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  1. anybody knows dettlaff mod? i mean use dettlaff claws, so geralt no use sword just claws like vampires.
  2. I can`t get anything to appear in game and I can`t get my sound files to be used by the game. I used Nifscope, Blender, Outfit Studio, FO4Edit, Photoshop and Audacity to put everything together but I think the not appearing mesh problem lies in something I didn`t do NifScope. But recently I tried to make the information in each gun part the same how I seen in other mods like for example, I seen the in the M1928 Mod that the M1928 receiver has a Ninode thats like the parent then when I clicked the arrow next to it, it showed all the other things that are under the main Ninode such as BsConnectPointChildren, BsConnectPointParent, BSXFlags, other Ninodes, NiTransformerController etc. I don`t think I did this correctly to my meshes as now Creation Kits crashes whenever I even dare try to bother it rather editing the properties or trying to see what it looks like. Before I did what I did in NifScope the meshes actually showed in the CK and it let me edit the properties but I still couldn`t get the parts to load in game, they still were invisible. All I did before was just make my parts match the same position the vanilla MG parts were in Nifscope, I triangulated them in Blender and did that smooth edges thing in Outfit Studio, I didn't bother the Ninodes and stuff like that. Now the sounds I have no idea what could even be wrong. I read somewhere that Fallout 4 accepts 16-Bit sounds, that's the standard I thought I set my sounds to because the only 16-bit sound format I found in audacity was 16-Bit PCM but that didn't work, originally they were 32-Bit Float and currently are now. I have been at this for a month and like 2 weeks now trying everything possible to get this to work but avail. I already know there's something I`m doing seriously wrong but can someone please help. What do I need to do to get this to function like normal gun and actually finally upload this weapon as this is something I plan on uploading to Nexus as there's literally no Scorpion Evo mods and what inspired my to do this gun was the fact that I main Ela in R6 and love that gun!!!!
  3. Hello I would like to request a weapon mod about the Norwegian Krag Rifle. Thanks for responding
  4. Could somebody make this prototype weapon into a modded weapon for FO4? It would likely require its own custom 3D models and animations made from scratch, so I'm willing to negotiate paying a set amount of money to develop it. General Dynamics US Army Prototype M4 replacement NGSW 6.8mm - YouTube Prototype Polymer Ammo Designed to Defeat Russian Armor - YouTube Next Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) - Army's M4 Carbine and M249 Replacement - YouTube
  5. Hi was wondering if anyone would please consider making a flintlock and cap and ball mod/s? Kind of going like this flintlock musket, rifle, blunderbuss, and pistols with accessories like bayonets, multiple barrels, different skins and sizes with the powder horn and the paper cartridges. and for the cap and ball it would be rifle, shotgun, pistol and revolver. With similar accessories here's a modder''s resource https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20211 And for animations is it possible to use the animations from fallout 76? Thank you for time and consideration.
  6. A weapon / companion mod that based on Megatron from The Transformers cartoon back in the day. Some kind of quest(s) that involves an evil robot able to transform into a powerful pistol with insane customizations that affects Megatron's transformations and companion abilities. Once you finish the questline and defeat Megatron and the Raiders / Gunners that are using him to spread fear throughout the Commonwealth, you can repair and reprogram him to have a voiced robot companion that transforms into a powerful pistol and tells hilarious stories about his time with the Raiders / Gunners having issues with recoil shooting themselves in the foot or whatever wacky thing works. I realize a mod like this would take a lot of work and it would be way too much trouble to have animations of Megatron transforming back and forth from a pistol into a robot companion but the transformation could be based off the favorites menu, and a "transform" noise based off the cartoon.
