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  1. Is there a way to add a new attach point keyword to a weapon with a script instead of changing the base weapon? I want to avoid conflicts between mods.
  2. Hi all, This is a laundry list of concepts I am working on. I appreciate feedback. Mod: "Gun Nut" Gun Workbench Upgrades Rechambering is a complex modification which also requires a rechambered barrel. IPtechnical upgrade descriptions... instead of "better damage," something like "Longer barrel increases grouping of shots," "new return spring," "gas vent," etc. IPRedo receiver options apart from damage and critical multiplier. (various recoils, grouping, different rates of fire, etc)... IPSome upgrades cannot be crafted by player and must be looted or purchased and then installed.Increased ROF for automatic weapons (1.25x to 2x+).IPRemove "armor piercing" receiver, this is ridiculous.IPRemove suppressor on revolver-type weapons, also ridiculous.DoneGun mods use the part of the gun it modifies as preview transform and dropped object. Exception is for mods where I cannot get the suitable component. Bullets Gun damage based on the bullet, not receiver. (All .45 guns should have very similar per-shot damage). DoneShould guns have different base damage independant of bullet damage?What should damage value of different calibres be? Is it safe to remove vanilla gun mods from crafting menu(but not delete)?Should mesh of gun mod be replaced from generic box to the part of the weapon it mods? Increased weight?What about mods such as applying machine oil to moving parts of receiver, requiring a new junk item?DoneHow can I add mod categories? (E.g. Bolt, operating rod, ejector, appliedLubricantToParts, CleanedParts)DonePre-war and post-war bullets.Rename of ammunition ("Mini Nuke" to "M42 shell") Done This is now styled as "Gun Nut" and a test version is posted at http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16510/? Guns More emphasis on pre- and post-war guns: Pre-war ("Assault Rifle", combat rifle, combat shotgun, 10mm, .44, laser, etc): Rare, pristine condition.Refurbished pre-war guns(vanilla turns into this): I can do an easy retexture to make the components appear worn and rusted/juryrigged.Post-war guns: All the pipe gunsVarious: Redo of plasma rifle to more resemble the classic plasma throwerRedo of flamer to resemble the classic flame thrower.Retexture of laser weapons to look old and greasy.Levelled List: Addition of un-modified "radium rifle" into levelled lists as pre-war gun.Addition of ordinary PPK handgun into levelled lists as pre-war gun.Mod: "Recipes" Chemistry Remove ability to craft antibiotics.DoneRemove ability to craft pre-war chems.DonePlayer can only craft "post-war" drugs and items.DonePlayer cannot craft pre-war explosives, mines, etc. (This is done in Contraptions anyway).Intermediary stages (ex: hubflower --> "alkaloid" --> varoious recipesPlayer can "crush" Buffout, Mentats, and Daytripper into respective "crushed" drugs, which may be combined. E.G. Crush Mentats, Buffout, get the powders, combine into "Bufftats" powder.DoneChange "Fern Flower" to "Fiddlehead" (Flowers do not come from ferns).Created 2 junk items: Inhaler head, and Inhaler Bulb. Both are required to make jet and may be purchased from doctors.DoneShould using Jet return an Inhaler head to the player? Should the player retain pill bottles, IV bags, syringes, etc? Food Place soup into tin can, require tin can as ingredient.Remove bonus effects from all food (that is what drugs are for).DoneRedo meat meshes to appear more realistic and appetizing Wish List Things I am not working on but want to see: Expired drugs: Random chance on using prewar drug for it to be a dud.Iguana and Squirrel animals added to environmentWith your leg(s) are crippled, you sit down, as it shows your character when she injects herself. Patches for mods by other authors Integration of standalone weapon mods with Visual Reload (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15118/?).Almost done with a patch for Modular Kalash (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11525/?) Misc Addition of smoke grenade. Basically this would behave like a signal flare but without the signal, and amplified smoke effect.Redistrubution of artillery and vertibird flare. These should be called something like "red smoke flare" and available from vendors outside of that faction.Addition of Binoculars. The simple idea: an invisible weapon with a scope attached. You can draw and zoom but there is no ability to shoot.Enemy NPCs can fall to the ground when wounded , attempt to flee when wounded, etc. Not all would fight to the death.
