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  1. All female NPCs need to be liberated... from their clothes.
  2. A mod with a option to give all women pen**, with a choice of which variant you want them to have. (Since there is like 4 different variants)
  3. Part 1: the ability to restore clothes to corpses. Part 2: removability of underwear as an item, likewise restorability Part 3: a setting for NSFW content to toggle between genitalia visible or not, which would swap between two skins that are identical except for one having and one without. These be variants of all skins. Part 4: animal genitalia - just to make it more realistic, may have its own toggle setting too Part 5: physically carry creature corpses instead of telekinesis, toggle setting Part 6: toggle settings for a lot of other animations that make it more realistic, such as looting, declothing, reclothing, skinning/harvesting, etc. Part 7: skill chart expansion - along with main screen that is normal, you can swap to filtered screens that have a basis and show perks related to that basis, less expansion more filters for ease of finding perks. Part 8: more undergarments, in case this mod is not viable with other mods, especially since the expanded animations Part 9: Survival Settings - P1 eat and drink, P2 sleep requirements, P3 bathroom brakes dependent on food and drink, P4 cleanliness such as bathing and showering at least once a week to avoid illness or gain resistance to some environmental factors Part 10: relationships Part 11: Other NSFW content people like, in this animation heavy bundle of realisticness no other mods seem to have, sure they have content but it's the realisticness that I'm looking for Part 12: mating, birthing and hatching, and lactation - mostly for animals, such as to make a farm, but others may want nsfw stuff as well which would be Part 13: nsfw versions of part 12 for they who want it (humans, ghouls, etc) Part 14+: anything else to expand realisticness and animation heavy content Settings Toggles to make it pretty universal so people can toggle what they want and leave off or turn off what they don't want Personally, I'm not really gonna use the NSFW, except maybe the under-the-underwear because realisticness. And if you consider animal genitalia nsfw as well, then that too. Groping and sex I won't use, but others might. Let them have it.
  4. Creatures - mostly just adding genitals to the genders, some may consider nsfw, I consider realistic. It bothers me in practically all games that creatures don't have genitals, especially ones that are clearly visible, like male dogs and goats. This gets a little detailed. Try not to be disturbed. There are NO photos, I'm no artist so I can't make that. Wish I could though. And ic I could then I'd probably try to make this myself, but I can't so... Common All: rear ends Most males: balls Most males: Penis, whether clearly visible or relatively camouflaged Most females: nipples, lactating nipple/breast versions (thickened or more breast-like, depending on critter) (most probably look similar to current Mole Rat bellies) Some females: Breasts: empty/nonlactating versions/thinned/nearly flattened except nipples (Brahmin and Mole Rat)​ Yao Gai Male Penis, balls, and rear end Female nipples and rear end Slight Reskins, adding genitals, which may or may not be visible unless one actively looks for them A lot like a bear, since there's hardly a difference between Yao Gai and Bears Radstag Male Penis and balls, not quite visible unless close looking at belly (penis) Female nipples, not like anyone'd notice under the tail Gazelle like radstag Radscorpion mostly underbelly changes, not like anyone'd really notice Male and female have different underbelllies Mating: a dance. Male drops a package and female picks it up. Particular spot of underbelly does dropoff/pickup. Brahmin Add Bulls, or make them a little more common Horns, belly fluff for penis, balls Females Add version with smaller udder for non-mothers, non-lactators Dogs, mongrels, and wolves Males (like Dogmeat): Penis and balls Females: eh, maybe a little thinner fur around nipples? Females: Mother versions, thickened breasts with bigger nipples. Rare, or by breeding. Similar to current Mole Rat bellies. Mole Rat Add Males Make a non-lactating version, aka: smaller nipples with thinned/flattened bellies, but leave the nipples or make them no smaller than half sized. For males those nipples are to be very tiny and almost invisible. Deathclaw Both: Cloaca Female: nothing else. They don't get breasts or nipples. They are reptiles. Male: nsfw content use only, otherwise hidden or not applied, it has an alligator/crocodile penis. Like such, it is always erect but always hidden within its cloaca. It can grab with its penis, but any features doing so must be marked as nsfw because deathclaws are practically humanoid. Likewise the setting to turn off nsfw should also disable such actions and thereby leave pretty much no difference between male and female. Maybe a very slight difference in cloaca shape. Ghoulrilla Gorilla Since also pretty humanoid, may be classified as NSFW. For bestiality people, the mod creator might add that for this on as well. I won't if I make it. Cat Male: balls. It's not like the penis is ever visible, except when mating. Female: Mother version. Gatorclaw Same as Deathclaw Barnacle A rod that thins the longer it reaches. Can reach up to 10 times their own length. chance to see this: 1% at best. After a while barnacles touched by the tip of a rod multiply. Funny fact. Possibly disabled by nsfw disabler setting. Humans and Humanoids All: naked versions (nsfw toggle) All: removability of undergarments, and ability to re-equip things onto corpses. With NSFW Off, may look very funny. With nsfw, more realistic. Loot All: Does NOT loot undergarments. Those must be looted manually. By stashing on a corpse, it is auto equipped unless they already have one equipped. Male underwear. Female Panties. Female Bra. The ability to have more variants. Both genders can wear the above. Only one underwear/panties piece can be worn at a time. Bra is separate section. May have random comments while in only underwear. May have more random remarks when in other gender's undergarments. Likewise if naked. Likewise if you strip a corpse of undergarments or equip it with the other gender's undergarments. Reputation? (these) Random comments = reputation penalty Creatures classified: Humans Ghouls Super mutants Items Underwear (male) Panties (female) Bra (female) Feral Ghoul Outfits Shackles - metal rope, strength 8+ to break, more janky and clanky to drag around, not as flexible as rope Usable Handcuffs Rope - tie up bodies (alive) and corpses and attach them to poles or walls or drag them around, breaks with strength 5-7 Truncheon - like conan exiles, but restyled for Fallout - for knocking things out Tranquilizer Rifles and Pistols - may also be syringer mod Builds Pillory - Wood strength 8-10+ to break Pillory - Metal - unbreakable Pillories come in 1x to 5x versions. That's the number of captives it can have. Iron Maiden Chokey (like Matilda) Noose - can use on tree or similar overhang - function disabled when nsfw disabled (Noose Stand) - purely decorative when nsfw disabled 1x, 3x, 5x, 8x, +others between 1-15. The number of simultaneous executions. Function requires nsfw. Disabled nsfw makes it purely decorative. Guillotine. Function disabled when nsfw disabled. Without Nsfw makes it purely decorative. Jail Cells Captive Cages - don't require power Powered Captive Cages - don't lure anything in Electric Chair - function requires high power, and may be disabled to purely decorative when nsfw disabled Features Body dragging. Body placement. Multi-body dragging by using