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  1. I'm having a difficult time understanding how CBBE works, but I have a solid grasp. I managed to batch build and adjust a outfit to the default CBBE Vanilla body, and then CBBE Curvy. But I cannot for the life of me get the outfits to change with player changes to body ingame (outside of bodyslide studio). Any help appreciated greatly.
  2. So here is all the mods that could be the problem in my list (if you need all my mods let me know) CbbeKS hairdos (Female only)Ruby red vampire eyesThe eyes of beauty (player)more eyes by antlordstatic mesh improvementtotal character makeoverwomen of skyrimSo i had cbbe working fine, until i decided to install total character makeover. i decided not to install the body textures, just the face textures, because i liked how the cbbe ones looked, but when i took my characters clothes off i got what you can see in the screenshot. I exited the game and tried to reinstall TCM but with the body textures... still missing textures, alright so i uninstall it (deciding that its not worth the trouble) and to be sure i reinstall cbbe. Same results. i verify the games cache, nope its fine. I even install a mod (Women of skyrim) that adds its on textures for female bodies, still nothing. i have searched everywhere and tried reinstalling all the mods, even so deleting them entirely from my hard-drive and reinstalling. Ive also tried starting a new game to see if that was the issue but thats not it either. Can someone help please?
  3. Hay! Firs time posting here. Sorry if i do something wrong. I have a big problem with nifskoper when i try to retexture a mesh from a mode. I understand that i need to create a bgsm file to point to the textures location. So i did. And in Nifskope viewer, the mesh has the correct texture, but in game has the old textures and i don't understand why. Everything in the nif file points to the bgsm or textures that i want, but still doesn't work. I wasted to many hours on this problem. For more context: I have 2 modes that i want to have, but have conflicts with the texture. The first mod changes the body and a lot of clothes (CBBE) and the second one changes only the body (Jane Bon). I want to have all of the clothes of CBBE but with the body of Jane Bon, but the problem is that both the clothes and the body uses the same texture for the body. So i created another folder where i put the textures for Jane Bon and created the nif file of the body with the bgsm pointing at the texture from the new folder. In Nifskope the mesh has the correct texture, but in game has the old textures that remained in the old folder (for the clothes).
  4. I am wondering, is there a seduction spell mod that: Has single target /aoe variants isnt "one use per day" type of thing Grants you some temporary and permanent buffs causes the victims to become so infatuated with you that: can command them to fight to the death(even if they are same faction) can command them to commit suicide can feed on them (if your doing a vampire or succubus toon) without flagging you with crimes/bounties. The idea here is that perhaps not target gets seduced, usual factors apply(level, skill, etc). Even when seduced, some targets still have a strong enough mind to not do the fight to death/suicide thing. The idea is not to have it so you become unstoppable, but it grows with you.. It seems with some things like Vampires/Werewolves there comes a point where it doesnt seem to scale with you anymore... At what point it should stop scaling, I dont know but it seems somethings stop too soon. Does such a thing exist?
  5. So my skin, no matter what skin I install, will not align with my body, no matter what body mod I install. It's getting pretty annoying. Any ideas whats causing this/how to fix it? (Above is Sporty Sexy Sweat with CBBE, but the face is still using Mature Skin for whatever reason.)
  6. PLEASE LET ME BE CLEAR, THAT THIS IS A NSFW TOPIC!!! Hi there, i hope you can help me. i had this mod installed http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17772/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D17772%26preview%3D&pUp=1#content and i didn't like the ... well ... breast size, wich is HUGE. Sooo i tried what it said in the description and copied all Curiass and body and thorso files to the desktop and renamed them, then copied them back into the folder. now the problem it works with EVERY NPC with EVERY armor but not with my own character. as soon as i put the armor on it just diplays the vanilla armor but there is no chest so no boobs especially with the elven armor (that is my favourite) so you can just see two holes and you also can see through the holes into the inside of the body. NOTICE, this ONLY happens with the player character, not with NPCs they are displayed normal. THX to all helpers. (sorry for propably bad english i'm german)
  7. I'm wondering why does everyone feel the need to only post pictures and video of lady gender toons with nothing on. Don't get me wrong, I'm not offended or anything, I just think it is a very stupid trend. Call me a rp or whatever, it just annoys the hell outta me that everyone thinks they should only post barely dressed ladies on skyrimnexus mods. Why? Just show a normal character for gods sake. I've never seen this anywhere else but the nexus.
