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  1. First time using this site, sorry for bad english. Also I haven't finished the game so if I ask for something that it's already there I apologize. I really liked Wartales and I LOVE modding games. I respect modders for the service they provide for a lot of users, and I understand that making a mod for a game is not an easy task. Specially if the game doesn't provide the tools to make a mod (at least that's what I understand). Having said that, I was really sad to see that there aren't many mods for this game out there (only 1 at the moment of writing). And I really think that Wartales has some aspects that could be polished with minor mods, as well as a lot of potential for awesome mods that change or expand the way we play. So let's get to the idea already, I only have one but feel free to share yours. Make mages. I was thinking about this while I was playing and it really filled my brain with ideas, this would change the game in a lot of ways (mages in a lot of games tend to be OP). First, the game would need a new attribute for the mages to put points in it and scalate their damage, the modders could go with the same sistem in D&D and add inteligence. The inteligence attribute would give a (small/normal. Depends on modder) bonus to combat/work XP (giving incentive for other classes to put points in inteligence) and an increase in damage for spells. Second, the mages would need their own items, such as armor to increase their intelligence (too broken, would preffer if the armor just increases their spell damage). The weapon that would allow the mages to use spells would be a book (scroll, wand, amulet, etc) they can equip in their hand, there could be basic ones (allows to shoot a weak magic blast or something like that) and special ones (that allows to use spells with different capabilities, like cantrips in D&D) just like other weapons. Third, the specialitations could be limitless, but here are the ones I've thinked. Arcane, classic balanced mage that focuses on damage and utility (like Ryze from LOL). Pyromantic (just like Dark Souls), mages that do a lot of damage and burn. Healer, they would cure or revive players. Honorable mentions (Enchanter, Warlock, Priest, Battlemage). Fourth, mages in the late game tend to be BROKEN and help with a lot of things outside of the battle, so it would be interesting if they could use abilities in the outworld (like teleportation, bags of holding or wishes). I know this is too much to ask, maybe it's even impossible to make. But I feeled that I needed to share this with someone. Thanks for reading. TL;DR: add mages to wartales.
  2. hi can someone make mod from this custom character i made into Sifu game? Reason i want the model to be mod into Sifu game was because of seeing many variant characters mods in it. So i thought why didn't i make my own character fighters to be put mod on that game. Unfortunately due to inexperience of making 3d model and mods, i can only making own custom characters model by drawing the concept art using digital paint. Appearance: Short Brown Hairstyle Brown Eyes Color Black Short Sleeve Spandex Shirt (inside) White T-shirt (outside) Leather Tactical Gloves Black Leather Short Cargo Pants Punk Chain Accessories on Pants Black Leather Boots For inspiration i took references from childhood game and anime, like: Yugo Ogami Bloody Roar 4 Sie Kensou King of Fighter XI Akira Udo from Air Gear Anime Ginji Amano from Get Backers Anime Usui Horokeu from Shaman King Anime here is my discord if you want to ask question 1994_dragonetti
  3. So like the topic name says i wish i could have a vote of the day mod button.. In example: near "track" "endorse" "vote"(for months mod) New Button Function only one mod can be chosen (and then rechosen if needed) for 24 hours of the actuall date. Have a nice day u all!1
  4. Hello, I'm having an issue where any mods I put in the Baldurs Gate 3 -> Data -> Generated folder are not showing up in-game. I have triple checked the file pathing and file names. Nothing I do is making these mods show up. I currently only have one mod "installed" in this folder, but I have tried using others one at a time (so that none conflict) and nothing is loading at all. I've checked several forums now and all of them just say someone fixed it, but they don't say how. I am going crazy not knowing how to solve this problem. Any help is appreciated.
  5. Hello everyone! I was wondering if it was possible to mod my VRChat avatar as my Tav into BG3. I know about the Fantastical Multiverse mod, but it doesn't have the Tabaxi species in it. my VRChat avatar is an anthro cat that I would love to use in the game!
  6. It's not a big hotel like in the movie, but it's a very small hotel, so it feels awkward when recreating JW
  7. Hola soy nuevo en los mods y no se si alguien podría explicarme o ayudarme ya que tengo un pequeño problema al descargar mods para Skirym que tienen traducción al español, descargo todas las dependencias del mod y del mod en particular. , pero a la hora de descargar la traducción el administrador de mods de vortex me dice que tengo que arreglar un par de errores en el fix ya que el mod original y la traducción tienen conflictos, y la verdad estoy intentando configurarlo pero Siempre lo entiendo. Déjalo en inglés, estaría muy agradecido si alguien pudiera explicarme como hacerlo correctamente, gracias.
