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  1. I'm of no use with the bodyslide tools, so I wonder if someone would be up to making some bhunp v4 bodyslide files for this one ? Daughters of Dimitrescu Outfit - CBBE 3BA - TBD - BHUNP at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) Would love to use it, but I haven't found any conversions as of now. The original seems to be just for BHUNP v2 and some parts such as the torso/coat are not fitting. Seems some others folks kept asking for v4 on the mod page too.. Would be amazing if someone could convert it
  2. We must liberate the people of their garments...
  3. I am having this weird skin overlay issue with my game, I tried to use re skin mods one at a time to try and see if it can fix my issue but nothing seems to be working. The skin mods I tried were Silky Smooth Skin, Unfair Skin, 8K Realistic Skin Textures, and Oni face. The only one that seems to kind of work is Oni face but there are still random spots of mismatched skin. I don't have any other skin mods other than the ones listed and I only have 1 on at a time so I am lost on why this happens.
  4. Some recomendations on mods or collections would be greatly appreciated, please someone help. What I am looking to acomplish: Easy one click install Preset mod rules (Vortex seems to be having trouble with downloading collection rules atm, I must set them myself. Idk why. I factory reset my pc just in case so everything is fresh, but it persists. Using latest stable vortex) NSFW gameplay like modern games (scenes with romance or working people and maybe catch others in the act) Lots of long interesting quests Lots of armor and weapon choices/variety Next gen graphics Freedom of play Extensive character customization Modern building system/homesteading No survival features Casual gameplay Fun combat New lands Living world Impactful choices Increased faction presence Interesting romances Civil war presence and rebuild after Gamepad focused Story focused Flashy combat and spells (think anime) More ways to level up (like other RPGs) Fleshed out factions and after end quests for factions Realistic AI Npc variation Modern stealth gameplay complete with obstacle traversal marriage and religion worth the effort Multiple followers Multiple children Player reputation precedes them These are the basic points. I want to minimize unnecessary mods and redundancies. I realize that what I am looking for may not exist so I’m planning on creating my own mod list and possibly uploading it as a collection (not saying I definitely will). This will be for the latest steam Skyrim AE. Any recommendations on existing collections or mods for my own, that still work, would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I installed the Mod Pack BD's Armor and Clothes Replacer - CBBE 3BA (3BBB) and downloaded it to MO2, also have downloaded all the needed mods for the armor pack an such to work properly. I went through the process of going through each of the Skyrim armor and editing them to how I liked them in BodySlide. After I liked how each of them looked I pressed the build and it said that it successful in the built and was saved to the Data/Meshes/armor file, but when I go in game to take a look it is still the Vanilla Skyrim Armor and not the reskin that I made. Am I missing a step? How come the reskin is not showing? I disabled any other armor mod I was using except BD's so those should not be an issue. The first image is the confirmation of the build being made. Second photo is what is looks like in MO2 in the Data/Meshes/armor/iron/f . I have no idea why it is red, so if that is the issue can you guys help?
  6. Whenever I try to launch Skyrim SE, the game always crashes on the Bethesda logo. The primary issue seems to be that I keep getting an error that says "Some of the enabled plugins depend on others that are not enabled: TransformativeElixirs.esp depends on RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp" (marked nsfw because CBBE is an nsfw mod). However, whenever I try to look for the specific esp file the game needs, I can't find any way to download it. I've tried searching different forums but nothing seems to have worked thus far so I'm turning here.
  7. I have a problem with the mod Sexual innuendo. i know this mod is old as hell and ive been with this issue years before. but this is gonna be my first time to ever ask the forum for this even its late. im having issues with animations. whenever i execute a "lets mash" thingy. the characters would just stand and do nothing. neither does ap starts to work. i tried loading an older save and it does work. one thing for sure i noticed was this was mostly caused after finishing lonesome road dlc. another thing is that a dlc can cause this issue. so i wonder, does anyone know how to fix this?
