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  1. Hello I have used all recoil mods available for Fallout 3 yet none of them work... I was wondering if anyone would be able to create a newer one such as the recoil mods on Fallout New Vegas or maybe even a backport if possible?
  2. I'm looking for a SE 3BA conversion of the Dancing Holy Rose Armor, which can be found here: http://jonny0406.blog.2nt.com/blog-entry-197.html It's the first armor set on the page I'd like converted.
  3. The mod quickdrop https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59619 by thegeekofalltrades is so fantastic. In essence it allows you to drop the last few items you picked up using a hotkey, no more do you have to scroll through your misc tab to drop that quill, or plate, or hammer, just hit your hotkey and watch the worthless junk leave your inventory harmlessly. Unfortunately this mod only exists for the Legendary Edition as far as I can tell. I wouldn't know where to begin with trying to port such a mod, if anyone knows of any SE equivalent or can point me to resources for porting such a mod I would be eternally grateful.
  4. 有没有一个模组可以让 V 更改角色模型并自由切换到游戏中的任何角色? 杰基·威尔斯、约翰尼或西尔弗汉德或朱迪·阿尔瓦雷斯等,甚至是其他基本的 NPC 角色
  5. We would like to request a modification for the Resident Evil 3 Remake game, in which we would swap Jill's character with Emily Davis and Carlos' character with Matt from the Until Dawn horror game. The idea is to keep the character models and personalities the same, only exchanging their appearances. We aim to provide players with a fresh and exciting experience, allowing them to enjoy iconic characters from another game within the Resident Evil world. Why it would be good: 1. Fresh Experience: It would be thrilling for players to see how the characters from Until Dawn behave and fit into the Resident Evil world, shedding new light on their personalities and interactions. 2. Creative Challenge: This would present a new challenge for modders to transplant iconic characters into another game, showcasing their skills and creativity. 3. Cross-Community Opportunity: This modification could foster community-building between fans of both games, bringing together Resident Evil and Until Dawn enthusiasts in a shared experience. 4. Replayability: Swapping characters could provide replayability to the game, as players can rediscover the story and events from the perspective of the newly introduced characters. We hope that modders will be inspired by this idea and create this exciting and unique modification for the game. Character models can be found here: Emily: https://www.deviantart.com/gep5/art/Until-Dawn-Emily-Xnalara-813856017 Matt: https://p3dm.ru/files/characters/human/13371-matt-outdoor.html
  6. if someone could make a mod that replaces the sound before mission starts to the one that is in ground zero the "dooo dooo doo dood" . I replayed GZ and fel in love with that sound and would like to hear it in TPP
  7. I request a robot omod update/upgrade. A simple skull like remesh of the current Eyebot actor mesh. It should be a little easter egg, reference to the Lost Souls in Doom3. Also of interest might be the Forgotten One. Make this can be of help too: Skull Lord Helmet.
  8. I have a really great idea, would anyone like to mod over those attack noises in Street Fighter 6 with a little more something like Indiana Jones Punch Sound Effects?
  9. can someone make pak version of other mods? I would like to request this> https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/1371 https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/1147 https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/1887 https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/207 https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/1172 https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/93 https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/39
  10. I'm looking to start up a new save file but with mods. Ideally, id like mods that rework everything from textures and physics to adding new stores, new side quests, QoL stuff, etc. At the same time, i have an unmodded save and would like to have a way to keep unmodded vs. modded saves separate without having to enable/disable mods manually. Does such a thing exist? is it even feasible?
  11. After unlocking the cat ears accessory in the CP shop it gives infinite ammo on all guns but the rpg, I enjoy the perk, but dislike the ears. I'd rather them just be invisible. I'm sure just deleting the mesh would work but I don't know too much about modding RE.
  12. You know it makes sense, and it is a mystery why it is not in the base game, but we need it. When you carry a lass or a lad over your shoulder, you should be able to use F to smack their ass so they calm down a bit and stop squirming.