shackle chains and rope Body = both alive and dead Animal Mating and Breeding Animal lactation - for breeding, Brahmin can be milked while lactating. Milking also prolongs lactation duration by a few days. Max duration is a few months. Waiting causes pain snorts and moos because they're full of milk. That's based on reality. Max duration is based of that day. Tomorrow you can extend it further, but not today because today the max duration has been reached. I really hope you understand what I'm saying about the duration. It's basically a limit to cause them to actively milk to prolong, instead of being able to spam it to a years worth so they can stay away for a while and come back to a lactating brahmin. Also, when it births, it becomes lactating and at max duration. Now know what I mean by they can extend it? They wait a few days and come back and milk it a few times they basically reset its duration. Milking: can only get up to 3 milkings per day Other creatures, like goats, may have similar features. All mammals have lactation for breeding. Reptiles don't. Same for bugs. Milkability is a whole other story. Did you know some people milk horses and camels? As such other milkings are at the discretion of the mod creator. I'd probably have it require high intelligence for other animals, like radstags, but easy for Brahmin. Baby feeding may do the milking for you, using a milking count and extending the duration. When it reaches weaning stage it no longer feeds that way and thus the timer will clock down unless you milk the milkable creature. When the timer is up, they revert to thin nipple status and cannot be milked. NSFW: Sex. Has its own toggle that requires nsfw toggle to be on, and it automatically disabled when nsfw is toggled off Most of this was made because others like this sort of content. Common/Friendly: enabled by sex. Hostility requires further toggles. Rape: another toggle requiring sex. Allows you and raiders to rape. Raider and self may be split. NOTE: ALL VERSIONS OF RAPE BY AI ARE TO BE VERY RARE. Except maybe from raiding parties (raiders). Self Rapist: Allows you to rape. Requires either Raider Rapists OR Deathclaw/Gatorclaw Rapists to be toggled on. Raider Rapists: allows Raiders to try to rape people. Requires Sex toggled on. Deathclaw/Gatorclaw Rapers: Another chance at life, but you're gonna need allies to free you from them. Has its own toggle. Requires Sex toggled on. Separate from Rape. Does NOT require Rape toggled on. ​WARNING: This part gets a bit detailed. Skip if you don't want details or are squeamish, or your folks or roommates who don't like this stuff are reading over your shoulder. They hold you for longer, giving allies a chance to shoot and stun them. They deal less damage with this grab type. Opposite genders have higher chance to do this grab. They'll sniff a bit, then rip an armor piece, then chances release or rape attempt Rape attempt: they will first rip off each armor piece one by one, which must be retrieved from the ground. They they will greatly damage your underarmor until it has no durability left. You will need to repair it. They they will either damage or try to remove your underwear, which may also damage it. If the Male uses his Penis to do so, minimal damage will occur to your underwear, if any. If you are not the target and you see the penis, you can shoot it for insane damage with stun. You can cripple it as well, with enough damage. If you cripple the penis, that one will be disabled from prolonged grabs. Naked Rape Attempts: Setting: Anal chance modifier. Normally lower than mouth. Chance male will do: 10% or less. Increased to 50%+ if they've already done so. Greater vs females. Chance Female will do it no more than 5%. Up to 40%(vs females) or 75%(vs males) if they've already done it. Why gender-based differences? One reason: pheromones. Male claw vs female target: Will rape May pet their body Rarely will go anal or mouth. Infuriated may strangle, or penile strangle. Tortures them. Male claw vs Male target: Try normal rape attempts, lightly damaging target's groin area. May get enraged and either release, or strike target's groin then release. May try a different approach. Penile Play: moves, grabs, and pets the target's groin, causing the target further embarassment and humiliation. Target may flee when released instead of retrieving gear and continuing to fight. Deals little to no groin damage. Anal. Mouth. May strangle or penile strangle. Tortures them. Male Claw vs any: torture shred eat torturously pick to pieces torture penile - uses penis to torture target torturously pick to pieces penile - uses penis to pick them to pieces, slicing them up and removing their organs using his penis Penile Strangle = uses their grabby penis to strangle the target Female claw vs female target Opens cloaca towards them. Eventually notices no penis, and then enrages. Pets their body. Tortures them. Female claw vs Male target Opens cloaca towards them. If they erect penis the claw will get closer and have sex, or at least try to anyways. No erection? Eventual enragement, followed by either release or groin attack then release, or torture. Any claw vs any: torture eat pet pick to pieces At any time, with low chance, claw may decide they want to keep their target as a plaything and will pick them up and run away, carrying them to a cave. With this may also add a deathclaw/gatorclaw specific way of containing prisoners. Companions: Friendly Deathclaw/Gatorclaw Chance. Higher luck, better chance of neutral claws. Within those a chance (increase with better luck) that there are some friendly ones. From those likewise for recruit-able ones. Make sure the settlement knows it's a friendly. From those likewise for Companion-capable ones. From those likewise for becoming one of detailed design, with a name, personality, likes and dislikes, etc. With nsfw and sex, may be able to have more likeable humanoid bestiality from them instead of violent rape. That one might also require Claw Rape, but what if you don't want rapers? Best to let that be reduced (less restricted) so ya don't gotta risk that. Other Builds and Tools for capturing, moving, containing, torturing, or executing creatures and foes. Ok works on everything. Gonna try against one who's got Plot Armor? SOL. Provides for every bit of insanity some people like, while also having the ability to disable such parts. That means sex and bestialities. Mostly sex. The only real bestiality is Deathclaw/Gatorclaw. Unless the mod creator adds others. Preferably has better contact points, and better joints than base game, as moving things around can be a bit wonky. As well as such contact points slightly modifying any relevant animations to make them look more realistic and hopefully with better flow. May also cause restriction animations to be relevant as well as alternate outcomes for character's (player and/or NPC) failed attempts. - If I make this mod, it'll be a huge one. One where about 50% if locked behind settings toggles. One that reskins most of the game and adds a few extra features and functionality, with a few extra items as well, and my first 10000 attempts will be fails. I've never made a character blueprint like that ever, let alone attempted to mod a game. It's gonna be many years before I figure out how to use the kit, and blender, and unity, probably decades before I figure out unreal engine. I'm slow at learning tech ok. I have yet to get the PC version, and I'm not allowed to buy it atm. "Inflation" and all that ruining prices for my already penny-pincher family. TMI Maybe I should delete this. Is this even up to standards with what we're allowed to post? Please reply to that part first and foremost, then everything else. It's not too long, is it?
