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  1. I would like it if their was a mod that replaced quest markers with a circle radius on your map for exploration purposes. Your location could be on the very edge of the circle or right in the middle, it would be random. It would also work with modded quest.
  2. The mod I really want to see for this game is one that fixes the broken crafting and coin system by a: changing it so you only need 1 or 2 of each item to make stuff instead of say 20 deer skins and 12 rabbit skins for a simple bow mod and when you pick up a massive pile of coins you get 12-50 coins instead of just 1 or 2. This would solve 90% of the games open-world busy work problems that drown the story in the tedium of constantly traveling back and forth to hunt and try and find every last coin in the game so you can buy all the stuff from that one trader half-way through.
  3. I'm surprised that this kind of mod doesn't already exist on here, but I want to make a request to anyone with the know-how to replace certain songs in the game with songs from Shadow of the Colossus. Songs like "The Opened Way", "A Despair Filled Farewell", and "Revived Power".
  4. Hello everyone, I'm looking for a mod about ocular albinism with different eye colors like the one in the Fallout 4 mod page (http://www.nexusmods...t4/mods/10498/?) There was one, H.U.E handmade unique eyes - Albinism Standalone by Eltya, but don't know what happened, it can't be found on the nexus anymore neither this mod or his/her creator Eltya So I was wondering if someone has a copy of this mod and if it can be ported by just manually put it in the Skyrim SE's NMM If it's not possible, will a modder be interested in doing another one or porting the mod from F4 to Skyrim SE ?
  5. Can someone who's good with the character creator please make a Pharah from Overwtach face preset? People already have her on Source Film Maker (if that helps). Here she is in film maker: http://orig07.deviantart.net/03c7/f/2016/072/2/e/pharah_by_generalthunderbat-d9uxjhy.jpg It would be amazing to play as her since these mods exist: Phara Security Chief Armor Eye of Horus Tatoo
  6. Hey, so since i dont know anything about mods, im curious if any of you out there would be able to help me. You know whenever you craft a potion, the ingredients stay selected after you craft the first potion? And you know how that dosent happen in the enchanting table? If any of you out there would be willing, i would like for that to happen. So that if i have 46 petty soul gems, 67 gold rings and a selected enchantment, i can keep crafting without having to reselect everything every time, until i run out of either the gold rings, or the soul gems. If that could happen i would be so happy! Thanks for reading, bye!
  7. My favorite hair to use for my female characters is probably the bun, and there's one particular style I adore from modded Morrowind (that I haven't really seen in any game since) that I would love to have in DA:I. I think it was called "Dryad Hair" at one point and included in a lot of face/hair packs. Not sure who was the original author, but it looked amazing. Here's the best pic I could find of it: http://download.fliggerty.com/content/screenshots/44d9a5d99a9720bb.jpg It's basically a simple French twist with bangs in the front. Here's a photo that helps illustrate what the back should look like: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/05/29/article-2333001-1A0A8B39000005DC-590_634x530.jpg If anyone could make something like this, I would be ecstatically happy. :D Preferably for HF.
  8. I looked around (Nexus AND Loverslab) and there's a bunch of like rave/twerking type dance mods, but nothing for like a ballroom dance, which I think would be awesome! Anyone else think this would be a good idea?
  9. im requesting an automatic grenade launcher. one that can fire any of the grenades in the game maybe the ammo can be generated by just taking grenades you have to the chemistry/ammo bench. overtime people save up a lot of grenades and they dont usually get used if you're a person who uses vats or bullettime often. this would hopefully remedy this problem of useless grenades sitting at settlements for whole playthroughs. it would also be nice if the ammo was weightless or lighter than the standard half a pound so we could hold around 200-300 without needing a strong back perk. http://imgur.com/XDhz8iB
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_2280596867&feature=iv&src_vid=b2cYlwPMMRs&v=QROetQC3m7w If you remember E3 Africa demo, at the begining the helicopter have 2 pilot in the cockpit. But the final release only got 1 pilot. Is possible add another pilot?
  11. I need somebody to please create some mods for fallout 4 that would be great ideas that nobody had thought of yet. The list is: Steven universe weapons Steven universe hairstyles and colors Steven universe abilities (super jump, dash, holograms, etc) Steven universe outfits (pip boy also crystalized to be the "gem" of the player, maybe an option to put the gen elsewhere?) Steven universe creatures/recolor (turns the wasteland creatures into gem creatures by changing the color and textures of some things. Mirelurk claw is crystalized and the monster is a bright blue. Etc, this one is optional) Homestuck weapons Homestuck outfits (with and without horns) Homestuck monsters/recolor (recolor/texture to make the humanoid and not humanoid creatures of the wasteland to be the people and creatures of homestuck) Assassin's creed outfits and weapons Halo spartan combat armor replacer (and a colored undersuit to go with it) Then for an oc that I will make into a webcomic I need Vault 45 torn dirty bloody suit (with the option to add a tattered torn trench coat with it, I would like the overcoat to be knee length and flowy, like a cape) Deathclaw character eyes and skin color If anybody can make these please do, for Xbox 1 and others who would like these mods. Thank you so much if you attempt to make these reality. If you need more clarification please ask.