  8. Since everyone seemed to concentrate on what a crappy job I did making the video and the audio quality, my friend EmadWasfi was kind enough to make a quality video of the same scene. If you are offended by frank, derogatory toward females, or violence then please do not watch or comment. The sole purpose is concentrated on the voice acting.
  9. Well, I'm hardly a new face around the Nexus, been here nearly three years give or take. I'm not a modder, not anymore, but I can write, and so I've decided to start posting things here. Before I begin, a few ground rules. 1: My writing isn't copyrighted. It will never be published. However, you will not upload it elsewhere, modify it, or use it for anything other than reading material without first asking very nicely for my permission. 2: This is my story. That means I'm in charge. If you write to me whinging about how my character isn't a stormcloak or should be some half-naked bimbo or doesn't fit your taste then I'll completely ignore you. 3: My story. My rules. 4: This is a story. If you write to me complaining that it's not lore friendly, I won't be happy. 5: If you post complaints/comments in the story thread, I will ask for them to be removed. It's equivalent to talking through a movie. Any comments should be addressed to me via PM. DISCLAIMER The following story is to be treated as NSFW(not safe for work) It is within the boundaries of this site's rules, and you view it at YOUR OWN RISK. It does however, contain a high degree of violence, mature themes, and is aimed at and exclusively at adult readers and was never even consider for child viewing. If you allow a child to read this, it's your fault if they grow up to be a demon hunter/vampire/accountant/space-slug. You have been warned. So what's this about? It started as a school project. I was asked to write a story, and since I was short on time I decided to backstory my Oblivion character(that should date this for you). One thing lead to another, and after spending 7 straight hours furiously typing, the result was a finished short story entitled "Daughter Of Hircine" It was much too bloody, sexy and goth-horror to be appropriate for a school writing project, but I submitted it anyway, and was personally taken to the principles' office shortly after and told that while I exhibited "outstanding talent" that I would have to edit it before it could be read out. I came back to writing after that, I'd been a bookworm since I'd learned to read, and this is the follow on to that early work. What you're oggling here is the messy first-draft for a fanfic. It's my first foray into writing. If you like it, great! if you don't, PM me and tell me what went wrong(within reason) I'm always open to suggestions, but please don't write if you're just going to say "hurr, needs more chainbikini" Because that would cheapen the whole thing immeasurably.
  10. I instaled this UNP mod [ i would use Caliente CBBE but i love immersive armors and it dont work it it =/ ] and i have a little problem there is a Seam or detachment betewen the legs and the body. can someone help me ? its possible to use immersive armors with CBBE and work for female body armors?
  11. This is likely a VERY simple request so I'm hoping someone can help me out. There is a console command "removeallitems" which does exactly what it says it does. I have been spawning large numbers of NPCs in various locations and removing their inventories (I'm a loser, I know, laugh if you must). But for some reason when I fast travel somewhere else and come back, their default armor/clothing has returned. This didn't used to happen, so I am in the process of thinning through my mods to see what might be causing it. In the meantime, is there any way to make a console command (or spell, whichever) that removes all the items of all the NPCs in an area? I know there is a "killall" command, so I imagined it would be quite simple for a modder to make a "removeallitemsall" command or something of the like. Thanks in advance.