  3. Hey, I was looking up some weapon mods for Fallout 4 and noticed, that there is no 10mm SMG. You can make a 10mm automatic pistol, but a 10mm smg would be great. Here is an example from Fallout 3. It should not look exactly like the fallout 3 ones, it should have something more "Fallout4ish". Here is an example of what I mean by reference of the 10mm pistol. There should also be some different modification like the standard ones. Here is a list of my suggested modification: Muzzle: No modsuspressormuzzlebrakecompensatorBarrel: standardlong barrel (not too long, because it should still be an smg)light barrel (not that classic chunky look)Magazin: standard (should be smaller than on the picture if you want to play it dmr style with the longer barrel)large magazin (the classic one like on the picture)drum magazin (small drum, but higher capacity then long mag)quick eject standardquick eject large magazinquick eject drum magazinReciever: the ones that are in vanilla too with no cosmetic changesGrips: standardcomfortgripsharpshooters gripStocks: no stock (classic, like on the pictures)full stock (better aiming)light stock (slightly better aiming, weighs less than full stock)recoil compensating stock (like on the combat rifle)scopes and sights: the ones that are in vanillareflex sights from 10mm pistol (because it should be in simmilar style Thanks for the one you may make this come true ♥
  4. So, I've been collecting mod weapons to put into my own (UNPUBLISHED) weapon mod. All meshes and textures load properly in GECK and in-game. When I load the mod (.esm and all resources located correctly) using FOMM to my laptop, the weapons' textures apparently fail to load and the items show up blue, sometimes flashing black. Sounds, firing, and reloading work normally, but the texture isn't attached. I do not have GECK on my laptop due to SSD capacity, so I can't compile my mod separately on it. Any fixes or suggestions?
  5. A kind coder on another forum has whipped up some code for me but I can't seem to get it to work. The aim is to 'damage' the player's AP by a certain value if they fire a weapon outside of power armour. (with intentions to add a few more conditions, such as nullifying the penalty if using a certain receiver etc.) As I am and artist and only have a small amount of coding experience, I'd like to humbly request a more experienced coder's help. Here's the script; Scriptname MagnumRevolverRifleAPPenalty extends Weapon Weapon Property theGun Auto Const ActorValue Property ActionPoints Auto Const Event OnInit() Self.RegisterForAnimationEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "weaponFire") EndEvent Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName) if((akSource as Actor).GetEquippedWeapon() == theGun && asEventName == "weaponFire") if(!(akSource as Actor).IsInPowerArmor()) (akSource as Actor).DamageValue(ActionPoints, 5) ;Maybe a GlobalVariable for customizability? endIf endIf EndEvent I guess my first question is, how do I go about properly using this in the CK? I went into my WEAP file and added the script using the scripts box in the bottom right of the window. Is this correct? The script might even be working if I could put it in the right place.
  6. Hello all :D I am making a weapon damage overhaul. I changed the combat rifle to be 5.56mm as its default caliber, but during VATS a bullet time event still shows the bullet as a .45 APC. This persists even when I put in the 308 receiver. I did notice that there is a VATS bullet PROJ, but none for 5.56mm, so I am thinking that might be a factor somehow, but even if I add one, I still don't see where I could reference it; changing the caliber keyword in the combat rifle over to 5.56mm did change it, and but I do not see any other conspicuous fields that would control this. FYI, I do have AWKCR as a master, but I do not believe this is a factor as the weapon still gets a proper 5.56mm tag. Any help would be appreciated. Attached is a snap of the combat rifle entry. thank you! :laugh:
  7. I'm looking for someone who has the havok plugin for 3ds to make a custom weapon mesh for me that has collision. I'm looking for the weapon to look like an old school snow shoe. I'm willing to pay through fiverr or something like it. If you're interested post below before you start with how much you want for the project. I plan to use the mesh in a Fallout 4 quest mod I am working on. I'll also require a letter from you stating I have permission to use the object in Fallout 4 mods.
