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  1. I have been having this issue lately where if I switch to third person and pull out my gun my character breaks until I switch back to first person. Even when I use vats my character does the same thing. This does not happen when I have a melee weapon, only when I'm wielding a firearm. The only animation mod I have is the girly animations. But it may also be related to the Weapons on back mod. See the image (I had to severely reduce the quality for nexus to allow the upload) Thanks ahead!
  2. I've recently started customizing a piece of armor through NifSkope. I've mostly just been assigning textures and some other minor things in it. The mesh I have was created by someone else on Nexus. The textures loaded totally fine when I was finished, but I found that weapons on the back of the armor had the dreaded clipping issue. I (kind of) understand what needs to happen. I need to load the mesh into Blender to adjust the nodes so that the weapons attach at a point farther away from the body, but I'm clueless as to how I'm supposed to do that. I'm capable of running NifSkope quite well and understand a minor amount of 3D editing, though nothing quite like this. So here's my overall question: once I import the .nif into Blender, how do I adjust the nodes to have the weapon attach farther away from the armor? Also, if someone knows how to fix it and doesn't want to bother explaining it, I'd be OK with giving you the mesh and allowing you to adjust it. That's not quite as fun though; I like learning new things. Anyways, if anyone can help me that would be awesome. I'll continue my Internet research until I get a reply.
  3. Just wondering if there is a way to make so a weapon requires a specific type of attachment before another one can be put on. For example, make so a certain barrel requires that the weapon have a pistol configuration, not rifle. I played around with a few conditions in the recipe requirements, but couldn't get anything to work quite the way I wanted. One of the issues is that I'm not sure what the target of that requirement should be, for Perk requirements it's on Subject, but that can't be the same to check the weapon you're looking at in a crafting menu. Really hoping this doesn't require some kind of script.
  4. Hey, So I dug out this neat mod by Mérong, Zar'roc, Morzan's / Brom's / Eragon's sword from the movie in my mods folder, https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/23174 and I can't help but being annoyed at the lack of faithfulness in the textures compared to the movie prop and real life replica. It's wrong all over the place: the sheath is reddish brown when it should be black; the fittings on it clearly lack the metallick shine they should have; the hilt grip should be glossy black leather and the metal fitting above the pommel, well does not appear to be metal at all and it's way too bulky. THIS https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/inheritance/images/d/dc/Zar%27roc_.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100330194058 is what the real sword looks like. THIS https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/101/images/23174-1-1237128171.jpg is what Mérong did. Some might be happy with a "Close enough.", not me. Although I love that sword Mérong did, I like accuracy as well, and the reddish sheath really bugs me everytime I look at it, it's really the contrary of discrete, and once the sword is drawn, it's too much red on player character for my taste. So I got to thinking, eventually, that maybe a retexturing was in order. I tried to ask the author and never got an answer. I tried to do it myself too, but I can't figure out how to go about converting the texture files to workable images for GIMP. So here I am, asking if anyone could either do it or walk me through it. PS: additionally, if someone wants to make an alternative, book friendly version, with the pommel fitted with a ruby as it should be, you have my blessing.
  5. Hello! I wanted to ask if any of you cool modders could make a made texture and material replacer for the FN p90 by The Shiny Haxorus. I sort of want this reskin to be sort of like the RC90 from golden eye expect almost everything is wooden expect the rail, muzzle, charge handle, and magazine. I also would like the wood to be slightly worn IF you can of course. Lastly just to make sure I would like wood textures to be realistic and material not the N64 graphics style. I sort of just want the p90 to fit in the fallout world where plastic is not to common, unless I am wrong and plastic is plentiful. He is what I sort of looking for: https://imgur.com/a/LKYr86f Before I go I wanted to ask a few questions: Is it ok to request these reskin for other mods? Do I need the author/creators permission? If you don't wanna make the mod how do I do it myself? Do I need a lot of experience in blender or maybe the creation kit? How difficult is to make a mod sort of like this? Thank you for your time and I hope you have a nice day. :smile:
  6. Hi. Anyway, I wanted to know if there's a weapon mod or if someone could make a weapon mod for a Bard character. I've seen Play & Bash, but the "weapon" versions of the instruments aren't very damaging. I was hoping someone could maybe make a weapon with some decent damage that looked like an instrument or at least something a Bard would use. If this already exists, a link would be appreciated. If you can't make it, no problem. But seriously if you don't make it I'll carve your trachea out with a butter knife. Thanks!