  12. Might be worth seeing Seductive Creatures for a less rediculous alternative. After seeing that, I decided to post this. I would not be surprised if the idea is unpopular, and I would likely never use it myself, but I do think it's a good idea for some of the other players. I'll add onto this as ideas come in. We should deviate somewhat from the official game, as the player in Skyrim is a Dovahkiin, not just an ordinary champion. There's an infamous text-and-buttons game called Corruption of Champions on the internet, copyright to Fenoxo. It's a high-grade RPG centered around sexual situations in a Demons and Magic type world; you can beat enemies through seduction or brutality, and they can do the same to beat you. *Potentially safe for work version working on Sloth (sleepiness) instead of Lust. In an attempt to get some quicker work done, I'm hiding the initial post, and copying over the task(s) that is presently most important. Primary Tasks: Races! Most races in the Corruption are just animalistic humans. A good forced race is a form of mannequin. No ears, nose, etc; difference races will add onto these as specialized permabound items that the player has no access to even seeing in their inventory. Goblins are just a rename over Orcs, NOT the actual goblins existing in Skyrim. Imps would be a red-skinned varient. Several "Animal-morphs" would add a muzzle onto the face. These muzzles should, if possible, modify the bones determining teeth so that they can properly stretch forward. Tails don't need to be any more programed than the vanilla khajiit and argonian tails. Enhanced prositution! The only form that exists as of yet is Animated Prostitution, which only works while wearing an item with the enchantment, and only works with peaceful people. We need an active spell, not a passivle item, to initiate this. For the initial versions, it could simply be some sure-fire thing that only casts if the player is uninterrupted while casting. It would also pacify the target to ensure the scene finishes.
  13. Now, I don't particularly expect anything overly rediculous, but it seems there are no mods tweaking dragons that are adult-oriented. Yes, I know, reptiles don't have much difference in appearance between the male and the female... In reality. But where are dragons in reality, hm? Put into scientific terms, they aren't even technically reptilian. They're a combination of Avian, Reptile, Mammal, and something else. Scrunch that up, and they're classified as Archosaurians combined with a bit of Mammal. This means that the males could get colorful, females could be bigger, and, or even OR, there could be vast differences between genders regardless of the limitations on reptiles and birds. I know, TES lore says they're reptiles, but Reptiles cannot fly, nor can they breath fire. The very energy required to make the fire would be impossible for reptiles. Looking at mods for adult-oriented argonians, the females do have breasts, but they're much, much smaller than those given to all the other races. That could fit into dragons: Small bumps along the scales with a single nipple each for some variation of milk fed to the young. It may be more "realistic" to have this lower down--I assume dragon whelplings can move around well enough to reach a lower-set set of boobs or teats, though if you're willing to say they'd hold the whelps in their wings, the chest still works. Males could be given a sheath, member, or even hemipenis, depending on how any modder taking this up decides to go. Heck, you could go as far as to say the males provide protection to the young and have a pouch of some sort to carry them in. This could be stretched into the female being an ovipositioner, but that's not something that I'm asking for (This thread will simply be mulipurpose and include it for those who do want that). I would assume a dragon with whelps would either try to be friendly (Hey, rumor of the Dragonborn killing dragons must have gotten around), or aggressive at first then "submissive," trying to surrender to be able to continue protecting the young. They would do this regardless of which gender has the whelplings, even if both can have a chance of having some with them (Scaly-pouches for all?). Now for something a bit more rediculous: Dragon whelps, at their smallest size, should be small. Either the size of a dog, or the size of a kitten, depending on if you view them as litter or... Whatever the word for a single egg/baby is, species (Do they lay multiple eggs at a time or just one or two?).
  14. I discovered this as I was traveling with Delphine for her quest. As the title says, Whiterun guards will all become permanently hostile when I reach a certain point along the road towards Mixwater mill. Other cities are not effected, but a well timed patrol taught me that Stormcloack soldiers also become agro'd. When I say approach, I don't mean discover. It happens a small ways back along the road (see screenshots). I don't know how far it extends, but I don't think it's forever. screenshots: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1342586249991111152/644100486B346243651051172A40867C3DC772A0/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1342586249991086646/FBB11BEF7F8C41E1DB4048703A56EDCFD4815BCC/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1342586249991086381/E4F550728A6BC619B6F6906921761E37ADC6D630/ my load order: UPDATE: After some experimenting, I have found that it extends rightwards forever, or at least the map ends before it does, but leftwards it actually ends quite quickly. If I cross the line to the left of about here https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1342586375160430039/2717A3D090D97F264EAD3F8699EB5662E261C3BE/ Then the guards won't be hostile. I couldn't find any upwards or downwards limit. it seems to extend forever vertically.