  5. Could someone please make a mod that replaces dante with a unclothed model of Raiden from Genshin Impact? o_O Please refrain from calling people in the topic things like "horny", as these types of comments are not helpful and are mean. If you are offended by this mod request, PLEASE don't go out there insulting people on the comments. If an Moderator of NexusMods finds this topic under violation of any rule, please notify me if and why it was removed.
  6. I was trying to figure out how to fixed synth heads from being enormous and not being ponified until I realize i need to install race customize once i did it broke a bunch of mods, i tried uninstalling it and it just broke it entirely, it says by the author it is needed but wasn't broken when i didn't used it, besides only synths are broken https://imgur.com/a/STVAZ2l it broke my player having a red skin and i tried fiddling around with the load order to fix it and still it's broken, I tried going to Crimes against nature mod page to see the recommended load order for the and mod and it still is broken, i really would love help and fix my fallout game, I can't stand and i feel like my head is going to explode. excess links that might help. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19040/ https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23109 this is my load order # Automatically generated by Vortex Fallout4.esm DLCRobot.esm DLCworkshop01.esm DLCCoast.esm DLCworkshop02.esm DLCworkshop03.esm DLCNukaWorld.esm DLCUltraHighResolution.esm ccbgsfo4001-pipboy(black).esl ccbgsfo4006-pipboy(chrome).esl ccbgsfo4020-powerarmorskin(black).esl ccbgsfo4025-powerarmorskin(chrome).esl ccfrsfo4001-handmadeshotgun.esl cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl ccgcafo4009-factionws09mm.esl ccawnfo4001-brandedattire.esl ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl ccrzrfo4003-pipover.esl ccfrsfo4002-antimaterielrifle.esl ccygpfo4001-pipcruiser.esl ccbgsfo4079-pipvim.esl cctosfo4001-neosky.esm cckgjfo4001-bastion.esl ccqdrfo4001_powerarmorai.esl ccbgsfo4115-x02.esl ccbgsfo4116-heavyflamer.esl ccsbjfo4002_manwellrifle.esl cccrsfo4001-pipcoa.esl Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp CaN.esm HUDFramework.esm nukaproject.esl SettlementKeywords.esm LucyPenskeBrownHollySideQuests.esl OVT.esp WorkshopRearranged.esp Better LOD.esp Better Rubble.esp IncreasedSettlerPopulation999.esp DLC ammo.esp CBBE.esp F4CW10mmSMG.esp AVBPipeGunsReplace.esp BetterJunkFences.esp FROSTfix.esp BostonFPSFixAIO.esp RRTV_GoodneighborCondo.esp More Smarter Companions Mod.esp Companion Infinite Ammo and Unbreakable Power Armour.esp CompanionStatus.esp bridgefix.esp Conquest.esp EveryonesBestFriend.esp FAR.esp Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp Flicker Fixer.esp Combine Grunt Armor.esp Combine Hazmat Suit.esp Combine Ordinal Armor.esp Combine Metropolice Armor.esp Combine Worker Suit.esp InstitWeapPosit.esp LongerPowerLines3x.esp DOOM1911.esp F4NV-N99.esp Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp OCDecorator.esp OCDecoratorDLC.esp OCDispenser.esp PonyRaiders.esp PonySettlers.esp PonySkellys.esp QuazRadioModelReplacer.esp GreaseGunSMG.esp fo3friedghouls.esp F4NVServiceRifleRedux.esp sleepintimate.esp JustDebris.esp 3dscopes-replacer-servicerifle.esp 3dscopes-replacer.esp AVBMGReplace.esp Elzee Human Grab Attacks.esp Crafting Workbench.esp Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp Crafting Workbenches - Removed Crafting Experience.esp LooksMenu.esp pipernamechangeiva.esp ScrapDeadThings.esp TabsMissingFix.esp weightless item mods.esp workshopturretpack.esp nb_buildlimitremover.esp SettlementMenuManager.esp ShellRain.esp SkjAlert_All_DLC.esp WET.esp WAYN_CompanionTracking.esp You Talk Too Much.esp Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp StartMeUp.esp F4NVSingleActionArmy.esp RaceCustomizer.esp Zeeb.esm Zeeb - Player Proditor.esp Zeeb - Player Zebra.esp Zeeb - NPCs.esp CaN Pony Mane Pack.esm CaN - Companion Ponies.esp CaN - Player Pony.esp Fallout Equestria - Season Pass - Alicorn Edition.esp Fallout Equestria 4 - Season Pass.esp Fallout Equestria - Season Pass.esp Fallout Equestria.esp Fallout Equestria - Alicorn Edition - Child Clothing Fix.esp
  7. Reworks all creature models to be realistic in functionality. HP will be blood level. Watch your vitals. Oxygen, Blood Pressure, toxicity levels, and radiation levels, among other things. Reworks contact effects between each object and material. This also reworks how damage is done. Also reworks reflection and durability/brittleness. By slashing or piercing something, it will bleed, and dismemberment causes various effects and massive bleeding. Syringes repair wounds and reduce or stop bleeding. Food will be altered for hunger and thirst instead of HP. Chems won't really be altered any. Armor will be altered. They will have movement effects caused by physics, and physics based protections. First is reflection and glance-ability, then absorption and armor damage taken, then damage you suffer. Watch the holes in the armor, they may aim for that to ignore your armor. Anatomy is required for every creature. Use real animals as bases and refit into the models. Anatomies come with organs, which play a role in blood flow and other vitals statistics. Damage can pierce through the flesh and damage organs. Some bullets can pierce multiple targets, if their armor is lacking or if the bullet is strong enough. Current damage will be reclassified and will be force power. Damage types: Slashing: cuts or rips, making streaks of damage or even dismemberments Piercing: makes holes in the target, can pierce all the way through and beyond them Bludgeoning: can bruise through armor, but normally lacks bloody potential. If strong enough, can cause splatters and even bloody combustions, like heads exploding. Fire & Acid: eats away at the target/victim, different types have other slight variations of the effects Electricity: stuns and pains And yes, every damage has a pain/flinch factor. Sustained damage reduces flinch from that damage, like fire and acid. Anatomy Requirement: everything is gendered. Hit the tenders for a lengthy crippling effect. Anatomy Bonus: with gendered animals comes breeding, and rare random interactions. Also some common ones in predator-prey relationships. Predator-Prey: tend to go after the males a lot more than females, and with pinned prey they like to eat the balls first. Quite a painful way to go if it's not dead yet. Looting Rework: when hunting, you must take the animal to a skinning station to extract its hide, head, meat, and other materials/parts. All creatures can be butchered here. Dragging Rework: everything can be carried by hand. No more levitating objects or bodies. Can now drag heavy critters, but you will be overencumbered in doing so. In some cases you can activate magic bag and store entire corpses in your bag, overencumbering you in most cases, but you might be able to sell some corpses. The more damaged a corpse, the less valuable it is. Helps with getting things like Deathclaws to your skinning station. Robots: they don't bleed, but their wires are a prime target. They'll take visible damage, and they are hard to kill, but slicing or frying their wires is one of the best ways to deal with them. Piercing, not so much. They don't have blood to bleed. They do have various systems that are measured by location and integrity/damage. Anatomy Bonus clarified: the rare thing is wild breeding, which in turn with time make younglings, which in time grow, and with time become adults that can do it all over again. Creatures tend to flee and won't be shown mating unless they are clueless to player/enemy presence or they are stuck until finished (Canines: dogs, wolves, jackals, etc). Pheromones would be a great way to cause wild (and domesticated) auto interactions, probably just an rng thing. Recap: less flatly numbers based, more calculated physics, more realisticness, inevitable nsfw due to realistic physics - mostly animal based It's not like people will actively try to graze the garments off their foes... Ok, there might be some perverts out there, but whatever... Maybe a few reactions to perversions, just to discourage that a bit. Mindscapes will be uneffected by most physics... I can only think of the one instance though.