  7. Grenades are pretty neat. Big guns are really neat, too. Power Armor? Now that's pretty dang neat. Why not slap all that shtick together and see what happens? someone else: but you can use a big gun and power armor and a grenade anyway >_>; I'm not doing a good job pitching this, let me try again... Let's get all Pip-Boy up in here. Shoulder Cannons: Grenades, but better. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basically a modification for your Power Armor that lets you fire your grenades out of a large, shoulder-mounted cannon instead of throwing them from your hand like some kind of caveman. The type of grenade you have equipped turns into the type of payload your weapon fires. There's a few variants I've come up with: 1. The Mortar - Able to launch the grenade, in an arc, much further than you can, but aims at what you're aiming at instead of whatever distance ahead of you. Will not launch the grenade beneath a certain minimum distance so you don't accidentally catch yourself in splash damage, unless you're aiming at the wall directly in front of your face like a very silly person. 2. The Cluster - Similar to the Mortar, except it uses and fires 5 grenades at once in a spread around where you aimed at. I suppose this could be an upgrade to the basic Mortar, but you could also upgrade this further to use only one grenade to fire five clusters. Essentially, carpet bombing. 3. The Launcher - Fires your grenade straight forward, like a cannon, and causes it to explode on impact. Dude. If you're firing a mine, however, it will attach to the target point and behave relatively normally. Simply put, this is... a grenade... cannon. An RPG. A Rocket Launcher. But it does fire whatever grenade you have equipped, so, bonus points? 4. Homing Missile - Similar to the Launcher, except it requires you to stand still, keep your aim on your target, and release when the lock has been established, at which it will fire a homing missile loaded with your grenade of choice. Can be upgraded to lock onto multiple targets and fire one missile per target. Duuuuude. 5. Laser Cannon - Wait, this one doesn't use Grenades!? Whatever. When you have no Grenade equipped, it uses up a Fusion Core (or some of your Core's energy) to fire off a devastating laser cannon blast similar to the Assaultron's Head Laser. Requires a charging time, for which you need to stand still, but boy howdy does it feel good when you vaporise an entire horde of raiders with one blast of this bad boy. Or close enough. Developer's choice of how powerful it is ofc... but I'm sure we can all agree that this is what we want to see. Other simple ideas for variants: > Mounted Broadsider that fires Cannonballs. > Vertical Missile Salvo that locks onto targets in sync with VATS. > Mounted Minigun or Laser Gatling that function similar to their normal counterparts. But why would you want this when you can do most/all of this already anyway? Because it's cool? Also not having to switch weapons for big guns, or having two big guns at the same time, and having more unique ways of firing grenades. See reference to caveman above. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I really hope this choice of font style didn't gouge anyone's eyes out. To be honest, I hope it only helps make my suggestion more memorable. ^^; Even more so, I hope someone actually picks this up, but I get it if nobody does. At the very least I hope this idea entertained you all, and that the image of some of these weapons made you think "Nice."
  8. Someone please save the community from the devious color schemes some of these neat new iconic weapons have, please! I'm begging! It's like they don't want us too use them! (Looking at you Kyubi X-MOD2)
  9. 1. How do I change the model of an npc actor that doesn't have face gen stuff? I've been trying to find the location to change several creature models. Under actor npcs I am not seeing any fields for changing the model. 2. How do I change the model of weapons that don't have OMOD's associated with them. With OMOD's its usually easy because I just find the OMOD and go to the model field. However I don't know how to do this for weapons.
  10. I'm currently working on adding/changing calibers in gunsmith overhaul and I don't know how to make the ammo mod an actual misc item that can be swapped. Basically I can craft the mod but it doesn't go into my inventory when I swap it. I'm using fo4edit any help would be appreciated thanks
  11. Is it impossible to add new weapon models and animations to add functioning firearms? I ask because I'm surprised that Deckard's pistol from Blade Runner hasn't been added to the game. Can the gun be added?
  12. Hoping someone will be able to create Ghostbuster mods Fully Automated Proton Pack (Miner Pack) & Particle Thrower (Cutter) Edit- Oh and Ghostbusters Flight Suit skin for space suit
  13. Hello, I am looking for someone to make a model and textures for a Maul weapon that can be used as a Polearm. Shaft length of the Halberd +2 but keep the spear tip on top and use the handle thickness and design from Maul + 2. The head of the common Maul weapon but twice the size in length, depth, height with the textures of Maul +2. the rest of the information for the weapon (stats, root template, localization, how the weapon is wielded, etc.) can be the same as Halberd +2, I will modify this later. Any questions I will happily answer. I would like to do this myself but I don't have the time to do it. I will pay for someone to make the model. Thank you
  14. Perhaps someone can expand the number of weapons that can be taken in both hands so that you can take a mace in each hand? Is it even real?
  15. So, seems someone at Bethesda still does not understand that changing a gun from firing fully automatic to semi-auto and vice versa does not change the damage of the bullet. You just get more bullet or less bullet per trigger pull. Anyone got a way to fix/mod this?
  16. I've always kinda wanted to use one of these simple little knives in Skyrim but it seems nobody has made one.
  17. I found my character moved slower with some weapon drawn and cannot figure out the cause. I used fo4edit to see parameters of the weapon but did not found any variable related to movement speed. Perhaps I didn't search the right place.
  18. I'm trying to modify a few weapon mods in xEdit to bring them into line with my setup's balance - this involves adding a few new weapons mods so the order in the crafting menu seems to get screwed up. For the life of me I can't determine how to edit what order they appear in the crafting menu - the priority field for both the Constructible Object and Object Modification don't seem to do anything. Anyone know how I can order these in the crafting menu? e.g. I want the Standard Receiver to appear first in the receivers list, then hardened etc. Also what governs the order of the attach points? Much less important, but relevant for some of the weapon mods.