  8. So. First time ever posting here. Normally dont have reason to post anything. Anyways, since most of the dlc's are out, and the the melee weapon modding options within the vanilla game has so far been, honestly, now that buyer's guilt has worn off, disappointing. And I dont think they would improve for the final DLC. And I almost always played a ranged character cos of lack of satisfying weapons in FO4...And I know 3D modelling. And texturing and some animating...And I got to asking myself. Why arent I making my own stuff. So I am. And I am posting here because I have never modded Bethesda games. And surely I will run into problems. And thought it would be good to post here and ask for help when need arises. http://i.imgur.com/MX2qCsI.jpg As you can see. The Marauder Axe should be highly customisable. I am basing the dimensions on the Super Sledge. As much as I love aesthetic changes on weapons, the real important thing is that the parts, as you upgrade them and swap out mods, offer changes in damage output but more importantly should offer different advantages and disadvantages so that each part is never obsolete(other than the very starting mods). For example, the three axe heads shown here. The first is a standard. The second is a hooked axe and it offers a chance to disarm the opponent. The third head is a blunt crusher head. It offers substantial increase in damage and chance to stagger but it also consumes substantially more stamina to perform a power attack. The exact numbers and balance are not yet set. but that is the gist of it. Similarly, metal handles add more mass, and thus more damage. But also swing slower. And vice versa for the lighter wooden handles. The more ergonomic-looking handles also gives AP bonuses. There will be 4 mod slots(that I have planned so far) Head - General damage output increase and some functionality at the cost of swing speed or AP cost Handle - General increase in swing speed and decrease in AP cost and AP bonuses Handle Guard - Damage reduction increase when blocking, at the cost of decrease in swing speed and weapon swap speed The 4th mod type will be adding, I guess you could call, elemental damges and general DoT effects to the weapon http://i.imgur.com/HHQTvuB.jpg Just shown here are the 3 so far that I am happy with the visual design. There are some others but they look not up to standard yet. Anyways, each one show here adds electric damage/stun effect, fire damage and cryo damage/freeze/slow effect. I didnt like how some vanilla weapons that did have such mods didnt have the mod show up visually on the screen enough. So even though swinging an axe strapped with flamer fuel is, realistically, a bad idea, I am designing more for readability while trying not to clutter the screen TOO much. Other mods I am thinking of, but not happy with it yet, are Bleed Damage - For DoT damage Explosive Damage(working on the same concept as the Ballistics Glove from FO:NV) - For gibbing/AOE/cool Added Weights - For MOAR DAMAGE. And bigger chance of stagger Added rocket thruster - FOR MOAR SPEED. The weapon is being based on the Super Sledge afterall. These mockups and concepts, as with all mockups and concepts, may or may not be in the final mod. I will learn what I can and cannot do and change elements as needs arise. Already, I can foresee changing how the mod looks for the flame mod, just because I dont think I can emulate the shish-kebab flame effects to a satisfactory standard. I will most likely change it to a heated coil type of add-on, as seen on the super sledge. Enough talk. The progress so far...Because I wasn't going to post without having SOMETHING to show. Here is the base form of the axe all modelled out(not textured). And then (lazily)placed at an approximate angle that it would be seen in the game. http://i.imgur.com/fTTc1xp.png It looks promising so far. Usually, going from paper concept to 3D and execution turns it to a garbage. But this looks ok. And it's not blocking too much of the screen and I am happy with the amount of details that show. Clean enough and not too busy but also not too bare. Especially since there will be additional mods attached to it. The base model, as you can see is done. The challenge isnt the mesh creating or the texturing. The challenges are actually figuring out how to use the modding kits and getting everything to work together. Like I said, I dont know pretty much nothing in regards to Bethesda modding. At worst case scenario, I cant get any of the fancy stuff to work. Then I would at least have a heavy 2-handed melee weapon that I could get to work by itself. At best case scenario, I get most of what I want to get working and I learn stuff for future mods...Maybe... I will first try getting this basic mesh to work, tweak things by playtesting. And once all dimensions are set, the hands grip roughly the right place and the sizes are correct, get to working on the textures. And then the mods. So on and so forth. And...thats about it. Progress updates as progress happens Umm...thats about it. Updates : Update 1 Update 2
