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  1. As I was playing through Skyrim, I ventured into the Soul Carin. There I met Jib. Apparently after he was released from the boat, he spent his life hunting cliff racers, and eventually killed every last one. Perhaps someone should make a Mod for Morrowind that has him traveling around killing cliff racers and ONLY cliff racers (fleeing from everything else). Of course he has to be essential for the timeline. Perhaps he could be equipped with gear suitable for the Cliff Racer Slayer. Constant Effects: Levitation, Feather Fall, Water Walking, Restore Fatigue, Restore Health, Resist Blight Disease, Resist Common Disease, Detect Animal, Night Eye Imagine seeing him run across the sky, shooting down cliff racers.
  2. The title explains it, can a mod be made with default Robin skin, but with hair used from other skins Thank you
  3. Hey so i was wondering if anyone knows of a mod that adds. The real life lever action rifle The big horn armory 89 to the game if someone does know of one or can make one that would be great and link you can give would be great thanks for taking your time to read this.
  4. The idea would be to have a Bettie Page follower who would strip down to underwear and do many poses like Bettie Page, only when out of combat/danger. A little show in the Inns, a specialty show just for you in private, flirting with other NPC's to make you jealous. Really so many ways to go. I don't Mod , maybe I'll try it out. Thanx for reading!
  5. Just wondering if anybody can just add the 10mm pistol laser sight to this simple weapon mod? https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/48099 Felt as though it was a missing detail to it, make it look more complete in a sense.
  6. I'd like to see a mod that changes what happens when your health reaches 0. I feel kinda cheap setting unlimited health but some of my favorite mods break my game from the reload after death. I could wait for the modder to possibly fix the issue but the way dying in this game works can be annoying anyway considering it's sandbox. So maybe instead of a loading screen it could just trigger something like a screen effect or sound and reset your health.
  7. I have been a big fan of homestuck for a while and have always been surprised that there is barely any mods of the webcomic. All I want is someone to make the horns of one of my favorite characters! I have tried to make the mod myself but have simply been overwhelmed. Anyways here is a link to the horns, https://mspaintadventures.fandom.com/wiki/Vriska_Serket , if you make these you'll make a whole community of people happy!
  8. Anyone skilled enough to add Mando's IB094 Blaster on 5amp13's Mando mod?
  9. So, Monster Hunter has an habit of telling you BS attack numbers on its weapons. The way the game works every weapon type uses the same scaling for attack numbers which is then applies to motion values and defense modifiers, but the UI multiplies by arbitrary amounts to "show the weapon power" relative to one another. This is terrible when trying to optimize sets, and there is one mod that is supposed to remove these multipliers but it's not working properly. I've tried removing every individual mod to find an incompatibility and even got an outright clean reinstall, it's not working for me at all. Is there any alternatives to this mod or is there a way I can troubleshoot the mod itself to work?
  10. Does anyone have a link to a text or video that explains how to create a snakebite file that will create or change a weapon to be customized in any arrangement?
  11. Hi, By the looks of it, not many people respond to Mod requests, Understandable, they're time consuming. But I was wondering, If any wonderful modders out here had any spare time to fulfill my request? I'm looking to get Pfhc02 recoloured/reskinned. Attached a pic of coloring I'd appreciate. Used Ibis paint to color it, using Muffin Velocity's Reskin as base.
  12. If anyone make a mod that atleast add some more rideable machines like sawtooths lancehorn longleg glinthawks etc. the one's that are not too OP hehe i mean lot of people playing HZD would love this
  13. Hi all, Title is pretty self explantory but do we think there's a way that a mod can be made that disables the hoods auto coming-down during combat? The animations to attack still exist with the hood up so I honestly have no idea why this isn't the standard anyways, but hopefully (with the power of modding) someone can make it be! Do we think this is a possibility? :)
  14. i've been trying to convered an old race mod to sse i working ish i fixed it so far that the tail and ears work with physics but body notfully, also hand and feet disapear on me when wearing armor, last thing i also struggle with is make it so the game doesn't crash when reloading the save. any help is welcome or some could do it for us if they exually know what their doing the mod in question link to the mod files on how far i've gotten
  15. the machines on Harder difficuties are already OP so the removal of bullet sponge more like arrow sponge hehe is just balance
  16. requesting a mod that removes the yellowish/orangish effect of survival vision & the bluish effect of focus mode I hope someone can do this :D
  17. Hi anyone reading! I was planning a build that used torches a lot but when I was looking at them I noticed the only ones with breath attacks were St. Trina's and the Steel Wire torch. The main one I was disappointed with was the ghost flame torch. It feels like such a missed opportunity to not have the breath on that. Maybe the devs thought it would be too good? But if someone is able to add the breath attack to the ghost flame torch and the sentry torch( or let me know how to do it so I can at least attempt) I would appreciate it. I just though it would be cool to have One of each damage type. Edited for some spelling.
  18. Is there a mod that changes the move set or ash of war of the Battle Hammer to match the Grave Warden Duelist boss fight? The boss duel wields this hammer and has chain attacks and I think this would be a sick mod.
  19. Guest


    Hi all, Can anyone make a carriage similar to the one on the picture?
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