  8. Please keep it lore friendly Nsfw is ok, preferred for realisim, but not required If nsfw, add settings for toggling or filtering of nsfw content Change combat systems to a more... Anatomized? Version. By which I mean it's less numbers based (though it probably has 10+ times more numbers involved) and more of ... physics? Limbs are damaged independently of whole self, AoE effects many parts at once, but not necessarily all at once, poisons effect injection point/wound first and can spread through blood stream, same for diseases, curses effect entirety of self, and anything else you might expand it into. oh blood loss can effect whole of self but you can tourniqate or whatever to reduce or even stop blood loss, though magic might be better. Organs can be damaged in various ways, causing pain, and possibly causing other issues depending on organ. Lungs: more sprint cost, less underwater time, even drowning on your own blood Kidneys: less resistance to disease and poison Intestines: poisoned and DoT Heart: heart attacks, loss of stamina, stamina usage chances heart attacks, internal bleeding, even death BTW: I'm not necessarily putting everything possible, just what's coming to mind right now Eyes: blurryness of vision, blindness, trouble focussing on targets Spine: disconnections and even paralysis based on segment of spine Gender-based organs: reactions likewise Scales: depending on thickness, shape, and durability, determines natural deflection and resistance Armor: determines deflection and cushioning/resistance Did I mention races and subraces? Races: -- Minotaur -- Faun -- Goblin Subraces (Khajiit) -- You'll have to double check some of this -- Cathay: Common, most will be compared to this one -- Cathay-Raht: Jaguar person, specific pattern limits, more slender, and more agile -- Pahmar: large -- Pahmar-Raht: even larger -- Dagi: smaller, kinda like halflings -- Dagi-Raht: even smaller -- Suthay: Digitigrade -- Suthay-Raht: Digitigrade with phallic barbs -- Tojay: unknown -- Tojay-Raht: Digitigrade jaguar/cheetah person -- Alfiq and Alfiq-Raht: talking housecats -- Senche and Senche-Raht: talking felines of larger stature -- Ohmes: like smaller lighter woodelves or humans, tend to wear face paint like stripes to differentiate themselves as Khajiit -- Ohmes-Raht: near human-like except for fur and tails. Head and parts of torso, parts of arms, and parts of legs lack fur. -- Don't gotta add the Mane, definitely don't add that as playable, that one's NPC only if Skyrim even has one. There's literally only one in existence at a time. Bestials nsfw - make sure it's realistic, and lore-friendly -- Khajiit: most have phallic barbs, I think, probably not enough info -- Others: research lore, if not enough then try to merge base animal and humanoid-ism best you can What are phallic barbs? I have no idea, but if I had to guess, I'd say it means wavy or barbed penis, or something along those lines. Double check that.
  9. Hello! I have no idea what is wrong with mt SMP stuff. Everything SMP works except for on the body, but the belly works just fine... I have loaded FNIS and I'm pretty sure I built the bodies in bodyslide correctly. Here are the SMP mods I'm using: HDT SMP XMLs - Artesian Cloaks of Skyrim Fake Collision Replacement XMLs CBPC - Physics with Collisions for SSE and VR - CBPC - Fomod installer - MAIN FILE Faster HDT-SMP FSMPV - FSMP-Validator - HDT-SMP XML Schema - FSMPV So sorry if this is just a simple fix! I am incredibly new to SMP shtuff haha
  10. Title sais it all. Which body mod do you prefer for female V? I've currently got: [NSFW] Spawn0's BODY MOD 2.0 https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/1424
  11. So after trying and failing to do this myself I was wondering if anyone else would be able to make a thong mod for Krauser and Wesker? Feels wrong only be able to have Leon and Merchant in a thong lol what about the bad guys
  12. Any references to time are in-game time, and are usually effected by resting.Every living creature has a gender, and it determines internals mostly, even if there is no external difference between them, robots however may have voice and personality as a gender but they don't have physical parts to that aspect, they are just cogs, wires, plates, and data chipsEverything has deflection and resilience, determining if hazards slide off them or are slowed/stopped, or if it glides throughIn the case of something gliding through, that's how damage is doneAirborne hazards can cause internal blockages and damagesRadiation will act as normal for simplicityDamage taken is seen visually and if it's from a strong source can cause internal damages that then cause other effectsWarning! Dismemberments can occur.Warning! Blood is a major factor in life of creatures. In dealing damage or suffering wounds, blood is drawn from the wounds of the afflicted and can make them and those who touch them bloody, and can make pools of blood on the ground.In suffering wounds, you bleed, and the more blood you lose, the more tired you become, the hazier your vision, and the slower you attack and move. You also become weaker and can have reduced weight capacity.Doctors are a universal cure for everything.To restore blood, use bloodpacks. To mend wounds, use first aid items. To cleanse radiation, use RadAway. To cleanse respiratory issues, use inhalers.This mod may require users to have a much more powerful machine than the game itself requires. Especially in combat.Basic Internals:Bones (Can cripple)Veins (Depending on Vein, light to Major bleeding)Brain (may be separated into lobes for certain lobe certain function, or as one it's universal death)Heart (massive internal bleeding, or instant death)Lungs (loss of breath, greater stamina cost, possible drowning on your own blood)Kidneys (weakness to poisons, diseases, and similar issues; Takes longer for such issues to self-cure/timeout)Intestines (Poisoned / Burning away at your insides / Long time to die, in agony)Stomach (like intestines)Other Common Parts, based off creatureGendered Parts (Common between most creatures)MalePenis (great pain, massive blood loss if dismembered)ReptilianGator-like (has 4 claw-like appendages on the tip that can grab things, meant for securing themselves while mating)Testicles (great pain)Prostate (for creatures that have it... Great Pain)FemaleOvaries (great pain)UterusMammal:Breasts (great pain, possible milk flow if lactating if that's a thing {probably only seen from Brahmin Udders, or goat critters udders if the term still applies there})ReptilianIf applicable, Calcium Deposits (used in making eggs. Bearded Lizard has on its cheeks. These are tougher and almost rock like, thus has more deflection and resilience there.)BothReptilianCloaca (How they mate and excrete waste, contains penis, vagina, anus, or whatever else based on the gender of the creature it belongs to.)Any references to time are in-game time, and are (normally) effected by resting.NSFW ExtrasMating (mostly for animals if added at all)Animals can mate, though it's unlikely you'll ever witness it. You'd probably scare them off. Some creatures, however, can get stuck together, and thus cannot run away as easily, and you may see those ones in that case.Pregnancy (requires mating, requires Young)Animals can become pregnant. They will carry their young until ready to lay or birth. Duration