  19. Can someone please make a mod, so axe and bare hands can damage any enemy. bare hands can damage any enemy but not like the zues armor no matter how high augumets go. thank you for reading my message.
  20. hello can anyone help me please help if :D whats wrong with my Mod Keep getting this error This is my Custom item. Module (crafting_pieces) </CraftingPiece> <!-- #region Axe Pieces --> <!-- #region Used Axe Blade Pieces --> <CraftingPiece id="axe_craft_252_head" name="{=m6CVEgTU}Spiked Battle Axe Blade" tier="4" piece_type="Blade" mesh="axe_craft_25_head" distance_to_next_piece="13.9" distance_to_previous_piece="4" weight="0.8"> <PieceUsages unavailable_usages="" /> <BuildData piece_offset="-8" /> <BladeData stack_amount="3" blade_length="25.328" blade_width="31.023" physics_material="metal_weapon" body_name="bo_axe_longer_b"> <Swing damage_type="Cut" damage_factor="3.8" /> </BladeData> <Flags> <Flag name="CanBePickedUpFromCorpse" type="ItemFlags" /> </Flags> <Materials> <Material id="Iron4" count="0" /> </Materials> </CraftingPiece> <CraftingPiece id="axe_craft_212_handle" name="{=HHVH0IoH}Hardened Redwood Handle With Fur Handle" tier="4" piece_type="Handle" mesh="axe_craft_21_handle" length="94" weight="0.296"> <PieceUsages unavailable_usages="" /> <BuildData piece_offset="21" next_piece_offset="1.5" /> <Materials> <Material id="Wood" count="0" /> </Materials> </CraftingPiece> <!-- #endregion --> <!-- #endregion --></CraftingPieces> (crafting_templates) <CraftingTemplate id="JamesOneHandedAxe" item_modifier_group="axe" item_holsters="axe_right_hip:axe_right_hip_2:mace_right_hip:axe_back" default_item_holster_position_offset="0,0,-0.45" use_weapon_as_holster_mesh="true"> <PieceDatas> <PieceData piece_type="Handle" build_order="0" /> <PieceData piece_type="Blade" build_order="1" /> </PieceDatas> <WeaponUsageDatas> <WeaponUsageData id="OneHandedAxe" /> </WeaponUsageDatas> <StatsData> <StatData stat_type="Weight" max_value="7.0" /> <StatData stat_type="WeaponReach" max_value="300" /> <StatData stat_type="ThrustSpeed" max_value="200" /> <StatData stat_type="SwingSpeed" max_value="200" /> <StatData stat_type="ThrustDamage" max_value="500" /> <StatData stat_type="SwingDamage" max_value="500" /> <StatData stat_type="Handling" max_value="200" /> <!--<StatData stat_type="FollowUp" max_value="200" />--> </StatsData> <UsablePieces> <UsablePiece piece_id="axe_craft_252_head" /> <UsablePiece piece_id="axe_craft_212_handle" /> <UsablePiece piece_id="mp_battania_axe_head" mp_piece="true" /> <UsablePiece piece_id="mp_battania_axe_handle" mp_piece="true" /> </UsablePieces> </CraftingTemplate>
  21. Hi all, Since im bothered with swords being on back, i was wondering how hard would it be to mod sword to use same draw animation and hip item position as dagger ? Anyone skilled enough can give some tip or info on this ? Thanks !
  22. Howdy, So I have tried to make a go at the Creation Kit and other modding tools to try and create a weapon repositioning mod. There are plenty for dual sheaths and such, but I have yet to find one which focuses on Daggers. I am sure my fellow Assassin Role Players would agree that having a drop leg sheath for their Dagger(s) would be pretty tasty. I know there is the like of the XP32 which combined with Racemenu should allow you to change some weapon positions about, but I am having no luck. I spent a total of 7 hours trying to get everything to marry up well (along with downgrading SKSE). If there are any modders out there who would be able to assist or think this might be a nice addition to bring to the community I would greatly appreciate any and all support/advice! Many thanks!
  23. So the Burya has had sight misalignment since launch. The shot lands in line with the iron sights instead of the holo sights, a good bit lower than it should. Otherwise, the Burya is my favorite gun, and it would be awesome if someone could fix this. Potentially just lowering where the weapon model is held? I would even be happy to donate a few bucks to whoever modded this. Thanks!
  24. well.. I actually thought to myself when i SAW this animated gif below... that SOMETHING similar to this 'COVERT' weapon below would be a 'natural' for FO4 . https://tenor.com/view/fembots-tits-sparks-fire-gif-16745917
  25. Pretty much what the title says. To detail my use case a bit more in steps; 1. I've created a custom weapon. 2. When entering specific areas or entering a 'trigger box', it would play a sound file, in this case someone speaking to you, without there being an actual NPC (Imagine Meridia's Beacon when you pick up the item for the first time). The requirement for the sound file to play, would be that you must have the weapon either in your inventory or your hand. My main question is if someone could provide me a general idea or tutorial that I could look at to try and do something like this. Thank you for any and all answers :)
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