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  1. I used to make some weapon mods like my two warframe mods and some others that I have not released yet. I took a break from skyrim and modding completely since I was busy with school. Now I have some free time to give something back to the nexus community. Request any weapon that you would like to be remade into skyrim or think of a new one completely. Examples of past weapons I have created or remade: Fang Dagger (from Warframe): Scindo (from Warframe): http://i.imgur.com/4Znft0j.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xIIkiOQ.jpg And this sword that I forgot what it is from: http://i.imgur.com/Wwa3adu.jpg
  2. Can you affect the organization of mods for a weapon's attributes? I have a weapon where it's mods are out of order, for example, the suppressor is above the No Muzzle entry, and the Large Quick Eject Magazine is the first entry above the other three in it's collection. Everything works, no bugs/glitches, but the out of order mods would freak out OCD maniacs like myself.
  3. This is my first time doing request so im sorry if am doing any faux pas here. Heres the deal I would like an HCAR ( a modernized version of Browning Automatic Rifle) to be put in as a unique version of the bar. Kinda what the The Infiltrator is to the Assualt Rifle or the All American is to the service carbine. It would be nice if it could be made using existing meshes (like the BAR mesh and splicing it with service carbine and the AK mesh from FO3) with extended mags scope and silencer/muzzle break as atachments. I know there a lot of mods for custom guns made with existing meshes. I would be willing to do it myself I just unfortunately dont know where to start so I would appreciate some help there. I hope I didnt step on anyone's toes and will be very gratefull for any help offered. Best regards Wistfane
  4. Hi! is it at all possible to center the crossbow so one can aim better with it while not using crosshairs? would this be a possible thing to mod in? just if possible move the crossbow so the arrow or something is closer to the center of the screen??? im not sure how easy that would be but i have another request that might be easier you know when you draw a bow and then you go into sneak mode and the bow goes from vertical to horizontal? would it be possible to keep it vertical (its much easier to aim with no crosshair when it is vertical) or, alternatively, center the horizontal bow slightly so the arrow is in the center of the screen (no where the crosshair would be, in the same place vertically, just horizontally it would be in the center) wea are any of these things achievable?
  5. I'm not sure if a suggestion like this has been made before, and knowing my luck it probably has and this will be a waste of time for everyone who reads it, but I'd just like to put it out there to see if it interests anyone. The basic idea is this: Dotted throughout Skyrim would be various dungeons or other such locations housing special equipment, ranging from a single item to a full set, that would grant unique, borderline broken abilities that would change gameplay on some level. An example I thought of would be the cursed robes and blade of a dead monk. If the set was equipped, the player would be able to kill humanoid enemies with little effort by waiting for them to do a power attack while the sword is sheathed. Time would then slow down and the player could then execute the enemy instantly by drawing the sword before the enemy hits. The downside would be that once the set has been equipped it cannot be removed until a condition has been met, meaning the player would be unable to equip other pieces of clothing or armor, spells or weapons. In this case, the condition would be that the set could not be removed until you kill something.
  6. Apologies if this is the wrong place to post this sort of question, if it should go elsewhere please let me know and I will gladly remove it and post it there. What I am trying to do is replace the appearance of Daedric Greatsword with the Eastern Daedric Katana from Lore Weapon Expansion The Katana in this mod is actually listed as a 1hdr and equips on the hip in the vanilla game but I only want to use it's mesh and textures. So my thought process for this is, just use CK to tell the game to use the nif file of the Eastern Katana. I installed LWE to get access to the appropriate files in CK, but don't activate the plugin for the game. I've unpacked the meshes and textures to their appropriate directories. Open the DaedricGreatsword in CK, go to Art and Sounds, edit the model to point it at Insanity\Weapons\Third Era\Vvardenfell\Daedric\DaedricKatana.NIF and the first person model to Insanity\Weapons\Third Era\Vvardenfell\Daedric\1stPersonDaedricKatana.NIF (did this under Static/Weapons as well) It displays the mesh with textures fine in the preview pane so I save this as a new esp. In game the weapon appears with the correct graphic but would still located at the hip, easily fixed with racemenu but upon drawing the sword it is invisible, there appears to be no mesh for the drawn weapon. Obviously I am missing something (like a clue) but if it were something I forgot to change wouldn't it just display the original mesh and textures for the Daedric Greatsword when it was drawn, rather than nothing? Any help would be appreciated.
  7. Sorry to bother you all, but I'm a big fan of the Interesting npc's mod, and Skjel the Gray is one of my favourite followers, mostly due to him being hilarious, but as you may know, with him being a skeleton weapons and armours don't really equip well, so I was wondering what CAN he equip? Could he use ancient nord armor and weapons like the skeleton mages of dawnguard?