  8. I've seen so many genital mods for this game, but I haven't seen any type of mod where you can fully customize genitals(ex. having both penis and vulva, penis with no balls, etc.) I personally would love something like that but I don't know if I'm alone in that lol
  9. I've noticed this beautiful " thigh squeeze" on some outfits I've downloaded. I am now horrendously down bad. I've been messing around with Outfit Studio to try and recreate the effect, but attempts have failed, and I only have basic understanding the tool's functionalities. I know how to make zap sliders, and move around the meshes of outfits, but cannot figure out how to to apply the squeeze effect to the actual body, so my end result just ends up having the stockings clip through the actual legs. Can someone help me out here? Example in the pic below
  10. Can somebody make this? Or link to the actual mod if its already been done?
  11. I've been having this issue where when i build bodies in bodyslide, they work like i want them to work when outfits are on. But whenever my character is naked, or using the vault suit (using the unzipped mod), it's just the default CBBE body and not the one i built. What is even going on? I'm at a loss on this one, so any help would be greatly appreaciated. Also, I'm using Mod Manager 2, and have 3BBB and 3BBB Physics installed. https://ibb.co/X7pdxNK https://ibb.co/4RTQ02q
  12. How many days does it take for the modding community to make this game lewder? With big boobs thick thigh monster's. I'm not horny btw just asking questions.
  13. I want to know the first and second outfit in the image. Anyone know? Thanks!
  14. So I've been trying to use two different authors mods together, but there is a nasty seam on the waist that basically requires a belt to cover up. To be specific, I've been trying out Dtron86's Kulve Y top and Ysbag's Kirin legs. ive been trying for 2 days to fix it myself in blender, but im just horrible at it. Anyone willing to do it?
  15. Out of nowhere my one handed weapons started glitching like this when I holster them while running, it works fine when walking. I'm using BOG body replacer and NV compatibility skeleton, along with diagonal movement. the bug doesn't appear on old save files so I'm guessing it may have something to do with the save file EDIT I fixed it by installing an animation replacer
  16. Reworks all creature models to be realistic in functionality. HP will be blood level. Watch your vitals. Oxygen, Blood Pressure, toxicity levels, and radiation levels, among other things. Reworks contact effects between each object and material. This also reworks how damage is done. Also reworks reflection and durability/brittleness. By slashing or piercing something, it will bleed, and dismemberment causes various effects and massive bleeding. Syringes repair wounds and reduce or stop bleeding. Food will be altered for hunger and thirst instead of HP. Chems won't really be altered any. Armor will be altered. They will have movement effects caused by physics, and physics based protections. First is reflection and glance-ability, then absorption and armor damage taken, then damage you suffer. Watch the holes in the armor, they may aim for that to ignore your armor. Anatomy is required for every creature. Use real animals as bases and refit into the models. Anatomies come with organs, which play a role in blood flow and other vitals statistics. Damage can pierce through the flesh and damage organs. Some bullets can pierce multiple targets, if their armor is lacking or if the bullet is strong enough. Current damage will be reclassified and will be force power. Damage types: Slashing: cuts or rips, making streaks of damage or even dismemberments Piercing: makes holes in the target, can pierce all the way through and beyond them Bludgeoning: can bruise through armor, but normally lacks bloody potential. If strong enough, can cause splatters and even bloody combustions, like heads exploding. Fire & Acid: eats away at the target/victim, different types have other slight variations of the effects Electricity: stuns and pains And yes, every damage has a pain/flinch factor. Sustained damage reduces flinch from that damage, like fire and acid. Anatomy Requirement: everything is gendered. Hit the tenders for a lengthy crippling effect. Anatomy Bonus: with gendered animals comes breeding, and rare random interactions. Also some common ones in predator-prey