  9. You know, one thing I always wanted was for my one of my main weapons in Fallout New Vegas to fire energy rings, instead of ball lightning. Ring lightning I suppose, or a tauroid. There's this classic energy weapons mod for New Vegas and it has the YK-32 Pulse Pistol in it, and it's a classic, badass looking raygun. https://www.nexusmod...gas/mods/38742/ The particle is cool, but I would prefer a purple ring blast instead. Don't change the stats or anything, or the speed, or the sound, don't change anything but the way the particle effect looks. So that it's more accurate to the actual pulse pistol and rayguns in general. If any of you can make this a really cool ring that would be wonderful. If you need any added info, please ask for it. I do have an idea of what you can base it off of. The following vids are short TF2 vids showing off the Righteous Bison's projectiles. Though, this is just to assist you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPYmiJ8qoZQ Now with ALL THAT said, I have an added bonus idea, though this is definitely going to be more difficult. I would also like to maybe see another raygun in New Vegas, only this one is so epic it's going to have it's own custom stats. The gun I am referring to is known as the Righteous Bison. It’s an epic ray gun from Team fortress 2, and quite honestly it’s a GALACTIC SHAME this gun hasn’t been somehow implemented in Fallout as a mod weapon. It’s such a Fallout gun. See, originally the Bison had 4 shots, which you can recharge using the pump at the back. It’s a pump action raygun. That being said however, the projectiles moved slow as f*#@ and it’s a horrible gun in most combat scenarios, as it relies on situational ambush tactics. It lacks versatility. HOWEVER. Man VS Machine does it justice...Somewhat.I know Team Fortress 2’s Bison only has 4 shots, and slow projectiles but this New Vegas version should have 8 shots, each and every shot being rechargeable, as well as the projectiles moving MUCH faster. Faster than a plasma bolt in Fallout but not bullet or laser fast. Fast but still moderately dodgeable. And as I said, if you fire off 1 shot, 2 shots, 7 shots, or all 12 shots, you need to reload each and every shot individually, but the pump reload should be fairly quick. That being said, I always loved the way the rings of energy from the Bison look. They look badass, and I have sources showing the way the gun operates in-game, as I've shown you all. The effects it has on it’s targets in Fallout would either be the same as in TF2 ONLY for critical hits (if you can port it) or just an ashy effect . Otherwise it just hits them like laser or plasma would, maybe even add a flashy electric effect. So it's a rechargeable weapon, it can't break, and it has a fairly quick projectile speed, fire rate, etc. Now for damage. 50 damage. Definitely a lot, but this baby is a true FIERCE raygun that puts normal Fallout weapons to f*#@ing shame, so it should do lots of damage. So...What do you fine people think? Can this be done? It would mean, so, SO much to me if both ideas can be brought to reality.
  10. Hi i've been searched all time about a mod of SKYRIM that make my silver weapon or silvered enchanted weapon have a burn effect when i slay the undead like in the movie. so rather than the silver weapon give additional damage to the undead they should have give burn effect to the undead instead. i also like to give any weapon a silvered enchanment via forge (add a silver ingot to weapon should give them a silvered enchanment) thats it thank you for your help
  11. Hello so i have recently started playing the 2016 game doom and i would love to have this https://doomwiki.org/wiki/File:Codex_plasma.bimage.png as a mod for fallout 4 I have looked for one but I cant find one so if a talented modder could make this that would be great. the main reason I like this gun is it feels like a gun the vanilla plasma rifle looks like a bunch of s#*! who ever in Bethesda for making the plasma rifle look like it does in fallout was a good idea then they really are not the smarted person. so as I said if someone who is a talented modder could make this or if there is someone who can make a 3d model that works with fallout 4 that would be lovely since I would do it my self but I don't know how to 3d model I can do the scripts for quest mods but I don't really know anything about 3d modelling or texturing for that matter.