depends on creature, but normally time to lay egg is swift and incubation/time to birth is longer, thus mammals have a tougher time with it because if they die so does their unborn young.Pregnant Creatures should be marked as pregnant, and take a hit (penalty) to Karma for killing them.Likewise, rescuing pregnant creatures can boost your karma. It is tough to do so since they tend to be easy prey, or run away from you when you try to heal them.YoungYou can randomly find young creatures, in most cases killing them will penalize your Karma. If they are hostile, however, it will not penalize your Karma.Circle of LifeCreatures mate, creatures birth, creatures grow up, they mate and birth, creatures die - normally to another creature that eats themCan also be applied to humanoids. The basis is there anyway, especially since they already have the internals for it.Also, when you kill something, you loot it through searching pockets and removing stuff from them. If it's a creature, you must butcher it to get its material or meat. In some cases you can also Make mounted heads or stuffed creatures, but you will need other material in order to do that.You can gain the trust of creatures, but it's very difficult to do, normally. To mend an injured creature you either need its trust, or you need to tranquilize it. To aid in birthing, however, (nsfw in most cases) you need to have its trust, as she can't birth while unconscious.You can pet creatures in a variety of ways. Each creature has certain ways it likes or dislikes. Find the ways it likes to gain more of its trust.Most creatures fear you, most run away, some will be defensive sometimes. In either case, you can tranquilize them to halt them. When they are partially tranquilized, or paralyzed, you can pet them to try to get them to trust you. Show them you mean no harm. Show you want to help them. In having a creature's trust, you can have it be livestock or even have it as a companion, depending on the creature.With this comes some creatures that are normally hostile may become neutral. Bosses will still remain hostile though. It's the random wilderness ones that may be neutral. If you find a neutral one, you may be able to recruit it as well, if you gain its trust. Beware though, some of them don't like being pet, and they may become hostile if you try it. Be very careful. Intelligence and Perception perks may be able to help you determine the proper course of action. Creatures under this category can include Deathclaws.-Some extra actions are available, and some require certain NSFW settingsSkinning: requires nudity for the entity being skinned (normally animal), and is best with blood. You cannot loot animals the old way, and must do this to gain loot. Also, try not to blow up or burn them too badly, as doing so reduces the amount of loot you can get. But, this way also tends to have a more predictably loot rate.Masturbation: This is all inclusive, so there that isBestiality: All inclusiveBestiality Masturbation: You wanted it, most NPCs will hate you for itBestiality Petting: Cross between petting and masturbating them, about a 0.1% chance you find one that likes it, most will feel insulted, definitely don't try this when trying to earn their trust. Only the Lusty ones might like it, highly doubt any others would accept it. Can only really do to males of most species, but some females may have sensitive spots as well.Birthing: Self (if female) and aiding others and other creatures and animalsHealing Alterations, and healing others. Healing others helps gain trust and karma.Torture: Mostly by evil NPCs, but player can do it at the cost of Karma.Petting: Comfort and gain the trust of most animals and some creatures.-If you want more detailed on what I think of specific creatures, ask away. I may edit this to add them in.-TerrainSome terrain can move or be altered, such as dirt, dust, and cliff edges. Plants can be trampled. Trees can be climbed. Tree limbs can break under your weight. You can receive injuries and bruises from falling out of trees and from heights.Power Armor still reduced your fall damage, but differently. It protects you from broken bones and reduces your bruises, but you still can get bruises and pains from falling from such heights. At least you won't go splat.Try not to collapse many tunnels on yourself, or you'll be stuck digging for a while.-CreaturesDeathclawsThere is no visual difference between them, and their cloacas look the sameLike most reptiles, females do Not have breasts. They lay eggs that when they hatch, the young can already eat meat.Their genitals are a lot like Alligators, in internal structure. And what can protrude.Males are more aggressive. It is rare to find one neutral. Half of the neutral males are depressed, and may wish to die. Some of those who wish to die may turn aggressive swiftly. This depression is from lack of finding a willing mate.Most females are aggressive, but most neutrals are female. If they are gestating or incubating eggs, they will usually be aggressive towards intruders and defensive towards their eggs. It is rare that any guarding eggs would trust you.-With Several NSFW settings On, some aggressive may be lustful, of those it's mostly males. In any case they are extremely rare, of course you might add customization sliders for frequency of added events... The males will tend to target female opponents, because hormones. Females will tend to target male opponents. They may snatch their victim and take them off to satisfy their lust. Males have an easier time satisfying. Females have a challenge, and tend to get frustrated from the unwillingness of their victim, and kill their victim in rage.Setting 1: Lust (physical) - certain creatures attack certain foes based on genderSetting 2: Lust (verbal) - certain creatures will chat or make noises based on genderSetting 3: Kidnapping - effects some quests and eventsSetting 4: Animal Nudity - Effects skinning, Udder visuals, Hindquarters, and other thingsSetting 5: Creature Nudity - required for latter settings so they don't look weird, otherwise only effects skinning for the most partSetting 6: Humanoid NuditySetting 7: Animal SexSetting 8: Creature SexSetting 9: Humanoid SexSetting 10: A-C Inter-sexSetting 11: A-H Inter-sex (bestiality)Setting 12: C-H Inter-sexSetting 13: Animals RapingSetting 14: Creatures RapingSetting 15: Humanoids RapingSetting 16: Orgies / Multi-party sex (threesomes+) Setting 17: A-C-H Inter-sexSome settings require other settings in order to functionNSFW - Lusty Male Deathclaw (5% chance at best)Will move his penis from its socket in his cloaca to outside his cloaca, and do whatever he wishes with itGrab things, like fishTorment targetsMateRapeMay use for garment grabbing but is incredibly ineffective for the most part, though that could also be considered tormenting targetNSFW - Lusty Female Deathclaw (0.01% chance at best)Wants victim's penisNormally, they want it in their cloaca, in which case few creatures can satisfy even if they are willing, those that can't satisfy or are unwilling tend to get killed in the DC's frustration.Lonely Deathclaw (0.1% chance best)Kidnap for company, victim is normally pretty safeNSFW: 5% chance they prefer naked company, 5% chance they become lusty during time with naked company though they normally don't become violent about itRadscorpionLive