  7. Hello, fellow Tarnished! I'll keep it kinda short and sweet: Would anyone be willing to just take the Zweihander model from Dark Souls 3 and replace the Elden Ring's version? I assume it wouldn't be that difficult, but honestly have no real idea and I don't own DkS3 on PC, so... Yeah. That's it. Not asking for move-set changes or value changes or anything, just the weapons model and texture replaced. And I guess if you'd feel it needs visually updated to match Elden Rings filter, and could do that too, splendid! But at your own discretion there, I wouldn't mind either way for that. I'll add this in here too I guess; Would a swap like that get flagged by anti-cheat you think? I've been playing offline for now anyway(too many messages littering everywhere for my first go around and I'm a bit afraid of the more malicious hackers that break saves or get you banned, it's my first Souls on PC), but when I hit NG++ I'm thinking to go online. Thanks in advance!
  8. I think it would be awesome if we could get the customization system from Escape from Tarkov or even something close to it. It could really open up a lot of fun and crazy possibilities for people.
  9. My first (and probably only) post on any forum. I love the weapon art of the Blasphemous Greatsword (Rykards Sword) and I even love its design. Well, half its design anyways. I HATE the weird 'goo' on it and I'm sure I'm not the only one who dislikes it so while I'm sure something like this is already in someones work-pipeline I figured I would still yell it out here in the void just incase.
  10. What if we had a mod that made Bioshock more realistic? I didn't like Bioshock's stiff camera and movement. (I know it's part survival horror game) but what if when you move the character the character moves 5 centimeters more in 5 frames. Have the gun and weapons move with the character also like in Half Life 2. Have a mouse filter to.
  11. Simple, i ask that an experienced modder, inverts the damage reduction debuff of silencers, into a damage buff. Like it would be IRL. It's just dumb game logic. I.E, low reductions, become high buffs(if possible). And high reductions become low buffs. Just to keep it balanced.
  12. Not sure how to do this, I don't really know how to use forums. I really want the Exile Greatsword from Dark Souls 3 as a mod for Elden Ring. I am uncertain how requesting a mod works, is it like a payment type deal or just hope someone makes it idk lol. I want a few things from DS3 but this being the top item.
  13. Hi, The MAS 36 is a french rifle adopted in 1936, wich had a few variants and was used in WW2, Indochina war and Algeria war. The rifle looks pretty cool and I would really love to use it in Fallout 4. http://www.tecmagazin.fr/blog_tir/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/M36_-_complet-11-565x422.jpg (From top to bottom : MAS 36 "first type", "second type", MAS 36-51 wich can fire grenades, MAS 36 CR 39 with foldable stock for mountain troops and paratroopers) You can have a lot of informations about this rifle thanks to Forgotten Weapons : https://www.forgottenweapons.com/?s=mas+36 Also a french website with lots of informations and detailed pictures of the differences between the different versions of the rifle : http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/FR%20MAS%2036.html http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/FR%20MAS%2036%20CR%2039.html http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/FR%20MAS%2036%20LG%2048.html http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/FR%20MAS%2036-51.html There is this old not so accurate mod for Fallout New Vegas : https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53872 And if you need more informations, I own a MAS 36 in real life so I can take as many photos or videos as needed :happy:
  14. Hello everyone, im looking for some pointers or people who knows they way around modding fallout 4; i started a pet project since i found a pretty decent 3d model (.obj) of the plasma rifle as seen in doom eternal, since both games are under the same company, i think it would be safe to assume no legal terms are being broken, thats my logic i could be very wrong bout that, anyway, my real life job is very time consuming, and the info about making a gun like this from scratch is either vague or underwhleming to say the least, i would really appreciate some help from you guys, or people who want to collaborate in this project are welcome, i will add a pic of the 3d model, it was open source and has textures alredy "mapped" idk if im even using that term correctly but it should give the people who knows about this stuff some idea of the base material to work with. fyi, im not a native speaker so you will have to bear with me, im not completely lost at english, im just not 100% fluent. here are some pics https://freeimage.host/i/5mYzeR https://freeimage.host/i/5mY07f i think the model was designed to be used on a 3d printer, i imported it to 3ds max and it does have things to work with i think. like the receiver and barrel clearly defined but again, im no 3d modeler, i know my way around the creation kit and fo4edit but thats as far as my knowledge goes. hope to hear from you guys.