  8. What about a mod to increase the base, maybe to try to fix pals getting stuck outside? Or perhaps a mod that makes the area where pals can roam inside the base slightly smaller to prevent them from getting stuck outside?
  9. id love some much to see this version of malorian arms in game !
  10. i don't know if anyone has made one and/or is working on one but can someone add away to add stat points to defense? also i posted before but could some one some how mod in new swords? like these: Fire sword: fire damage - burns enemies ice sword: ice damage - freezes enemies Thunder sword: thunder damage - like stun baton but ment for fighting dark/poison: dark damage or normal - poisons enemies
  11. Hey all, I've been trying to port my custom face model into the game but I'm running into an issue of which I can't figure out how to fix. I suspect that it's the armature getting messed up when exporting from blender, but I just don't konw what the hell the problem is, export settings are all default. Also for some reason the ears don't get parented to the armature despite having done so in blender (Parent to Armature) I didn't do much to edit the armature from the game, just slightly moved the eyes bones. I'm using Blender 3.6.5
  12. Hello I figured I'd throw out some ideas I had and maybe someone would make that ( unless someone is already make some xD ) 1. Stats on level up and/or more stat points I find it a little annoying to have to waste a point on carrying capacity ( or any of the others starts for that matter ) I kind wish that on level up like 1 or 2 stats would increase with you getting a stat point to put it into what ever you feel like so you don't have to follow a build/make your character a little more different than others. That Or as stated more stat points when you level. Like 2 or 3. 2. Boost the lvl cap to 100. Not too important but it's mostly for just playing for even longer than normal also maybe to play with harder settings. 3. More swords/melee weapons I like swords kind sucks there's only one. Maybe there could be a fire sword. Maybe an ice one? May one for every element and or different status effect? Maybe a weapon that throws tornadoes. Maybe one that shoots lasers. Something crazy you know? 4. More guns Pretty much kinda the same with the swords. I'd like guns that can do more wacky things xD 5. An all purpose/ultimate armor. Now I will say I don't know what all of the headgear and accessories can do I haven't seen them all but I would be nice to have 1 armor that does everything and not have to change depending if it's hot or cold. Small nitpick but thought I throw that out.....oh and also may make it where at least armor doesn't have durability. It would suck to have to gather a lot of rare materials just to repair your hard earned gear. That's about everything I could think of at the moment. I'll add more if there's anything else. I hope this gives others ides of they're own to play with or something
  13. Wondering if anyone could make a HUD mod that makes all HUD elements dynamic instead of just the health bar and main elements. Don’t know how hard this would be but I’d appreciate something like it that still lets you play the game fully. I think me and other OLED users could appreciate no HUD elements on screen as well as people who love taking screenshots!