BirthMating Ritual: Male grabs female's claws, moves her around to a flat spot, she may struggle or resist, he kiss or sting her until she's compliant or they release, at flat spot and compliant he drops a sack then moves her over it and her underbelly appendages pick it up and insert it inside herself, over time she gestates them and they are born soft and live, they mature into exoskeleton swiftly (within a few days at most, normally same day), but grow much slower at about a normal rate (taking a few months minimum)Never Lusty, at least not inter-speciesThe more they want it the better chances they successfully mateRadscorpion Eggs no longer exist, or can only be obtained from a female radscorpion who isn't pregnant and hasn't mated or had young within a few months minimumWolvesThey're wolvesYou can tame themThey normally run, but sometimes they fight for their defenseMother Wolves will be more aggressive in defense of their youngTend to stay in packsIf one drops, they normally leave it behind for the safety of the rest of their packMother wolves will usually try to retrieve their young anyways, in spite of the abandonment clause of their pack, though sometimes they will abandon for the safety of the rest of their youngYoung tend to stay with their mothers until adult, in which they become just packmatesIf a mother wolf has one young left, she will viscously protect it.When they are hungry/Starving, they may go after anything. During such they may attack Cows and Brahmin. Flankers may go after the Udders, whether or not the player's settings allows them to see the udders. The hitboxes and fluids (blood/milk) still act as if it's there.NSFW: Same goes for Dogs.Males knot inside the female when mating, they get stuck together for about half an hour. If they try to go opposite directions they tend to hurt each other, though normally just with pain, flinch, and pained cries, not really any damage.Females are flat bellied without young, grow while pregnant, shrink when birthing, and then fill their many breasts (6-8) while lactating for their young. After they've had a litter, they may become flat bellied again, but their nipples never shrink back to pre-pregnant smallness. Cattle / Brahmin (yes, two separate entities, but they have the same baseline. One's mutated and one's not.)Females do not lactate until they've had a calf. If milked at least once a week, they will not dry up. You cannot milk them more than once every 8 hours, allowing you to milk them 2-3 times per day. They can make 6-7 gallons of milk per day, or 2.5 gallons per milking. Brahmin Milk Item will be as Quarts, so 8-12 per milking, capping at 24-30 per day.Animal Nudity Off will blur or turn the Udders invisible. Quite unrealistic, but some people just don't want to see nature, or mutated nature in Brahmin's case. Hitboxes will still be as if everything is shown, so those people may want to use blur instead of off so they can heal the critter properly if they ever need to.The fullness of the Udder is visually seen. They are thin when empty, big when full, and varying in between based on fullness. They also moo more the fuller their udders, and sometimes it causes them pain, so so milk them to relieve their pressure.NSFW: Males have a sleeve underneath them, and a scrotum with testicles, but is blurred on invisible if Animal Nudity is off. During Mating they have a long thin penis that extends from their sleeve. It extends to almost shoulder length I think, double check that.Deer/RadstagNSFW: Males have a similar penis to Cows/Brahmin, thin and long. You could even say needle like, though it's no thinner than a dime's radius.Other Critters - ask me to add them to this listI've got a feeling this is gonna be TL;DR So, a recap: HP and Damage systems are altered to be more realistic. Every living critter has an anatomy, so that the realistic wounds effect them even more realistically. Alongside this is more Karma effects, was to gain or lose Karma. Looting animals is changed greatly to reflect the realistic side of it. You've got to skin and butcher them instead of flatly just looting them. Looting has more animations as well. Tons of settings, mostly relating to NSFW content. Some settings should remain on so you know the status of various things, like wounds and blood, otherwise you'll be walking blindly and will probably fail the task, which can cause your death or other people's deaths, or the death of critters you were trying to save. Specifications on some of that stuff. Nitty gritty as well, detailing some of the dirty stuff that would mostly work behind the scenes making it more realistic. If I miss anything that would make it more realistic, or you want more details about what I've written, ask away and I may update this with more info. The main thing is anatomies and damage effects and healing the new version of damage, other actions and events are secondary.
  13. Seductress Seranas nude body does not reflect my default body. That's fine, however it's kind of jarring when her body changes when equipping bodyslided outfits. So I tried to fix it. I followed this guide with 1 upvote on reddit. It seems like the guide is trying to use Bijin Family Bodyslides so he can get bodyslide meshes for Serana, and then he gets a CBBE compatible body from seranaholic and then does some drag and drops. I don't know what I'm talking about, I just do what I'm told. The "conversion" worked, however her facial animations are broken. Is this some .tri issue? I can't seem to figure out how to even undo this. I have the original mod and my edited version separate and it seems disabling both of these mods doesn't even fix this. I have at some other point manually copied the generated bodyslide files and overwritten seductress serana in an attempt to figure this out, I have limited nifskope knowledge (probably just enough to destroy things with no knowledge of how to repair it). I'm just really sad seductress serana isnt supported. I'd love to learn how but I don't know how to do this. Seems there are unending requests for conversions of outfits and I'd like to know how to do that.
  14. note: this is for a friend, NOT ME (; Hi, I wanted to get a mod called "flower girls" to Skyrim SE, and it requires several other mods, them being: CBBEXP32 FNIS CBBE and XP32 are working fine, but I suspect FNIS is failing me. so, i think my main 3 issues are:1. I cant find the "tools" option on Vortex, therefor i cant launch "generate FNIS for users.exe" (that thingy that you need to launch after installing FNIS-required mods) from the proper location 2. when I launch "generate FNIS for users.exe" from my game directory (and not from Vortex), the software gives me a warning that says: ">>Warning: Bad installation. Generator not run from <Skyrim_Data>\Tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users. If you use a mod manager, run FNIS from its list of supported tools.<<" 3.In game, when I try to kiss my wife, instead of showing any animation, she just teleports into me, but still makes kissing noises...Also, when I look at my mods from my dierctory, i see 2 versions of FNIS: one is called FNIS Behavior SE 7_4_5-3038-7_4_5other one is FNIS Behavior SE_7_4_5-3038-7_4_5.1 Is this normal? should I delete one of them? if so, then which one? im sorry for all the trouble, i kind of want this to work (for my friend.....)