relationships. Predator-Prey: tend to go after the males a lot more than females, and with pinned prey they like to eat the balls first. Quite a painful way to go if it's not dead yet. Looting Rework: when hunting, you must take the animal to a skinning station to extract its hide, head, meat, and other materials/parts. All creatures can be butchered here. Dragging Rework: everything can be carried by hand. No more levitating objects or bodies. Can now drag heavy critters, but you will be overencumbered in doing so. In some cases you can activate magic bag and store entire corpses in your bag, overencumbering you in most cases, but you might be able to sell some corpses. The more damaged a corpse, the less valuable it is. Helps with getting things like Deathclaws to your skinning station. Robots: they don't bleed, but their wires are a prime target. They'll take visible damage, and they are hard to kill, but slicing or frying their wires is one of the best ways to deal with them. Piercing, not so much. They don't have blood to bleed. They do have various systems that are measured by location and integrity/damage. Anatomy Bonus clarified: the rare thing is wild breeding, which in turn with time make younglings, which in time grow, and with time become adults that can do it all over again. Creatures tend to flee and won't be shown mating unless they are clueless to player/enemy presence or they are stuck until finished (Canines: dogs, wolves, jackals, etc). Pheromones would be a great way to cause wild (and domesticated) auto interactions, probably just an rng thing. Recap: less flatly numbers based, more calculated physics, more realisticness, inevitable nsfw due to realistic physics - mostly animal based It's not like people will actively try to graze the garments off their foes... Ok, there might be some perverts out there, but whatever... Maybe a few reactions to perversions, just to discourage that a bit. Mindscapes will be uneffected by most physics... I can only think of the one instance though.
  17. Any references to time are in-game time, and are usually effected by resting.Every living creature has a gender, and it determines internals mostly, even if there is no external difference between them, robots however may have voice and personality as a gender but they don't have physical parts to that aspect, they are just cogs, wires, plates, and data chipsEverything has deflection and resilience, determining if hazards slide off them or are slowed/stopped, or if it glides throughIn the case of something gliding through, that's how damage is doneAirborne hazards can cause internal blockages and damagesRadiation will act as normal for simplicityDamage taken is seen visually and if it's from a strong source can cause internal damages that then cause other effectsWarning! Dismemberments can occur.Warning! Blood is a major factor in life of creatures. In dealing damage or suffering wounds, blood is drawn from the wounds of the afflicted and can make them and those who touch them bloody, and can make pools of blood on the ground.In suffering wounds, you bleed, and the more blood you lose, the more tired you become, the hazier your vision, and the slower you attack and move. You also become weaker and can have reduced weight capacity.Doctors are a universal cure for everything.To restore blood, use bloodpacks. To mend wounds, use first aid items. To cleanse radiation, use RadAway. To cleanse respiratory issues, use inhalers.This mod may require users to have a much more powerful machine than the game itself requires. Especially in combat.Basic Internals:Bones (Can cripple)Veins (Depending on Vein, light to Major bleeding)Brain (may be separated into lobes for certain lobe certain function, or as one it's universal death)Heart (massive internal bleeding, or instant death)Lungs (loss of breath, greater stamina cost, possible drowning on your own blood)Kidneys (weakness to poisons, diseases, and similar issues; Takes longer for such issues to self-cure/timeout)Intestines (Poisoned / Burning away at your insides / Long time to die, in agony)Stomach (like intestines)Other Common Parts, based off creatureGendered Parts (Common between most creatures)MalePenis (great pain, massive blood loss if dismembered)ReptilianGator-like (has 4 claw-like appendages on the tip that can grab things, meant for securing themselves while mating)Testicles (great pain)Prostate (for creatures that have