where to post this. I've recently started Skyrim SE with the hopes of playing at 4k resolution. I handle 4k no problem, but there is a really frustrating issue. The "Level Up" text is stuck on the lower right side of the screen. I know this was also an issue on the vanilla version of the game, but there was an easy fix for this within the Skyrim Data folder, translate_english.txt. However, this file does not exist in the Special Edition. I can't find a fix for this and I do not believe anyone has made a mod that would help. My game is heavily modded, but I don't have anything that would effect the HUD, minus Scoped Bows tweak of the sneak eye location. This isn't my picture, but it's the same problem. http://imgur.com/A8jOwKB Has anyone found a fix for this yet? Any HUD mod that would help? Thank you in advance! UPDATE: If by chance anyone comes to this post with the same problem, using the HUD mod Skyhud will fix this. I'm very satisfied with the mod and is preferable over the vanilla HUD.
  12. Hullo Kids, I have a story to tell. I have mods and I had problems; I fixed the problems and then more problems came while I was fixing the others. I want a lawyer. Wait, no. Not the place or time for that line (lime). I am here to get somebody else to do my thinking for me. See, honesty is like a stinging splash of refreshingly cool sea water. Won't find any of that stuff anywhere a lawyer is required, innit? So, here's the deal: three hours ago I had Purified Water, now I have H Purified Water. And some F Eyeglasses. And my immersion has chosen the path of a leper and is losing fingers. (this is now posted in correct forum. I am good)
  13. Patch 1.20 (1.21) introduce zooming for item detail descriptions (pressing left analog stick on xbox pad). Playing the PC version on TV is quite hard. Now it's definitely a little more usable. But this would be nice for several things like books and long texts in general. Does anyone know if it would be possible to add the same scaling/zooming to other assets like book texts?
  14. Okay this may be the pettiest s#*! but it's a big problem. I play on a non-widescreen monitor. Yeah yeah I know, it's 2015, whatever. I want to use Perkus Maximus + SkyRe, of which are pretty much the same thing minus perks. I'm sure you've heard of it. Something I noticed after I downloaded it: The descriptions for spells are long. As hell. This being so, the text starts riding off the screen to motherf*#@ing Neverland, and I can't read it all, so the (tastefully) cryptic descriptions become even MORE cryptic. Does anyone have a way I can wrap it around? All I want is for it to apply some sort of text wrap, I don't care how large it gets vertically. And yes, I've played with the mile long black bars on the top and bottom of the screen with 16:9 Widescreen Ratio. Not doing that. I've tried some alternate font mods, none of them are small enough. Please, anyone have any solutions?
  15. I want to make it so that a corpse in a new room is clickable and when you click it, text appears in a box. Kind of like in Fallout NV when you find the dead prostitute in the room with all the blood and text comes up after you activate the corpse. Any help is appreciated. :smile:
  16. I still need the text to be larger everywhere in the game that has words to read. This kind of mod was made in the other 2 witcher games, and I can not understand why there isn't at least one for witcher 3 also. I can't believe that I am the only one who wants this. I know there was an issue with tiny text last year and has been fixed supposedly. But it STILL is small from my couch.... I have to play this way. Is there a way to increase the text???
