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  1. 'Hercules 3AX' currently requires aiming to enable smart aiming. However, it would be really fun if smart aiming could also be possible in the aimed shooting stance. Additionally, with the existing LMG mode in 'Hercules 3AX', it would allow players to benefit from LMG's advantages, making the gameplay even more enjoyable.
  2. Hello, I moved my install of gamepass version of starfield. This seems messed something up with vortex, something do with deployment ? hardlink? Anyway basically mods work but weapons skins have strange circles on them and cant seem to fix it? I tried reinstall vortex and mods but not helping. Please assist https://imgur.com/a/oGjwaeo
  3. Update: For anyone reading this it has finally been fixed by Antonix35 please check out the fix here https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/2830 and endorse the mod so more people can see it. Thanks! When quick swapping to legendary, epic or rare guns with modifiers the game stutters like crazy and it's super annoying to the point were late game combat is just awful. On top of that when shooting an enemy with a gun that has a elemental modifier (such as incendiary) it also stutters. Many people have speculated that the weapon swap stutter is due to the inventory having to many items in it, but this is not my or many others cases as we have tried removing all items from the inventory and the stuttering persists. the swap stutter seems to get worse the more modifiers the weapon has and the higher the weapon rarity is as I have experienced. If you need to recreate the bug spawn in a legendary weapon and a laser cutter then open the scanner with the legendary equipped and it will cause the cutter to be equipped inducing a stutter or simply quick swap between a legendary gun and any other gun. I hope you see what I mean. please If someone could try to fix this massive problem that many are experiencing that would be amazing. Anyone reading this post please spread the message as I do not see it getting fixed anytime soon, and more and more people are entering late game and will experience this awful immersion breaking bug. Below I have provided a simple demo of this happening. Demo ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NinDLUVXJhA
  4. The player character already does lower the weapon when getting close to something like a wall or a locker. Given that this animation exists (and I know a mod like this has been made for FO4), is it possible to make a mod so the character lowers the weapon when not having fired or ADS'd for a few seconds?
  5. Pretty straightforward request. Add a touch of fantasy whimsy to playthroughs. All I'm looking for is a solid rendition of Shadowmourne from Warcraft, even Frostmourne if anyone is up to it. If possible, and if able, one could ask johnskyrim if they can port his Shadowmourne over from Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12081 As far as upgrades are concerned, it would definitely stand to reason for it to do cryo damage, even bleeding, plasma and rad damage. I'd even be amused to see it unbalanced to give an unfair advantage, given the nature of the weapon. Acquisition could be purely through the chem lab rather than found anywhere in the map, but I'm not averse to it being given a place in the map; Glowing Sea is always a solid choice.
  6. This game lack of vintage revolvers, with one of the main cities controlled by a wester styled faction. And the futuristic revolver that they added looks ugly, in my opinion. I think "uberti schofield" will be good addition to the arsenal, since its also on the "Targeting" skill icon, in the game
  7. One thing I've noticed missing from the weapon upgrade system that should be somewhere buried in the system files since it basically uses the same omod structures as fallout, is being able to upgrade the receivers ourselves. I want to be able to upgrade my early game legendary guns from a basic to a refined or an advanced etc.. I've been hoping for either a cheat like the legendary weapon omod applications or a full on mod that adds the upgrade into the workbench. The command line "cheat" would be great to have, the mod though would long term be a win win for immersion.
  8. Preferably, a polearm weapon without any unnecessary wasted movement. All I want from a weapon animation is deadly efficiency with no wasted movement and it should be fast.
  9. Can someone please make a charisma based staff that gives the following cantrips? Also if you can give the staff 2 turns of Arcane Acuity on casting a cantrip/spell, that would be awesome. Shillelagh Thorn Whip Guidance Mage Hand Dancing Lights Minor Illusion Fire Bolt Ray of Frost Shocking Grasp Poison Spray Acid Splash Sacred Flame Bone Chill Vicious Mockery Eldritch Blast
  10. just a little thought,, but the unique 357 revolver lucky has a poker 3 leaf clover on the handle and I was wondering if anyone could replace it with a lucky 4 leaf clover given the name and lore.
  11. Heya I was wondering if anyone would know how to port over the rock-it launcher into fallout new vegas from this fallout 4 mod? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/68485?tab=description
  12. hi, i really love the light of creation halberd and i would really love a version that has radiant damage instead of electrical and that maybe removes the stun mechanic and replaces it with the sunbeam or flamestrike spell. It would be a perfect weapon for the paladins and clerics that use a halberd instead of a mace and shield. a sort of blood of lathander 2.0 halberd.
  13. As the title says....would someone please consider creating a mod with one of the twelve magical swords called 'Runefang' ? Mainly the one carried my Kurt Hellborg. Like a powerful endgame relic and a hard quest with a hard boss to adquire it...
  14. Hi! Since i learned of this sword ( check this if you don't know what i'm talking about), i wanted to bring it to life, (i know there is a version, but its old, i am not diggin' the sword but anyway) I want to make a quest out of it, and make it feel like it was ingame all along, aesthetically and gameplay wise, so that the sword would be a relevant and balanced choice through an entire playthrough. I already have the sword, the shape of my quest, but where i need suggestion is on the enchanting part. I'm torn between "the sword reacts to the shouts used (good for actually using different shouts)" , "a blessing/curse system depending on your allegiance (good for rp)" and "how the f*#@ do i incorporate the 'rage of the ancients' shout in all this?" Please share your thoughts, ideas. PS: For now i won't share any precise information about meshes, textures or quest details as i really don't want the players to know what is gonna happen, like when we all played skyrim for the first time. If you have an idea concerning the quest, please send it via private message, #LeastPossibleAmountOfSpoil x)
  15. I was wondering if anyone could make me a working Shadow Axe mod for Skyrim?
  16. So I don't know which mod is responsible but now in 3rd person my melee weapons are held like guns and I can't attack with them. All I can do in 3rd person is a rifle-style power attack. I know this has happened to others so if anyone has a fix I would greatly appreciate it.
