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  1. So, this is my first time installing mods on New Vegas (using Mod Organizer 2, btw). I followed the instructions on the mods themselves, as well as ideas from multiple threads on load orders, but when I boot up the game, my cursor never appears and neither does the various icons on the main menu of the game. I have tried multiple fixes suggested online, including changing load order, disabling mods one at a time to find the culprit, and even disabling every mod to see if it fixes. Nothing has worked. Can anyone at least attempt to help me fix this? Here is my load order for reference, after the default load order of official content: NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus JIP LN NVSE Plugin JohnnyGuitar NVSE UIO - User Interface Organizer A World Of Pain 6.94 Roleplayers Alternative Start Fallout New Vegas CAGE - Continue After Games Ending The Living Desert - Travelers Patrols Consequences Increased Population and more More Perks Realistic Headshots Monster Mod Project Nevada Project Nevada - DLC Support Sunny Smiles Companion Unlimited Companions EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements Interior Lighting Overhaul Fallout Character Overhaul Classic Fallout Weapons - New Vegas Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul
  2. I've seen a few deity themed dice packs, but none for our platinum boy, Bahamut. Would be nice if anyone made one
  3. We would like to request a modification for the Resident Evil 3 Remake game, in which we would swap Jill's character with Emily Davis and Carlos' character with Matt from the Until Dawn horror game. The idea is to keep the character models and personalities the same, only exchanging their appearances. We aim to provide players with a fresh and exciting experience, allowing them to enjoy iconic characters from another game within the Resident Evil world. Why it would be good: 1. Fresh Experience: It would be thrilling for players to see how the characters from Until Dawn behave and fit into the Resident Evil world, shedding new light on their personalities and interactions. 2. Creative Challenge: This would present a new challenge for modders to transplant iconic characters into another game, showcasing their skills and creativity. 3. Cross-Community Opportunity: This modification could foster community-building between fans of both games, bringing together Resident Evil and Until Dawn enthusiasts in a shared experience. 4. Replayability: Swapping characters could provide replayability to the game, as players can rediscover the story and events from the perspective of the newly introduced characters. We hope that modders will be inspired by this idea and create this exciting and unique modification for the game. Character models can be found here: Emily: https://www.deviantart.com/gep5/art/Until-Dawn-Emily-Xnalara-813856017 Matt: https://p3dm.ru/files/characters/human/13371-matt-outdoor.html
  4. for example: I want to add hairstyles from "aniceoaktrees hairstyles" and from "apachii skyhair" mods to custom "children race". launch "forgotten construction set.exe" select mods with hairstyles that you want to import then select mod where you want to add these hairstyles. last modified mod should be "active" (it's custom race mod). navigate to "Races", find desired race (in my case "Greenlander Child"), double-click. open "hairs" from drop menu, click "add". choose hairstyles that you want to be added. save your mod file. Enjoy!
  5. Hi I'm new to modding, and i need help with something, I really want the number of decals/wounds on enemies to be higher than 3, every mod that has it only comes with an instruction to change the ini files but the one in the Mod manager 2 doesn't have the lines i need and i don't know exactly what to do
  6. My main suggestion or idea would be NPC Priority. What I mean by this is a mod that makes enemies focus everything on the battlefield evenly. When I encounter a group of NPCs fighting, I find it annoying that they all switch to ignoring each other and fighting me and only me. I want the world to feel as if I'm not the main center of everything. If a group is fighting each other, when I arrive, I want them to continue fighting each other, until I hit one, and the one I HIT, fights me. It just feels wack.
  7. Have you tried Uvultak baby dragon follower? Nexus link https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/107336 Bethesda link https://creations.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/details/36889/Uvultak_Baby_Dragon_Follower watch this video for more information, don't forget to like and subscribe.
  8. An idea I've had for a mod for those of us that have beaten the campaign so many times. It would be like this Random NPC on street "hails" you. You can choose to Stop or Not Stop. If you Stop, then you'll be given a random destination around Night City to drop them off. No timers, this shouldn't be "Crazy Taxi", it should be a relaxing end-game way of seeing the City, taking you to places you might have never gone otherwise, while making small amounts of money. It's for RolePlay Purposes. Any 4 Door Vehicle should be fine (just needs a back seat). This will make it so players can either be an official Taxi Driver, or just an "Uber" type of driver. Whatever the player wants.