  17. Hello - Having an issue I've ignored for a while but I've finally found whats causing it - yet I have no idea how to proceed with fixing it - if that's at all Possible. The issue is simple - Typing letters in anywhere they can be typed - such as the Dev Console - Renamed Enchanted Items - or mods just as Take Notes - All cause my frame rate to drop audaciously low - as low as 5 fps sometimes. Odd side note - it only occurs sometimes - and once It happens the frame rate is stuck at 5 to 7 fps - reloading doesn't fix it - moving to a new area doesn't fix it - only exiting skyrim and re-opening fixes it - its a ticking time bomb i'd like to fix if possible. [COMPUTER SPECS] Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit (6.1, Build 7601) Processor: Intel Core i5-4690K CPU @ 3.50Ghz (4 CPUs), ~3.5Ghz Memory: 16384MB RAM DirectX Version: DirectX 11 Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 Display DAC Type: Integrated RAMDAC Approx Total Memory on Display: 4095 MB. (All Drivers that can be up to date have been updated to their latest version) [sKYRIM SPECS] Total Number of Mods: 175 Total Number of Installed mods: 161 Total Number of Active mods: 158 Skyrim Version: Legendary addition with all DLCs updated to its latest version. Game Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim The C Drive is also an SSD - 250 Gb in size. I'm Running all my mods with Nexus Mods Manager, version 0.61.9 I'm Running the latest version of SKSE My skyrims settings are all maxed and all ultra - excluding distant object detail which is on medium. The following load order is what I use after running LOOT to sort my load order. - All mods are sorted - cleaned - and my stability is at all time high thanks to you helpful folks - I'm also running the memory tweak - and ENBoost with my ENB. Typing is the only thing that causes it - and my frame rate is stuck when it happens - and it only happens sometimes. Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp Falskaar.esm Wyrmstooth.esp ApachiiHair.esm Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One Main.esm Climates of Tamriel.esm CompanionArissa.esm Notice Board.esm CastlevaniaMemoriesFirstEpisode.esm SkyUI.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp [DEACTIVATED] JKs Skyrim.esp 3DNPC.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp Run For Your Lives.esp RaceMenu.esp RaceMenuPlugin.esp XPMSE.esp DarkbroSanctuary.esp iWil_UselessShopOverhaul.esp Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp Undeath.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp Here There Be Monsters.esp OBIS.esp (Organized bandits in skyrim) CastlevaniaData.esp Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package.esp Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompliation.esp Immersive Weapons.esp AMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp Differently Ebony.esp VioLens.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors [DEACTIVATED] FNIS.esp InigoPerkPointGiver.esp SkyforgedWeapons.esp AMatterOfTime.esp Dual Sheath Redux.esp Rested 10X.esp Rested X3.esp [DEACTIVATED] Rested X5.esp [DEACTIVATED] OBISDB.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-DawnguardPatch.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hazardous.esp [DEACTIVATED] ClimatesofTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-2.esp dD-Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp Assassin Killer Outfit No Mask.esp Stranger_Danger.esp zMirai.esp Atvir.esp Inigo.esp Cloaks.esp RiversideLodge.esp UFO-Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp One Handed Crossbow.esp Wow weapons by excissle.esp Colorful_Magic.esp Vjarkell Castle.esp Rayeks End.esp Enchanting IDWIW.esp HothFollower.esp Darrow.esp WorldEaterBeater.esp Space Wiking's Dwemer Exoskeleton.esp AesirArmor.esp SkystoneCastle.esp Armored-horses.esp TearofAbyss.esp Thorald Grey Mane.esp HallsOfDovahndor.esp GuildStarter.esp XavierNecromancerFollower.esp Destruction Damage Mod.esp Animated Enchantments.esp TheEyesOfBeauty.esp Better Vampires.esp Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp Illustrious HDT Cloaks of Skyrim.esp Bat Travel.esp Magic of the Magna-Ge.esp Reaper's The Dark Tower.esp Godswords - Johnskyrim.esp Vampirelordroyal.esp When Vampires Attack.esp Listenersarmorset.esp Sneak Tools.esp Summersetisles.esp PaladinArtifactsAndArmor.esp Brevi_Moonlight Tales.esp Hermit.esp Undra Defense.esp vMYC_MeetYourCharacters.esp dbsword.esp ReyneFlamesword.esp Portable Campsite.esp xaxas.esp Equipping Overhaul.esp My Home is your home.esp dbdagger.esp ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp dbbownnogloss.esp Daedric Reaper Armor.esp Twohanded Dawnbreaker.esp Assassincraftables.esp ScopedBows.esp AetheriumSwordsnArmor.esp AetherialCenturionGTreatswordAndSwords.esp Animated Dragon Wings.esp Armor_of_Altair.esp Ashbringer-Johnskyrim.esp Ast_harkon'skatana_overpowered.esp Colonial_Templar_Coat.esp DeadlyDragons.esp Crossbows_Basic_Collection_DE_LL.esp Daedric AssassinArmorHeavy.esp DaedricAssassinArmorHeavy.esp DaedricAssassinArmorLight.esp dbarrows.esp DeadlyMonsters.esp DwarvenShooter.esp ElementalArrows.esp Eragon - Zar'Roc.esp Eternal Torch.esp Extra Werewolf Perks.esp Ezio's armor.esp ezio.darkgrey.esp Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp Fudou Myouou.esp Gabriel Belmont's Armor.esp LrsamwaysExpandedSkyrimWeaponry.esp Giantsword Collection.esp HothFollower UFO Patch.esp Hyrule Warriors Weapons.esp LeftHandRings - Dawnguard.esp LeftHandRings.esp Mannequin Infinitus.esp P1FlyingRing.esp R18pn-Shanoa Armors.esp redeaglesword.esp Shalamayne-John Skyrim.esp Simple jacob.esp sneak tools vanilla hoos.esp sneak tools vanilla masks.esp supreme storms - cot version.esp swordplayfinishers.esp take notes.esp tentacleEnt.esp UltimateDragons.esp MessiasHelenaSword.esp MessiasVampireArmorRoyalRetexture.esp VLW_Hybdrid.esp DarkManeuvers.esp blocksun.esp DSerULG.esp Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp Help me Nexus-wan-ka-everyone - yall my only hope of using the dev console ever again :( please let me know if you need any further information
  18. So, i know that sometimes if you install a mod from another country like, say.... Russia, then the game will try to replace English text in the game with Russian text, but since its the English version of the game, there are no Russian letters, and so the game just puts in a bunch of weird "i"s and "a"s and "e"s with accent marks above them. Well, i have no foreign mods installed, i just did a clean install, and installed only mods from English speakers, and somehow my games text is gradually being replaced with the weird symbols... help????
