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  1. If I was a more skilled modder I would do it myself, but... It would really be nice to have a remover for the blood FX during cutscenes and regular gameplay in Baulder's gate 3, like the one assassins' creed odyssey has. It's probably not typical I know, but I'm sure there are many who would appreciate it, especially content creators, and those who like to play within view of their family. On that note, it would also be interesting to see if you could censor some of the more harsher curses in the game, replacing them with a beep or funny sound. Anyway for all you midders out there, it's something to think about at least! Sincerely Hotminichic
  2. Which version of Vortex are you using? (e.g. 1.8.0) 1.11.7 Which game are you modding and which game store did you purchase it from? (e.g. Skyrim SE from GOG) Sims 3 on the EA app - Windows version Which mods are you trying to use? Too many to account for and, so, I'll just list the 2 mods I want to install: No more ugly snowprints, by Lyralei, needs to be in the Overrides folder and No More Zombies Generated At Full Moon - 2 Flavors, by Personcalledjoy, needs to be in the Packages folder. What steps did you take before you encountered the error? I don't know what to do to begin with. What is the specific error message you received? (Provide a screenshot if possible) N/A TS3 has 2 mod folders called Overrides and Packages. How do I get Vortex to install different mods to different folders for the same game?
  3. I'm trying to make a new land mod, but I need someone who can help with the landscaping, no one on my team, nor myself are able to landscape, so we are scouting out someone who is able to help us. If you have any experience with landscaping for Skyrim SE, please let me know and contact me either on Discord (lovelyservine) or message me directly on Nexus. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. Just wanted to post this here, for anyone willing to maybe try making this Skin for Catwoman in Arkham Knight. I haven't seen it before but I would like to play as the Arkham Asylum Catwoman from her Character Bio Picture. I know its not too different from her base, but I think it would be cool.
  5. Do you guys know of any mods or apps to speed up the combat in Baldurs Gate 3. Have tried the Game Speed Mod and it's not working, and also WeMod but it's very buggy for me. If you know of some mod or app for faster combat and want to share it with me, thanks!
  6. I'm surprised that with so many mods, a scorpion skin from MKX has never been added. I hope someone will make such a mod for SHIFU
  7. Looking for someone to author or advise how I can go about making my undead summons silent outside of combat. I find their constant grunts and noises tiresome.
  8. I am willing to make the mod myself but i don't know anything about how to mod. I don't know where to start. I presume this is not hard to do. I want to be able to "right mouse button" drag the camera in game. And then i want another mod to be able to be "strategic zoom". Which means that you zoom in wherever the mousecursor is pointing. I hope i don't bump people in the wrong place posting my idea.
  9. I have an idea for a mod: the Spider-Man 2099 costume from the game Spider-man: shattered dimensions. This variation came to mind, as it seems to me the most successful: without the ugly translucent web cloak and with wings between the arms and body. The costume had an interesting feature: the pattern on it shimmered in the form of blue waves. But I think that's too complicated, so you could just create a texture of those patterns or something approximate like that. If you create similar wings between the arms and remove the cape, Batman would essentially open his wings by spreading his arms when planning
  10. I've been trying to make a new shield for Oblivion which uses the texture and shape of the Fighters Guild wall decoration. But now that I'm finally making progress, I try to export the shield to a .nif and it doesn't let me. I'm not entirely sure what it means by "'Object' object has no attribute 'face_maps'". Anyone know how to fix this?
  11. hi i'm using the Nature of the Wild Lands - forest and trees improvement mod and have a few frame drops near falkreath no cash or so just a little drop in the fps rate but noticeable. is there any way to fix that via a performence mod or something like that. have seen the developer recoment backported extended esl support whens crashing i will try it and remove that post if that solve the problem, i just ask brfore for the case it didn't help. thank you for any help
  12. so basically im having trouble with some texts. the image speaks for itself. I´ve downloaded somje mod and engine fixes but it didn´t solve this
  13. I recently got into modding and just tried to make my first item; a playable version of the Fighters Guild wall shield decoration. I was able to separate the model from the swords, made it the correct size, and gave it the texture from the actual decoration object (I copied the textures and made a new directory for them under "Armor" in textures). For some reason though whenever I go into the CS and create a new item and click my .nif file in "WorldModel" and "Male Biped Model" I get the error that states "Invalid Directory". Does anyone know how I could possibly fix this? My mesh is under "Oblivion/BSA Commander/bsacmd/meshes/armor/mymod" and my texture is under "Oblivion/BSA Commander/bsacmd/textures/armor/MyMod".