  12. Hey guys, Just as the title says, I got some high-quality armor textures and I nee someone with the know-how to port them into Skyrim as an equippable armor. We can discuss who will publish it (and it will be openly published for everyone), but everyone who worked on it will be credited! What I want from you: -a link to some previous works from you -You can create the armor for the UNPB body What I would like, but is not required: -enable the armor for HDT If you are interested, PM me or asnwer to this thread. These are pictures of the textures you will receive for porting. They are currently being worked on to port them into game textures: http://www.giorgiopalombi.com/portfolio-item/syndra-cinematic/ Kind regards, Stahlvormund101
  13. Hello! I'm a big Resident Evil fan, and having just finished Resident Evil HD Remaster (after many years having finished the original), I went ahead and got me RE0 HD Remaster. If you are not aware, both these games have their internal resolution locked to 1440p. This is terrible for people with bad pcs, like me, because 1440p is a huuuge resolution. Imagine my pc, who can't even handle 1080p, having to deal with 1440p. Resident Evil HD's problem was fixed by a modder (that goes by the name of atom0s). He created a handy tool called REHD Hooker, which is very helpful. It can not only lower the internal resolution of the game, but also do things like skip doors and hide the mouse pointer. Atom0s did try to fix RE0 resolution problem, but, according to him, "it seems like CAPCOM redid parts of the engine for this game. The texture function that used to be used in REHD is not used for nearly anything now. A different function is used instead, however hooking that one and changing resolutions just crashes the game. (Does not scale the images like it did in REHD.) The generation of the background is also crashy if its edited so other tweaks seem a bit harder to perform on this game vs. the others". But atom0s couldn't finish the job, and then he stopped. So this is why I come you, nexus, to maybe ignite the flames in some modder's heart to try to fix this game. I and many other people would really like to play RE0 HD, but we are left behind because of this atrocious development decision of locking the internal resolution to 1440p. RE0 HD Remaster was released in January 19th, 2016, and remains unfixed to this day. If you need a starting point, atom0s did some work with RE0. Just google Resident Evil Zero - D3D9 Proxy - by atom0s.
  14. I'm looking to see if anyone is interested in making a handheld compass. I play survival without the compass and use the pipboy and landmarks for direction. It would be neat to have an actual compass to hotkey and pull out to see what direction I am facing.
  15. Ok I know that the Nexus deals with mostly PC gaming but I can't get the assistance I'm wanting over on the bethesda.net site so I want to talk with all of you guys and girls. I have a few requests that I'm wanting brought into the Fallout 4 mod landscape (for the Xbox One). -The first request that I would like done is to have the Halo Reach armor brought into Fallout 4. (Male and Female variants, mostly female) -Another request would be to have Captain Phasma from Star Wars be brought into Fallout 4. (Her armor, cape, and blaster) -Lastly, I would enjoy some Halo weaponry like the MA5B rifle, the M6D pistol, and the DMR from Reach. Thank you all for your time. Like I said before I know you focus on PC here but service on bethesda forums suck so I would like to ask here since I know people are more likely to read here. So if anyone would like to take these requests on, send me a PM to work out some details. Thanks everyone, again.
  16. If you guys own or have seen Art of Fallout 4, you'll notice a lot of things look awesome and wish they were in the game. well if you take a look at the BoS section of concepts, if you take a look at the 2nd guy in the 2nd row, he appears to be wearing a field officer type of uniform. I am requesting someone make that into ana ctual, wearable clothing/armor into the game itself. Thank you for viewing this.
  17. hi, i wanted to know, there is some bigger breast mod for dark souls 3? i've in mind that awesome huge for skyrim and fallout 4, but any bigger would be great would be great to know if someone is making one thanks a lot
  18. Hey all, I have a comedy web series based in SSE - you can find it here: http://www.youtube.com/c/ohigetjokes Just getting started but we're at 300 subscribers and climbing. I'm working hard at producing weekly content. In future episodes, though, I'm going to need some custom mods. Follower mods, a custom tavern (based more on modern restaurants, maybe called "Sheogorath's" or something), and a few other odds and ends. I'm a fair video writer/actor/director, but crap at mods. I'm looking for someone to work with long-term. Will promote the hell out of you in exchange.
  19. Dear Skyrim moding community, Thezibaim released a very nice preset of a Nordic blonde girl: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81133/? Could someone make a follower of her with the same face preset BUT far smaller breasts? Thanks in advance.
  20. I would like to request an Xbox One mod that alters the striped suit to look like Robbie Rotten's outfit (image link: http://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M0af7b479341f32e... ). This suit consists of what seem to be black tap dancing shoes (I'm no expert, so please correct me if I'm wrong), white socks, purple and red striped overalls with gold lace between each stripe, and a dark blue/dark purple undershirt with white cuffs. If this is not the best clothing item for the mod, please use whichever would work best. If it is a different clothing item and is possible, I would also request a copy somewhere within Diamond City, but this is optional. Thank you.
  21. i felt kinda disappointed that i couldn't recruit mel from the big dig quest line to be a follower. seemed like a cool enough character. as always do what you want, make quests or dialogue if you want, but i just want to be able to have him as a crime/chem-friendly follower besides hancock and pre-surgery cait. maybe he could have hacking skills, or a player home with a robot workbench to repair/build a new sonya (the eyebot that dug the tunnels). but like i said, just requesting the follow ability.
  22. Can someone remove this weird thing from the Model please? Also would be nice remove the leather bag too.
  23. I'm here to request a modlist between 40 to 60 mods, and if you can, the load order... Thank You, and sorry about the bad english... GRAPHICS AND IMMERSION MODS
  24. Hi! I have some request. I know two really good music-tracks which I think, would fit very well to this game. I would like to replace two of these main-menue sounds with them, but I don't know how to do it, which leeds me to this request. Looking forward to someone who answers and can do this. Of course, I will tell more details and send or upload the mp3-files of the two music tracks then. Greetz WitcherBoy1981
  25. hello, can someone make a femalle saiyan armor like this one? http://img15.deviantart.net/cc08/i/2014/355/6/6/tot_character_sheet_by_reddgeist-d8alv66.jpg
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