  14. I know this has been brought up on the Larian forums dozens if not hundreds of times in hopes of the official devs taking notice (with apparently zero engagement on their part), so I'm probably screaming into the void right now.... but we desperately need an option for making the UI bigger. I know there's mods to increase text size/change the fonts to something more readable, and that's all great, but I'm talking mostly about buttons and icons. This post will be divided into two halves, Part I (the screed), and Part II (the solution). Feel free to skip to part II if you don't wanna listen to my whiny diatribe. PART I - The Screed This is my first CRPG. I can tell that it's an amazing game and I want SO BADLY to enjoy it. But alas, I do not have the ability to play it on a 4K ultrawide monitor, while sitting with my face ten inches away from said monitor. And that is literally the ONLY way I can imagine the vanilla UI being adequate. I think the sheer number of UI improvement mods that already exist, is testament to that fact. Clearly, there's a lot of gamers with less-than-perfect vision, who've felt the need to ask for or create these mods. Yet for some reason, there doesn't seem to be a single mod that can uniformly increase the size/scale of the whole UI. Personally, I am splitting my playthrough between the Steam Deck (with a custom control scheme allowing me to take advantage of the mouse/keyboard UI, because the controller UI has its own litany of issues), and playing docked, on my 65" 1080p bedroom TV. When I'm in handheld mode, at the very least I can hold the Deck right up to my face in order to better read the microscopic icons (still not a pleasant experience) but on the TV, it's nigh-unplayable. The icons are the size of a literal thumbnail. If I can't find a way to change this, I'm afraid that I will be forced to give up on the game, and miss out on the 2023 GotY. Which would really, reeeeeeeally suck. PART II - The (proposed) Solution We need a mod that allows us to scale different elements of the UI (ideally, on an individual basis) both UP in size, as well as down. Currently, there's mods to make it SMALLER, but none to make it bigger, which is wild to me. Having more screen real estate doesn't mean dick if I have to strain my eyes in order to do any kinda of inventory management, or even to organize my hotbar. Ideally, I'd want the option to scale the hotbar up to 200% of its default size. I don't care if the icons end up looking low-res. I don't care how much of the screen the UI takes up, I just wanna be able to look at the icons and tell what they are AT A GLANCE. Same goes for the character sheet/inventory screen. I don't care about overlapping windows. I don't care about containers having a bigger grid size. I'm not averse to scrolling. I want icons that come closer to the size of those you find in games like Dark Souls, Elden Ring, etc. I don't care if that means I can only see 4x3 icons onscreen at a time without scrolling. I'll deal with that, if I can actually make out what the icons are. The aforementioned feature (UI scaling up to 200%) is the most important thing needed; however, there are some supplemental features that would make it even better. For example, being able to assign a hotkey that will, in the event of having multiple containers/UI elements open, allow you to flip through them, changing which window has focus and displayed as the top layer (basically the same way Alt+Tab works, but only affecting in-game UI elements). A hotkey like that could also be used to switch between the different sections (shutters) in the hotbar, since having the UI scaled that big would obviously make it difficult to show multiple sections simultaneously. This mod would hopefully be compatible with mods like Aether’s Immersive UI, so as to remove the scaled-up UI when it’s not needed. It also hopefully would operate independently from mods that change the font/size of various text in the game (mods like this), so that even with a scaled up UI, certain text could still be reduced (or made even larger) by utilizing a font-changing mod. Lastly, (and this might be the least likely to be feasible), it would be amazing if it were possible to use the keyboard keys to select different icons in the hotbar/inventory (similar to how it works in the controller UI), so that users would have the option of using the mouse cursor OR buttons to flip through their inventory (WITHOUT having the entire UI/control scheme switch to ‘controller mode’). I assume the only way to do that would be something that changes the x,y coordinates of the mouse cursor’s position in relation to the UI window, (i.e. calling the coordinates of [row 1, column 1], [row 1, column 2], etc). I’m no modder, but that sounds like a difficult thing to implement, even to my ignorant self, so I understand if that’s not really a possibility. But damn would it be sweet if it were. Maybe assigning a hotkey that you hold down, to shift WASD’s inputs from camera mode/movement mode to ‘UI mode’ IN CONCLUSION: Again, I’m not entirely sure what’s possible, so all the extra features are just my ideal wishlist. But the MAIN point, which is just straight-up UI window scaling up to a much larger size, is something that I feel should’ve been implemented in the official game, and I’m frankly amazed that no one’s made a mod to do it yet. If some enterprising BG3 modder were to make this request into a reality, I promise you, it would make a MASSIVE difference in the accessibility of countless semi-blind gamers, and allow them to enjoy the Baldur’s Gate 3 experience as much as everyone else. Please, pleeeeaaase, can somebody make this happen? I would literally pay you to develop such a mod.
  15. Hello everyone! Just bought Baldur's Gate 3 and wondering if it's possible to make a custom head for me? I'd really love to do it myself, but my computer can't deal with Blender. I don't know why and yet don't know how to fix it. So.. If anyone wants to help me by making my headmorph, I'd be really gratefull. Not for free, if you say so. Please contact me <3
  16. Hello, I was wondering which Crowded Cities and which random encounters/crowded roads mod i should use for my game. Only 1 of them. Crowded Cities 12 by bkwyrm13 Crowded Cities 2_1 by SpiderAkiraC then Maximum 2 of them (must be compatible together so no let's say #1 modify vanilla npc and #2 also modify vanilla npc) Wandering Encounters by kuertee Cyrodiil Travelers Mod by PipBoy3000_v2 Immersive Travelers by Hasteric Random Encounters byb3w4r3 Crowded Roads Revisited by LazyAltmer Crowded Roads Advanced by Shakh Crowded Roads Revamped by MaXiMiUS I want life in Oblivion but without exaggerating of course, I do want to see npcs or enemies/creatures everywhere just not 15 of them at the same time so not a war zone. I also want something that stay true to the game so friendly lore. If you have better to suggest me, then I'll be glad to hear, those are the only ones I found, I'm already using Mart's Mutant Mod by the way. Thanks In advance.