  9. Idol Ninja's Gentlemen of the Row mod includes skating animations for the player under the optional files tab. This however has two very annoying issues that haven't been fixed: 1. Skating replaces the walking/sprinting animation completely, which means you can no longer run ingame. 2. The animation replacement is global, and half of the NPCs of the game become skaters like you. So this request would include an improved version of the original, by either adding an equippable skate to your inventory like this guy suggested or replacing skating with an emote action (like they discussed here; however it seems there is a problem with the skating emote as it doesn't let you skate properly while also causing a sound loop glitch). The ideal request implementation would either fix the Skating Emote mod by F13 or add all the features suggested by Jikm30.
  10. It seems i missed to check the "This is the latest version of the mod" check mark when adding a new mod file. How can i still fix the version number without uploading a new file? I cant find any information about it on the wiki either: https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Creating_a_mod_page#Section_6:_Manage_Files EDIT: Fixed thanks to LenaWolfBravil.
  11. Hello, not sure if requests for mods are accepted here but essentially, one mod I've taken a liking to is DServant's Combat Gameplay Overhaul, which adds things like mid-air attacks, proceduel leaning and dodging. Now the issue I have with this mod is from an animation standpoint, it's distractingly janky at points. This is most true when jumping, where a landing animation with initinate before your character actually does so. To demonstrate, I put together this video. As you can see, jumping appears to be rather glitchy, which I'd assume is caused by the aid-air attack feature. Basically, I guess all I'd want is for someone to make a version of the mod where this animation glitch is fixed, or at least cut out the part that is apparently causing it so only the proceduel leaning and dodging remain, because I've never really been able to find a dodge mod that matches CGO in terms of animation fluency or not needing a bunch of other mods to install. Apologies if this request is too much for someone to take on, but I just thought I'd ask is all.
  12. Please help to create a mod that allows for automatic alignment when building furniture, just like in building structures. THANK YOU. 请帮我制作一个模组可以让我在建家具时能够自动对齐,就像建造 结构时那样。 感谢。
  13. As many of you might know, merchants and traders refresh their stock after every long rest and every level-up. And personally, I find this to be waaaaay too generous in a game in which its economy is already super forgiving and overtly bloated with a surplus of supplies available at nearly every merchant. Now, I know it's because they don't want players to feel as though they can permanently run out of supplies like arrows, but I think there could be a nerf mod that could de-incentivize buying out and/or pillaging merchants so frequently. The behavior in which that merchants refresh their stock after every long rest and every level-up also makes it so that players looking to optimize will know to almost obsessively check and buy out every available merchants' inventories, turning it quickly into a mind-numbing game of buying/stealing after every such long rest and level-up, meaning you can very easily get enough money and items to go through the entire game comfortably without running out super early on. Of course, it also enables frothing-at-the-mouth hoarders like myself to go on shopping-stealing sprees every time a character levels up or a long rest passes. And, well, as someone who now has well over 200,000 Gold and more scrolls, potions, elixirs, arrows, explosives, and Absolute-knows-what-else than I know what to do with, I can tell you that it's just a massive time-wasting chore that I wholly regret. It's still my first playthrough and I'm only just starting out Act 2, for the record. Getting to the requests, I would love it if there's a mod to be made that makes it so that traders only restock their inventories only after a long rest, as opposed to both every long rest and every level-up. I mean, why is it that they re-stock when I level up? It's not as though a level-up implies any significant passage of time like a long rest does. In addition, I think it'd be great if there's a set of mods that modularly disables what gets restocked. For example, a mod that disables merchants restocking on armors in particular, because seriously, who uses any of that cruddy stuff? Except you, Hide Armor +2. You're lovely. Lastly, perhaps to emulate a hardcore campaign rule, it would be great if there's a mod that makes it so that merchants just don't restock their inventories whatsoever. In other words, a 'What you see is what you get, and that's it' kind of rule. It'd make for a much more scarce playthrough that I think at least some of us would crave! #notstonks