  15. Hello everybody! Kiling an enemy before (s)he notices your presence is not fighting hence my limitation to these 4 close-combat styles. I would also like to know the reason(s) why you favor one style over the others.
  16. so basically what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to find out if an NPC is in a certain range of an explosion's impact point. simply using GetDistance3D doesn't quite work because it considers the explosion AND the radius to be one thing, so it's basically asking "how far from the entire effective radius of the explosive is the npc", so when they're outside of said radius the effect doesn't apply at all since they're not considered "in" the explosion. here's what I have so far: If GetDead == 1 && GetDistance3D (explosion point minus explosion radius + 128) DismemberLimb 0 1 EndIf so basically I'm trying to find out if the NPC is 128 game units away from the point of impact, not from the entire effective radius of the explosion. how would that be written?
  17. Hellooo, Does anyone here already tried to change the mag on the ARX2000 weapon? Is it possible to have the PMAG just like in the blueprint rather the Scar mag that currently in game?
  18. Hey. First time on the forums. Was wondering, is there a way to place armour enchants (mainly fortify health) onto weapons? Have been tampering with it for a little while now, but to no progress. The enchants seem pretty strictly locked to their weapons/armours, at least in Creation Kit. Thanks very much :smile:. EDIT: I finally got back around to looking at this and Oblivionaddicted is right, you attach a script to the weapon. The script is a SPELL type and you add the EVENT type to be OnEquipped, then you add the name of the spell as a reference in the script. Many people probably know/knew how to do this but for those who don't, this is how. In Layman's terms, for people who don't know, but want to try it (using my own first weapon+script mod as an example) there are five things you need to address; weapon, spell, perk, player, script: Make your weapon in Creation Kit (mine is called "King's Sword"). Make a spell, with, for example, fortify health on it (this will be the spell you use/reference in the script; the script will apply this spell (as a buff) to you when you equip the weapon). My sword spell is, 'Type: Ability', 'Casting: Constant Effect' and 'Delivery: Self'. My spell ID in the top left of the spell window is "WeaponKingsSwordSpellBuffMod1". You will need to copy and paste this ID name into the script. Make a perk (mine has the ID in the top left of the perk window "KingsSwordStatsPerkMod1"). In the 'Conditions' area of the perk, you want to right-click > "New", in the 'Condition Function' you want "GetEquipped", in the box to the right (which should as default say "INVALID") you want to look for the ID of your weapon, mine is "KingsSwordMod1", the 'Comparison' box should be "==", the 'Value' box should be "1.0000" and the 'Run on' box should be "Subject". Then click okay. At the bottom of the perk window, the 'Perk Entries' area, you want to right-click > "New", where it says "Quest"/"Ability"/"Entry Point" you want to click "Ability" and then find the ID of your spell you just made (again, mine here is "WeaponKingsSwordSpellBuffMod1"), and then click okay. Before you click okay on the main perk window, make sure the "Playable" box is ticked. You want to go back to just the "Object Window" main screen, open up the "Actors" drop down at the top left and click "Actor" underneath that, then in the search filter box type "Player". Double-click on the result which just says "Player" in the Editor IDs. In all of the tabs along the top of the player window, find "SpellList" and in the "Perks" section you right-click > "Add". Search for the ID of your perk (again, mine here is "KingsSwordStatsPerkMod1") and then click okay, and then click okay on the "Player" window. You want to now go back into your weapon window which you made first thing (again, mine here is "KingsSwordMod1"), at the bottom right in the "Scripts" area right-click > "Add Script...", from the small new window click on "[New Script]" and click okay, and from the "Add New Script" window add a name for your script (mine is "WeaponKingsSwordSpellScript") and click okay -- if you want to type a description of what the script does, you can do that in the "Documentation String:" section of that window. My description is "Gives the constant stats to the sword via it's spell.". You will see this written in the script at the top when you open