  14. I was out in Armadillo, noticed this fellow and immediately took note of the hilarious opportunity here. Any.... Takers?
  15. Can someone help me make spinning weapon ash of war into a channel ability or a toggle like ash of war so that you can hold it and let go when you want but it consumes mana or stamina till you let go bonus - also to make it block projectiles too
  16. Could someone make a mod that adds terrifying sea monsters like the Kraken and Leviathan, as well as Lovecraftian Horrors like Cuthulu to the game? The sea just needs those intense terrifying moments where if you venture too far into the depths you'll find a massive horrifying monster that will one-shot you. These creatures also need custom sounds that are like a distant ominous echo that acts as a warning that you're getting close to one or are being hunted by one.
  17. I had a thought recently about a potential mod concept that might be interesting -- Robocop as a mod over Finn. He has a lot of resources to draw from in Mortal Kombat 11 and Rogue City, so if that sounds interesting to anyone, food for thought. Just a generally big fan of Robocop so I felt it would be a fun concept.
  18. Description: A mod that allows me to not pick up duplicate armor, weapon, or other things that i would want not to pick up. I am mainly seeking a way to stop my character from getting duplicate armor or weapon. Thank you.
  19. Hello guys. I saved Halsin, killed the goblin leaders, but before having the long rest to talk to him in camp, I've gone to act 1.5 in the creche. I read the quest log and it says Halsin is dead, I'm at act 2 now, haven't found his body neither in act 1, 1.5, camp, act 2. I wanted to know if there's a command to make his body appear close to my character? Even if it's only his dead body
  20. Asking for a friend Can someone make a mod where you can see a character's affinity with you without having to add them to your party? Like in the camp menu? It's just annoying and I'd like to be able to quickly see
  21. Hello I don't know how to make races for the creation kit and I would like education especially with the fact I have 3 new races in my mod (Highfell) They are: Leal (The Spanish Race) they are very brave and excellent thieves. there increased skills are pickpocket, lock picking, sneaking, speech, and smithing, but they are weaker in block. This race is a thief's dream race. Jagoda (The Croatian Race) they are the main gypsies of tamriel. they love using fabrics on their buildings making all Jagoda occupied areas quite colourful. They have higher stamina, restoration magic, destruction magic, and they have increased alchemy, but they are weaker in two handed as well as a slight bit less in Illusion magic. And Direnni (Mediterranean French Race Also with elven ears) they have much higher stamina one handed and two handed skills but are much weaker in health making them deal the most damage possible in the least amount of time, this race is good to have as a follower. For these to become a reality I need to learn how to make races. I need to learn first how to do face meshes before I can make my races. If anyone can help with quests to it would be great!
  22. please make a mod that will allow you to capture change build any place you like where there are buildings? an existing outpost or launch pad and enemies have been destroyed
  23. Hey, I'm in wolvenkit, but I search and only see low blurry textures like the pic. I'm looking for the silver or yellow version main textures. Does anyone know what folder they are in?
  24. Only asking for a couple off bosses from vinilla terraria to be ported over to 3ds maybe even some weapons and the shimmer too Ik the graphics for some modding would most likely need to be scaled down but be fun to be able to progress more and do more at a big push if anyone could make a mini calamity that runs on 3ds it would be mega but I know it’s a hard and big ask as it’s for 3ds but if someone is able to get it I’d greatly appreciate it
  25. Please make a mod that stops the bubbles from depleteing.
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