  14. Lately I've been obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and would love to play as her in RE3R. I've been hunting around for someone capable of modding custom skins with some type of commission prices listed with no such luck. If anyone with said abilities see this and is interested please contact me. Either through here , Twitter (@SuperNerdPetey) or Discord (SuperNerdPetey#8041) Also interested in an Angel skin for Carlos, and Spike for Nikolai! Thanks for your time <3
  15. I started a Skyrim run again after years of not doing it. I noticed Bethesda made a big update that brought many issues to some mods, I have been trying to solve every issue as possible, and I find myself with this. For the record I think the important mods that modify towns in this case are: The Great Cities 2.01, JK's Skyrim all in one, Cities of the North - Dawnstar, Cities of the North - Falkreath, Cities of the North - Morthal, Cities of the North - Winterhold, The Great City of Winterhold 4.1.1, The Great Cities Resources, and the patch The Great Cities of JK's North v5. I have seen this combination works well in winterhold and Falkreath, but it crashes everytime I get to Morthal and Dawnstar, my hypothesis is that it must be another mod interfering in these towns, but low knowledge in how mods work doesn’t quite help. I’ll leave the crash logs maybe there is the answer, but I can’t tell. If you can help, I’ll be really thankful. crash-2024-03-31-17-25-38.log crash-2024-03-31-17-35-26.log
  16. Simply looking for a mod to defog the map, I just hate fog of war maps it bothers me due to my OCD.
  17. I'm in need of a mod that would put all exotic weapons under one feat (so instead of taking each and every weapon separately all would be consolidated under one feat like other weapon proficiencies). Similar to how it worked in D&D 3.5 edition.
  18. It doesn't need to be highly complex or intuitive, I mean, it can be as barebones as possible for all I care. Maybe something along the lines of "enemies deal 25%/50%/75%/100% increased damage" and similar for how much damage you and your pawns deal but decreased by 25%, etc, instead. Praying someone who knows what they are doing feels the same way! Sending positive thoughts lol.
  19. I have a problem with the mod Sexual innuendo. i know this mod is old as hell and ive been with this issue years before. but this is gonna be my first time to ever ask the forum for this even its late. im having issues with animations. whenever i execute a "lets mash" thingy. the characters would just stand and do nothing. neither does ap starts to work. i tried loading an older save and it does work. one thing for sure i noticed was this was mostly caused after finishing lonesome road dlc. another thing is that a dlc can cause this issue. so i wonder, does anyone know how to fix this?
  20. Please seeking your assistance to create mod skin below for Dissidia 012: * Qun'Mi Tru'e for Tifa mod skin * Machina Kunaragi for Gabranth where he turns to white L'Cie when he is on EX mode. (Please use EDAT file) (Please see attached file for image) (I love final fantasy type 0!) Thank you
  21. I have an idea that I think would be very interesting, and I would be thrilled if it were realized. I came across an idea on the Nexus Mod website that really impressed me, and I believe it would be very appealing to other fans as well. The essence of the idea would be to replace the character of Leon with Michael Munroe from the Until Dawn video game. I feel that this change would bring a fresh momentum and interest to the game, and it would make those who love both the Resident Evil and Until Dawn worlds very happy. If someone could implement this modification, I am sure that many fans would rejoice. I will put the model link here: https://www.deviantart.com/stevecowlishaw/art/Mike-Outdoor-Until-Dawn-XPS-811326068 We are grateful to those who undertake the realization of this fantastic idea!
  22. Dear Mod Creators, I would like to present a request for a new mod for the Resident Evil 2 Remake game. My idea is to replace Claire's character with Mileena from Mortal Kombat X, using her appearance. I believe this could be an exciting opportunity to breathe new life into the game and provide fans with a fresh experience. You can find the character model at the following link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ngno6xrx7e05llv/Mileena.7z/file I would like to note that the mentioned model is theoretically free to use, so the legal aspects are also in order. Below is a video showcasing the Mileena model to give you an idea of how the character would look in the game: I hope you find my idea intriguing and would like to realize this mod. I look forward to any feedback and further collaboration. Best regards,
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