  15. As the subject heading mentions, a sweaty or wet skin texture mod is what I'm looking for. DS2 has one so, I'm hoping it's possible. Would there be any issues with this? I don't know very much about texture editing, so this is a little request to the community. I'm happy to act on anyone's instructions of course. Would be a really cool mod to have. Thanks in advance.
  16. Hi. So, as can be plainly seen, I'm having trouble with my mod load order. To be specific, I can't get the game runner. The launcher works fine, but after that, it's non-functional. Steam claims that it's running, then it syncs as Steam games do when they're closed, and then it's not. I use Nexus Mod Manager for installation and order organisation. Launching the game without mods is fine, fortunately. This is all the information I feel is pertinent to what I believe the issue to be. If anyone needs more info, I will provide to the best of my knowledge. Here's my latest load order: GameMode=SkyrimSE Skyrim.esm=1Update.esm=1Dawnguard.esm=1HearthFires.esm=1Dragonborn.esm=1unofficial skyrim special edition patch.esp=1 [should note that its file header marks it as a .esm despite the extension being .esp. This might be the source of the problem, but even with it disabled I have the problem above.]]SexLab.esm=1SexLabAroused.esm=1CreatureFramework.esm=1Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm=1SkyUI_SE.esp=1XPMSE.esp=1FNIS.esp=1FNISSexyMove.esp=1FNISFlyer.esp=1FNIS_PCEA2.esp=1SexLabTools.esp=1SLAnimLoader.esp=1SexLab Aroused Creatures.esp=1SexLab More Creatures.esp=1MoreNastyCritters.esp=1SexLabDefeat.esp=1RaceMenu.esp=1RaceMenuPlugin.esp=1Schlongs of Skyrim.esp=1SOSRaceMenu.esp=1SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp=1SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp=1SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp=1SOS - Shop.esp=1 Any help would be much appreciated.
  17. Don't read below if you have a weak mind or abhor extreme lewd things. Close this topic and leave. inb4 get it to loverslab. Maybe later. -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Dunno if any of this was done. I assume everyone seen Mad Max and other post-apocalyptic movies. One of the things that comes to mind with all that humanity degradation, lawlessness and decadence - aside from slavery - is: 1) Human decorations/furniture concept. a. Nuff said. Use NPC, followers, slaves and whatnot as furniture and decorations in your house (or your dungeon, if you have one). b. Decorations for cars, human bikes, tables, chairs, coaches, beds, floor lamps, different wall mounts, living paintings, doors and door/gate decorations, lamppost decorations, weather vane, signs, etc. See https://www.mangaupdates.com/authors.html?id=8938 or tags like human_furniture / forniphilia on various danbooru for inspiration. ==== 2) Meat shield concept. a. Human hostages(?) as armor on supermutants. b. Human shields (literally) for supermutants and power armors. c. Humans (amputee) as armor for humans. ==== Not really or really not lore-friendly mods. ======================= 3) Meatdog concept 1. a. Create follower or a system for followers to follow on all fours as a dog or whatever you make them into with accessories (see tags human_pet and bitchsuit on various danbooru for inspiration). b. The pose can be with unrestricted, restricted, amputated, amputated with artificial animal limbs, or robo frames with animal limbs/heads (works with restricted or amputated). c. Any accessory for the head, like gag balls, gag holes, animal ears, decorative animal heads, robotic/automated animal heads for attacks, etc. Also collars, maybe with the leash. d. Any accessories for a butthole/vagina, like buttplugs, buttplugs with animal tails, vibrators, whatever. Look in nearest BDSM sex shop. e. If MC has sadist perk and follower has masochist perk, then it's possible to make him into pet. You can have sex at any time at any place. Works for both genders. f. If MC has masochism perk and get caught someone with sadist perk, it can be made into pet (maybe it starts a quest or just your usual devious devices/slave content). Anyone can have sex with you at any time. Works for both genders. ==== 4) Meatdog concept 2. a. Animal power armor for you and/or follower. b. After boarding, it stands on all four. c. Lots of different weapons can be mounted above or on sides. d. You/your follower can ride above. e. Open/lewd and enclosed/fully armored variants. ==== 5) Lewd Power Armor concept 1 a. Upgradeable options for boarding: normal, with vaginal banana, with anal banana, with both dildos. Additional options for vibration. b. When boarding with installed upgrades, after going inside, before armor closing there's playing animation with vaginal banana extending from below and anal banana lowering from back lid before it closed. c. When captured, there's lid on neither region which is open up before sex animation start if armor isn't upgrade, or eject if upgraded (you can take them back later, but you need to fix it back at the work bench. d. Another upgrade is forward banana. When capturing someone, part of the armor opens and it slides from below or lowers from abdomen region before sex animation starts to play. ==== 6) Lewd Power Armor concept 2. a. Partial armor, with separate arms, legs, torso (front and back) and helmet that can be equipped independently. b. Non human-shaped armor where pilot half-lie. c. Armor with frontal boarding and front that opens when there's no action, and closes when there's action. Frontal lid can be blown away. ==== 7) Lewd Raiden armor concept Variant Alpha: a. Basic variant is with open boob, crotch and ass sections. At those parts defence is extremely weak. b. Each upgrade can close only one part. c. Final variant is fully closed (as variant: with little to no regards to boobs size after certain extent – i.e. it still has armor boobs, but not extensive). Variant Beta: a. The same as above but armor separated into different slots, with arms, legs, upper and lower halves, plus helmet. ----- + Kudos for damaging system with different parts being blown away. + Kudos for moving parts animation that can open some places because of whatever. ==== Fun mods. ======================= 8) Cook Fighter. a. Cooking attire (clean, bloody, dirty, tattered) as armor. Aprons should be separate for the naked apron option. Automatically uses right ingredients for meals in battle. b. Cooking utensils as weapons. Mostly melee, with some throwing variants like skewers, toothpicks, forks, spoons, etc. Frying pan, chopping board, oven hatch and the likes can be used as a shied. Flamethrower for frying, boiled water gun for water/boiling, confectionery syringe for sweets, etc. c. After killing enemy with right methods, you'll get already done meals instead of ingredients. d. Cook and eat enemies' right on the battlefield! That's all for now.