  15. Title Pretty much says it. Seemingly random people (all female) will have no hands and purple/missing skin texture. there doesn't seem to be a unifying factor like race or age or anything. screnshot: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1342586528571006341/28D01F2D87C90416935C85A5CB6FD2ED41AEB24A/ load order
  16. OK, so im having some issues with skyrim right now. I followed this guide (at least to the best of my ability): https://www.sinitargaming.com/skyrim_graphics.html and now im running into 2 problems. 1. I followed the stability guide that they posted, DynDOLOD, wyrebash, TES5Edit all of that. it seems to run smoothly, but then crashes, leaving this message https://imgur.com/a/TYzJFqP. I followed the instructions on said message and i still get consistent crashing. Does anyone know what i did wrong here? 2. Having issues with Pure Waters not looking as advertised, also there;s no underwater. Im using Dreamer performance ENB and im wondering if thats the culprit. EDIT:Ive been looking over it, and i think it might have to DynDOLOD, i was getting messages ingame saying that DynDOLOD couldn't find the location of various things, plus when i started up ALternate start (the one where you are camping in the woods) and alduin flies over, he was pitch black. Plus there were some trees that were black as well. Here's my loadorder if you need to have a look at it Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esmUnofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.espRaceCompatibility.esmSchlongs of Skyrim - Core.esmImCh.esmRSkyrimChildren.esmSkyrim Exterior Fixes.espDragon Break.esm0db2SECOND.esmSexLab.esmSexLabAroused.esmDevious Devices - Assets.esmDevious Devices - Integration.esmColdgale Manor.esmnotice board.espVigilant.esmGlenmoril.esmCreatureFramework.esmZaZAnimationPack.esmHighResTexturePack01.espHighResTexturePack02.espHighResTexturePack03.espTouringCarriages.espHothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.espHothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espGuard Dialogue Overhaul.espdragonboneweaponscomplete.esprealistic piercing arrows.espNatural Lighting Vivid Atmospherics.espNatural Lighting and Atmospherics.espRevampedExteriorFog.espRaceMenu.espRaceMenuPlugin.espFNIS.espUIExtensions.espSkyUI.espRaceMenuMorphsCBBE.espElegant Beauty Stunning Eyes Remastered.espKS Hairdos - HDT.espprettypotions.espBardSoundsMalukah.espCommunityOverlays1_0T30.espCommunityOverlays2_31T50.espWolfpaint_Face.espSBP_SimpleBellyPaints.espFMS_FemaleMakeupSuite.espBarbarianPaints.espKS Hairdo's.espCommunityOverlays3.espDragonCombatDialogue.espSpouse Daily Routine.espsaLa_Hairs.espFreckleMania.espRaceMenuFreckleOverlays.espEyes of Aber.espElemental Eyes.espYunDao_Hdt_Hair.espFurSet by keung.espzzlovelyfeather.espLindsMarksmageGarb.espLindsSpellslinger.espLindsWoodlandAlchemist.espTouring Carriages - Friendly Predators.espFNISSexyMove.espdD-No Spinning Death Animation.espFNIS_PCEA2.espSexyMerchantClothes.espUltimateDragons.espDiverseDragonsCollection3.espRelightingSkyrim_Legendary.espDepthsOfSkyrim.espArheim.espDawnofSkyrim-AllMajorCities.espPWwaterfall.espSkyrim Immersive Creatures.espRelicsofHyruleDragonborn.espColdgale Manor.espUndriel_QuaintRavenRock.espSLO_StoneWalls.espSkyFalls + SkyMills.espImmersive Interiors.espSexLab_DibellaCult.espRemove Interior Fog V2 - Full Version.espSkyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.espBattleAftermath.espMrissiTailOfTroubles.espJKs LITE - Cities.espProudspire