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  1. Hi there! I'd like to request or possibly commission someone to do a recolour mod if possible! I'm looking to have a special bard instrument fiddle/violin recoloured to be gold, and if you could add some enhancements that would be pretty cool too. (maybe like an extra charisma modifier or something??? idk) so basically you could just pick up/find this golden fiddle somewhere or maybe start with it, if possible? I'm not super familiar with making mods hence the commission request so i'm not sure how much work it would be or what is possible. if you want more details/ are interested feel free to leave a comment!
  2. Hello, folks! I was curious if any talented modders could make a slightly more toned Githyanki Male body. The regular male body would be splendid if possible. I understand that Gith are normally very lean, but the model just chews at my OCD. I've made multiple Gith guys hoping I could just ignore it, but it didn't work out. Hoping someone out there will fulfill this chick's need for a slightly thicker Male Gith! :D
  3. A hopefully rather simple request. I would like to ask if anyone can make a higher quality Roughspun Tunic/Trousers and Ragged Robes replacer. Earlier, as I was searching through the nexus, I found there was basically no mod that truly overhauled their appearance, in spite of the fact you see them rather frequently in game. Having it be 3ba compatible would be optimal, and, if possible, I'd like to have a 4k texture version, with the metaphorical icing on the cake would be having it rigged with SMP. As this is the literal beggar's clothes, there's no reason to make enchanted variants, nor a need to make them temper-able.
  4. Hi, since there are no werewolf/Vampire Hybrid models, but a few and I doubt they're going to be released. It would be awesome if someone could make one that is standalone? I'd do it myself but I have no experience what so ever on make models from scratch. Also if you could make the model have it's own transformation animation. maybe a new hybrid race, and have a story behind this hybrid blood and how to transform into one from a werewolf or vampire to the race, like a sanctuary of some sort similar to molag bal and some tasks which you have to do in able to become this race, also if you want to become a hybrid, you'll have to search for a true hybrid, similar to the originals/thevampirediaries http://vampirediaries.wikia.com/wiki/Hybrid and the hybrid could have bat like wings and point bat nose. Also if there's going to be hybrids, there has to be lethal Werewolf bites to Vampires, like they're poisoned from the venom, slowly dying while they desiccate and die. (like Vampire Diaries, the Originals, Underworld, etc.) It can have a bite animation that if triggered could bite the vampire (like the vampire animation) also not only that but a human form animation with the same effects as the werewolf form and there could be a animation for when the vampire is poisoned by the venom as well, similar to the vampire's true death mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23890). here's a page that contains more info on the topic: http://vampirediaries.wikia.com/wiki/Werewolf_Venom if there is a werewolf bite poison, there is a cure and the only way to cure the poison is by the blood of a true hybrid's blood, maybe make them hard to find but also there could be specific shops where vampires can get this cure among other vampire equipment. also there can be a shop where vampire hunters can buy this werewolf venom (among other vampire hunting equipment) so they can put it on the tip of weapons so no matter what part of the body the weapon hits the vampire is a lethal death.
  5. So those of us who are Dragonball fans know of this technique. For others who may not know I'll break down the basic part of it. A character named Hit is basically able to jump forward in time by a small window of seconds, giving others and the audience the appearance that he stopped time and moved through it to attack. Here is a link to some good examples, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6KiLuPrXsB0 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2EydUUc2roM I was thinking of a mod that could stop time for the player and use the time skip sound effect while doing a kind of filtered negative view on the game until deactivated. Xbox one has this as a mod as a part of a Dragonball mod pack but none such exists on PC for the normal edition. I hope someone creative see's this and considers it! Thanks for taking the time to read :)
  6. I'm new to using nexus forums so idk if making mod suggestions without having any technical know-how to speak of is a faux pas or not, but there (oddly imo) doesnt seem to be a mod anywhere to let you have adoption as an option when its a girl - guy relationship? Honestly the thought of pregnancy terrifies the hell outta me and I'd like to think my farmer feels relatively the same way, but I'd still like to explore the Having a Kid parts of the game. just, yknow, without having to think of actually giving birth. And honestly it'd just be a nice immersion thing, gay people aren't the only ones who adopt kids, so it would make sense to let everyone (also straight people arent the only ones to have biological kids when you really get down to it but that sounds like something I'd have a harder time requesting and honestly doesnt effect my game rn)
  7. this is a plea to all able bodied modders who care to read this been playing around with the mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68207/?tab=images which has a gorgeous set of 12th century style armor, and i would like to complete the look with a nice shield to match, however most shield mods on the nexus are viking style round shields, and maybe some of the later 14th-15th century small and flat heater shields. what i am looking for is a big 12th century "crusader/templar" style shield as that is curved and big enough to hide my hole torso and legs behind. and has a large hitbox so arrows dont go through it all the time http://astor-versand.eshop.t-online.de/WebRoot/Store6/Shops/Shop10643/537C/933D/939E/BD9E/84E4/AC14/504C/5D94/MW_1116675700_1.jpg https://bueker-gmbh.de/pics/l/alias3/AH6757-large-crusaders-shield-12th-century,-unpainted.jpg thank you for your consideration
  8. A Fallout (1) remake mod has been attempted many times. Such as Fallout - The Story, and Fallout 2161. None of them have *fully* succeeded. My question is, anyone want to get serious about trying this again? This time in Fallout 4, and this time hopefully we can get somewhere. Comment if you would like to make this an official project, as I'm just spit-balling an idea. If anyone would like to make this happen, I'd happily start us off, I would help in general management and asset creation.