  13. Hello, not sure if requests for mods are accepted here but essentially, one mod I've taken a liking to is DServant's Combat Gameplay Overhaul, which adds things like mid-air attacks, proceduel leaning and dodging. Now the issue I have with this mod is from an animation standpoint, it's distractingly janky at points. This is most true when jumping, where a landing animation with initinate before your character actually does so. To demonstrate, I put together this video. As you can see, jumping appears to be rather glitchy, which I'd assume is caused by the aid-air attack feature. Basically, I guess all I'd want is for someone to make a version of the mod where this animation glitch is fixed, or at least cut out the part that is apparently causing it so only the proceduel leaning and dodging remain, because I've never really been able to find a dodge mod that matches CGO in terms of animation fluency or not needing a bunch of other mods to install. Apologies if this request is too much for someone to take on, but I just thought I'd ask is all.
  14. Please help to create a mod that allows for automatic alignment when building furniture, just like in building structures. THANK YOU. 请帮我制作一个模组可以让我在建家具时能够自动对齐,就像建造 结构时那样。 感谢。
  15. Prologue I love mods where you can make your own character audibly say something, depending on the situation, that's why I use PC Head Tracking and Voice Type by HHaleyy, especially the B.Y.O function where you can put your own sound files that would trigger at some events or actions. What really irks me is, that I can not respond to anything on my own will. So I got an idea. The Idea What if you could press certain combination of buttons and respond with what sound files you have in the mod which the sound files would reside in a similar way the aformentioned mod has. I already have a structure for sound files and descriptions for those folders. The way this mod would work is similar to Team Fortress 2 commands, but more specifically the games SMITE and Paladins: Champions of the Realm. Specifically like THIS ← watch the video there on how I imagine it would work exactly like that in Skyrim. The Point? Combining this mod with PC Head Tracking and Voice Type B.Y.O and Dragonborn Voice Over would make your player character be more lively and less mute and all three of these mods would complement each other nicely. The 1st mod is for your pc to be more lively with added custom voice pack that triggers sound files based on your action or events, the 2nd mod works only as for your pc to be able to talk audibly in dialogues, and the 3rd mod I am writing about and would want to make, is for you, to make your pc respond to whatever you want with the button combination. So what's the issue? Mainly me, for I have no talent in coding and whenever I tried to learn it, it always went over my head. That's why I'm making this post here, looking for someone who has a talent in it, helped me to create this mod and make my dream come true. Truth is, the heavy lifting would have to be performed by you. Ok, me as a talented mod creator, if I help you, what should I expect? Well, as I said, you would need to do the heavy lifting of creating the files and scripts for the mod to work. You would need to make a window where the commands would appear preferably on left midle, MCM file where you can edit certain aspects of the mod like choosing for users to pick between paused menu and unpaused menu, whether the sound files would play in order, random and random not repeating previous file, whether you can use certain movements when the window is opened. The mod should be able to support max 50 sound files (if that is possible) in designated folders which I already made. The mod should be able to automatically detect the number of sound files in each designated folder and not play a "silent missing sound file". There might be more to it as the development would go. And I would be eternally grateful of course. If you are interested, hit me up. I uploaded the file for how I imagine the folder structure should look like for the sound files. This folder structure acts as an empty placeholder where sound files can be added by anyone and the mod would use that. Player Voice Guided System Responses.7z
  16. I have an idea that I think would be very interesting, and I would be thrilled if it were realized. I came across an idea on the Nexus Mod website that really impressed me, and I believe it would be very appealing to other fans as well. The essence of the idea would be to replace the character of Leon with Michael Munroe from the Until Dawn video game. I feel that this change would bring a fresh momentum and interest to the game, and it would make those who love both the Resident Evil and Until Dawn worlds very happy. If someone could implement this modification, I am sure that many fans would rejoice. I will put the model link here: https://www.deviantart.com/stevecowlishaw/art/Mike-Outdoor-Until-Dawn-XPS-811326068 We are grateful to those who undertake the realization of this fantastic idea!