Upgraded.espWeightlessCrafting.espTamriel Reloaded Mountains.espMoreNastyCritters.espHF_Lakeview_AvantGarden_EX.espsmfArena1.8.espImperial Knowledge Book Mod.espStonesOfBarenziahWhereabouts.espImmersive Encounters.espSMIM-Merged-All.espThe McMiller Chronicles.espSharphook.espRun For Your Lives.espSkyHavenTempleGarden.espImmersive Wenches.espMoreColorfulSceneryJars.espLakeviewManorRoad.espImmersive Patrols II.espGrowl - Werebeasts of Skyrim.espNewArmoury.espPATCHDragon Break.espsr_FillHerUp.espsr_FillThemUp.espSexLab-AmorousAdventures.espmihailesobonecolossus.espFolktales.espDragon Wall Wisdom.espDreamborne Islands.espPatronGodsOfSkyrim.espEEC Warehouse.esphothtrooper44_ArmorPatch.espTMasks-JudgmentDay.espRegnFlowerCrowns.espRebirth Monster - SIC Patch.espDurnehviirResurrected.espBlackreachOverhaul.espKillThemGenerals.espmihaildracolizards.espFionneIsland.espYuriana'sBigBootyAdventure.espBugJarReplacer.espmihailesocenturion.espMoonGlow.espBrevi_MoonlightTalesEssentials.espEvilbass Light and Dark Spells.espBloodmoonRising.espkuerteeSimpleMultipleFollowers.espShootingStars.espReal Roads.espTrueStorms.espTrueStorms-ClimatesOfTamriel.espmintylightningmod.espSkysan_Icicle.espZazResources.espDeadlySpellImpacts.espHearthfiresDollsAreUgly.espNB-Scars.espRaceMenuOverlayCompilation - CBBE.espImmersive Weapons.espKrev The Skinner's Mantle by Hothtrooper44.espCiceriareplacor.espRSChildren.esp_GC_Skaal_Outfit_For_Kids_V2.espBLEED.espFemaleBriarHearts.espSOS - Smurf Average Addon.espSOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.espSOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.espImmersive Encounters - RS Children Patch.espThe Paarthurnax Ultimatum.esp0db2patch.esptreasure_hunt.espSkyrim Flora Overhaul.espImmersive Music Replacer.espWoodRunnerRace.espmihaildraugrcavalry.espmihailoldgod.esplustyargonianmaidcollection.espHealingWatersOfKynareth.esp[Dint999] KSH's HDT.espSchlongs of Skyrim.espadventurerMashupComp.espDragonboneBarbarianArmor.espHearthfire Attics - Lakeview.espMaelstrom.espImmersiveBees.espApocalypse - The Spell Package.espReal Clouds.espTheEyesOfBeauty.espHDTTailsEquipable.espDawnguardArsenal.espSunRune.espShowRaceMenuAlternative.espAddItemMenuLE.espSOSRaceMenu.espXPMSE.espJaxonzEnhGrab.espSexLabTools.espSLAnimLoader.espNCK30Obj.espadcSexlife.espNoOverpenetration.espFollow me for Sex.espSkyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.espNamiDressbylala.espFireBurns.espBetter Summoning Visuals - TheGreyLight.espFleshFX.espDeadly Wenches.espAnubAnimObj.espInariTailsHDT.espAvatar Korra.espSL Deadly Drain.espRayg_NoBYOHAttacks.espSexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution.espTDF_AP_IndHookersPlug_In.espPurewaters.espFlowerGirls.espSkyrim Graveyards.espReal Flying.espPrvtIRoyalArmory.espCL's AmrensSword.espIsharas_CustomPlayerBody.espOrdinator - Perks of Skyrim.espImmersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.espImmersive Citizens - OCS patch.espImmersive Citizens - TC patch.espImCh - ICAIO Full patch.espAlternate Start - Live Another Life.espBashed Patch, 0.espDynDOLOD.esp
  17. I was trying to get a combination of mods working; I am new to even modding properly. If someone can help, it would be appreciated. I'm sure it might be the deploy order, but I don't know what I'm doing if I'll be frank. I'll just post some pictures of what I got here. https://imgur.com/a/TnJDeSY (WARNING: SOME MODS ARE NSFW, HENCE THE NSFW TAG) Thanks in advance if someone can help! I will be paying as much attention as I can to this topic.