  17. A mod that allows realistic book reading, compatible with language translation patches and the touring carriages mod, would be worth gold for nerds like me who love reading books with views and long roads. Instead of a blur effect in the background and a book floating in the middle of the screen, A book that can be held with both hands on the right and left sides, and which follows the center point like a weapon when you turn the screen would be better. So I wouldn't miss any mountain sight. Even if it wasn't that detailed, it would be great if there were at least hands on the left and right and the blurry effect in the background was gone.
  18. I'm having an issue with my saves constantly being corrupted and dialogue gets cut off or is missing. I don't know how to pinpoint exactly what mod is causing havoc. I installed SKSE engine fixes and also this mod, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/108069, and it's still crashing. Can someone please help me with this issue? I'm running Skyrim Anniversary Edition. Below is my load order, (NSFW) because "Oldrim" is boring Thank you in advance! Edit: Fixed but not really.
  19. i was thinking if anyone could made this come true for me if hate it thats ok, if you dont want to thats ok, if you know how to do it and would be keen to do it i will even pay you so the mod should add ar 15 with usable sniper scope that would have same zoom as carcano rifle and underbarrel grenade launcher (it would be usable and it would like lemat revolver), it would have drum mag with 100 rounds. also it would add classic uzi (could be dual wielded) with under barrel explosive shotgun, had 30 round mag and scope that would be like the smaller scope for rifle it would also add that player could carry 8 guns in total 5 of then stored on character two guns on back 2 pistols stored on hips and two on off hand holsters, also it would add that in weapon wheal the four slots for guns would remain but the slots for pistol would have the ability to put two guns at once and it would use the guns on hips and on the right side would be the gun in offhand holster. this mod would also changed the lemat revolver a bit lemat would be made out of three guns, the barrel and cylinder would be from lemat the main body be from remington and would be double double action but would still be acurate, IT would be also way stranger. Another thing this mod would add would be Fallout power Armor (skull mask), the suit would increase the players strenght And physical abilities(also Bulletproof). Dual wielding melee weapons. Last thing this mod could add would be better weapon customization, player can change from look to features And Stats, scopes for all weapons, extended mags And such .
  20. I give up trying to fix Downtown Boston FPS drop. Those drop made my game so choppy and I couldn't stand it anymore so I concede to the true final boss of Fallout 4. I need a pointer on how to cap it at 30 please.
  21. As per the title, I am looking for Tattoo Mods that work with Vortex, as I've had bad experiences with BG3 Mod manager, and the mod pre-requisit (Unique Tav Custom Appearance) for most body tattoo mods I found states not to use it with Vortex.
  22. what is the reason? it is turned on, and as you see, i have all the needed mods.
  23. I mean like if I don't equip the weapon it stays with one mesh or texture and after I equip it it uses other texture or mesh
  24. hello , can someone please make a mod that remove the sound that happen in the city roads "walk walk " "Dont walk dont walk" sound near the street sidewalks thank u
  25. I´ve seen a couple Hair mixer-mods where hairs are made into beards so you can use two hairs at the same time to make new hairstyles. But i wish someone would make a mod where you can add only bangs and different front pieces/hairlines, since more often than not when you use two hairstyles at the same time there is some weird clipping and they don't really look right together. I've tried making something like this myself but I am not very skilled with blender and modding in general so please can someone who knows this stuff make this mod? There are some vanilla hairstyles like "fair forester" and "pinned and perfect" that would look so much better with a different hairline and some face framing pieces, like the front part of Mintharas bun or the ones from the bruenor braids. Hopefully someone understands what I mean and feels inspired to make this. I would be extremely appreciative. In short, I would like to be able to add some hairstyles face framing pieces without the rest of the hair, ON TOP of other hairs. Thank you
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