it... Great Pain)FemaleOvaries (great pain)UterusMammal:Breasts (great pain, possible milk flow if lactating if that's a thing {probably only seen from Brahmin Udders, or goat critters udders if the term still applies there})ReptilianIf applicable, Calcium Deposits (used in making eggs. Bearded Lizard has on its cheeks. These are tougher and almost rock like, thus has more deflection and resilience there.)BothReptilianCloaca (How they mate and excrete waste, contains penis, vagina, anus, or whatever else based on the gender of the creature it belongs to.)Any references to time are in-game time, and are (normally) effected by resting.NSFW ExtrasMating (mostly for animals if added at all)Animals can mate, though it's unlikely you'll ever witness it. You'd probably scare them off. Some creatures, however, can get stuck together, and thus cannot run away as easily, and you may see those ones in that case.Pregnancy (requires mating, requires Young)Animals can become pregnant. They will carry their young until ready to lay or birth. Duration depends on creature, but normally time to lay egg is swift and incubation/time to birth is longer, thus mammals have a tougher time with it because if they die so does their unborn young.Pregnant Creatures should be marked as pregnant, and take a hit (penalty) to Karma for killing them.Likewise, rescuing pregnant creatures can boost your karma. It is tough to do so since they tend to be easy prey, or run away from you when you try to heal them.YoungYou can randomly find young creatures, in most cases killing them will penalize your Karma. If they are hostile, however, it will not penalize your Karma.Circle of LifeCreatures mate, creatures birth, creatures grow up, they mate and birth, creatures die - normally to another creature that eats themCan also be applied to humanoids. The basis is there anyway, especially since they already have the internals for it.Also, when you kill something, you loot it through searching pockets and removing stuff from them. If it's a creature, you must butcher it to get its material or meat. In some cases you can also Make mounted heads or stuffed creatures, but you will need other material in order to do that.You can gain the trust of creatures, but it's very difficult to do, normally. To mend an injured creature you either need its trust, or you need to tranquilize it. To aid in birthing, however, (nsfw in most cases) you need to have its trust, as she can't birth while unconscious.You can pet creatures in a variety of ways. Each creature has certain ways it likes or dislikes. Find the ways it likes to gain more of its trust.Most creatures fear you, most run away, some will be defensive sometimes. In either case, you can tranquilize them to halt them. When they are partially tranquilized, or paralyzed, you can pet them to try to get them to trust you. Show them you mean no harm. Show you want to help them. In having a creature's trust, you can have it be livestock or even have it as a companion, depending on the creature.With this comes some creatures that are normally hostile may become neutral. Bosses will still remain hostile though. It's the random wilderness ones that may be neutral. If you find a neutral one, you may be able to recruit it as well, if you gain its trust. Beware though, some of them don't like being pet, and they may become hostile if you try it. Be very careful. Intelligence and Perception perks may be able to help you determine the proper course of action. Creatures under this category can include Deathclaws.-Some extra actions are available, and some require certain NSFW settingsSkinning: requires nudity for the entity being skinned (normally animal), and is best with blood. You cannot loot animals the old way, and must do this to gain loot. Also, try not to blow up or burn them too badly, as doing so reduces the amount of loot you can get. But, this way also tends to have a more predictably loot rate.Masturbation: This is all inclusive, so there that isBestiality: All inclusiveBestiality Masturbation: You wanted it, most NPCs will hate you for itBestiality Petting: Cross between petting and masturbating them, about a 0.1% chance you find one that likes it, most will feel insulted, definitely don't try this when trying to earn their trust. Only the Lusty ones might like it, highly doubt any others would accept it. Can only really do to males of most species, but some females may have sensitive spots as well.Birthing: Self (if female) and aiding others and other creatures and animalsHealing Alterations, and healing others. Healing others helps gain trust and karma.Torture: Mostly by evil NPCs, but player can do it at the cost of Karma.Petting: Comfort and gain the trust of most animals and some creatures.