  18. Arsenics Slave Outfit SE Comes with multiple color options for the metal and cloth. Rusty metal - 3 cloth color options + color matched chainmail Iron - 3 cloth color options + color matched chainmail Platinum - 3 cloth color options + color matched chainmail Gold - 3 cloth color options + color matched chainmail Each metal has a hammered appearance as the main finish style. Extra options to use a brushed finish style for the for each metal. The rust has 3 finish options. rusted finish clearcoat + hammered finish clearcoat + brushed finish The cloth comes in orange, red, and cyan. Each color has a slightly different design. The outfit equips as 4 separate pieces (body, feet, hands, and amulet). Has the AR of light armor (dragonscale). TO DO set up texture matched SMP magatama earring make sure the ESP is reading the sliders of each NIF add brushed texture sets, armor addon, and armor form IDs to the ESP adjust shine adjust the scale of the chainmail rings set up crafting/tempering make ground nifs PICS HERE
  19. can someone please tell me how to fix this ive been looking everywhere on how to fix the physics problem and can seem to fix it. It does this with and without the armor on. but when the armor is off the breast function just fine, the butt still does the same thing when the armor is on or off These are my mods, i use Vortex and i have Skyrim SE and all these mods are the most recent updated versions FNIS Data Cheat Room - 108-19-1566697421 ( 1 ) .rar SexLabFrameworkSE_v163_BETA8.7z RaceMenu Special Edition v0-4-16-19080-0-4-16-1601805673.7z Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch Immersive Citizens - Al Overhaul Normal Map Options -v1.4 BodySlide and Outfit Studio Alternate Start - Live Another Life Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE - FNIS SE - FNIS Behavior SE 7_6 Skyland - A Landscape Texture Overhaul KS Hairdos SSE PapyrusUtil SE - Scripting Utility Functions ( Part 1 ) Engine Fixes ( Part 2 ) Engine Fixes - skse64 Preloader and TBB Lib Lanterns Of Skyrim II - FOMOD KS Hairdos SMP All in one Schlongs_of_Skyrim_SE_HDT - SMP - v1.1 SC - KS Hairdos Retextured For Shadow Shall SIMP Skyrim Romance SE Animated Sexlab version - read description Skyrim Script Extender 64 ( SKSE64 ) RaceMenu High Heels Fixes LazyTools 0.10.1 Lazy Tools - LazyCBP Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer - v1.6.1 CBBE SMP ( 3BBB ) HDT - SMP ( Skinned Mesh Physics ) - HDT - SMP for SSE 1.5.97 v2.11 Ranger Armor - SSE CBBE Body Slide XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended SkyUl_5_2_SE Female Makeup Suite - Face - RaceMenu Overlays of Eyeliner Eye Shadow Contours and Highlights - Special Edition - Female Makeup Suite - Face - 2K Expressive Facegen Morphs SE The Eyes of Beauty SSE Expressive Facial Animation - Female Edition Alpha Build - Legend of the Blue Dragon Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE - FNIS SE - FNIS Creature Pack SE 7.6
  20. Just another CBBE preset. I tried to make it more realistic/believable. Check it out here and let me know what you think!
  21. I'm using Skyrim SE CBBE + 3bbb physics + Tea Body Preset(https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/43460) with Remodeled Armor. Certain armors from Remodeled Armor shrink the body, and some outfits have the body(usually arms) clipping trough them, which doesn't seem to happen with some other standalone armor mods I've downloaded. Pictures bellow, weight slider on 100. If I lower the slider to 0 it actually fits very well, but when I expand to higher numbers, it only expands the armor, not the body. What could I be missing?
  22. Hello! I was working on a pair of outfit swaps from Fallout 4, turning the Spearhead Catsuit (NSFW LINK https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22058) into the Ranger Armor outfit from Fallout 1st and the default Vault Suit-- Turning the No Bracer version into the Ranger Armor, and the Skimpy version into the Vaultsuit. I managed to get the meshes to work, but I don't have the proper understanding nor tools to switch over the textures-- if the NIFs I created using my bodyslide are needed.
  23. ----NSFW----- Hi, I was using the GSPoses & SLAL mod and selected some animations character is playing with breasts. But her hands not interacting with the correct area otherwise animations are fine. https://imgur.com/V930Wiq https://imgur.com/jXPoBCD Thanks for help,
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