it. You should now see your script in the "Script" section of the weapon window, however, it is emtpy. So right-click > "Edit Source" and in the script window, copy and paste the following, replacing any required names where necessary: Scriptname SCRIPT NAME extends ObjectReference {SCRIPT DESCRIPTION} SPELL PROPERTY SPELL ID AUTO EVENT OnEquipped(ACTOR akActor) ; //if we're the player if (akActor == Game.GetPlayer()) Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(SPELL ID) EndIf ENDEVENT EVENT OnUnequipped(ACTOR akActor) ; //if we're the player if (akActor == Game.GetPlayer()) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveSpell(SPELL ID) EndIf ENDEVENT All you really need to input here is the script name, which you made in step 5, the spell ID, which you made in step 2 and the script description, which you may have made in step 5 also. So, for example, my script is: Scriptname WeaponKingsSwordSpellScript extends ObjectReference {Gives the constant stats to the sword via it's spell.} SPELL PROPERTY WeaponKingsSwordSpellBuffMod1 AUTO EVENT OnEquipped(ACTOR akActor) ; //if we're the player if (akActor == Game.GetPlayer()) Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(WeaponKingsSwordSpellBuffMod1) EndIf ENDEVENT EVENT OnUnequipped(ACTOR akActor) ; //if we're the player if (akActor == Game.GetPlayer()) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveSpell(WeaponKingsSwordSpellBuffMod1) EndIf ENDEVENT After you're happy with that, click "File" > "Save" in the top left of the window and wait for it to say "Save Succeeded" in the bottom left; hopefully it should show you no errors. Now you can click the red x close button on the top right of the window. It should take you back to the weapon window; right-click > "Edit Properties" of the script in the "Script" window. The properties window should now show your spell/property (since my spell was called "WeaponKingsSwordSpellBuffMod1" this is what the property is named. Once you have clicked it, then click the "Edit Value" button on the right. This should give you the option to "Pick Object:" from the drop down list; search for your spell ID (mine here is "WeaponKingsSwordSpellBuffMod1") and click okay. This will take you back to the weapon window and your script should now be made. It should now have the symbol of a small blue plus with a pencil to the top right of it, instead of the large blue plus which it started with. This is the weapon done now, you can save the Creation Kit mods and close it to play the game, but there are some useful things you may want to try first. Obviously you should implement it into the game first, so that you can play with it. I just dropped mine in Whiterun to try it and see if it works; it may be a bit glitchy at first (it may buff your character with the stats before you've even picked up/equipped the weapon), but just pick it up and equip/unequip it and you will see from your stats and in the 'magic effects applied to you' menu that it sorts itself out. I think this is because of the changes we made in step 4 and/or because the Weapon/Perk/Spell do not all tie together immediately in the Creation Kit, but tie together after you close and re-open the Creation Kit and/or game once. Then it sees that they're tied to one another. I could be wrong. Every weapon since has worked no problem, first time. If you want to see what stats are on the weapon from the spell, it won't tell you because the stats come from the spell and not the weapon. You will only see the stats in the active spell effects menu in-game. The way I got around this is to just write what the stats are in the "Description" area at the top right of the weapon window. This way, when you look at the weapon in your inventory in the game it will show you what is on the weapon, for example, my "King's Sword" which was my first attempt has +50 health, stamina and magicka on it. So I just write that in the weapon description. It's worth saying, that the formatting for this in Skyrim is terrible. The weapon description box never makes full use of the space which could be allocated for it, so you may have to mess around a bit to find what you like. You can also add an enchant. And, again, you could add this in the weapon description. There may be better ways to do this than what I've just put here, but this is what I've found so far. As I learn more I may update this to clean it up.
  19. Looking to recruit an skilled 3rd person weapon animator for a fallout new vegas mod project i have in mind, PM me for the full brief if you're interested.