-If you want more detailed on what I think of specific creatures, ask away. I may edit this to add them in.-TerrainSome terrain can move or be altered, such as dirt, dust, and cliff edges. Plants can be trampled. Trees can be climbed. Tree limbs can break under your weight. You can receive injuries and bruises from falling out of trees and from heights.Power Armor still reduced your fall damage, but differently. It protects you from broken bones and reduces your bruises, but you still can get bruises and pains from falling from such heights. At least you won't go splat.Try not to collapse many tunnels on yourself, or you'll be stuck digging for a while.-CreaturesDeathclawsThere is no visual difference between them, and their cloacas look the sameLike most reptiles, females do Not have breasts. They lay eggs that when they hatch, the young can already eat meat.Their genitals are a lot like Alligators, in internal structure. And what can protrude.Males are more aggressive. It is rare to find one neutral. Half of the neutral males are depressed, and may wish to die. Some of those who wish to die may turn aggressive swiftly. This depression is from lack of finding a willing mate.Most females are aggressive, but most neutrals are female. If they are gestating or incubating eggs, they will usually be aggressive towards intruders and defensive towards their eggs. It is rare that any guarding eggs would trust you.-With Several NSFW settings On, some aggressive may be lustful, of those it's mostly males. In any case they are extremely rare, of course you might add customization sliders for frequency of added events... The males will tend to target female opponents, because hormones. Females will tend to target male opponents. They may snatch their victim and take them off to satisfy their lust. Males have an easier time satisfying. Females have a challenge, and tend to get frustrated from the unwillingness of their victim, and kill their victim in rage.Setting 1: Lust (physical) - certain creatures attack certain foes based on genderSetting 2: Lust (verbal) - certain creatures will chat or make noises based on genderSetting 3: Kidnapping - effects some quests and eventsSetting 4: Animal Nudity - Effects skinning, Udder visuals, Hindquarters, and other thingsSetting 5: Creature Nudity - required for latter settings so they don't look weird, otherwise only effects skinning for the most partSetting 6: Humanoid NuditySetting 7: Animal SexSetting 8: Creature SexSetting 9: Humanoid SexSetting 10: A-C Inter-sexSetting 11: A-H Inter-sex (bestiality)Setting 12: C-H Inter-sexSetting 13: Animals RapingSetting 14: Creatures RapingSetting 15: Humanoids RapingSetting 16: Orgies / Multi-party sex (threesomes+) Setting 17: A-C-H Inter-sexSome settings require other settings in order to functionNSFW - Lusty Male Deathclaw (5% chance at best)Will move his penis from its socket in his cloaca to outside his cloaca, and do whatever he wishes with itGrab things, like fishTorment targetsMateRapeMay use for garment grabbing but is incredibly ineffective for the most part, though that could also be considered tormenting targetNSFW - Lusty Female Deathclaw (0.01% chance at best)Wants victim's penisNormally, they want it in their cloaca, in which case few creatures can satisfy even if they are willing, those that can't satisfy or are unwilling tend to get killed in the DC's frustration.Lonely Deathclaw (0.1% chance best)Kidnap for company, victim is normally pretty safeNSFW: 5% chance they prefer naked company, 5% chance they become lusty during time with naked company though they normally don't become violent about itRadscorpionLive BirthMating Ritual: Male grabs female's claws, moves her around to a flat spot, she may struggle or resist, he kiss or sting her until she's compliant or they release, at flat spot and compliant he drops a sack then moves her over it and her underbelly appendages pick it up and insert it inside herself, over time she gestates them and they are born soft and live, they mature into exoskeleton swiftly (within a few days at most, normally same day), but grow much