  19. Hi, There is only one mod here on Nexus for Witcher 3 larger texts at this time. I need strong reading glasses when I do any reading and the texts, even with my own adjustments, are just a little bit too hard to see. I can read them but I am straining and miss some of the awesome reading in this game. I have sent a few messages to Runs about his Large Font mod. I don't understand his description of all the steps to follow to get it set up right. So can anyone help me with this? I think he left out a couple or a few things that are really important to understand it. It's great that he took the time to do all that work on Feb 2, 2016 and he may have done that in response to a past request I made for a mod like that. I just don't understand each step as he wrote it. There have been 8 endorsements so far. Thanks so much, E.H. a 59 yr old person
  20. Alright. I know a mod was recently released that does something similar (KeyInput). I had a discussion with schlangster about the mod and he said there's a better way to do it. To that end, he also partially did it and provided some instructions on the subject. So if anyone is interested in continuing, since I have next to no knowledge of that sort of thing and I'm working on my own project, here are the links: Instructions Partially Done File (I think this is just the flash stuff, I'm not sure)
  21. So I downloaded Dragonfall and was using the editor, and found out I can do many things you're supposed to be able to do, but not all. For example, when I'm entering a trigger and I want any custom text outside of a conversation to appear over the actor's head or at a specific point for instance, the editor immediately crashes, consistently. Also, if I'm trying to set an actor to wander around within a radius, I can right click to choose which actor, but I can't right click on the radius to change it from 0. I run into a similar issue in conversations when I want to require a certain attribute in order to access a dialogue option. I can change it to greater than or equal to, but I can't change the attribute number from 0. There are many other problems like this that are consistent, these are just the ones I remember. The fact that there are so many of them makes me think they are related somehow. By the way, I'm running this on my 2011 macbook pro running OSX 10.9.5. Any help would be REALLY appreciated, I'm working on a project with a timetable.
  22. Hi FO3 community. I really hope you can help me! So I'm making this mod with a few stories in it, and it's going great! The quests are working just fine, but some quest text [setObjectiveDisplayed questname 20 1] will be displayed over the last line of the stage before [setObjectiveCompleted questname 10 1] instead on moving down to the next line. I played around with the display text, and adding more text gives the same result. In stage 20 this is was it says: SetObjectiveCompleted questname 10 1 SetObjectiveDisplayed questname 20 1 what am I doing wrong? [edit: found out that if I just add some spaces to the display text, it will move down.]
  23. hello, I am trying to create a subtitle mod where i convert the English subtitles of the skyrim game into Arabic subtitles. the problem is that, when i type in Arabic text in the creation kit dialogue editor, the Arabic characters are converted to some kind of symbols, i don't know how to fix this. does the creation kit need custom fonts or such things installed in it's directory?, is this because of my system's localization or language?, or is it impossible for the creation kit to support other character sets rather than arabic?. and if the creation kit supported arabic subtitles would the game it self preview them without problems? please, anyone who has experience in this type of thing, do respond to this post. Thank you.
  24. There's been several times I've bought a sword or piece of equipment from a shopkeeper and only realized AFTER I bought it that my level wasn't high enough to use it. Now I'm stuck with a useless item until I level up to the required level to use it or sell it back (for WAY less than I bought it for)... If someone could make a mod to the "required level" text color on items that are not available to use yet, that would be really helpful I think. Also, the nice red "X" over items already in your inventory to signify that you can not use them yet would probably work well too (either in addition or seperately).
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