  12. I'm trying to change the weapon charging sound used by NPCs of the tesla rifle weapon, NPCs use the gauss weapon charging sound instead, I couldn't find the keyword map that is using the WPNRifleGaussChargeLPM descriptor so I could change it can someone tell me how to find it?
  13. I would love to see a mod that allows you to mod a weapon and outfit/armor, and then allows you to set that as a template that all of your settlers and the all of the npcs of your chosen faction will follow. Basically, I want a mod that allows you to force what your factions npcs will wear and use. For example: Let's say I side with the Minutemen, and decide I want them all to wear army fatigues and a full set of sturdy combat armor, and to use laser rifles with an optimized capacitor, long barrel, recoil compensating stock, and reflex sight. I think it would be really cool to be able to do this with all factions. I realize that it might be best if certain npcs were unable to be affected this way, but I still think it's a solid idea, and as such hope someone will take it up and make it a reality.
  14. Can anyone tell me the difference between the DNAM Data weapon behaviors of Dismember and Explode? I would assume it was self explanatory, But Ive noticed in Xedit that Vanilla weapons and edits made by Horizon mod seem to sometimes suggest these values act as the opposite of what they suggest, like the value entered is the behavior that is omitted. For eg. Shotgun for Horizon has been changed from Normal Formula Behavior to Dismember only. I would have Thought a Shotgun would explode heads not decapitate them cleanly, which always bugged my with and Normal formula behaviour or the ballistic weapons. There were a couple of other examples I cant think of right now. Im assuming this was just a strange choice by the author, because there is also a No Dismember/Explode option. But I do know some values are weird ad do the opposite of what you think. I couldn't find anything in the Creation Kit wiki page.
  15. Can someone please make a mod that disables all dlc quests and itegrates all items and creatures into the capital wasteland?
  16. Can someone make Kratos's leviathan axe from God of War for Skyrim Special Edition? I would be really grateful. I see there is a mod for Skyrim but not for the Special Edition. Sadly i don't understand a thing about modding.
  17. Hello guys, I am not exactly sure how this forum works around here, but I'd like to ask for your help. I am currently doing a roleplay playthrough with a "half-orc" character, and I was looking for a very specific mod, sadly I couldnt find it. It is a simple sword but with a little extra script. Whenever I have it sheathed it doesnt do anything, but If i draw it, I become invisible. It sounds overpowered I know, but I tought maybe It would also drain my health/+magicka at a medium rate, so I would not be able to use it for too long. If anybody knows a mod, or maybe able to make one, It would be a MASSIVE help for my gameplay and my roleplay story :smile: I attached a file, a picture of the imagined sword's look. But obviously if someone would make this mod, but wouldnt want to model a new look, any mod/already existing sword thats similiar would be awesome. (It's the sword from the movie :"Ip Man", the first movie. The owner of the sword is called the "Northerner", there are a few videos and pictures on the net where you could observe the sword, if you would like to. Thank you for your guys help, answers in advance :smile: -- Atrius
  18. Honestly, a lot of the time when playing the game, I see Argonians in both heavy and light armor, robes and clothes, and I can't help but notice how odd it looks... In my opinion, The Elder Scrolls Online had some of the best armor styles, including the Argonian style. I believe it fits the lizards far better than any other armor in the game. I was wondering if anyone had the ability to make such armor with Blender or some other rendering tool. I've tried my hands at it, but I'll be honest, I'm damned awful. Here's some reference images for starters: http://www.gamersheroes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Argonian-Elder-Scrolls-Online-Character-Creation-Guide.jpg http://i.imgur.com/TNNRNaC.jpg http://eso.mmo-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/06/eso-argonian-shadowspun-light-armor-set-vr12.jpg http://eso.mmo-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/05/Argonian-Dwarven-Hammer.jpg Might be asking for a lot here, but I thought it'd be better to ask rather than leave it.