slower at about a normal rate (taking a few months minimum)Never Lusty, at least not inter-speciesThe more they want it the better chances they successfully mateRadscorpion Eggs no longer exist, or can only be obtained from a female radscorpion who isn't pregnant and hasn't mated or had young within a few months minimumWolvesThey're wolvesYou can tame themThey normally run, but sometimes they fight for their defenseMother Wolves will be more aggressive in defense of their youngTend to stay in packsIf one drops, they normally leave it behind for the safety of the rest of their packMother wolves will usually try to retrieve their young anyways, in spite of the abandonment clause of their pack, though sometimes they will abandon for the safety of the rest of their youngYoung tend to stay with their mothers until adult, in which they become just packmatesIf a mother wolf has one young left, she will viscously protect it.When they are hungry/Starving, they may go after anything. During such they may attack Cows and Brahmin. Flankers may go after the Udders, whether or not the player's settings allows them to see the udders. The hitboxes and fluids (blood/milk) still act as if it's there.NSFW: Same goes for Dogs.Males knot inside the female when mating, they get stuck together for about half an hour. If they try to go opposite directions they tend to hurt each other, though normally just with pain, flinch, and pained cries, not really any damage.Females are flat bellied without young, grow while pregnant, shrink when birthing, and then fill their many breasts (6-8) while lactating for their young. After they've had a litter, they may become flat bellied again, but their nipples never shrink back to pre-pregnant smallness. Cattle / Brahmin (yes, two separate entities, but they have the same baseline. One's mutated and one's not.)Females do not lactate until they've had a calf. If milked at least once a week, they will not dry up. You cannot milk them more than once every 8 hours, allowing you to milk them 2-3 times per day. They can make 6-7 gallons of milk per day, or 2.5 gallons per milking. Brahmin Milk Item will be as Quarts, so 8-12 per milking, capping at 24-30 per day.Animal Nudity Off will blur or turn the Udders invisible. Quite unrealistic, but some people just don't want to see nature, or mutated nature in Brahmin's case. Hitboxes will still be as if everything is shown, so those people may want to use blur instead of off so they can heal the critter properly if they ever need to.The fullness of the Udder is visually seen. They are thin when empty, big when full, and varying in between based on fullness. They also moo more the fuller their udders, and sometimes it causes them pain, so so milk them to relieve their pressure.NSFW: Males have a sleeve underneath them, and a scrotum with testicles, but is blurred on invisible if Animal Nudity is off. During Mating they have a long thin penis that extends from their sleeve. It extends to almost shoulder length I think, double check that.Deer/RadstagNSFW: Males have a similar penis to Cows/Brahmin, thin and long. You could even say needle like, though it's no thinner than a dime's radius.Other Critters - ask me to add them to this listI've got a feeling this is gonna be TL;DR So, a recap: HP and Damage systems are altered to be more realistic. Every living critter has an anatomy, so that the realistic wounds effect them even more realistically. Alongside this is more Karma effects, was to gain or lose Karma. Looting animals is changed greatly to reflect the realistic side of it. You've got to skin and butcher them instead of flatly just looting them. Looting has more animations as well. Tons of settings, mostly relating to NSFW content. Some settings should remain on so you know the status of various things, like wounds and blood, otherwise you'll be walking blindly and will probably fail the task, which can cause your death or other people's deaths, or the death of critters you were trying to save. Specifications on some of that stuff. Nitty gritty as well, detailing some of the dirty stuff that would mostly work behind the scenes making it more realistic. If I miss anything that would make it more realistic, or you want more details about what I've written, ask away and I may update this with more info. The main thing is anatomies and damage effects and healing the new version of damage, other actions and events are secondary.