  8. I have both the Classic Fallout Weapons and Weapons of the New Millenia installed. Upon playing with both mods, I found that there were alike guns in both weapon packs. For example, both WNW and CFW have an M14, but the M14 in WNW is superior (no surprise). My goal was to remove the duplicate weapons from CFW so there wouldn't be two different items of the same gun. So I opened up the .esm and .esp for CFW in FNVEdit and began to remove the undesired weapons by accessing the weapons tab, right clicking the mentioned undesired weapons, and removing them. I got through all of the weapons and launched the game. It went through the usual logo screens as expected, but the menu with the start, load and save buttons never loaded. It didn't crash because the music was still playing, but since the menu never showed up I couldn't really do anything so it's no better than a crash. So I go back to the .esm and .esp. I check through the other tabs for leveled lists and such and find that there are red and underlined entries in these tabs. So I edit those to remove the red, underlined parts (which I assumed to be an error that would cause the mentioned error above). So, with hope of actually getting the game to start, I launched the game and the same error persisted. Why can't the game just load already?! Because I want to play Fallout, I have deleted those changes and just reinstalled the CFW mod. Now I have to deal with duplicate weapons again. P.S. I have the proper .esm files. I checked in Wyre Flash to find what the problem could possibly be, and CFW showed up as Orange but not red. It mentioned an issue with my load order. CFW.esm should be just after FalloutNV.esm but before any of the DLC. This isn't the issue because I actually did that, and the error did not persist despite the different load order prior to my "noob" editing to the CFW esm and esp.
  9. So, I recently started having a go at modelling and texturing, and wanted to import something I created (a simple sword) into Skyrim. I followed the steps in this tutorial after creating the mesh and textures in other programs. (Also follow the steps in part 4 of that tutorial) After adding the weapon through the CK, I can get the weapon and the positioning, damage, mesh, crafting and everything works fine, but there is no texture. It's just the mesh with a blank, white "texture". All of the textures in the nif file's BSShaderTextureSet point to the right folder and files: Has anyone had this problem and know how to fix it? Or just any ideas? Not sure if that tutorial is outdated or if there's a newer method that works better. If you need any more information, let me know.
  10. So a recent problem I've begun to encounter is that during or after a fight, when I switch from one weapon to another, my new weapon and any other weapon I switch to after that becomes invisible either in first-person, third-person, or both. Any weapon I switch to after that is bugged and I have to save then exit the game then load it up again to fix it, only for it to happen again after that. It's a relatively recent bug, which is odd considering that it's been some time since my latest mod installation and I hadn't encountered this problem in all that time. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Or is there a possible conflict or type of mod that could be causing it. I've tried uninstalling all the ones I could think of that could possibly cause it (to no avail), including: Enhanced Blood TexturesUnarmed Hand to Hand Skill by BudcatKillmove modsAnimation modsI've tried loading up a vanilla save with my mod setup and it seems to work fine there. I've even tried using the save cleaner tool on my save to get rid of any running scripts and still nothing. I've attached my mod list to this post. Skyrim.ini file: [General] sLanguage=ENGLISH ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 uExterior Cell Buffer=36 [Display] fShadowLODMaxStartFade=1000.0 fSpecularLODMaxStartFade=2000.0 fLightLODMaxStartFade=3500.0 iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=2048 bAllowScreenshot=1 [Audio] fMusicDuckingSeconds=6.0 fMusicUnDuckingSeconds=8.0 fMenuModeFadeOutTime=3.0 fMenuModeFadeInTime=1.0 [Grass] bAllowCreateGrass=1 bAllowLoadGrass=0 [GeneralWarnings] SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information. [Archive] sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa [Combat] f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.2 f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.5 f1PBoltTiltUpAngle=0.2 f3PBoltTiltUpAngle=0.5 [Papyrus] fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0 bEnableLogging=1 bEnableTrace=1 bLoadDebugInformation=1 [Water] bReflectLODObjects=1 bReflectLODLand=1 bReflectSky=0 bReflectLODTrees=1
  11. Hello, Nexus forums I've recently been on the nexus mods looking for some decent clothing/mmorpg mods and I've found some that are great. But generally isn't what i'm looking for. That's why i'm requesting 3 this (Sorry if i'm sounding too demanding it's just frustrating looking through 1023 mods for some non-slutty or male armor.) If you find anything or someone creates something similar to this: https://dailyanimeart.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/death-gun-to-shoot.jpg -or- http://animemage.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/DeathGun-AnimeMage.jpg -or- http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/039/c/3/the_sword_art_online_utilities_project__sao_utils__by_gpbeta-d5xzbab.jpg Then THANK GOD YOU EXIST! Japanese translation for anyone who speaks japanese, I don't speak it any more :sad: こんにちは、ネクサスフォーラムは、私は最近、いくつかのまともな衣類/ MMO/JRPG'sの改造を探してネクサスの改造にされてきたと私は素晴らしいですその一部を見つけた。しかし、一般的には私が探しているものではありません。私は3を要求している理由です、このあなたが何かを見つけるか、誰かがこれに似た何かを作成した場合(申し訳ありませんが、私が鳴っている場合は、あまりにもそれはいくつかの非ふしだらまたは男性鎧のために1023年の改造を通して見ているだけでイライラする厳しい。): https://dailyanimeart.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/death-gun-to-shoot.jpg -or- http://animemage.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/DeathGun-AnimeMage.jpg -or- http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/039/c/3/the_sword_art_online_utilities_project__sao_utils__by_gpbeta-d5xzbab.jpg 次にお住まい神に感謝します! :laugh: If you do make or find on the please reply or email [email protected] [NO SPAM, NO HACKERS!!!]