  19. Basically, I'm asking for a "weapon" of sorts that consumes fusion cells which has animation similar to spell-casting (like zenyatta's orb throwing from overwatch) That lets you fire the blasts from captain cosmo's sonic pulser. Mainly for a roleplay build I'm using, it makes sense with what my character's supposed to be.
  20. Hi there, i love playing with power armor. Playing on Survival there is absolutly no reason to not play with it. Your survivability rises alot and cores are not so scarce that it would limit the use. So, now i want it to be limited because it should be something special. Not really like you cant use it that long or something like limiting the cores, i think they should last much much longer since some powered entire complexes for about 200 years. But how about Power armor Weaponry. You cant really say that with hands about two or three times the size of a human hand could possibly fire a gun. So how about you can only use specialised weaponry for Power armor and nothing else. Those weapons would be waaay to heavy to be used without power armor. Those weapons would be very heavy and big and loud and mighty so cool but not stealthy or something. So you cant use the Power armor for all purposes. I think also making the Armor very loud to use and a bit on the slow side would be preferrable too. So you take it when you use the big guns and for nothing else. Combined with one of the Power Armor drop mods on the nexus it would be a cool Specialised weapon of mass destruction.
  21. Hey Guys. I start again playing Skyrim SE with complete new Mods, but i missed one. With this Mod i can upgrade my weapons unlimited. By Smithing you could increased the legendary upgrade unlimited and make your weapons with every improvement a little bit better. I´m a noob in english, but hope you understand me :D I forgot how this mods was called, but it was a must have for me. Maybe you know this mod or an alternative mod? I tried to google, but nothing.... Best regards Feomathar
  22. Hello there to whomever it may concern, I wasn't entirely sure where would be best to put this, but I thought this is the only place I could find! What I want to do is port over weapons from Fallout 4 and other Fallout games, and into Garry's Mod. Now, I can easily get the models... But they're not rigged, and there's no animations. This of course is a problem... I could rig and animate myself but it's going to take way too long and i'm on a deadline. Simple question is... Is there a way to easily port weapon models, animations and/or the rig for such... Into Gmod. Or into belnder to edit for gmod if needed, because I really don't have the time to animate and rig myself.
  23. So I've been going through checking the damage and overall balance of a lot my vanilla and modded NV weapons, doing things such as removing multiple ammo usage on energy weapons, fixing 308 and 556 damage, and other fixes. I got to checking A World of Pain's mark 2 weapons and I came across the Mark 2 Trail Carbine. I have this weapon ingame at the moment, and noticed that despite having 100 Guns skill and the Cowboy perk, it did less damage than its normal variant. I checked both of the weapons' statistics, finding that the Mark 2 did indeed have more base damage. I then reasoned that it may not have been on the Cowboy perk's formlist, so I checked that, and to the contrary it's on there. So now I'm rather confused as to why this weapon isn't doing more damage than its normal variant, despite the skill and Cowboy perk and all that. Is there something about perks and modded weapons I'm missing here? Any tips?
  24. I'm planning on making a first person weapon mod that is very unique and requires a lot of custom animations, but I can't find a good video/source on how to get everything set up and what I need. I'm new to animation and modding, but I want to make a mod for the experience. Please leave any tips, links to information, software, and other stuff so I can start working on the mod. *also the mod doesn't require any models besides the characters hands :wink:
  25. So, I'm trying to modify the textures for Atom's Judgement, but I can't find the material file or texture file for the green cracks on the front of the weapon. Does anyone know where that particular file is? Also, on a semi-related note, is there a way to convert material files to jpg or png?
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