  9. Would anyone be able to add the famous RuneScape sword Silverlight into the game? All modelled with the glowing effect from the new NXT launcher too, and being at least as good as steel. If there's already a mod for it please refer me to it!
  10. I'm looking for somebody who could make yakuza style tattoos. :( I know there is already this mod that was made: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65216/?tab=images&BH=0 But I already have this mod, and was looking for more in regards to the yakuza, I also wanted to see if somebody could do this one I would really much appreciate it if somebody could do this. :(
  11. I, like many others I imagine, am quite irritated that the iridium Hoe and Watering Can don't water/till a 5x5 square to match the iridium sprinkler, but more than that, the whole progression of those tools doesn't really make sense to me. The current setup for these tools is as follows: 1x1 (1), 1x3 (3), 1x5 (5), 3x3 (9), 3x6 (18) It just seems nonsensical to me, so my request is that the areas change as follows: 1x1 (1), 1x3 (3), 3x3 (9), 3x5 (15), 5x5 (25) This way it matches the progression of the quality => iridium sprinklers. I know people say this is too OP, but the way I see it is you need 1 iridium bar to make a sprinkler. You need a whopping 5 to upgrade your tools. :/ I understand this may be something that is hard coded into the game, as I searched high and low for a mod that did something to this effect and came up empty. Better Sprinklers did something like this with the sprinkler areas and even made it configurable, so who knows? Anyway thanks in advance if this is possible or thanks anyway if not. :)
  12. Hello. I would like to create the bleach tier harribel armor http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/File:Tumblr_static_483841-tia_harribel_o_1.png. Unfortunately, my modder knowledge is practically non-existent. I would like to ask you where I can find tutorials or guides to create it. I hope you can help me. Sorry for this english is not my language. Thank you. Happy New Year
  13. Been looking and waiting for a mod (a stable one at least) that would make Honest Dan a legit companion after the completion of his side quest. There's one I've found on Nexus, however it's extremely outdated and was left with many issues. A while back, I just figured it would happen later. Found it surprising it hasn't. Dan is a hell of a character and would make an awesome follower. I'm guessing it shouldn't be too hard considering there's already the actual character and voice files. I'd like to even try myself, however, finding the time to relearn how to use the CK and everything is a bit intimidating.
  14. So I saw this piece of art a while ago and, well, its just gorgeous. Since then I wanted to try my hand at bringing it into Skyrim, but unfortunately, don't have time. So if one of you fine folk happen to be interested, I invite you to try your hand! Image belongs to Anna Steinbauer
  15. Hello, I have been trying for some time to import a custom FO3 .dds texture into NV to no avail. I've tried everything, Nifskope, the GECK, and ArchiveInvalidation, with no results. The furthest I've gone to solving this myself is I imported the FO3 dds into the NV GECK, saved it and it shows on the model preview in the GECK, but when I activate it using FOMM, it still doesn't show. I am incredibly annoyed and confused by this as this should a very simple thing to do. If someone could import the FO3 dds into whatever format NV supports that would be appreciated, whether a .nif or a .dds here is the mod I am trying to import: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/4988/
  16. IDK if there is a rule against reposting a topic in another thread, but i'm posting this under both "Mod Requests" and creation/modders because I didn't know which would be more appropriate. I've spent a lot of time over the past year pretty much mastering the process of manually combining plugins and resolving conflicts in FO4Edit. However, I still have no idea how scripting works. Can anybody make me a script that will renumber multiple selected formIDs while also redirecting their references to the new formIDs? My issue is that if two separate plugins happen to each have a references between them that shares the last six digits of any formID, then i need to change them so that they won't conflict when merged into one plugin. I've found this problem happening a ton recently, and I would save a lot of time if i could run that script instead of editing all of the formIDs manually like i've been doing the past three days. any help is appreciated, thanks!