  12. Any mods that make a weapon have an enchant specific to your race only. For example: Redguards have 25% faster swings. I know that the Companions battleaxe thing is stronger against elves, but thats pretty much it for what I know in game.
  13. I'm wondering if there's a way of recharging or increasing the current charge of an enchanted weapon through the use of scripts. I've looked at various ways of doing this, but the closest to something like this that I've found are the functions: int GetEnchantmentValue() SetEnchantmentValue(int value)from the creation kit Weapon Script page (http://www.creationkit.com/Weapon_Script). However these functions do not affect the current charge, but instead the maximum charge of the item. I managed to solve it, so no need for any replies. This is how it's done: The values I was searching for were actor values called "LeftItemCharge" and "RightItemCharge". These give the current charge of the item, unlike the functions showed above. Good day.
  14. I, along with many others have came to the conclusion that Destiny sucks. I mean, once you've played it long enough, you'll know what I mean. Despite it's flaws, it does have some very bad ass weapons with some very bad ass looks to them. That's why I think it would be very cool for someone to make a mod that copies some of the weapons from Destiny. Maybe you could make them one at a time and once you've made enough of them, upload the file as something like "Arms of Destiny". Or something like that... It doesn't need to be a whole bunch of weapons. It could be a pack as small as three weapons, or something as large as 10 weapons. Whatever said mod creator does, I'm sure I will enjoy it along with many other community members on the nexus. Anyways, I hope somebody picks up this idea and gives it a shot! Thanks, and good luck! Also, here is a good page that shows many of Destiny's weapons. http://planetdestiny.com/weapons/
  15. Hi ! I have read that scripted weapons (like ghostblade or other weapons from mods) can't be add to weapons rack and plaques, but there is lots of these weapons that are great but cant be use as decoration because of this. I searched a lot and i did not find a mod to allow it. So i wanted to know if a mod can allow to add every kind of weapon to racks and plaques, and if yes, can someone do it ? Thanks for reading and sorry for my bad english, Pepefab.
  16. There is this low budget movie that I recently saw on NETFLIX called "Dark Space". It is a 2013 movie that not many people have heard of. The story and movie itself are very lousy, but the armors and weapons used in the movie are admittedly cool and I was hoping someone will want to try to make them for fallout. There are no good pictures of the armors online so for a good look at them you're gonna have to bear through and pause the crappy movie. http://content.internetvideoarchive.com/content/photos/9090/475425_039.jpg http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTQ2Mzc4NzcwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTEzMTAzMjE@._V1_SY317_CR12,0,214,317_AL_.jpg
  17. Hey guys So lately I've been working on making a Tranquilliser Rifle. I modified an existing fatigue damage script for the boxing gloves I think and it works- except for one thing. The longest anything stays unconcious for is around 10 seconds, but that seems to fluctuate sometimes, varying between 15 and 30 seconds. If I modify the "fatigue xxx" variable, will they stay unconcious for longer? Because I changed it from 350 up to 3500 hundred and yet they were still only down for around 10 secs. Is it just that a character can only take a certain amount of damage to their fatigue? Thanks in advanceKangarooSwag
  18. This may not be appropriate for the mod requests subforum, and if it is not, then I humbly request notification so that I can reassign this somewhere else. I'm looking to make a series of weapon and armor mods based off of my own designs to include in-game. However, I've followed multiple tutorials and cannot for the life of me get my UV mapping or my baking to come out well at all. I'd like to ask for a little bit of help on those fronts from someone with a decent amount of experience. Thank you very much for your time.
  19. I am thinking of a scripting mod to deal with the infamous NPC weapon bug.. I.E. the weapon hovers over the right are in a fist fight pose. But it might be a bit (or well) over my limited skill with FOSE. So unless it has been done before and I am just overlooking it like a derp (I wouldn't put it past me sometimes) I want try to make a script that will automatically add and remove a minor item from all NPC inventory's active in the cell or within a set range making them reequip there weapons on the most common types of cell change that cause the glitch. Really the idea started as something for my companions to hot-key some quick and dirty batch files I made that simply prid's the ones I normally use then adds and removes a bobby-pin from them.. But except for the default and one modified base game NPC who like war their refid never changes, Mod added followers sometimes get moved and I need to remember to edit their bat file to match. So I was hoping to make a better automatic or hot-keyed option that is not dependent on refid's..
  20. Akame ga kill is one of my favorite manga/anime. When I first saw it it just screamed to me "dark brotherhood" I was hoping someone could make a mod that adds the imperial arms to Skyrim! and if they really are feeling it add a quest line similar to the dark brotherhood. I think an akame ga kill mod would have a lot of potential. Here's some examples of the main protagonists imperial arm, incursio, incursio's second form. And the sword used to activate the armor.
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