  20. I've been experiencing this weird bug over the past week where after using a bow and arrow for a little bit, one of the arrows in the quiver will gradually float further and further away from its quiver in a fixed position... This can be alleviated by reequipping the arrows, but it's annoying to do. I've also noticed that on occasion, swords will also float outside of their scabbards each time they're sheathed/unsheathed, but this occurs more frequently with my followers than my player character. The weird thing is that this only occurs with only one type of weapon at a time. If it's my arrows that are being weird, my other weapons will behave normally and vice versa. I'm guessing this is a skeleton issue, but that's about the extent of my understanding. Does anyone have any insight into my little problem? Link to photos: https://imgur.com/a/vN9bRIE
  21. Hi, Im requesting a mod that replaces Kratos with Ganondorf, specifically the model form Super Smash Bros Brawl (https://www.models-resource.com/wii/supersmashbrosbrawl/model/16477/). Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
  22. immersive weapon and unique uniques SE.... the recommend is immersive weapon after unique uniques... will it replace the texture/model from unique uniques? or just the stats?
  23. Hi there, I am a fan of modding Fallout 4 but there are a few mod ideas I have that I have not seen done before. As I am no mod creator, I do not know the process of making my own mods, and I wouldn't have the time to in most cases anyways. So I want to request a mod that brings one of my favorite real life pistols into the world of Fallout. The COP .357 Derringer. Its unique design I would say fits right in the world of Fallout, and I wouldn't doubt people would think (if this gun was already in the game) that it belonged to the Fallout universe and wasn't real, but this is besides the point. I have a few ideas for this mod, and I do want to be hands on in the creation of it. Specifically, I want to be able to say how I want the reload animation to look like, what modifications there might be, simple things like that. However I do have some other requests that might require a better skillset in weapon modding, if not, they might be impossible. Before any work is started on the gun, I would like to discuss the details of some of these ideas that I have, especially the more advanced ones. Consider that I want this mod to pay a lot of attention to detail. I won't settle for modified default animations or basic reloads or an okay model. I do want to have everything be exceptional quality. In terms of balancing, and the weapon being added to the level list so that it may spawn on other NPCs, that can be discussed later with me. Also, this is my first time requesting basically anything in my life, specifically something I want to be involved in, so please do forgive me if I don't seem I understand certain things or that I might not have the best communication skills. And in that regard, I can be pretty bad at explaining things, so please have some patience with me if such an issue came to be. I want this to be a very friendly and open thing between me and whomever might want to work with me to make this, if there is anyone. If anyone wants to add me to discuss the creation of this mod, you can find me on Steam at [https://steamcommunity.com/id/FuFu-The-Jester/] or you can add me on discord, my tag is FuFu#7599. However, I would prefer being added on Steam with a comment on my profile explaining you are there to discuss the details of this with me. If you add me on discord, it may take longer than usual for me to accept. And with that, Thank you for reading my post, and considering this opportunity to add an amazing pistol into the game, Clementine FuFu
  24. Whenever i add mods to a weapon there are hundreds of mods in my inventory to choose from. And if the mod i want is not on the front, it is a pain to find it, let alone doing that 4 times. Especially melee weapon mods give a hard time because their images are so similar to each other; I have to check everytime if it is scrounge, cold shoulder or kunai. Since these mods have stats that doesn't change unlike scopes, why cant they be stacked? (for example every legendary crunch mod gives +7% damage, while same epic scopes give changing values range and ads times). It would be a lot easier to open your mods and see 17 legendary crunch stacked into one slot, 10 epic penetrator, five rare kunai, etc. You can find basically what i want in attached images. Or if it is easier, a better user interface regarding this part could also do the trick. I can't really create mods myself, I don't know if it can be done or how to. But if someone could make such a mod i would be grateful. Also I am pretty sure that i cant be the only one who gets irritated by this. It would be a great quality of life improvement and i think many people would be interested in that. Thanks in advance, and I really appreciate all the modders. You guys do an amazing job making this game better.
  25. As we all know, the recon scope have a black T-shaped crosshair, which means that you cannot aim anything when it's very dark. Then I really hope that there is a way to change the crosshair color. For example, change it to green, same color as the reflex sight crosshair. Then it will be much better for aiming. Could someone please make a mod like this?
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