  17. So I'm trying to make a variant of the Cosmo Spear. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54314 I have succesfully changed some values in xEdit and modified the Texture with GIMP, but there is one last change that I can't seem to figure out. I want to move the center of the spear model so that the grip point is lower on the shaft. I have tried modifying many values in NifScope, but nothing seems to change where the spear is held. Any help would be greatly appreaciated. Thanks!
  18. Im sure by now we should have the tools to create entirely custom assets and textures and not having to rely on replacers and scripts anymore. I wish some of the iconics in the game were a bit more than just higher crit chance, more status chance kind of things but actually unique feeling weapons. One example would be to have a heavy shotgun that ricochets 3 or 4 times basically bouncing off of tons of surfaces and enemies with projectiles flying around like crazy. Another idea could be a tech weapon that chains to other targets when fully charged (not sure if this would be too complicated to pull off? Maybe use some of the same logic that cyberhacks like contagion use to spread???) Another cool idea could be an iconic smg or AR that when shooting enemies builds up charges on the target and once it hits like 15 or 20 charges it either explodes or causes an effect like electrocute. What do you all think?
  19. Ive been wanting someone to make this real Italian weapon/armor piece since 2015, an no one has yet to make one so here im requesting it. a lantern shield is a real historical Italian peace of armor that was a gauntlet, shield, lantern and sword all in one. they typically had a short sword or short pike protruding from the shield below the gauntlet, with or without 2-4 daggers or dirks also protruding from the gauntlet knuckles, the shield would have a lantern inset and a hole exposing the lanterns light in-front of the shields user with a close off opening so it could easily be extinguished. mine doesn't need to be this fancy, id like just a usable shield with similar lantern light, doesn't need to have gauntlet or weapons built in + i dont think making a completely historically accurate lantern shield would be possible in skyrim, so just a shield with inset lantern would be nice. below Ive attached an article to lantern shields in Wikipedia as well a an existing lantern shield image in a museum. as for age well the one in the museum is from 1540 so lantern shields are real and really old. although they were made for night time sparing not for battle, so defensively in comparison to skyrims other shields it would probably be in weight comparable to daedric (15) but have a defense value more comparable to hide shield (15) although i think fifteen is generous and it would probably be closer to eight or nine but that's weaker than any shield currently in skyrim. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lantern_shield
  20. Is no secret that some weapon mods out there work better on 3rd/1st person, or have some cool animations that you can only see in 1st person stuff like that, i was wondering if you can force the view for a specific weapon through scripts or something on weapon equip. thanks for any replies!
  21. In hello neighbor 2 there is a character named "The Guest' and they have a beak of which they can use to peck and stab things, I was wondering if someone COULD make a mod that makes it so you can put on the guest beak and then you can stab people with your beak? and if you cant can someone atleast make the clothing so i can see my arms and clothing is the guest so if i record or look at mirror i am the guest. and if nobody can do any of this, at the very least can someone add a fire extinguisher that lets me fly like in the Hello Neighbor 2?
  22. Somehow the damage of two-handed weapons has become inverted in my save and I have NO idea how or why. It seems to be related to enchants possibly since with fortify 2-handed damage enchants on, I do damage. However if taking them off, 2-handed weapons do negative damage. The weird thing is that if I reset my 2-handed skill the damage of the weapon gets closer to 0, and if I otherwise buff the weapon damage it goes further into negatives. So something seems to have gotten inverted. I have tried cleaning my save with Fallrim Tools but this did nothing. Please help, I don't want to lose this save or have it happen again since I don't even know what caused it to begin with. Another weird thing is that critical strikes seem to behave normally and do tons of damage.
  23. I love the concept for the Griffon's Beak battleaxe. A unique weapon that's only usable by the warden characters and is part of a helmet/weapon set is awesome but this super unique looking and unique in general weapon has rather meh stats giving you only +4 damage vs Darkspawn So if anyone's willing I'd love some stats like this: +4 darkspawn damage +0.25 health regen weakens nearby Darkspawn +3% melee crit chance That makes it a pretty dang strong but not overpowered option in my opinion edit: And maybe but definitely super duper not necessary it would be cool to get a buff to the griffon's helmet as well, seeing as it's the other part of the Griffon set. Cool stats for that could be something like: +15% Electricity resist +2 dexterity +5% chance to dodge attacks That would be super strong but not godly overpowered I feel Now when it comes to the location of the Griffon's Beak it's mostly that I'd love to get my hands on this badboy more often but sadly it involves killing witherfang which is something most of my characters never really do If there was like a way to add it to Varathorn's shop after finishing the story quest or maybe having the dragon in the ruins drop it that too would be super sweet
  24. Hello modders! I'm new to nexusmods, but have chosen to engage with the community knowing it is my best chance of seeing the mod I've imagined made real. I'm an avid fan of the below-the-radar Sega title Vanquish, which features a spectacular antagonist- Victor Zaitsev, who appears as the boss codenamed Bogey. In the player's first fight with Bogey he bewilders you with his overwhelming agility and ability to fly. His weapon of choice is a high-tech battle rifle capable of raining highly accurate rapid fire purple plasma bolt volleys from above, charging up to fire a rapidly moving cannonball-sized plasma wad that passes through cover without slowing, and (most strikingly) converting into an enormous energy sword with which bogey swoops in to cleave the player for massive damage. I would like nothing more than to see this gun-sword in Blade and Sorcery. I can provide images of the sword as well as game footage upon request.
  25. i saw someone on facebook says that, but i can't find it
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