  17. Hello, I'm new here on the forum, but I came here to see if there is a way for someone to make such a mod or give me a suggestion about a similar mod. Well, I avidly play Stardew Valley, I really like playing with mods and the most famous one is Stardew Valley Expanded, as you know to play efficiently with this mod you need an auxiliary mod to expand the Farm. The problem starts there, I'm really not a big fan of official maps and even though I played a lot on them, I always tried to find one that I liked. There are several Farm mods out there to download. The big problem is that almost none of them have the characteristics of the originals with the quests for Grandpa's Shed and etc... A few months ago I ended up finding a mod that ended up helping me a little, Legacy Farm by ItsLunatyx, but the mod doesn't work completely and in some parts it's ridiculously large. But in essence the map I'm looking for is similar to this one. A more square and symmetrical map without many inconsistencies. If anyone has any tips, information or even has the ability to create, can you help me, please? Thank you for your attention. (Sorry for the grammatical errors, I used Google Translate assistance.)
  18. It would be nice if we could swap out our main pawn with another one that we made. In the Character Creator, we are able to make several main pawns, but we can only select one of them in-game. It would be nice to be able to swap it out with the other ones we made, so that if we decide to, we can one of our alternate ones instead. Given a main pawn When I swap my main pawn with another that I made Then my main pawn is dismissed And my other one is summoned Given I swap my main pawn with my alternate pawn When I am online in-game Then my alternate pawn (my now current main pawn) becomes available for others as well Ideally, this would be done in-game, but if that is not possible, then externally would be fine (like a save manager - to swap out the main pawn data with our other one) Thank you.
  19. So, basically i'm working on a Circle of Steel expansion mod, by adding a Perk enabling you to join them, and thus after some hard labor and item hoarding, craft the CoS Infiltrator Suit of The BLACKJACK pack of YanL, which i reworked to feature interactive night vision, a functionnal Stealth Field (a bit more than just the Chameleon effect lol) , new stats, tons of recipes to craft and maintain it and so on. I'm now at the stage where i'm implementing it in the world and i was thinking it could be cool for the mod to feature a unique weapon (like a plasma rifle or a scoped laser rifle, with a whitish retexture and a BoS logo on it) going alongside it. If anyone is interested in helping me (me and weapons retextures are enemies), i would be super happy! (credits being of course due when/if i release it) VoidKing02
  20. Wondering if anyone would like to make this happen, quantum flavored glowing ones and and a race based on them.... as well as a quantum deathclaw with a blast attack like the glowing one uses but quantum colored and bigger.
  21. It's all in the title. In games, the map and mini-map are completely black, with the exception of tp, objectives, bookmarks and nearby people. Not to lie, the gaming experience is partly ruined. While you might think that discovering the game by recalling the map by heart is more RP, it immediately becomes more of a hassle to get an advantageous position over the enemy rather than being ambushed (reference in particular to Gekh Coal). The problem seems to be linked to the age of the graphics card. Apart from this problem, the rest of the game works perfectly. If a charitable modder could create a mod to add a map (perhaps just an image instead of an interactive one), you'd be answering the help of many less well-off players facing this problem. Forum on Larian Studio: https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=876830 Steam Community: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1086940/discussions/0/3808408963762528288/ Thanks a lot for your attention.
  22. Hi, I'm looking for a ghoul transformation/evolution mod that makes ghouls more lethal during night time. Any suggestions are welcomed!
  23. A Mod with a configurable file to add more health to all building structures. it would be useful for PvP servers with base raiding enabled. wood, stone, metal, palbox, and chests all with their own adjustable health in a config.
  24. A Mod with a configurable file to add more health to all building structures. it would be useful for PvP servers with base raiding enabled. wood, stone, metal, palbox, and chests all with their own adjustable health in a config.
  25. hello. I would like to commission a staff weapon mod. You already have the 3D modeling, all you have to do is create it using this model. https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/ko/product/fantasy-snake-weapon-set I hope we can talk in detail on Discord. af1930 << This is my nickname. Otherwise, please let me know your Discord nickname in the comments. Then I will come to you.
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