  17. I've spent a lot of time over the past year pretty much mastering the process of manually combining plugins and resolving conflicts in FO4Edit. However, I still have no idea how scripting works. Can anybody make me a script that will renumber multiple selected records' formIDs while also redirecting their references to the new formIDs? My issue is that if two separate plugins happen to each have records between them that shares the last six digits of any formID, then i need to change them so that they won't conflict when merged into one plugin. I've found this problem happening a ton recently, and I would save a lot of time if i could run that script instead of editing all of the formIDs manually like i've been doing the past three days. any help is appreciated, thanks! edit- i just noticed i forgot to type "references" at the end of the topic title. oh, irony...
  18. Would be nice if there was a mod for the classic FN FAL--wood furnishings and all. And maybe sticking with the vanilla Nuka World 7.62, and best with leveled lists.
  19. I'm going for a Tinkerer build in my next game! Someone who takes full advantage of the crafting system, hoards Power Suits like it's a compulsion, uses multiple high-tech style mods, and is maybe just a weeeee bit on the crazy side. Sadly, I kinda suck at the whole "settlement" thing. No sense of aesthetics. ^_^; Any good player home mods or pre-built settlements that would make for a proper home-base? I always thought the Mechanist's Lair would be perfect, but it's too plain on its own, and I've never found a mod that really captures the right feel for it. As I'm a bit fan of the Automatron DLC, if anyone KNOWS of a great Lair overhauls that do most of the decorating work for you and really plays up that "mad roboticist" vibe, that would be pretty awesome too!
  20. Im looking for a mod that change the movement of the game,i want to overwrite the Sprinting (s#*!) with the Running (Capslock) movement and speed and need to still consume AP,and the Slow Walk will work as normal walk. That way i'll always slow walk,then pressing shift my character need to do the normal running animation but consuming AP per second,to simplify im looking for a Resident Evil looking movement's Sorry if i mispel some words,inglish its not my native language,thanks for read my request.
  21. i'm request Mini Map Mod for Skyrim, i'm just tired pressing "M" whenever finding right way in dungeon when ELFX is installed you know that so hard looking way and city its too big, This is 2017 DUDE Still no Mini Map Mod, trust me that gonna be usefull and maybe get lot of endorsement, maybe it look like at this picture https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/687930/? sorry for my bad english and bad editing lol :laugh:
  22. Wouldn't it be awesome if your followers could have skill trees as well? So you can train them and they can aquire the same sills as you. Then you could also switch between followers (or multiple followers at the same time) so you could train them separately, you could go back to them at any time and the would still have the same skills By extention it could be possible to choose (at the intallation of the mod or at the beginning of the game) wether you want to manage the skills of your followers yourself or you want to let them do it them selfs (randomly or whith a little bit of AI so they make logical desicions). Should be combinable with other mods, such as follower mods and perk ordinator mods.
  23. Baby Cakes would makes a fun melee companion to have. His voice being added is what would honestly make it, being so unique and random. That and his size and strength in the show. "Ill crush you" http://i.cdn.turner.com/asfix/repository/8a250ba1318c04920131ab3f838e01f3/china-il-ive-got-friends.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Qa9p4PDYAt8/UA2lSlSGSgI/AAAAAAAAGSc/Um6WKyf8H3A/s1600/china-il-dream-reamer.jpg http://www.junkiemonkeys.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/China-IL-Prank-Week.png
  24. We desperately need this ridiculous weapon in Fallout 4. There's nothing better than a Rainbow farting unicorn. and i know someone out there has the capability and nonsenical attitude to make this mythological comedy happen. So please, for all that is funny, make this weapon come true.
  25. Could someone convert this to CBBE? For whatever reason, Crimsomrider is unwilling to do this (not complaining, just stating). https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21885/? Thanks
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