  18. Please keep it lore friendly Nsfw is ok, preferred for realisim, but not required If nsfw, add settings for toggling or filtering of nsfw content Change combat systems to a more... Anatomized? Version. By which I mean it's less numbers based (though it probably has 10+ times more numbers involved) and more of ... physics? Limbs are damaged independently of whole self, AoE effects many parts at once, but not necessarily all at once, poisons effect injection point/wound first and can spread through blood stream, same for diseases, curses effect entirety of self, and anything else you might expand it into. oh blood loss can effect whole of self but you can tourniqate or whatever to reduce or even stop blood loss, though magic might be better. Organs can be damaged in various ways, causing pain, and possibly causing other issues depending on organ. Lungs: more sprint cost, less underwater time, even drowning on your own blood Kidneys: less resistance to disease and poison Intestines: poisoned and DoT Heart: heart attacks, loss of stamina, stamina usage chances heart attacks, internal bleeding, even death BTW: I'm not necessarily putting everything possible, just what's coming to mind right now Eyes: blurryness of vision, blindness, trouble focussing on targets Spine: disconnections and even paralysis based on segment of spine Gender-based organs: reactions likewise Scales: depending on thickness, shape, and durability, determines natural deflection and resistance Armor: determines deflection and cushioning/resistance Did I mention races and subraces? Races: -- Minotaur -- Faun -- Goblin Subraces (Khajiit) -- You'll have to double check some of this -- Cathay: Common, most will be compared to this one -- Cathay-Raht: Jaguar person, specific pattern limits, more slender, and more agile -- Pahmar: large -- Pahmar-Raht: even larger -- Dagi: smaller, kinda like halflings -- Dagi-Raht: even smaller -- Suthay: Digitigrade -- Suthay-Raht: Digitigrade with phallic barbs -- Tojay: unknown -- Tojay-Raht: Digitigrade jaguar/cheetah person -- Alfiq and Alfiq-Raht: talking housecats -- Senche and Senche-Raht: talking felines of larger stature -- Ohmes: like smaller lighter woodelves or humans, tend to wear face paint like stripes to differentiate themselves as Khajiit -- Ohmes-Raht: near human-like except for fur and tails. Head and parts of torso, parts of arms, and parts of legs lack fur. -- Don't gotta add the Mane, definitely don't add that as playable, that one's NPC only if Skyrim even has one. There's literally only one in existence at a time. Bestials nsfw - make sure it's realistic, and lore-friendly -- Khajiit: most have phallic barbs, I think, probably not enough info -- Others: research lore, if not enough then try to merge base animal and humanoid-ism best you can What are phallic barbs? I have no idea, but if I had to guess, I'd say it means wavy or barbed penis, or something along those lines. Double check that.
  19. Hello! I have no idea what is wrong with mt SMP stuff. Everything SMP works except for on the body, but the belly works just fine... I have loaded FNIS and I'm pretty sure I built the bodies in bodyslide correctly. Here are the SMP mods I'm using: HDT SMP XMLs - Artesian Cloaks of Skyrim Fake Collision Replacement XMLs CBPC - Physics with Collisions for SSE and VR - CBPC - Fomod installer - MAIN FILE Faster HDT-SMP FSMPV - FSMP-Validator - HDT-SMP XML Schema - FSMPV So sorry if this is just a simple fix! I am incredibly new to SMP shtuff haha
  20. Title sais it all. Which body mod do you prefer for female V? I've currently got: [NSFW] Spawn0's BODY MOD 2.0 https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/1424
  21. So after trying and failing to do this myself I was wondering if anyone else would be able to make a thong mod for Krauser and Wesker? Feels wrong only be able to have Leon and Merchant in a thong lol what about the bad guys
  22. Seductress Seranas nude body does not reflect my default body. That's fine, however it's kind of jarring when her body changes when equipping bodyslided outfits. So I tried to fix it. I followed this guide with 1 upvote on reddit. It seems like the guide is trying to use Bijin Family Bodyslides so he can get bodyslide meshes for Serana, and then he gets a CBBE compatible body from seranaholic and then does some drag and drops. I don't know what I'm talking about, I just do what I'm told. The "conversion" worked, however her facial animations are broken. Is this some .tri issue? I can't seem to figure out how to even undo this. I have the original mod and my edited version separate and it seems disabling both of these mods doesn't even fix this. I have at some other point manually copied the generated bodyslide files and overwritten seductress serana in an attempt to figure this out, I have limited nifskope knowledge (probably just enough to destroy things with no knowledge of how to repair it). I'm just really sad seductress serana isnt supported. I'd love to learn how but I don't know how to do this. Seems there are unending requests for conversions of outfits and I'd like to know how to do that.
  23. A mod with a option to give all women pen**, with a choice of which variant you want them to have. (Since there is like 4 different variants)
  24. Could someone make a mod to replace the Platemail Scales on a dragonborns nude form with something more akin to Argonians and their Mods in Skyrim? If they give us a bra, then the plates shouldn't imply nothings there anyway.
  25. All female NPCs need to be liberated... from their clothes.
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