  18. I tried Masculine argonian mod SOS version and feet works great but when I tried G3NN4S Drachis and SOS Support but it didn't work and then I noticed that Drachis SOS support has feet textures separately unlike Masculine argonian mod that has them in argonianmalebody.dds I want to use Drachis argonian mod but just can't cuz feet has messed up textures. I would do it myself but I just can't get DDS files to work with GIMP so Im asking if some would do it :tongue: Im playing Skyrim SE and Im using Tempered Skins for Males and I think it uses better feet lol https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7902/ If anybody is interested making some edits to Drachis Argonian mod I would be so happy! :smile: I found this but feet still looks bit weird https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18752
  19. While I have been tinkering with the NIF format for a long time, most of my experience comes from just reading tutorials rather than understanding the format to the basic level. That said, a mesh I was messing around with, a body based on Type3, has been crashing my game on load. After some workarounds I still haven't gotten it to work whatsoever; I am not sure what is wrong with the file. I was wondering if someone reading this would be an expert on the NIF format and could tell me what is wrong with it, if not help me fix it. Contained in this downloadable ZIP is the blender file I was using to edit it, and the exported NIF: WARNING: NSFW https://drive.google.com/open?id=14rSHF3a13UPzCodt28ZLwe4oohx35Z0o I apologize in advance if this is posted in the wrong section or if download links are not permitted.
  20. I know there's a couple nude mods out there, but I was wondering if anyone could remove the panties of the female Kirin armour sets?
  21. Greetings. Pretty much what the title says, a timed weight loss for Skyrim, there are some really good weight gain mods out there, and I love to use a mod called "Sexlab disparity" that changes your stats depending on your weight and other stuff, but there are not a weight loss mod to compesate weight gain (at least a "natural" or timed weight loss, there are some spells but I dont like those, you can just spamm them and done) Something like, each "x" ingame hours losse "y" weight, (weightmophs dosen't work with Sexlab disparity btw), I think a weight loss mod will be awesome, if somebody could make it Excuse my english, not my native language
  22. if there is anyone who know how to create a SOS Support for MDDA i would appreciate it greatly !! when ever i use Dragon Aspect a hole appears in the crotch area and i'm unsure why but i have my suspicions. it seems like the shout removes equipped chest piece and replaces it with its own "chest armor" which might be the cause for this hole as i can equip and unequip any chest piece and the hole disappears but so does the Dragon Aspect effects on the stomach area. if anyone can create a support and post it on Nexus or at lest any advice such as Video Guides or Other Guides i am thankful for any help that i might receive !! Edit 1: Using Wings Only seems to workout better, is the tail on a different slot or something ??
  23. Would any of you be interested in providing help for the creation of a gay sex mod? We're trying to surpass all the recent mods to make something noteworthy, and would appreciate if someone with experience provided some help with coding and scripts. If any of you is interested, PM me. We would like to find help in creating some stuff such as: Mechanics Coding Adding new items that can be referenced in events Perhaps finding a way to make more high definition animations If anyone is interested, PM me.
  24. Alright, so I have recently decided to dive into the dark arts of Skyrim SE modding (AKA: SexLab) and after installing all the mods using Vortex (just drag and drop the files into it) I have found myself at the infamous t-pose glitch. Animals seem to be working just fine, but all vanilla race characters are stuck in a t-pose, even on a new game. I've tried running LOOT and FNIS 100 times, in various orders, with and without the SKELETON patch, and this is what I get (with the patch active): FNIS Behavior V7.4.5 7/16/2019 6:50:42 PMSkyrim SE 64bit: - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\ (Steam) >>Warning: \character\character assets female\skeleton_female.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<>>Warning: \character\character assets\skeleton.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<Skeleton(hkx) female: Unknown (129 bones) male: Unknown (129 bones)Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix" Reading FNISBase V7.4.5 ...Reading FNISSexyMove V7.2 ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 18 alternate animations) ...Reading HCOSBestiality V1.0 ...Reading HCOSVore V1.0 ...Reading Hentaipregnancy V1.00 ...Reading MME V6.07 ( 2 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 0 alternate animations) ...Reading MoreNastyCritters V1.0 ...Reading SexLab V1.63 ...Reading SexLabAP V1.63 ...Reading SexLabAroused V2.9 ...Reading SexLabCreature V1.63 ...Reading XPMSE V7.2 ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 164 alternate animations) ... All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...Alternate Animation mods: 3 sets: 19 total groups: 57 added file slots: 332 alternate files: 182 Create Creature Behaviors ... 1987 animations for 12 mods successfully included (character). 2 Warning(s). I've managed to narrow it down to a couple of lines (I think) that are trying to describe the error. >>Warning: \character\character assets female\skeleton_female.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<<>>Warning: \character\character assets\skeleton.hkx not Skyrim SE compatible<< Apparently my skeleton (standard XMPSSE installed off the nexus) is screwed, somehow. I've tried disabling mods and reinstalling XMPSSE, but nothing seems to get rid of that darn warning. Here's a list of my mods: Engine Fixes 4.6.1 for SSE 1.5.809.0.1 A Quality World Map - Vivid with Stone RoadsAchievementsModsEnablerSSEAnimal_SOS_SE_0.1.6.1Arousal Based Breast Adjuster SE 3.1Better MessageBox Controls v1_2Better Skill and Quest Books Names SE v1-0BodySlide and Outfit StudioBreezehome Basement V1Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer - v1,5,3CBPC - CBP Physics with Collisions for SSE and VRCloaks and CapesCloaks and Capes FixesCreature Framework 1.1.0-pre2A-SEFemale Dragonic Argonian Textures 4k CBBEFeminine Khajiit Textures (Grey Cat)FNIS Sexy Move SE 7.2Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE 7_4_5Fuz Ro D'ohGlowing Ore Veins 300 SSEHarvestOverhaul_Redone_AIOHentaiCreatures_MNCv12SE2HornyCreaturesofSkyrim_V1_13SE3jcontainers SELazyTools 0.10.1Male Dragonic Argonian Textures 4k SOSMilk-Mod-Economy (Assets, Scripts, and base)More Perk Points Per LevelMoreNastyCritters_v12RC8SE2NetScriptFramewrok SkyrimSEPure Waters SSE and VR (Still)QUASIPC (Also uninstalled and reinstalled)RaceMenuRemodeled Armor CBBE SSERich Skyrim MerchantsSchlongs_of_Skyrim_SESexLab Inflation Framework SE 1.2.2SexLabArousedSSELoose-29SexLabFrameworkSE_v163_BETASexLabHentaiPregnancy Special EditionSkyUI_5_2_SETanning And Smelting ExperienceUnlimited Amulets and Rings for the Modern Era SE EditionUnofficial Skyrim Special Edition PatchXP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended If anyone at all can provide an answer to my problems, that would be great.Thank you in advance.
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